Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 216 The so-called ‘inner elixir’ and ‘cultivation’


Frankly speaking, Chen Mu was very interested in this title.

You must know that Chen Mu did not teach these humans to use language. These languages ​​​​are translated through language abilities.

But what the translator translated was the vocabulary expressed by the other party, which was the vocabulary that Chen Mu knew.

In other words, that guy knows about immortals.

But the problem is that the current human beings are not the human beings more than 700 years ago. These human beings are silicon-based life forms created by Chen Mu, but Chen Mu subconsciously calls them 'human beings', but from a certain angle In other words, this is not the human being from more than 700 years ago, but another creature that is exactly like a human being.

That means these guys shouldn't have heard of the term immortal.

Just like those elves don't know about angels.

Chen Mu, filled with doubts, flapped his wings and landed next to the man.

When the man saw it, his eyes lit up. He looked around Chen Mu and said, "Feather wings, silver hair, and pointed ears. Legend has it that after cultivating to the strongest state, you will become an immortal. I have never heard of it." This legend has never seen a real immortal."

He muttered, then looked at Chen Mu with a smile on his face and said, "My name is Lin Li, and I am a cultivator. Are you an immortal after becoming an immortal?"

Chen Mu crossed his arms and said, "No."

The man was stunned: "Isn't it?"

Chen Mu said: "I am not an immortal, and I have no interest in becoming a so-called immortal. However, I am curious, what is an immortal? And where did you hear about the immortal?"

Lin Li was slightly startled. He looked at Chen Mu strangely: "Immortal, don't you know? Legend has it that immortals are immortal and immortal beings. They are a very powerful existence. The things about immortals, As long as they are human beings, there is no one who doesn’t know it, and the ones who tell humans these things are our guardian dragons.”

Hear this.

Chen Mu immediately thought of Qinglong.

Suddenly, Chen Mu understood.

Qinglong had heard some mythical stories from Yinglong, and he guessed that the guy had also heard about Eastern mythology and the quest for immortals that Yinglong had mentioned.

For humans, the emergence of nanorobots is incomprehensible to them, so they will definitely ask their patron saints, which are the dragons.

If those dragons couldn't understand, they would ask their only leader, the old green dragon.

This really left Chen Mu speechless.

I built these nanorobots to feed these creatures, but these people actually used these nanorobots to cultivate immortality.

This is something Chen Mu never expected.

"You are not a fairy, so you are not a monster, right?"

A voice came from beside him, interrupting Chen Mu's thoughts.

Chen Mu came back to his senses and found that Lin Li was still staring at him curiously.

"Monsters?" Chen Mu was curious again: "Do you still have monsters here?"

Lin Li was slightly startled and said, "Of course there are monsters. Not long ago, in the red birch forest, a humanoid monster with a fox tail appeared. A fox monster. It looked very enchanting. Many people were attracted by it. Attracted, then killed and eaten.”

Having said this, Lin Li paused and said, "Of course, we cultivators are not vegetarians, and we killed it a while ago."

Chen Mu frowned.

This is wrong.

Although nanorobots cover all living things on the earth, and all living creatures can get help from nanorobots, nanorobots cannot turn animals into human shapes.

What happened to the humanoid monster?

Chen Mu glanced at Lin Li and probably asked this guy, but he didn't know.

It's okay, Chen Mu can ask another one.

"System, what's going on with the fox demon in the red birch forest? Can nanorobots turn foxes into human forms?"

"The nanorobot you built has a way to turn into the shape of an animal, but the function needs to be set up to do so. This function is not currently enabled. The fox demon in the red birch forest did not appear because of the nanorobot, so He is a member of the Snow Fox Clan from the Western Continent.”

Hearing this, Chen Mu's eyebrows stretched slightly.

Orcs..., no wonder, they are orcs from the west, but to people from the Eastern Continent, they are just humanoid monsters.

"Are you really not a monster?"

A voice once again awakened Chen Mu from deep thought.

Chen Mu came back to his senses and looked at Lin Li beside him: "I am not a fairy, nor a monster, nor a human being. I am just an ordinary herdsman who raises a bunch of stupid little animals. ”

"Herdsman?" Lin Li looked strange and looked Chen Mu up and down: "That's really strange. Since the emergence of spiritual energy, no one has become a herdsman."

