Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 104 Skill Points Received Ten Points

"In other words, you are not originally from our universe? Are you from... a parallel universe?"

During the journey to Earth, Kevin briefly explained his situation, and Star-Lord asked Kevin in words that everyone could understand.

Kevin nodded:

"It's understandable, so I have to return to my own universe eventually. I'm really sorry that I can't be with you."

"No, it doesn't matter." Star-Lord said generously: "You will always be a member of our Guardians of the Galaxy! It's better to say that there is a visitor from the parallel universe in our team. This is so cool!"

"So, you know so much because you have seen it in the parallel universe?"

The Rockets pose different questions.

He had felt before that Kevin knew a lot, as if he knew everything.

At that time, Rocket thought he was an adventurer and had been to many dangerous places, so he knew secrets that no one else knew.

Looking at it now, although the Rockets' previous guess cannot be said to be wrong, it is obvious that the source of Kevin's information should not just come from 'adventure'.

Kevin doesn’t hide this either:

"Absolutely. I've read...well, your stories."


Hearing this, Gamora finally reacted. She turned to Kevin and asked:

"In your eyes, are our experiences just stories?"

"Absolutely. After all, I've only heard about it but haven't actually met you. This is the first time for me to meet you like this."

Kevin continues to ‘tell it like it is’.

Star-Lord asked curiously:

"Then what do we look like in the stories you heard?"

In line with the principle of no spoilers, Kevin simply explained:

"It's almost the same as now, except that I didn't participate, and it was not Thanos who attacked Xandar, but Ronan. In the story I know, Ronan betrayed Thanos and did not choose to hand over the Power Stone... Then you defeated Ronan."

"Haha, I knew we could do it!"

Drax laughed heartily when he heard this.

Gamora didn't laugh, she continued to ask:

"What about Thanos?"

"... He also died, but he died after fulfilling his wish. As for the subsequent story... it has nothing to do with you. After all, in this universe, Thanos died in your hands."

Kevin said seriously to Gamora:

"The stories in each universe are different. All I know are the stories in the universe I am familiar with. Each of you will have a different future in your respective universe."

In the What If series of the movie universe alone, there are many different endings for the people here.

If you include the comic book universe and the game universe, the story would be endless.

Kevin just said a few tentative words to prove his identity as a visitor from the parallel universe, but everyone in Silver Guard had different reactions.

Star-Lord was still asking him what kind of person he would become in the future, and even secretly asked Kevin if he would be with Gamora in the future.

Kevin looked at Star-Lord, who was already having an affair with Gamora, and just smiled without saying a word.

In the original world line, Gamora of this universe died. Star-Lord and Gamora of the parallel universe finally took different paths and separated.

But in this world...

Thanos no longer needs the Soul Stone, and Gamora and Star-Lord should be able to be together forever.

Because of the topic raised by Kevin, everyone began to discuss the parallel world, and the Milan cabin suddenly became lively, with all kinds of gags and jokes emerging one after another.

The atmosphere among everyone was very joyful, or in other words, with a group of live treasures like Yin Hu, they could discuss any topic happily.

And in this joyful atmosphere, after sailing in the universe for more than a day.

Earth has arrived.

"Um, let me tell you, is the Earth welcoming us now? Does this planet have a ceremony to see the guests raising missiles?"

Just after arriving on Earth, Rocket noticed something was wrong.

On the surface of the earth, launchers the size of rockets...not this rocket, but real rockets...are shooting straight into the sky.

They fly into the sky and land on random targets around the world.

"High energy reaction detected... F**K! This is not a welcome ceremony! These flying nuclear bombs!!!"

Star-Lord glanced at the energy detection device on the Milan and let out a sharp explosion.

Drax still doesn't quite understand:

"What nuclear bomb?"

"It's a large cannonball that can destroy Ronan's several thousand meter long battleship with one shot!"

Kevin said in a simple and understandable way and immediately stood up and clenched his right fist.

The Reality Stone that had not yet been returned suddenly exerted its power, and a red curtain invaded the earth, covering the abandoned nuclear bombs at an extremely fast speed.

"Natasha...what is this?!"

Above the sky of the earth, Hawkeye, who was preparing to destroy the satellite network in the sky and prevent Ultron from launching a nuclear bomb, looked at the curtain that gradually enveloped the sky and asked in shock.

Next to her, Natasha, the black widow, looked up at the sky.

