Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 105 Huh? Fighting Ultron? me?

Kevin can probably guess the source of these ten skill points.

Because if Kevin hadn't intervened, the rest of the Avengers, including Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, and Hulk, would probably have died in this nuclear bomb crisis.

Don't worry about why Thor and Hulk, two guys with strong bodies that can withstand nuclear bombs, were killed by nuclear bombs. Anyway, that's how it was played in the "What If" series.

Not only that, under the nuclear bomb attack, the ‘Ten Rings Gang’ and the ‘Kama Taj’, including the Celestial Clan on Earth, and all kinds of gangs and organizations of all sizes.

I guess they all have to be played.

Kevin stopped the nuclear bomb from launching, which is equivalent to saving them.

After all this calculation, Kevin still feels that ten skill points are missing!

No matter what, you have to give dozens of them!

But anyway, it is a good thing to have extra skill points in the account, and Kevin does not need to force so much. His next goal now is to find Ultron and then eliminate him.

I believe that destroying this future Infinite Ultron should give him a lot of skill points.

"Um...Kevin, it seems like something is coming?"

Kevin was still dreaming about how many skill points he would get in the future, when the Milan's detection device detected the presence of UFOs.

Through the enlarged screen of the detection device, everyone discovered what was approaching the Milan.

"Is that a robot?"

Rocket looked at the flying red robot through the screen and asked in surprise.

That's Ultron.

Kevin's expression became solemn. He stood up, prepared to leave the Milan, and said to everyone:

"That's another holder of the Infinity Stones. I'll deal with him while you guys support him outside."

"Another Infinity Stone holder?! What's going on these days? Infinity Stones that only exist in legends appear one after another. Is there a big giveaway of Infinity Stones?!"

After hearing Kevin reveal Ultron's identity, Star-Lord couldn't help but complain.

First there was the Power Stone, then the Reality Stone that Kevin got from nowhere, and now another Infinity Stone appeared in front of them.

They had already seen half of what the collector said was the most precious rough stone in the universe in just a few days.

If this continues, they might achieve the special achievement of 'seeing all the Infinity Stones'.

"This should be the last one you can see now. Anyway...I'll deal with him, and you guys can help me."

Kevin comforted Star-Lord, although this was not a comfort at all, and then immediately left the Milan and collided with Ultron from outside the planet.

Like a meteor bursting out of the Earth's atmosphere, Kevin headed straight for Ultron.

The ‘shooting stars’ in the sky are extremely conspicuous.

When Ultron, who looked like a vision, saw the meteor coming towards him, he stopped in mid-air, waiting for Kevin's arrival.

Not long after, Kevin arrived in front of Ultron, and two holders of different gems met.

Ultron's eyes immediately locked on the ring on Kevin's right hand:

"Interesting, so it's you? The one who stopped the nuclear bomb from detonating."

"It's obvious."

Kevin's right finger ring lit up red, smiled and said to Ultron.

Ultron didn't speak. After getting the answer he wanted, the light of the Mind Stone flashed on his forehead.

The golden ray shot out from the head, fell on Kevin at a speed that Kevin could not react, and split him into two pieces from bottom to top!

Kevin's current physique, which he is proud of, cannot withstand a blow from Ultron!

But Ultron, who split the enemy into two pieces, was not very happy. On the contrary, he tilted his head and looked strangely at Kevin, who was split into two pieces on the left and right in front of him.

There seemed to be data flowing in the pupils.

"It's terrible. My physique has reached this point, but you can still shoot me in half. It seems that it is right not to use my body to meet you."

Kevin's voice came from the void.

Following his voice, Kevin in front of Ultron completely disappeared under a burst of red smoke.

Obviously, the person who just met and talked to Ultron was not Kevin.

Knowing that the Ultron in front of him was difficult to deal with, just in case, Kevin used the Reality Stone to create a clone with the same physique as his own body the moment he left the Milan.

Then as expected, Ultron, this kid without any martial ethics, attacked directly.

What made Kevin even more unexpected was that he originally thought that his clone should be able to resist Ultron, but in the end he ended up with the same fate as the original Thanos.

Kevin was transformed into 'Kevin' by Ultron's shot.

A fifth-level physique was instantly killed by one shot. Judging from this, only a sixth-level [Fighter's Body] could withstand it.


Ultron failed to kill the enemy instantly, and the corners of his mouth rose, seeming to be interested in Kevin.

Kevin didn't find it interesting, and he wasn't in the mood to continue chatting with Ultron.

Hiding in the dark, he aimed at Ultron's cheek and punched him hard!

Boom! !

The fist collided with the metal, and Ultron fell rapidly from the air to the ground with a muffled sound.

Kevin's figure was also revealed at this moment. He bared his teeth and wildly shook the fist he had just punched Ultron with.

"Fuck! I forgot that its whole body is made of vibranium! It hurts, it hurts—"

It’s different from Thanos’ fist-to-flesh competition.

No matter how much Thanos said, his body was still flesh, and its defense power was astonishing. At least the place where his fist came into contact was soft and there was not that much reaction force.

But Ultron is different.

It is now covered in vibranium.

Even if his body is actually a fusion of vibranium and biological cells, he can change the density of his body, and his body at this moment is also the hardest metal.

Kevin's punch was equivalent to an ordinary person with a mortal body shaking his fist hard against a steel plate.

