Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 116 Try to listen to my heart

After hanging up the phone, Kevin frowned.

It was Butcher who called just now. The reason is unknown, but there was some unnoticeable nervousness in Butcher's tone.

I'm afraid it's because of what happened to Butcher.

So what is it that makes Butcher panic?

Kevin couldn't figure it out for a while. He even speculated that Butcher had broken into the place where his wife Rebecca now lived and began to be wanted by the Walt Group.

But Kevin just thought about it. After all, if Butcher was really wanted by the Watt Group, there would be no reason for Kevin and his seven-man team not to get the news.

"I just have to ask."

Things related to Butcher must involve the main plot that was changed by Kevin.

If Kevin participates in this type of changed main line, he will also receive corresponding skill points. This kind of thing that can free up skill points will be in vain if you don't do it.

After deciding to meet Butcher, Kevin told Annie and Kimiko to go home first. It was getting late anyway, and it was time to go back and rest.

"Why are you leaving so suddenly?"

Annie expressed confusion about Kevin's behavior.

After that 'affection' display, Anne was in a very sweet state all afternoon.

Originally, Annie was thinking of giving Kevin a 'surprise' when she got home in the evening to 'reward' Kevin for his romantic behavior today, but now Kevin actually left because of something.

"It's about work, don't worry, I will go back as soon as possible and won't keep you waiting. But you don't have to wait for me for dinner. You can eat first."

Kevin kissed the corner of Annie's mouth.

It sounded like it was a work matter, so Annie had no choice but to let Kevin leave.

Separating from Annie and Kimiko, Kevin resumed his disguise.

Wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap, he dived into the nearby sea. By moving in the sea, he arrived at a bar on the edge of New York.

In the bar, Butcher has been waiting for a long time.

"Tell me, what's the matter with coming to me in such a hurry?"

Kevin found Butcher in the corner of the bar. He sat down in front of Butcher and asked seemingly casually.

Butcher didn't beat around the bush. When Kevin asked, he immediately dropped a bombshell:

"Susan is dead."


"Susan Reiner, Deputy Director of the CIA, she's damn dead! She died right in front of me! Her head was blown off like watermelon juice by your Vought Group superhumans!"

Butcher was a little excited when he spoke.

Susan was an acquaintance of his. Although the relationship was not very good, the two had a romantic past, and she was also Butcher's helper in the CIA.

As a result, because of this intelligence transaction, Susan died in front of Butcher, and her death was extremely miserable. Butcher would be lying if he said he was not angry.

But he wanted to know more who the guy who blew Susan's head off was.

Before the transaction with Susan, Frankie had closely monitored the surrounding area, and there were no suspicious persons. In other words, the person who killed Susan followed Susan.

Someone is spying on Susan without anyone noticing.

At the same time, this person also has the super power to blow off other people's heads at any time. If such a super human is not discovered, Butcher's entire black-robed team may be in danger!

When he heard about Susan's death and the manner of her death from Butcher, Kevin understood what was going on.

Victoria Newman, the headshot girl, may have started to act due to Edgar's actions.

"What were you talking about before Susan died?"

Thoughts were swirling in his mind. While organizing his thoughts, Kevin asked about the conversation between Butcher and Susan.

"Regarding the Vought Group's smuggling of superhuman criminals, we have investigated that the Vought Group is transporting superhuman terrorists from abroad. Do you know about this?"

"No, in my impression, Watt Group did not do such a thing."

"Then it seems Susan is right."

"What did she say?"

"She said that there were differences within the Vought Group, and the one who transported the terrorists was another faction within the Vought Group. She only said this to me, and then she...boom!"

Butcher said, picking up the wine glass on the table and drinking down the cocktail in one gulp.

There are differences within the Watt Group, and this is something Kevin knows.

But as of now, Kevin only knows that the group should be divided into the Edgar faction and the Storm faction.

Kevin doesn't know whether it was Edgar or Storm who transported the super terrorists from abroad.

Kevin guessed that it was more likely that Storm transported the superhuman terrorists because she was doing similar experiments herself.

Even the things the people of the motherland do are done with the tacit approval of the storm.

Of course, it is also possible that Edgar and Storm had a common idea about transporting terrorists in.

Even if the two have different opinions elsewhere, their goals should be the same when it comes to increasing the prestige of the seven-man team.

Otherwise, Newman wouldn't have blown off a CIA deputy director's head.

Or perhaps, Newman was just under Edgar's instruction to eliminate all factors of instability to the Vought Group.

After thinking for a while, Kevin asked Butcher:

"You want to find the guy with the headshot?"

"Of course! I don't want to have my head suddenly explode when I walk on the street in the future! Since that person may be from your Walter Group, please help find that guy, otherwise you may see him in the future No more for us!”

Butcher did not put on any disguise when he met Susan.

If the guy who blew up Susan's head recorded Butcher's appearance while waiting for the black-robed team, then the black-robed team would be at risk of being headshot by that person at any time in the future!

Bucher didn't dare to act rashly until he found this guy.