When he saw the nuclear bomb contacting the red curtain and turning into a bunch of scattered bubbles in the blink of an eye, the agent's eyes revealed an unconcealable surprise:

"We don't know what this is, but obviously we are saved!"

"Is this a miracle?"

Hawkeye Barton murmured.

Originally, he and Black Widow were already in despair.

The intelligent machine Ultron created by Iron Man originally existed to protect the earth. As a result, Ultron did not know which circuit was not connected properly. He insisted that destroying human beings and destroying all intelligent life is the way to truly protect the earth. .

So the Avengers fought Ultron.

The Avengers were originally at the upper hand because with the addition of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, they were able to crush the machines created by Ultron.

But when the body that Ultron specially forged for himself was completely integrated with him, things became different.

In the original story, the new body Ultron created for himself was taken away by the Avengers, and then a new hero was created with Jarvis' intelligence as the core.


But here, Ultron successfully integrated with his new body and exerted the full power of this body.

He defeated the Avengers, invaded the satellite networks of various countries through the huge computer group in Stark Tower, and controlled the launch of nuclear bombs.

Ultron almost succeeded.

Really, if the strange red light hadn't broken down all nuclear bombs into the most primitive foam, then the earth would have been completely destroyed by the nuclear bombs.

Only Hawkeye Barton and Black Widow Natasha are left in the sky.

Clint Barton and Natasha were already in despair, but now, the emergence of strange power makes them feel hope again.

Just when the two of them didn't know the source of the red light, suddenly, several unfamiliar voices came from their communicator:

"Hello? Can you hear me? Hello... Rocket, are you sure you are connected to the earth's communication network?"

"Hey, don't doubt my technology! I can invade this backward network ten times with my eyes closed!"

"Then why is no one talking? Hello? Is there anyone? Say something."

"You can hear it! We can hear it. Who are you?"

Through a short conversation, Natasha could determine that the people coming now should be so-called "alien", and even the red light that made the nuclear bomb disappear was made by this group of people.

Since they helped the earth, these people should not be enemies.

After Natasha's judgment, she immediately stepped forward to communicate with these 'alien friends'.

"Oh, it's good if you can hear it." The person who just spoke said again: "We are the Guardians of the Galaxy. We just arrived on Earth and saw...well, a very bad scene. It seems you may need help."

"Yes, it would be great if you could help us."

At this moment, no matter what team the opponent is, Natasha will never miss the opportunity to ask for help.

Because this may well be the only chance to save the planet right now.

"Then please describe the situation on your side in detail and report key information, and...please introduce yourself so that I can decide whether to help you."

The voice over there said this, sounding very formal.

Seeing this, Natasha and Hawkeye looked at each other and told their side of the situation without hesitation.

Sure's Ultron...

Kevin listened to Natasha and Hawkeye on the other end of the communication and finally determined that this was the episode in the "What If" series where Infinite Ultron was born.

No wonder Thanos collected gems in advance.

Without Kevin's participation, Thanos would have collected all the original stones except the Mind Stone in a very short period of time after getting the Power Stone.

And as soon as he came to the earth, he received a lunch box, and Ultron licked the box and gained a lot of fat, from Ultron to Infinite Ultron.

"...I just asked why Thanos is so easy to fight. It turns out that the final BOSS is here."

Kevin, who knew the development of the story, only felt tired.

Thanos is inherently difficult to deal with. Although Ultron has not yet become infinite Ultron, Ultron with the Mind Stone is equally difficult to deal with.

The Reality Stone cannot affect him, and Ultron is a robot. If the reality created by Kevin is not real in detail, it is likely to be seen through by Ultron.

In other words, it is not advisable to use the Reality Stone to create a 'Flower in the Mirror' and then steal the Mind Stone.

Furthermore, it is said that the soul gem is embedded in the forehead. If you want to take it out, you must use brute force to destroy its vibranium alloy body.

Or use cutting-edge and sophisticated technology to completely separate it from its head.

Sneaking around just doesn't work on Ultron.

Things seem to have reached a deadlock here.

But Kevin didn't want to just leave and let Ultron cause trouble.

You have to ask why...

That's because just using the Reality Stone to prevent the nuclear bomb from landing gave Kevin a lot of skill points.

A full ten skill points appeared in Kevin's skill tree.

To be honest, Kevin has never been this fat before destroying Thanos, Ronan and their fleets!

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