Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 115 Butcher in action

Kevin was wearing a suit and stood elegantly on the stage below, bowing to the audience in a gentlemanly manner.

"I think everyone knows me, so I won't introduce myself."

After bowing, Kevin's first words were this.

There was a burst of good-natured laughter from the audience. Kevin found Anne and Kimiko's position in the audience and winked at them slightly.

Then he continued:

"Everyone should be wondering why I'm here. Are there super criminals here? Or is there some sudden activity here? Sorry, no, I just came here to play with my family during my vacation, that's all.

"As for my family, one of them you should know is my girlfriend Starlight, and the other...I think most of them should have seen her in today's news."

Following Kevin's explanation, the sharp-eyed audience also found Xingguang and Kimiko in the audience.

Kimiko was a little frightened by being watched by so many people at once. Starlight immediately hugged her and looked down at Kevin with a frown.

She knew Kevin could see her expression.

Seeing that Kimiko seemed to be frightened, Kevin immediately attracted everyone's attention and said:

"She is my younger sister. She is quite shy. I hope everyone will not pay too much attention to her. After all... I am the one performing now."

As he spoke, Kevin snapped his fingers.

The next second, the water in the pool next to Kevin flew out of the pool, gathered in the air, and condensed into a long bridge made of water.

The long bridge surrounds Kevin's left and right sides and above his head, and there are dolphins swimming in the clear water.

Under Kevin's miraculous operation, the audience's attention was attracted to him and no longer focused on Kimiko.

Even Kimiko herself ignored the looks of others, her eyes shining as she stared at the clear water flowing around Kevin.

Kevin controlled the water flow to keep rising. The staff behind the aquarium also knew what Kevin was going to do, and they cooperated very well and kept filling the pool with water, so that Kevin did not stop controlling the water flow.

It wasn't until Kevin turned the entire stage into a world of water that Kevin stopped and said to the outside through the microphone connection:

"You may be wondering why I will perform here without any notice beforehand. In fact, the reason is very simple. I made my girlfriend angry a little bit."

Annie: "..."

Anne in the audience was a little speechless when she heard this. She defended herself to the live camera:

"I'm not angry, really."

"Well, it seems inappropriate to say she is angry... Anyway, she is not in a good mood, so in order to make her mood better, I came up with the method now.

"Everyone, that's it for the explanation. Next...please enjoy my performance with the cute animals."

Facing the surrounding cameras, he openly announced Kimiko's identity and his feelings for Starlight. Kevin made sure that the audience had posted this information online, and then nodded with satisfaction and started his performance today.

He controlled the water flow, communicated telepathically with the surrounding aquatic creatures, and coordinated with them to complete incredible actions one after another.

Even Kevin himself went deep into the huge water ball suspended out of thin air and played with the animals.

Not only that, but in the giant water balloon, Kevin also used the "Fighter's Dance" skill to make darker water surround him.

Based on the different density of water flow and the cooperation of the surrounding marine life, Kevin used water and these animals to write his love for the stars in the huge water ball.

Words appear in the water, and dolphins dance around them.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience and in front of the live camera, Kevin wrote a love letter to Starlight Anne in his own way.

Kevin knew that it was awkward to express his love in this way, and even Kevin himself felt blushing because of his behavior at the moment.

But what I have to say is that girls like Anne are very fond of this.

The glowing eyes and the tears that accumulated in them, representing tears of joy, are the best proof.

"In XX Theme Park, Deep Sea expresses its deep love for Starlight!" 》

"It's my sister!" ? Deepsea releases a statement! ! 》

"What an experience it was like to buy a regular ticket and then see members of the Seven performing in person..."

News about Deep Sea is spreading overwhelmingly on the Internet, most of which describe Deep Sea himself, and a small part of them are envious of Deep Sea's love affair with Starlight.

Others are discussing Shen Hai’s sister, from Shen Hai’s fame trajectory to Shen Hai’s family background, exploring whether Shen Hai has such a sister.

Huey Campbell was sitting in the cab, eating bread and scrolling through his mobile phone. He also posted a comment on a fan website wishing "Star Sea" a long life.

Yes, he is also a member of the "Xinghai" fan group, and he is still a very senior one.

The T-shirt under his coat now is a Xinghai themed T-shirt, and it is also a limited edition.

Huey also bought a lot of the figures of Deep Sea and Starlight that were released together.

Huey threw all the figurines, posters, stickers and other messy things related to the locomotive into the trash can and burned them.

Huey's love affair with locomotives ended the day his girlfriend was hit and killed by a locomotive.

Later, the locomotive died of a heart attack, and Huey's last obsession with the locomotive disappeared with the wind.

He instantly let go of everything, throwing away and burning all the things he had been reluctant to throw away before, as a farewell to his immature self.

Now, his fan is Deep Sea.

Adding Anne by the way.

"Hey kid, stop playing with your phone and pay attention to your surroundings in the car later."

Huey was still reading the comments on the fan site, but Butcher, who was outside, gave him a slap on the head through the window to bring him back to his senses.

"Can't you be gentler?"

Huey, who was hit on the back of the head, rolled his eyes wildly at Butcher.