Even if his fist was not injured, he was already in good health, so some pain was unavoidable.


Kevin was still blowing into his fist, and another golden ray came straight from Ultron over there.

Quickly dodging the golden ray, Kevin created gloves also made of vibranium with his fists. With a wave of his right hand, a trident made of vibranium material appeared.

With a 'bang' sound barrier breaking through, Kevin fell straight down towards Ultron.

A white smoke formed a trajectory in the air. At the front end of the trajectory, Kevin quickly approached Ultron and stabbed Ultron in the forehead with a vibranium trident made from reality gems!

Unlike Thanos who used the Power Stone before, Ultron now does not exert the power of the Mind Stone.

He just used the energy of the Mind Stone and shot it out as a ray.

Instead of using the purest and most original source of the Mind Stone, which is the ability to control the mind, to attack Kevin.

On the contrary, Kevin can exert all the capabilities of the Reality Stone without any scruples. When one is weak and the other is strong, Ultron will be beaten by Kevin and fall into a disadvantage.


With its own system, Ultron analyzed the components of the trident in Kevin's hand.

The trident that Kevin temporarily created using the Reality Stone seems to have some additional ingredients besides vibranium, and it has the ability to pierce Ultron's skin.

After analyzing this, Ultron did not dare to confront the trident head-on.

He immediately increased the power output of the Mind Stone on his forehead and released stronger beam energy in an attempt to stop Kevin.

The next moment, Kevin's figure was engulfed by the beam.

But at the same moment, Ultron felt a chill in his heart. Something penetrated from behind him and protruded from the front!



Looking down, it was the tip of the trident.

"Sorry, that one just now... is also a clone!"

Kevin suddenly appeared from behind Ultron and stabbed Ultron through with his trident.

He once again used the "witty" "Through the Looking Glass" fighting method to deceive Ultron's vision and other perceptions, and gave him a hard blow behind him.

Again, going into a head-on confrontation with the enemy when you know that it is almost impossible to defeat them is not bravery, it is stupidity.

Kevin doesn't want to be a fool. With the Reality Stone in hand, he has learned to use the Reality Stone to deceive other people's senses to fight. Of course, he must use this fighting method to the end.

Facing Ultron head-on, even if the final result is good, it will probably be that he and Ultron fight until the sky is dark and no one can do anything to the other.

Just like when fighting Thanos.

The worst result is that Kevin's gem is taken away by the other party, allowing Ultron to completely possess the second Infinity Stone.

Kevin cannot accept the result of a head-on fight, good or bad.

That being the case, why not fight in the easiest way to win?

No matter how despicable or shameless, as long as you can win, you will win!

"Haha, it's really... interesting."

However, even in the face of this situation, Ultron can still laugh.

His body suddenly became insubstantial and he was separated from Kevin's trident in the blink of an eye.

The wound in the middle that was struck by Kevin's trident also returned to its original state as if going back in time.

Kevin forgot.

Ultron is Vision.

And Vision...has the ability to turn his body into an illusion.


As soon as Kevin exclaimed, Ultron once again released the huge energy of the Mind Stone, formed a ray that could cut through any object, and rushed towards Kevin.

This time Kevin was hit hard by the energy, but he was prepared before Ultron released the energy. He turned the trident in his hand into Captain America's shield, firmly blocking it in front of his eyes.

The shield collided with Ultron's ray, and under the powerful impact, Kevin, who was holding the shield, was knocked away by the ray.

It fell from the sky to the ground, and then slid from the ground, plowing a ravine nearly a kilometer long.

Kevin, who was hit by Ultron's laser, just wanted to scold his mother.

The screenwriter of "What If" is also too unreliable. It is clear that after Vision was stabbed like this in Avengers 3, he immediately lost his ability to fight and was unable to fight until the end of the film.

As a result, when he arrived at Kevin's place, his wounds healed easily and completely, and he could even inflict a fatal blow to Kevin.

If Vision in Avengers 3 is so brave, then why would Thanos have anything to do with him!

WandaVision and Vision can defeat all these alien invaders!

"Kevin? Want to help?"

Kevin stood up from the ravine against Vision's laser, and heard Star-Lord's question in his ears.

Looking at the vision in front of him, Kevin suddenly thought of something and immediately shouted to Star-Lord:

"No need!! And jump away quickly! Don't stay here! Immediately, immediately! Jump away!!!"

"Huh? Kevin, are you serious?"

"Don't ask so many questions first! I'll contact you later..."

The conversation between Kevin and Star-Lord was only halfway through when Vision, who was in the sky, had already focused his attention on the Milano parked in outer space.

"It turns out that there are so many alien lives outside the earth."

He didn't speak loudly, but Kevin, who had been paying attention to Ultron, was able to hear his words clearly.

After hearing this, Kevin's heart sank.

He had just thought that "What if" Leo would start destroying other planets because the arrival of Thanos made Ultron realize that there are other universes outside the earth.

He will destroy other universes because he feels the presence of observers and realizes that besides this universe, there are countless parallel universes.

In other words, once Ultron realizes that the earth is not alone in this universe, he will most likely follow the clues to find other planets and eliminate them one by one.

Kevin realized this and asked Star-Lord to leave immediately.

But looking at it now, it seems that his reminder was a bit late.

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