This sentence made Chen Mu frown involuntarily.

"No one is a herdsman?" Chen Mu looked at Lin Li.

This is not good news, at least not the news that Chen Mu wants to hear.

Herdsmen breed animals, which is beneficial to the reproduction of other animals. Not breeding means that the number of animals that could be turned into livestock will decrease.

This means that Chen Mu's progress in obtaining evolutionary energy will slow down!

Lin Li snorted: "Don't you know this? Since the emergence of spiritual energy, those livestock have also gained the spiritual power in the air. Herdsmen cannot feed and tame them, and if the herdsmen want to kill them for meat, they will be attacked. resistance and attack. They have the ability to heal themselves, and it is not easy to kill them. "

"Besides, we all have spiritual power within us, so we don't need to eat or drink, nor do we need to raise livestock."

“Afterwards, no one continued to be herders.”


If people no longer need food and drink, they will be free and naturally there will be no need to raise livestock.

That's the bad thing about nanobots.

Chen Mu said: "There is no need to eat or drink, so what are you busy with now?"

When Lin Li heard this, he looked at Chen Mu strangely and said, "Don't you know this? Of course it's cultivation. People nowadays hunt ferocious beasts to obtain ferocious beast inner elixirs to help them practice."

Ferocious beasts, Chen Mu understands this.

Those beasts will also be helped by nano-robots. Naturally, they are different from ordinary beasts, and they will naturally become the ferocious beasts they call them.

But what is the inner alchemy?

"Can the inner elixir help you practice?" Chen Mu looked at Lin Li.

Lin Li hummed: "Yes, the inner elixir is made of pure spiritual power. Some powerful ferocious beasts have inner elixirs in their bodies. When we kill the ferocious beasts and eat the inner elixir, we can replenish the inner elixir in our bodies." It’s spiritual.”

Chen Mu frowned and nodded slightly.

He didn't understand it that well, but he had a vague hunch, so he flapped his wings and flew up.

"Are you leaving now? Don't you want to talk more?" Lin Li looked at Chen Mu's figure and when Chen Mu's figure disappeared instantly, he expressed doubts: "What a strange guy."

Chen Mu found a lion through his conscious vision and directly dismantled the lion with his control ability.

After dismantling it, Chen Mu obtained a golden solid bead from the lion's body.

He picked up the stone and looked at it.

To the naked eye, this is a golden solid bead the size of a thumb, and this bead is emitting golden light at the moment.

It sounds very holy, indeed like the so-called golden elixir.

But Chen Mu knew that golden elixir did not exist.

"Atomic Vision."

When Chen Mu opened his atomic vision, Chen Mu finally paid attention to what this golden elixir was.

Within this golden elixir, countless nanorobots are densely packed together.

The nanorobots outside are spreading out in all directions little by little, and when these nanorobots disperse, from the naked eye, what they see is those golden lights.

Is this thing a golden elixir?

"Isn't it just a sphere formed by a group of nanorobots crowded together at a high density?"

"These humans hunt these animals in order to obtain these nanorobots to replenish the nanorobots in their bodies, and then consume the nanorobots to strengthen their bodies through self-destruction."

“This is what they call ‘cultivation’.”

Chen Mu frowned: "Are humans doing such boring things nowadays?"

Things are boring, and boring is not enough to make Chen Mu unhappy. What makes Chen Mu unhappy is that as a result, humans will no longer breed animals, but will hunt them every day just for the so-called 'cultivation'. This will As a result, the number of animals has been reduced infinitely, and the number of animals has been reduced. As a result, Chen Mu's evolutionary energy acquisition speed has been reduced.

This is not what Chen Mu wants to see.

Chen Mu's original purpose of creating nanorobots was not only to deliver energy to those creatures, but also to make those creatures multiply and increase their numbers.

It's a good thing now. Human beings are all busy with the so-called "cultivation" and have not reproduced. Other animals cannot reproduce and have to face the pursuit of humans every day.

This made Chen Mu unhappy, very unhappy!

"We have to find a way to solve this problem."

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