Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 35 Evolving again, I am the world's largest whale

Hearing this, Chen Mu understood.

Orcas have complex social relationships.

They also have their own language. Through language communication, the older generation will pass on their accumulated experience to the next generation through language.

Orcas are like a low-level civilization. In their eyes, humans are undoubtedly a high-level civilization.

Therefore, in order to avoid a devastating blow to their own civilization, the older generation of orcas will pass on the horror of humans to the next generation through language.

Therefore, orcas are in awe of humans.

Even when their children are taken away, they have to consider the survival of their families and have to compromise.

Of course, when humans show a friendly side to orcas, they will naturally be happy to accept the kindness of high-level civilizations.

Unknowingly, it was already night.

Chen Mu was a little tired and fell asleep unconsciously.

However, his sleeping method is different from that of humans.

The sleeping method of orcas is the same as that of bottlenose dolphins.

Their two brains can take turns to rest and work.

When orcas sleep, the orca group stays together.

Killer whales will be alert to the movements around them and protect the safety of the killer whale group.

In this way, Chen Mu began to live in this killer whale group.

Occasionally, he learned some hunting skills from his sister killer whale. When he was hungry, he followed the killer whale group to hunt large schools of fish or other things.

Time passed day by day.

Chen Mu's evolutionary energy increased little by little with the passage of time.

It is estimated that half a year has passed.

"Today I will show you a unique skill. Look, ah, I'm dead." The sister killer whale turned over, and the whole killer whale turned upside down and floated on the sea.

Chen Mu watched from the side, a little stunned for a while.

What is this guy doing?

At this time, Chen Mu saw the seagulls that were circling overhead and looking for food.

Suddenly, they fell from the sky.

Flying towards the position of the sister killer whale.

Obviously, they thought that this stupid adult female killer whale was dead, so they came to eat the corpse.

Just as they approached.

"Wow!" Sister killer whale suddenly turned over, jumped up in an instant, and bit a seabird in her mouth.

It held the seabird in its mouth and came to Chen Mu, saying: "How is it? Awesome, right? Do you want to try it?"

Chen Mu's mouth twitched.

This guy is really convinced.

Killer whales prefer foods with a lot of fat, and are not interested in some killer whales with less fat, but sometimes killer whales will consider changing their taste and eating seabirds.

Some killer whales sometimes turn up their bellies, pretend to be corpses, lure seabirds to approach, and then pounce directly and eat the seabirds.

This hunting technique is obviously impossible without a certain IQ.

But for Chen Mu..., in order to hunt such a seabird with no meat at all.

This hunting method is simply a waste of time.

Chen Mu said: "Don't learn."

"You are so picky, you don't even learn this, this is very powerful." Sister killer whale muttered.

"Then eat it?"


"Okay." Sister killer whale swallowed the seabird into her stomach helplessly.

It swam and looked at Chen Mu: "But now look at you again, it's great, little guy grows fast. It hasn't been long, and you've grown bigger than my grandma."

During this period, Chen Mu just ate with others every day and hardly paid attention to his body size.

Now hearing the words of the elder sister killer whale, Chen Mu subconsciously looked at himself.

Through the conscious vision.

A giant killer whale with a body size of twelve meters appeared in Chen Mu's vision.

This body size has exceeded the size of a normal killer whale.

"When did I become so big."

The elder sister killer whale said: "You have been growing up during this period, haven't you noticed?"

"I didn't notice... I haven't paid much attention to my body size recently, and it looks a lot bigger. Chen Mu muttered.

Just then.

A voice that had not appeared for a long time sounded in Chen Mu's mind.

"The current evolution energy progress is 100%, start evolving. "

Hearing this, Chen Mu was shocked.

Finally 100%?!

After Chen Mu became a killer whale, he stayed in the killer whale group for a long time.

He was so absent that even he was a little dazed.

Now he can finally evolve into another creature.

All of a sudden, Chen Mu was excited.

As the voice fell.

A golden light enveloped Chen Mu's whole body.

"Ah? "Sister killer whale's eyes widened when she saw this scene.

There was confusion in her eyes.

Golden light covered Chen Mu's body.

Not long after.

Chen Mu came back to his senses.

After coming back to his senses.

Chen Mu found that there were many more killer whales around him, and they were circling around Chen Mu.

Chen Mu knew every one of these killer whales.

Just as humans can recognize humans by facial features, Chen Mu, as a killer whale before, can also recognize killer whales by their facial features.

This group of killer whales is the killer whale group that has accompanied Chen Mu for half a year.

However, now these killer whales are staring at him with strange eyes.

Chen Mu subconsciously looked at himself now.

At a glance.

Chen Mu's pupils condensed slightly.

Is this...?

Blue whale?

Chen Mu's body size shrank from a full twelve meters to seven meters, but his shape changed completely.

At this moment, Chen Mu changed from a killer whale to a blue whale.

The blue whale is the largest creature in the world. The average size of a blue whale calf is seven meters long when it is born, and it is estimated to weigh two meters.

And now Chen Mu is equivalent to a newborn blue whale.

And the blue whale calf is the food of the killer whale group.

No wonder the killer whales next to him look at him so strangely.

As a blue whale, there is no way to communicate with killer whales.

In order to prevent being killed by the killer whale group.

Chen Mu chose to use his transformation ability and changed from a blue whale back to a killer whale.

Seeing Chen Mu turned back into a killer whale.

"Look, I told you, it's it." When the sister killer whale saw Chen Mu turned back, it swam and said to the other killer whales: "It's not a blue whale, it's very special, it can disguise itself as various creatures, I saw it turn into a bottlenose dolphin before. This time it's just disguised as a blue whale."

"It's really it, it can also turn into a blue whale, it's really interesting."

"So amazing, how did you do it?"

The killer whales cast curious eyes at Chen Mu one by one.

Fortunately, the sister killer whale helped Chen Mu explain, which saved Chen Mu from saying anything more.

Chen Mu said: "This is a unique ability acquired after birth. It cannot be taught to others. I don't know what's going on."

There are two choices before Chen Mu.

One is to continue to follow the killer whale group, so that he can use the power of the killer whale group to continue to grow in size.

The second is to leave the killer whale group and go hunting elsewhere.

After all, although Chen Mu has evolved into a blue whale, an adult blue whale is almost invincible except for humans, but the size of Chen Mu is only the same as that of a newborn blue whale. If there is no protection from the killer whale group, it is estimated that GG will occur at any time.

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