Butcher ignored him, turned to Frankie in the car and asked:

"Nothing abnormal was detected, right?"

"No, at least not on my computer."

Frankie pointed to the laptop in front of him. On the computer was a surveillance screen that only Frankie could understand. He was using the on-board radar to scan the surroundings for 'suspicious persons'.

Although... they themselves are suspicious characters.

"OK, let's go to see Susan with me later. You two will be on standby in the car. If you find anything wrong, drive away immediately. Don't worry about me and Breast milk. Do you understand?"

When everything was ready, Butcher gave the final explanation.

Huey was a little confused when he heard this:

"You are just exchanging information with your old friend. Are you so cautious?"

"Nonsense, don't forget that the Walter Group is still looking for me! Although Susan will not betray me, it does not mean that the Walter Group will not follow her. We must be careful and careful, do you understand?"

"...Won't the deep sea help us?"

"Just because he will help us doesn't mean that other people in the Walter Group will also help us! Idiot!"

Butcher scolded Huey again.

Both Frankie and Breastmilk were used to this. Ever since Huey became a fan of Deep Sea, Butcher would find an opportunity to scold Huey every time. A similar quarrel had happened more than once.

But each time it was just a verbal quarrel, and there was no real fight.

Huey was scolded by Butcher, closed his mouth, and silently ate the bread in his hand.

Butcher didn't continue talking about him, mainly because he had already seen the car of Susan, the deputy director of the CIA.

Seeing Susan driving to the predetermined location, Butcher turned to look at Frankie.

Frankie immediately understood what he was going to ask and replied:

"There was no suspicious person around. She came alone."

"Very well, breast milk, come with me."

Butcher went to see Susan with the breast milk. Huey finished the bread in his hand, looked at their backs, turned to Frankie and asked:

“The CIA didn’t help us before, will it help us now?”

"Who knows, maybe they will pay attention to the entry of super terrorists this time."

Frankie communicated with Huey casually.

The reason why everyone in black robes met Susan this time was that they found an evidence video related to the Walter Group.

The content of the video is a video of a stowaway who came to New York through human smuggling and used super powers to move an entire smuggling boat to the shore and beat people up.

Obviously, this is a super criminal from abroad.

Subsequently, through Butcher's investigation, he discovered that the smuggling team seemed to have something to do with the Vought Group.

In other words, the Vought Group is secretly transporting super criminals from abroad to the country.

This discovery was very important, and it was through this video evidence that Butcher decided to meet with Susan.

On the one hand, it is to exchange the intelligence obtained by each other. On the other hand, Butcher wants to get information about his wife from Susan.

He couldn't confirm the address Shenhai gave him last time by his own method. After all, his current identity was somewhat shady, and he didn't have such a large intelligence network, so he could only rely on the help of the CIA.

Susan actually trusted Butcher. Even if she knew that Butcher was the one who killed Madeleine, she still dared to come over to meet with Butcher alone.

Sometimes Huey wonders if there's something going on between the two guys, like they've done it together before.

"...can't hear what they are saying."

Picking up another small piece of bread and stuffing it into his mouth, Huey talked to Frankie vaguely.

"I can't hear what you're saying right now. Can you eat it before you talk?"

"Sorry, I'm a little hungry and didn't eat anything at lunch."

"We didn't either..."

boom! ! !

Frankie was about to talk to Huey, but a sudden explosion stunned both of them.

They looked toward the direction of the explosion, where Butcher and Susan were talking.

There was peace in that position, and the exchange between Butcher and Susan was quite pleasant.

But at this moment, that location was full of blood. Butcher and Breastmilk were running here covered in blood. But Susan, who was chatting happily with everyone just now, now only had a body left, and her head was missing. fly.

"Run!!! What are you doing standing still!! Run!!!"

Huey and Franky were still in a daze, but Butcher and Breastmilk immediately ran to the car.

Perhaps frightened by the current appearance of Butcher and Breastmilk, Huey, who was sitting in the driver's seat, started the vehicle almost as a reflex.

The moment the two of them got into the car, Huey immediately ejected and started. The van jumped out of the place and ran out of the parking area at a speed exceeding the speed limit on the road.

"What happened?! What happened!? Susan, she...!?"

While the vehicle was driving, Frankie finally came to his senses and asked Butcher who was wiping the blood.

Butcher's expression was ugly, and his face was covered with blood. He looked very ferocious, and he casually said to Frankie:

"Susan was killed and headshot by a superhuman! It must have been done by the Walt Group!"


"Damn it! Doesn't the Vought Group now assassinate senior government officials without anyone else behind their backs?"

Butcher was stunned.

God knows what kind of psychological shadow it left on him to watch his old lover's head explode in front of him.

Bucher wiped his face with a towel over and over again, and finally calmed down. Suddenly he thought of something, quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed someone's number:

"Hello? I'm Butcher, and I think we need to meet, right, right now!"

Listening to Butcher's call, and looking at the red and white patches on Butcher and Breast's body through the rearview mirror, Huey could no longer eat the bread in his hand.

He even felt that he might not even need to eat his dinner.

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