Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 197 Silicon-based life drinks magma as water?

Chen Mu thought that this creature made with human template must have changed.

But Chen Mu never expected that it didn't.

The silicon-based life in front of him was exactly the same as the human template in Chen Mu's impression.

Except that Chen Mu didn't design the gender when designing it, resulting in it having no gender characteristics, the rest were human characteristics.

Slim figure, fair skin, long black hair draped behind the back, until the waist stopped abruptly.

The reason why Chen Mu was surprised was not only his similar appearance to humans, but more importantly.

This guy's feet were standing in the magma.

You know, Chen Mu didn't share the ability to adapt instantly with him.

He stood in the magma completely relying on his body, but he was not melted.

Silicon has the characteristics of high temperature resistance. The melting point of silicon is 1410 degrees Celsius, while the temperature of magma is generally 700 degrees Celsius to 1200 degrees Celsius. Obviously, magma can't do anything to silicon.

The creature in front of him, as a silicon-based life, has silicon-based characteristics. In his eyes, the temperature of the magma is not high at all.

He has a pair of black pupils, which reflect a red luster at this moment. He raised his head and looked at Chen Mu, who was a huge graphite. His eyes were full of curiosity, as if he was curious about what this big graphite was.

After looking at Chen Mu for a while, he retracted his gaze, walked to the magma on his own, squatted down, stretched out his hand, held the magma in his hand and drank a sip.

He drank the magma like drinking water, closed his eyes, and felt it carefully.

After drinking, he looked around, got up and left.

Looking at the back of this guy, Chen Mu subconsciously asked: "System, what does this thing eat?"

"In order to adapt to the environment, when using atomic creation, it automatically looks for things that can provide the most energy on the earth. There is a lot of magma and sulfur dioxide on the surface of the earth. He can metabolize by breathing and swallowing magma, converting the heat of magma into his own energy to form silicon protein."

Chen Mu understood.

This guy's food is magma.

A creature that eats magma, this is really interesting.

"However, he has no gender. Without gender, he can't reproduce. If he can't reproduce, he can't increase his number infinitely. If he can't increase his number infinitely, I have to use atomic creation to synthesize..., it will probably take another 100 billion years." Chen Mu muttered.

So if you want the number of this kind of creature to increase steadily, then it must have gender.

At the same time, it can't be just this kind of creature.

The earth is so big, in addition to magma, can't we eat other things?

We must make full use of the resources of the earth, so that my evolutionary energy progress can be obtained faster.

Thinking of this.

Chen Mu said: "Atomic creation."

"Human female template."

"Silicon-based life."

"Start creating."

A silicon-based female human appeared.

"Atomic creation."

"Human male template."

"Silicon-based life."

"Start creating."

A silicon-based male human appeared.

When the two humans appeared, the two guys looked at each other, with curiosity in each other's eyes, sizing each other up.

Only two, not enough.

Chen Mu continued to create.

It took Chen Mu a month.

He created a full 500 men and 500 women.

Chen Mu looked at the men and women running around, and he muttered: "I can change the race to create."

What should I create next?

In the biological basis, there are producers, consumers and decomposers.

How about creating all these natural ecological creatures?


Chen Mu said: "Atomic creation."

"Silicon-based life."

"Blue algae template."

"Start creating."

Small blue algae began to appear in the magma. They absorbed the energy of the magma, just like absorbing the water of the ocean, and at the same time absorbed the carbon dioxide in the air and photosynthesis to obtain energy.

"Atomic creation."

"Silicon-based life."

"Grass template."

"Start creating."

Green plants grew in the charred earth.

"Atomic creation."

"Silicon-based life."

"Tree template."

"Start creating."

Trees grew one after another in this purgatory-like environment.

They absorbed magma instead of water, some absorbed the rich carbon dioxide in the air, and some absorbed the rich sulfur dioxide in the air.

"Atomic creation."

"Silicon-based life."

"Antelope template."

"Start creating."

Antelopes were on the earth one after another.


Chen Mu spent a long year.

Creating all kinds of life.

In the process of creation, Chen Mu was surprised to find that

Without knowing it, he had already acquired countless templates, regardless of the number of bacteria, fungi, animals, and plants.

Bacteria and fungi, after all, are everywhere, and when he is preying and evolving, he will inadvertently touch them.

The earth, which was originally a purgatory, is now replaced by countless silicon-based life.

The whole world has become full of vitality.

In front of these silicon-based life forms, the magma becomes the most basic food, replacing the original water on Earth, and the rich carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide replace the oxygen on Earth.

However, Chen Mu has too many templates.

Some of them, Chen Mu directly abandoned and did not create.

He opened his consciousness and looked at the current Earth.

There is no blue on the entire Earth, but countless greens can be seen. Green, gold and red are intertwined together to become a gorgeous planet.

Green is naturally plants, gold is the reflection caused by the sun shining on the magma, and red is naturally the color of the magma eruption.

"Green, so much?" Chen Mu found that the area covered by these greens is too much. At present, one-seventh of the entire Earth is covered by green.

"I remember that it has only been six or seven months since the creation of plants, and the number I have created is not so much..." Chen Mu muttered.

Chen Mu said: "System, why is this?"

"Silicon-based plants can directly convert radiation energy into their own energy, so the reproduction speed will be faster." The voice of the system sounded slowly.

Monocrystalline silicon is mixed with some elements to make solar cells, which convert radiation energy into electrical energy.

Silicon-based life can naturally use this to convert radiation energy into the energy it needs.

These silicon-based plants obviously use the characteristics of silicon absorbing radiation energy.

Chen Mu thought about it.

Forget it.

These plants absorb carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide and release oxygen, so more is better.

Oxygen is also a good thing.

It’s just that Chen Mu is a little tired of creating the template organisms he has now.

How about reconstructing some by himself and creating some more unique organisms?

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