Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 355: Desolate Blue Giant Civilization

Through the memories preserved in the galaxy information library.

Chen Mu saw the final appearance of this blue giant star.

A super-giant laser from nowhere shot through the blue giant star that had been wrapped in the Dyson sphere.

The blue giant star exploded.

Because of its own gravity.

The blue giant star began to collapse and shrink.

The blue giant star can be destroyed. It is located in Chen Mu's body and is part of Chen Mu's body.

The instant adaptability and extremely fast self-healing ability will resist attacks and injuries from the outside world, but the changes inside the body will not change.

Just like Chen Mu was a planet before, the life and death in the planet will not be resurrected, and the blue giant star as a part of Chen Mu's body can also be destroyed.

Seeing this, Chen Mu crossed his arms.

The reason why the blue giant star can become a blue giant star is that the power generated by nuclear fusion supports the matter of its whole body and obtains a delicate balance, so it can become such a star.

But that laser attack directly destroyed the balance of the blue giant star.

At this moment, the power generated by nuclear fusion is no longer enough to support the blue giant star to maintain the shape of a blue giant star.

In this case, the blue giant will completely collapse. There are two possibilities for the collapsed blue giant: collapse and compress, ignite the helium inside, carry out helium fusion, and become a red giant.

If the blue giant becomes a red giant, its size will explode.

After the explosion, it will directly swallow up the outer planets.

The planet close to the blue giant created by Yinglong and Polaris will be the first to be affected and swallowed by the red giant.

In addition, there is another possibility, that is, the helium fusion in the body is not enough to bear the mass of the blue giant, and the blue giant cannot expand into a red giant, but continues to collapse.

Eventually become a black hole.

Chen Mu is used to calling the civilization outside the blue giant seven civilizations, but to be precise, it should be six civilizations. The insect star has been destroyed, and there are only six planets and six civilizations around the blue giant.

If the blue giant becomes a black hole, then the six nearby planets will be enough to be swallowed and torn apart by the black hole.

In other words, although the laser attack was on the blue giant, in fact, this attack will directly affect the six planets where the six civilizations exist.

At this time, Lvyi and the others appeared.

Countless angels spread their wings and flew in the air.

The six main gods were also present.

They used their control ability.

All the matter of the blue giant was dismantled by the control ability.

In the blink of an eye.

The entire blue giant was silently dismantled into dust.

The dust was diffused all around.

In this way, the blue giant disappeared completely.

With the disappearance of the blue giant, the gravitational waves gradually disappeared.

For this reason, Lv Yi raised his hand.

Various substances began to combine at the location where the blue giant was originally located, forming an irregular spherical substance.

The matter continued to increase.

It didn't take long.

The matter collapsed due to its large mass.

When it collapsed to a certain extent, the hydrogen inside was ignited.


A brand new yellow dwarf appeared in this dark planetary system, lighting up the light of this planetary system again.

After doing all this, Lv Yi and the others went back.

For some low-level civilizations, this process would be a disaster as long as they were nearby.

But for the six planetary civilizations, this is not a big deal, as their planets are all equipped with planetary environment transformation rings.

The extinction of the blue giant has no effect on these advanced civilizations as long as it does not expand into a red giant or collapse into a black hole.

The birth of the yellow dwarf naturally has no effect on them.

Chen Mu looked at the yellow dwarf next to him.

Is this thing the new star formed by the green after the blue giant was destroyed...?

The reason why the blue giant turned into a red dwarf is known.

Then what about the six civilizations?

Chen Mu cast his eyes on the six civilizations, and he pulled in and entered the Pangu civilization to watch the development of the Pangu civilization.

Pangu civilization is one of the six civilizations. Except for the demon civilization, the other civilizations have a harmonious relationship.

The civilizations and technologies of each other are almost integrated.

Observing the Pangu civilization is equivalent to observing other civilizations.

As Chen Mu saw before, they have been developing technology and civilization.

At this moment, the land in the Pangu civilization is full of various high-tech buildings.

Above these high-tech buildings, people can be seen flying around using various high-tech aircraft.

This is no different from before.

Chen Mu waved his hand.

The speed of time in the picture accelerated.

Suddenly, Chen Mu saw a Pangu man driving a streamlined flying device.

During the flight, the device disappeared, and the Pangu man driving the aircraft also disappeared.

In the Pangu civilization, countless Pangu people were driving various aircraft, one after another, together with people and aircraft, they turned into star-like light, and then disappeared from Chen Mu's sight.

In the entire Pangu civilization, just like setting off fireworks, countless Pangu people turned into light with the help of that unknown aircraft, and then disappeared into the planet.

Not long after.

Only those high-tech buildings were left in the entire Pangu civilization.

Soon, plants covered Pangu Star again.

As time went by, the crustal movement of Pangu Star Pad demolished and buried these high-tech buildings.

Slowly, Pangu Star became a natural planet that seemed to have never had high technology.

Later, I don’t know how many years have passed.

New life appeared, new humans also appeared, and a new civilization was born.

Seeing this, Chen Mu raised his hand and zoomed out.

At first glance, Chen Mu found that all the high-tech things on the other five planets had disappeared, including those planetary transformation rings.

Without the planetary transformation rings, and the positions of those planets were not in the habitable zone, they naturally became uninhabitable planets.

In the end, the time was synchronized with Chen Mu’s time at this moment.

What Chen Mu saw was the picture in front of him.

"In other words, the other five civilizations also left through some kind of aircraft like Pangu civilization, but the question is... what is that aircraft?"

"Ancestor." Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu came back to his senses and looked at the source of the voice.

A beautiful figure was standing there, her beautiful eyes were shining, she was full of excitement and joy.

It was Lv Yi.

Chen Mu retracted his gaze, looked at the six planets in front of him, and said: "What's going on?"

Lv Yi listened, she looked at the six planets, and said: "Two million years ago, the technology of these civilizations evolved to the ability to travel through multidimensional space, and some life forms chose to give up staying in this three-dimensional space and choose to go to multidimensional space."

She looked at Chen Mu: "Then, one hundred and ninety years ago, they collected resources, created devices to go to multidimensional space, and left this dimensional space one by one."

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