Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 409 This is a dimensional world created by others

The two words that appeared on the book attracted Chen Mu's attention as soon as they appeared.

Chen Mu's dark consciousness permeated countless universes. As long as there was a dark consciousness, it was equivalent to Chen Mu's vision.

That book was used by Chen Mu to communicate with those unknown beings.

When the two words appeared in the book, Chen Mu sensed it at the first time.


What do these two words mean?

Why did that unknown existence show him these two words?

Chen Mu didn't know.

But... the appearance of these two words proved one thing.

That is, there is indeed an existence that he cannot observe, and that existence is paying attention to him.

Before, Chen Mu was guessing, and now the appearance of these two words is evidence.

Seeing this evidence.

Chen Mu realized it.

Although he is already an infinite universe, he is an infinite universe, but as an infinite universe, he will be affected by other existences.

And the one who affects his existence is still an ordinary person.

There is no reason.

Suddenly, Chen Mu noticed that the two words on the book were slowly disappearing.

'First' is slowly disappearing.

Soon, the two words disappeared without a trace.

The reason why words can be seen is that they are material, and because of light, the material shows color, and the color is given meaning according to the different structures to form words.

The disappearance of these two words means the disappearance of matter.

The disappearance of matter means that there is something affecting the material that constitutes these two words.

In other words, someone sent a signal similar to dark information to this material, which can be done.

Chen Mu used his dark information to search and capture.

But Chen Mu searched through dark information, but couldn't find it.

The two words seemed to disappear out of thin air, without any signal affecting them.

This thing is out of Chen Mu's cognition.

At this moment, Chen Mu saw that the characters appeared on the page of the book again.

'The next plot will not be a dialogue between the author and the protagonist, I am looking forward to it.٩(๑^o^๑)۶'.

Seeing this, the sudden appearance of words and an emoticon made Chen Mu confused.

"This is..." Chen Mu frowned.

"Plot, author, protagonist?"

Chen Mu was once an earthling. He was no different from other ordinary people. He would entertain himself when he had nothing to do.

Read novels, watch anime, and watch TV.

This time, Chen Mu understood the words in front of him.

This is a comment on the novel.

"Could it be that the world I live in is in a novel?"

"Could it be that I am just a character in the novel?"

Thinking of this, Chen Mu thought of the contradiction he had always felt.

Everything is connected.

I am a character in a novel. Although I have become an infinite universe and an immortal existence in the novel.

But because I was created by the author, sometimes what I do is what the author wants me to do.

The author is naturally an ordinary person.

He controls my body to create civilization, and there will definitely be various problems.

This has led to the fact that I, who was originally full-time and omnipotent, have become unable to be omniscient and omnipotent, and have become like an ordinary person.

" is it possible..." Chen Mu's various consciousnesses were mixed together, and he couldn't believe it.

He has lived through a long time, witnessed the changes of the universe, and seen the truth of the universe.

And all this is just a dimensional world created by an ordinary person.

Chen Mu said: "No wonder."

"No wonder I always feel that there are so many unreasonable things in this world and in me. So that's the case. I just live in a dimensional world of a novel."

"All the universes, countless cyclic quantum universes, are just imagined by an ordinary author?"

"Really interesting, really interesting."

After being shocked, Chen Mu accepted this speculation.

Because only this speculation can explain all the unreasonable things he has encountered.

After all, ordinary people are not omniscient and omnipotent, and ordinary people make mistakes.

The universe created by ordinary people is naturally imperfect.

"If this is a novel, there must be readers. The previous 'first' is probably the information left by a reader." Chen Mu nodded slightly. He looked at the vast starry sky in front of him and said, "You are probably looking at me now and think it's very interesting, right? Have you ever thought that maybe the universe you live in, the world you live in, is a world created by other people's novels?"

The world we live in is an uncertain world, full of various unknowns.

Some people say that the earth may just be an alien laboratory.

The earth may be in a box, and what we see through various instruments, the various galaxies and skies we observe, are just what aliens want us to see.

Or, everything we see now, our lives, is just a world written by an unknown existence.

But, even if it is true, what does it matter?

Life goes on.

Anything, as long as it exists, has its meaning of existence.

Since life exists, it has its meaning of existence.

Perhaps, we feel that we have not found the meaning of our existence, but in fact we have always been the meaning itself, but we have never discovered it.

Chen Mu looked at the characters on the book, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

Chen Mu's thoughts at this moment are the same, existence has meaning.

No matter what kind of world Chen Mu is in, who created the world.

It doesn't matter.

What's important is that Chen Mu is now the master of this world, invincible in this world, immortal.

And his life is still going on.

Chen Mu fell into thinking.

Next, what kind of civilization and what kind of world should be created?

Why not try to completely digitize a civilization.

Let everything be digitized, just like the game you have played before.

Create a civilization in the form of an online game.

Life is digitized in the form of blood volume?

Thinking of this, Chen Mu thought about it and said, "It's not difficult."

It's not difficult to create such a civilization.

Chen Mu's thoughts moved.

A star and seven planets were created out of thin air.

Outside this planetary system, a planetary-level celestial device appeared.

Chen Mu created a civilization just like he created other civilizations.

But it was different from other civilizations.

Everything in this civilization was digitized.

Using celestial devices, everything in the civilization was controlled.

Everything in the civilization was digitized in the mode of online games.

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