"I understand, leave this matter to me, and I will try my best to ensure that she will not do anything to you again in the future."


When Butcher heard this, he instantly became energetic. He leaned forward and looked directly at Kevin:

"You do know who that person is."

"I know, but due to the next strategic direction of Walter Group, I can't tell you her identity. In fact, I have revealed a lot to you now, Butcher."

Kevin used ‘her’ on purpose to give the Butcher information.

Victoria Newman is currently unable to be moved by Kevin, mainly because of Newman’s win-win value.

In the third season, Newman dared to betray Edgar and defect to his motherland, so when it comes to Kevin, it is equally possible for Newman to defect to him.

Kevin wouldn't reveal much about a potential teammate.

But a little bit of disclosure, let the butcher investigate, it can still be done to cause a little trouble to the Walter Group.

Newman is Edgar's secret hand. Apart from Edgar, very few people know Newman's identity. No one, including Kevin, should know Newman's existence.

If Edgar knew that someone was investigating Newman, he would definitely suspect that there was an insider within the Vought Group.

But he would definitely not suspect Kevin.

Because Kevin ‘knows nothing’ about this matter.

"Okay, I don't care who that person is, I just hope that when we do things in the future, she won't get her head shot."

Butcher did not inquire further.

He knew that if this was information that could be disclosed, Kevin would definitely tell him. On the contrary, if Kevin's words were vague, it meant that this was not information that Butcher could know now.

But that's okay, Butcher can investigate.

This is his specialty.

After chatting with Kevin, Butcher, who had barely settled down, left the bar.

Kevin sat at the bar without moving for a long time.

He was thinking about how to approach Newman.

Victoria Newman's apparent identity is quite easy to find. As a member of Congress, her information is basically public. You can find basic information by simply searching on Wikipedia.

The question was how to approach Newman without coming under suspicion.

Kevin remembers that Newman's weakness was her daughter, who seemed to be named...Zoe?

It seems to be the name.

Only after Edgar said he would protect Zoe did Newman trust him and do things for him.

Later, the motherland discovered Zoe and used it to threaten Newman to side with the motherland, so that Newman would betray Edgar.

In other words, no matter what Edgar is, he is not important, and Newman doesn't care about Edgar at all.

She only cares about her daughter.

So if you want to control Newman, you must find Newman's daughter Zoe and control her.

Using the Seven-Man Deep Sea identity to conduct an investigation will definitely make Newman suspicious, and approaching her as the vice president of the Vought Group will definitely not work.

Unless the other party takes the initiative to approach, Kevin's public identity cannot take the initiative to have a relationship with Newman and her daughter Zoe.

Thinking carefully, Kevin suddenly thought of something.

He took out his wallet and found the [Forest] administrator permission card he had put inside. He looked at it for a long time, then got up and left.

Godokin University, in the principal's office, Kate Dunlap is immersed in writing something while wearing gloves.

That was the entrance examination paper for Gordokin University.

Godotkin University will officially enter the new semester next month. Kate failed to pass the unified examination. Even if the principal arranges to enter Godotkin College, she will have to take a basic entrance test to successfully enroll.

So she is now working hard to prepare for entering Gordokin University.

"Still studying so late?"

But while she was thinking hard, the door was pushed open, and someone walked in and greeted Kate.

Kate was slightly startled and immediately raised her head to look forward. She relaxed after seeing the person.

The person who walked into the room was Deep Sea from Team Seven.

Because there is an elevator leading to the lower woods, there is also one in the principal's office, so Kate is not surprised that Shen Hai came here. She quickly recovered and answered the other party's question:

"...School is about to start, and Indira said that if I don't work hard, I probably won't be able to get into the 'Lamplighter Academy'."

"You want to go to Lamplighter Academy?"

"Of course! I...I want to be a superhero like you, like the Seven!"

Kate speaks out about her ideals.

Before she knew about Compound No. 5, before she knew Indira's true intention in training her, Kate was just like most ordinary children with superpowers.

Dreaming about becoming a superhero, dreaming about becoming a member of the Seven.

Kate was a little embarrassed to tell her dream to someone she didn't know very well.

But Deep Sea did not laugh at Kate, but said seriously:

“If you work hard, there’s a place for you in the Sevens.”


"I usually don't lie, if you still have such a dream when the time comes."

Deep Sea seemed to mean something, but Kate didn't think much of it. She just happily thanked Deep Sea:

"Thank you! Deep Sea!"

Kate has been in the woods for so long, and she also knows that Deep Sea is a senior executive of the Walter Group. If Deep Sea says that she has a chance to become a member of the seven-man team in the future, then she will definitely have a chance.

This is certainly true.

Seeing Kate's happy look, Shen Hai chuckled and sat down on the sofa in the center of the room.

He looked at the dark red leather gloves Kate was wearing, and suddenly stretched out his hand towards Kate, making a request that seemed incredible to Kate:

"By the way Kate, come here and try to touch me and see if you can hear what's in my heart."

The deep sea said so.

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