Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 356 Visiting the Multidimensional Space

"Dimensional space?" Chen Mu looked at Lv Yi.

Lv Yi nodded slightly, and she said: "Yes, two million years ago, there was a person in Pangu civilization who integrated various speed technologies and developed a vehicle that could reach the speed of light."

Chen Mu looked at Lv Yi: "Warp engine?"

Lv Yi shook her head, and she said: "No, it is a vehicle that can theoretically reach the speed of light, and it does not need to be distorted by space."

Hearing this, Chen Mu did not speak, but just crossed his arms and looked at Lv Yi, waiting for her to continue.

As long as something has mass, it is impossible to reach the speed of light.

Like the superluminal speed currently used by Chen Mu and all advanced civilizations, it is only achieved by distorting space, and the speed does not actually change.

But now Lv Yi said that someone has invented a vehicle that can allow matter to reach the speed of light?

Lv Yi said: "At that time, after the light-speed vehicle was invented, it attracted the attention of many civilizations. When the light-speed vehicle was started, many people from civilizations were nearby."

"That day, when that person used the light-speed vehicle, the vehicle and that person turned into a beam of light and disappeared from everyone's sight."

"At that time, no one knew what happened."

"Later, the light-speed vehicle reappeared in the same place."

"After that person came out of the light-speed vehicle, he told the people nearby that he had just arrived in another dimensional space."

Speaking of this, Lv Yi paused, she looked at Chen Mu beside her, and said: "From that time on, all advanced civilizations began to study dimensional space. With the failure of light-speed vehicle technology, more and more life forms entered multi-dimensional space. More than one million years ago, the civilizations on these six planets also chose to live in multi-dimensional space."

While listening to Lv Yi, Chen Mu was reading the information and knowledge about light-speed vehicles and multi-dimensional space through the galaxy information database.

Now Chen Mu knows what's going on.

Indeed, anything with mass cannot reach the speed of light.

Why can't matter exceed the speed of light?

Because when matter moves, its mass will increase.

According to the theory, when matter with mass reaches the speed of light, the mass of the matter will become infinite.

And this infinite mass is impossible.

So, in fact, after the vehicle broke through the speed of light, its mass and speed directly broke through the dimensional constraints of time and space.

Entered another multidimensional space.

Later, with the deepening of multidimensional space research by various advanced civilizations over millions of years, they found that in multidimensional space, they can break away from the control of time and space and become a higher existence than three-dimensional space.

Therefore, most of the life forms in advanced civilizations choose to abandon three-dimensional space and enter multidimensional space to survive and develop in multidimensional space.

The result is that at this moment, of the six planets that Chen Mu saw, five were deserted, and only one planet was giving birth to new life and new civilization.

However, it is not deserted.

Chen Mu's consciousness and vision turned.

In the five-dimensional space.

The residence of the dragon civilization.

Bingyao was still wearing the familiar silver armor. She stood in front of the balcony and looked up.

At this time, a voice sounded behind Bingyao.

"You said before that it doesn't matter if that existence is not there, even if it comes to this five-dimensional space, it's the same. Unfortunately, I haven't seen that existence until now."

Hearing this voice, Bingyao turned her head and looked at the white-haired man beside her. She crossed her arms and smiled and said, "He is a different level of existence from us. Just like we stay in this five-dimensional space-time, space and time have no meaning to us, and naturally have no meaning to that existence."

"In the case of no meaning, we and him will appear in a certain time scale. It is naturally difficult to meet in this time scale."

"But, I can be sure that he is omnipresent."

The white-haired man looked at Bingyao, but didn't say anything else, just looked up.

Bingyao looked at the white-haired man's actions, she retracted her gaze, looked at the scenery in front of her, and said, "To be honest, as long as the life form comes out of that galaxy, no matter who it is, it is possible to become it."

"Including me." Bingyao said.

The white-haired man was slightly startled, and he looked at Bingyao.

Suddenly, Bingyao's expression changed slightly, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared.

Seeing Bingyao's expression change, the white-haired man frowned slightly: "Bingyao?"

'Bingyao' looked around, she subconsciously looked back at the white-haired man, she paused for a moment: "Why are you here?"

This voice sounded.

The voice was a male voice, not Bingyao's voice.

Seeing this, the white-haired man's face sank, he stretched out his hand, and there was an inconspicuous long sword in his hand, the long sword pointed at 'Bingyao': "Who are you?"

'Bingyao' looked at the white-haired man, she showed a trace of doubt.

This made Chen Mu a little strange.

The man in front of Chen Mu, white hair and silver eyes, and this face, this thing is not the guy called Potian before?

The problem is that this guy doesn't seem to know himself, and the expression he shows represents..., he has emotions, but the Potian that Chen Mu knows is an emotionless existence.

In other words, this guy is Potian, but he has no memory and consciousness about me.

I don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t know why this guy is here.

But it doesn’t matter.

Chen Mu ignored Po Tian, ​​who was holding the Order Sword against him. He raised his face and looked up.

Above Chen Mu, 10,000 meters in the sky.

It was an upside-down city.

From above, you could see the upside-down high-tech buildings and the dragons sitting in the aircraft, flying upside down.

Above was a pancake-shaped continent with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers, on which many life forms lived.

Above that pancake-shaped continent was the continent where Chen Mu was standing at the moment.

Chen Mu opened his consciousness and looked at this multidimensional space.

He found that in this multidimensional space, there were many continents of different shapes, randomly placed together.

They were not aligned horizontally or vertically, and were placed very casually.

In this multidimensional space, gravitational waves can be controlled and space can be changed.

Time is meaningless in this space. Living here, whether it is primitive life or any other existence, all cells in the body will not be updated, and the resources in the body will not be consumed. Here, gravity, temperature, and death are all meaningless.

All civilized life is frozen in this time segment and lives in this time segment.

This is the fifth-dimensional space.

A truly eternal space without death.

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