Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 202 I still don’t like the elf’s wings

The golden light formed a new form.


The golden light slowly dispersed.

In order to facilitate communication, it is natural to look like these elves.

However, Chen Mu was very repelled by elf wings.

Elf wings are just too slow.

Among the earth's original organisms, the fastest flying insect is the dragonfly, and the dragonfly's speed is 58 kilometers per hour.

This speed is much slower than that of an albatross. The speed of an albatross is not even the fastest among birds, but it can reach a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

The wings of elves are insect wings, and their speed is naturally slow.

Therefore, although Chen Mu wanted to become more similar to an elf and gain a sense of intimacy, he still very much rejected elf wings.


When the golden light dissipated, what appeared in the elves' field of vision was a creature that looked somewhat like an elf.

The only thing that is different from the elf is his pair of wings.

Those are the wings of an albatross, not the wings of an elf.

But his appearance is that of an elf, with pointed ears and long hair.

The goblins below were completely attracted by the scene before them.

They unknowingly got off their mounts and came down from mid-air.

One by one, they knelt on the ground and looked at Chen Mu in the sky. Their eyes were full of sincerity and respect.

After the shaping was completed, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

He spread his wings behind him, flapped his wings, flew in front of these fairies, and slowly landed.

When he took a look, he found that these goblins were already kneeling on the ground, looking sincere.

See this.

Chen Mu was a little confused.

What are these guys doing?

"Elf Queen Yayue has met the Elf God." Yayue's voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu was suddenly a little confused.

Have you become an elf god out of nowhere?

Moreover, what ghosts and spirits are there?

After Chen Mu thought about it for a while, he roughly understood.

No matter when, as long as they are highly intelligent beings, they have the ability to think, and if they have the ability to think, there will be problems.

When there are questions, there will be questions that have answers and there will be questions that have no answers.

When they cannot understand certain problems, they will start to imagine some gods and the like, attribute them to the deeds of gods, and slowly, they will evolve their own beliefs.

As long as they are advanced beings, they will create their own beliefs.

Since they claim to be elves, they naturally have elves' beliefs.

Although these half-elves call themselves fairies, in their hearts they still regard themselves as elves.

Therefore, when they saw Chen Mu transform into an elf-like creature, but it was a creature they had never seen before and could not understand, they would naturally preconceptions that Chen Mu was the elf god in their faith.


Didn't these guys see that the wings behind me were wings?

never mind.

Chen Mu didn't bother to explain. You regard me as an elf god, so I can just use this identity to do something.

Chen Mu looked at the pointed-eared fairy queen in front of him, glanced at the slender long knife on her waist, and said, "Is that a weapon you are wearing on your waist?"

When Yayue heard this, she said: "Yes, we are not here to attack you. We just heard that there is a giant dragon here, so we want to come here to see the situation. We don't know that the giant dragon was transformed by you. ”

She guessed wrongly what Chen Mu meant when he mentioned the weapon.

Chen Mu could feel the tension in her words.

Chen Mu said: "The presence of weapons means there is war. Are you at war while I am away?"

Yayue was stunned, and there was cold sweat on her forehead: "God, it's not us who deliberately provoked the war, it was the elves. The elves have been actively provoking wars..."

She was very uneasy. She felt unprecedented pressure from Chen Mu. When Chen Mu asked about the war, she became even more uneasy.

The Elf God only exists in records. It is said that she is the god of the elves. She does not need to eat or drink. She is also invincible and immortal. She is also the guardian of the elves.

So, will the Elf God, like the elves, regard fairies as symbols of impurity and filth?

Could he be thinking about getting rid of the goblins?

If it does, it's all over.

Hearing Ya Yue mention the elves, Chen Mu's heart skipped a beat: "You are at war with the elves? Why?"

When Yayue heard this, she hesitated for a moment, and for fear of offending Chen Mu, she could only choose to answer truthfully: "We fairies... are the product of humans and elves, and then... those elves think we are impure. , is filth, a black spot on the elves, saying that we have blasphemed the original intention of the God of Creation, so they want to obliterate us..."

Speaking of this, Yayue was very uneasy and her palms were sweating.

So that's it.

The original intention of the Creator God...?

The elves were created by me. To the elves, I guess I am the creator god, right? My original intention...

My original intention is to let them work for me. As long as they have enough food and drink, they can simultaneously transfer the progress of their evolutionary energy to me.

Fairies are indeed the product of elves and humans, but since both elves and humans were created by me, the food, drink, and evolutionary energy gained by the fairies they reproduce will also be transferred to me simultaneously.

Thinking of this….

"To say that the people who violated my original intention should be the elves."

Waging a war will not only reduce the number of fairies, but also the number of elves, and the evolutionary energy I obtain will also be reduced.

How stupid! This is simply killing one's own people.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu was suddenly very depressed.

"God, what did you just say?" At this time, a voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu came back to his senses and looked at Yayue, only to see Yayue looking at Chen Mu in astonishment.

Looking at Yayue's expression.

Chen Mu said: "I'm saying that the guys of the elves are not smart. They are the ones who violated my original intention."

Yayue was slightly startled, and she couldn't help but look at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said: "I don't want there to be a war in this world, nor do I want there to be any war between the fairies, elves, and humans, understand?"

Hearing this, Yayue's eyes lit up: "Yes! Yayue understands."

"It's just..., my God..., even if we goblins don't do this, the elves..." Yayue was a little helpless.

Chen Mu said, "I need a manager."

He looked at Yayue and said, "Your name is Yayue, right? Are you the king of fairies?"

Yayue nodded slightly.

Chen Mu said, "Get up. I don't like to talk to people with my head down. My neck will feel uncomfortable."

"Yes." Yayue slowly stood up.

Chen Mu crossed his arms and looked at Yayue: "The king of the fairy tribe will be replaced in the future."

Yayue was stunned. She was stunned for a moment and looked at Chen Mu.

Suddenly, Yayue's body was swallowed by the golden light.

The fairies next to her were stunned and could only stare at this scene blankly.

Yayue raised her hand and looked at Chen Mu.

As the gold lighted up, Yayue's body changed.

A pair of pure white wings appeared behind her.

A head of blonde hair and white wings slowly spread out.

To put it simply, it is a replica of Chen Mu's current form, but it is a female.

Yayue looked back at the white wings behind her.

Chen Mu crossed his arms: "From now on, you are no longer an elf or a fairy. Your future duty is to maintain world peace. Remember, I don't want to see any war among the highly intelligent creatures in this world."

Ya Yue's eyes lit up, and she quickly knelt down on one knee to Chen Mu and bowed heavily: "Ya Yue obeys your command."

When Chen Mu saw this, he retracted his gaze and turned away.

In this way, the war was settled.

"My God."

Chen Mu paused slightly and looked back at Ya Yue.

Ya Yue looked at Chen Mu: "My God... Ya Yue, not an elf, nor a fairy, then Ya Yue is...?"

Chen Mu was stunned.

By the way, who is she?

Chen Mu glanced at Ya Yue, looked at the wings, and said: "Then you are an angel."

Anyway, I didn't create an angel last time, so I can create one now.

After leaving this sentence, Chen Mu flapped his wings and flew away under the gaze of the fairies and Ya Yue.

In Western mythology, when certain elves pass certain tests, they will undergo a ceremony to transform from elves into angels.

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