Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 34 Killer whales' attitude towards humans

Chen Mu tore the meat in front of him, devouring it as he tore.

The adult humpback whale outside was crying loudly, and there was a strong anger inside.

It swam around the body of the humpback whale calf, and seemed very impatient.

But it didn't dare to touch the body of the humpback whale calf, as if it was afraid of being hurt by the body of the calf.

Chen Mu basically emptied the body of the humpback whale calf, and he turned around and ran out.

As soon as he ran out.

Chen Mu only felt a sense of pressure from the water flow, and he looked.

He could see that the adult humpback whale slapped its tail towards Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's body instantly turned into a sailfish.

The speed increased instantly, and he avoided the attack of the adult humpback whale in the blink of an eye.

Sailfish are the swimming champions in the ocean, and they are the fastest.

Coupled with the speed blessing of the system, the speed doubled.

It is basically impossible to attack Chen Mu.

After Chen Mu dodged, he swept away.

The adult female killer whale in the distance was swimming, looking at this side.

Seeing Chen Mu coming towards her, her eyes were full of surprise.

After Chen Mu pulled away from the adult humpback whale, he instantly turned back into a killer whale.

He said: "Run away, do you want to die?"

The sister killer whale came to her senses: "Oh."

The two killer whales immediately went into escape mode.

Behind them, an extremely angry adult humpback whale was chasing them frantically.

Of course, this was useless.

The speed of the humpback whale was much slower than that of the killer whale.

It was impossible to catch up.

The sister killer whale next to him looked at Chen Mu: "You seem to have grown a lot."

Chen Mu was slightly startled, and he looked at himself through his conscious vision.

After devouring most of the flesh and blood of the humpback whale calf, his body grew a full circle again.

Now Chen Mu's body length has exceeded 4 meters.

Chen Mu said, "I'm special. The meat I eat will make me grow big very quickly."

The elder sister killer whale's eyes lit up, staring at Chen Mu with great interest, and said, "It's really special."

Chen Mu hummed.

Suddenly, Chen Mu heard a sound.

That was...

The sound of a sailboat.

Chen Mu subconsciously looked at the source of the sound.

He could see a sailboat moving slowly.

In front of the sailboat, there were two people standing.

A man and a woman, the man was holding a camera facing this side, and the woman was looking at this side.

"It's a two-legged ape." The elder sister killer whale said.

"Two-legged ape?" Chen Mu was startled, and he looked at the adult female killer whale next to him.

The elder sister killer whale said, "Well, I'm very familiar with them, you watch."

As she said that, she swam her body and approached the sailboat.

The blonde woman, who looked to be nearly 40 years old, was excited when she saw the killer whale approaching, raised her hand and reached into the sea.

After the elder sister killer whale approached, she stroked the killer whale's body with her hand.

While enjoying the caress of the two-legged ape, the elder sister killer whale said to Chen Mu: "Look, are they very friendly to us?"

"I'll tell you." It said: "I was stranded before, and it was these that saved me, otherwise I would have died at that time."

Chen Mu fell into silence.

Yes, with the intelligence of this killer whale, stranding is probably a common occurrence. If there is no help from humans, it is estimated that it will die directly.

Now Chen Mu realized that in the eyes of killer whales, humans are so friendly.

"Yes, just touch there, it's a little itchy, help me scratch it, haha." Looking at the adult female killer whale, swimming around, enjoying the caress of humans, like a child.

It made Chen Mu feel a headache.

As a former human, Chen Mu naturally knew the dangers of humans.

However, humans will help stranded killer whales return to the sea. For many killer whales, humans are a friendly and good creature.

Some killer whales will take the initiative to contact humans after seeing humans in the wild.

For humans, killer whales are black and white, just like giant pandas in the sea, very cute.

So killer whales are also very popular.

But even now that killer whales are fully protected, there are still some places that eat killer whales as food.

Killer whales' attitude towards humans is actually very strange.

There are records that after humans captured killer whale children, killer whales did not dare to attack humans at all. They only dared to beg for humans to release their children.

You know, for killer whales, family is everything. If a companion is hurt, then the creature that hurts it must pay the price anyway, not to mention the child.

Killer whales have a name called killer whales. In fact, this is a translation problem. The normal translation name is killer whales.

There are almost no records of killer whales attacking humans in the wild. The only attack records are in zoos, where killer whales that have been kept in captivity for a long time by humans and have become mentally abnormal have hurt humans.

Even if it is replaced by humans, it is estimated that it is difficult not to go crazy if they are locked up in a small place for a lifetime.

Chen Mu thought about what he had heard about the attitude of killer whales towards humans when he was a human.

For a moment, Chen Mu became interested.

The silly killer whale had had enough fun and swam over here.

It smiled and said, "Don't you want to play with them? They are very interesting and friendly to us, not afraid of getting hurt."

Chen Mu thought for a while and said, "Are they delicious?"

When the killer whale heard this, its eyes widened. It swam around and said, "No, you can't have such thoughts. If other killer whales hear such thoughts, they will kill you. In our case In the family, many killer whales have been helped by these two-legged apes, and although these two-legged apes are friendly to us, they are very scary creatures."

"When I was born, my grandma and grandma both told me not to mess with these two-legged apes no matter what."

Chen Mu said with great interest: "Why can't you provoke them? Are they very powerful?"

The killer whale said: "They are very, very powerful. Do you know those humpback whales and blue whales? Those adult humpback whales and adult blue whales are very dangerous. If our numbers are small, we will have to run away when we encounter them." These two-legged apes can easily kill adult humpback whales using strange things. They are very powerful.”

"I also heard from my grandma that in the stories passed down from our family, these two-legged apes are super scary. No matter what, don't mess with them."

The adult female killer whale said to Chen Mu earnestly: "Remember, no matter what, do not provoke these two-legged apes. This is very, very important."

After it finished speaking, it turned around and left.

Chen Mu looked at the back of the adult female killer whale and said, "Then, if your child is captured by them, won't you offend him?"

It was startled slightly, swam its body, and turned back to look at Chen Mu.

It said: "My grandma said that if we attack them, it will lead to a devastating disaster for our entire family... If my child is really caught... I can only pray that they can let my child go." ”

"But, probably not. You see they are so friendly to us, and they rescue us and don't let us get stranded. They are good." The adult female killer whale said casually, and then swam away. As he walked, he said, "Let's go, I'll teach you how to hunt."

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