Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 214 A lot of strange things have happened on the mainland recently

A dragon flew from a distance holding a goat and landed next to Qinglong.

It said: "Qinglong, some strange things have happened on the mainland recently."

With that said, it released its paws, and the goat floated on the sea, and the goat swam frantically out of fear.

Qinglong looked at the dragon beside him: "Something strange?"

There are too many dragons. In order to complete the tasks assigned to the dragons by their ancestors, all the dragons will now go to the Eastern Continent to observe the humans on this continent.

Qinglong, on the other hand, serves as leader and wisdom, staying in the distant sea.

Whenever a dragon encounters a problem that he doesn't understand, he can ask Qinglong.

Qinglong will give the answer if he can, but there is really no other way. Only then will Qinglong go to the moon to find the ancestor.

For many dragon clans, they respect Qinglong.

"Yeah." Long said, "Many creatures, including lower-level animals and humans, have the ability to heal themselves just like us, just like this."

As he said that, the dragon waved its tail.

"Bang!" A shot on the sea in front of the goat.

A huge wave knocked the goat, which had just swam out, directly back to the dragon.

The dragon raised its claws and grabbed the goat, and the claws sank directly into the goat's body.

"Hey!" The goat cried out in pain.

The dragon retracted its claws, and there was a gash on the goat's body, which was bleeding.

The goat panicked and struggled to run out.

At this moment, the goat's wound glowed with a golden halo, and the bleeding wound began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is..." Qinglong frowned slightly: "Extremely fast self-healing?"

"No." said the dragon. It stretched out its paws again, held the goat, and closed its paws.

The goat's body was crushed directly by the dragon's claws.

It couldn't even make a sound, and all the bones and organs in its body were useless.

The dragon raised his paw, and above it the goat lay dead.

The wind blew, and the green dragon's long whiskers fluttered in the wind, and it stared at the goat.

It frowned.

The dragon said: "Our self-healing can make us recover even if we are dismembered into pieces of flesh. However, the situation in Pangea is different. Although these creatures also have the ability to heal themselves, they cannot heal themselves if they die. ”

"More." The dragon threw the goat's body away.

The dragon's tail flicked and hit the goat's body directly.


With a muffled sound, the goat's body was thrown thousands of meters away by the power of the dragon's tail.

The giant dragon looked at Qinglong: "In order to study this situation, I killed several creatures and found that some of these creatures healed quickly and some healed slowly. In their bodies, the blood of some creatures contained gold. liquid, mixed with blood."

"There is another creature, which is rather strange. There is no golden liquid in its body, but there is a golden solid stone in its body."

Hearing this, Qinglong's pupils condensed slightly: "Is it... golden elixir?"

"Golden elixir?" The giant dragon looked at Qinglong.

Qinglong nodded slightly: "This is what Yinglong told me. In Eastern mythology, there is mention of golden elixir. In ancient times, there were two methods of elixir refining in the East. One is Waidan, Waidan..."

He looked at the giant dragon who seemed to understand, and said: "In layman's terms, they are pills. The ancients just called them pills, and refining pills was called alchemy. They felt that after these pills were refined to a certain level, , people can live forever after eating it.”

"Later, there was another term for alchemy called inner elixir, which is to refine the elixir inside the human body and turn it into a golden elixir."

"In ancient times, there were immortal cultivators who said that if you want to become an immortal, you must obtain a golden elixir."

These are what Yinglong told Qinglong, and looking at the current situation, Qinglong feels that this should be the golden elixir that Yinglong mentioned.

The giant dragon thought for a moment, then looked at Qinglong: "I didn't understand."

The corner of Qinglong's mouth twitched and he said: "You don't need to understand this. As long as what is happening now does not affect us in completing the tasks assigned to us by Zulong."

The giant dragon nodded slightly: "Well, I'll get to work first."


The giant dragon swam in the ocean, then rushed out of the sea, soared in the sky, and left quickly.

Qinglong watched the giant dragon leave.

About a year later.

The dragon is back.

"Qinglong, I discovered that everything in those living things comes from the air." The giant dragon looked at Qinglong.

When Qinglong heard this, he looked at the giant dragon: "Air?"

The giant dragon nodded: "There seems to be a special thing in the air, and that thing will automatically penetrate into various living creatures."

"As long as those things enter the body of a living thing, the living creature can neither eat nor drink, and even recover from injuries."

"The energy in the air..., this Yinglong seems to have told me, is it...spiritual energy?"

"Aura, yes, aura."


The saying of Reiki is known to all dragons.

Some dragons are very close to humans.

When humans discovered the existence of those nanorobots in the air, they could not see or touch them.

They wondered what it was.

Eventually, some people chose to consult their god, the dragon.

"My God, we want to know, what are those things coming from the air?"

The giant dragon looked at the group of humans below and said, "That's spiritual energy."

"Don't worry, spiritual energy is good for humans, you don't need to worry too much."

"Is that so? That's great."

I don't know how long it has been.

A voice sounded in Chen Mu's mind.

"Evolutionary energy is being acquired, and the current evolutionary energy progress is 2%."

The mechanical voice of the system sounded in Chen Mu's mind.

After hearing this voice, Chen Mu, who was sleeping, slowly opened his eyes.

He subconsciously got up and stretched.

"2%? A little less." Chen Mu muttered, saying, "System, how long have I slept this time?"

"Seventy-six years." A voice sounded.

When he heard it, Chen Mu's eyes suddenly lit up.


"The last time I got 1% of the evolutionary energy, it took me a full seven hundred years. This time, plus the three years I slept before, it means that I have obtained the progress that could only be obtained in more than seven hundred years in seventy-nine years!"

"Cool!" Chen Mu was happy.

"Let's go to my farm to see how the pigs are being raised." Chen Mu flapped his wings and left the resting place.

At the same time.

A young man named Lin Fan walked towards the forest with a serious and gloomy face.

It took him more than a second to reach the Earth.

Flying over the Earth, Chen Mu looked down.

This is the Eastern Continent.

Opening his conscious vision from this continent and looking down, he saw ancient buildings that were very unique to the East.

People walking on the streets below.

These buildings and these clothes reminded Chen Mu of the East in the Middle Ages.

This place is not much different from when he came here more than 70 years ago.

At this time, Chen Mu's sight noticed a teenager, who was standing in the forest. He stared at the tree in front of him, which was as thick as three adults hugging.

He looked solemn, raised his hands and clenched them into fists.

Seeing this.

Chen Mu had an idea in his mind.

Is he going to hit the tree with his fists?

Tsk tsk, is this kid suffering from a second-year syndrome?

This reminded Chen Mu of his childhood, when he would occasionally hit the wall with his fists, and of course the conclusion he got in the end was that his hands hurt.

Chen Mu looked at the teenager with an attitude of watching a good show.

The teenager shouted, stood out with a bow step, and threw a punch, hitting the tree trunk.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The tree, which was as thick as three adults' arms, trembled, and a dent appeared where the tree was hit.

Seeing this, Chen Mu was stunned.


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