Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 410 Data Civilization and Card Civilization

It is not difficult to digitize a planet or a civilization.

Just create a celestial device with enough computing power to cover a planetary civilization, and let this device digitize everything inside the planet.

Chen Mu created such a planet and such a celestial device.

Then he separated part of his consciousness, molded a human figure in the planet, and the consciousness entered the body.

Chen Mu opened his eyes and looked at the world in front of him.

Chen Mu's sight fell on a stone that was one and a half meters high next to him.

When Chen Mu's sight fell on the stone, a line of text appeared above the stone.

Name: Stone.

Health value: 5739/5739.

Defense: 379.

Weight: 2 meters.

This is the data that Chen Mu can see with his naked eyes, floating on the stone.

In fact, these data are not owned by this body, but by a celestial device outside the planet. The various data of this stone are calculated, and then the data are edited into a picture, and then the picture is synchronized to the eyeball of the body through optical principles.

In this way, Chen Mu can see the data on the stone.

Not just the stone.

As long as Chen Mu looks at any object on this planet, he can see the name of that object and various data.

As for the health and defense values ​​on the stone, these two data are two new data obtained by the celestial device based on the volume, density, weight and other data of the object.

This data should not exist in the real world.

The reason why this data exists is because Chen Mu wants it to exist.

Chen Mu stretched out his hand, and a wooden sword appeared in his hand.

Chen Mu looked at the wooden sword.

Name: Wooden Sword.

Attack Power: 1.

Chen Mu took the wooden sword and chopped the stone.

After chopping, a value appeared at the collision point.


This is the calculation given by the celestial device.

The wooden sword is just wood, the density is too low, so the attack power is naturally low.

The density of the stone is too high, so the defense is high.

No matter how many times the wooden sword chops the stone, the result is that it will not cause damage.

Chen Mu connected the celestial device and asked it to modify the attack power value of the wooden sword.

The attack power value of the wooden sword changed from 1 to 10,000.

Name: Wooden Sword.

Attack power: 10,000.

Chen Mu looked at the stone beside him and waved the wooden sword in his hand.

The stone was like tofu and was easily cut by the wooden sword.

Split into two.

In fact, the wooden sword could not cut the stone in front of him.

The reason why it can be cut now is because the celestial device calculates.

According to the attack power of the wooden sword in Chen Mu's hand and the life value and defense of the stone, the celestial device believes that the wooden sword is a high-density sharp material and can cut the stone.

Therefore, the celestial device controls all the atomic composition in the stone and separates it.

What you see with the naked eye is the situation of the wooden sword cutting the stone.

Simply put.

In this planet, everything, from a planet to a quark, is controlled by the celestial device.

The celestial device is like the CPC of a computer, and this planet is like a pile of data that needs to be processed.

This is a new civilization created by Chen Mu.

A data civilization.

Chen Mu looked at the wooden sword in his hand, and then threw it away casually.

The wooden sword flew out, and with a sound of "puff", the wooden sword directly pierced into the ground, and half of the wooden sword was immersed in the ground.

Chen Mu did not think too much about creating this civilization. What he wanted now was just to create some fun and interesting civilizations to kill time.

It was just like Chen Mu's toy.

"It feels so boring."

"Is there anything more fun?"

Chen Mu thought about it and looked at the stone on the ground.

Chen Mu squatted down and picked up the stone.

Looking at the stone in his hand, he looked at the big stone next to him that he had cut in half.

Although the big stone had been cut in half, it became two pieces, and each piece was as heavy as a meter.

"It's so heavy that people can't lift it by their own strength. Wouldn't that be too boring?"

"Small stones can be moved, but big stones can't." Chen Mu thought for a while: "Can we build a civilization in which any heavy object can become light?"

This question is not a big problem.

"If it's too heavy to move, then make the weight lighter."

"If it's too big to use force, then change the size of the target."

Chen Mu had an idea.

He walked to the big stone that was half a person's height and a foot thick, and put his hand on it.


Accompanied by Chen Mu's voice.

The big stone lighted up slightly, and the big stone turned into a white light, and then slowly condensed in Chen Mu's hand, turning into a card.

Name: Card.

Weight: 1g.

Chen Mu said: "Remove cardization."

After speaking, Chen Mu threw the card into the air.

A white light flashed.

The card turned back into the big rock and fell from the sky.

Because of the acceleration of gravity, the big rock fell quickly.


Accompanied by a loud noise, dust flew up.

"In this way, no matter how heavy the object is, it can be moved."

This is a function that Chen Mu just added to the celestial device.

The principle is that when someone puts his hand on an object and says the command "cardization", the celestial device will temporarily throw the target into the five-dimensional space and suspend the target's time.

At the same time, a card will be made of matter and placed in the person's hand.

When the person says "uncardization", the card will disappear within three seconds.

Then the target in the five-dimensional space will be teleported back.

And all this, to the naked eye, is that the stone turns into a card, and then the card turns into a stone.

People will mistakenly think that the stone turns directly into a card.

Of course, this is also the result that Chen Mu wants.

"In this way, a digital world, a world that can cardize objects is done." Chen Mu crossed his arms: "Next, let's see how the humans thrown into this world will develop this data civilization."

Chen Mu's thoughts moved.

In this planet full of birds and flowers, more than three million humans appeared out of thin air.

This planet, like other civilizations created by Chen Mu, has wild beasts.

Humans were confused at first, but after being hunted by wild beasts for food for a while, they slowly began to develop.

Chen Mu observed the changes in this world civilization through the time dimension.

He wanted to see how these humans would develop this data civilization.

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