Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 131 Preparation

"Eliminate metahumans?"

Mallory looked at Kevin slightly confused.

If Mallory remembered correctly, the deep sea in front of him should be one of the superhuman beings.

But now he's saying he'll help eliminate metahumans?

Let’s not mention why Deep Sea, as a superhuman being, makes such a request, let’s just talk about Deep Sea’s request itself.

What can he do to eliminate the existence of superhuman beings?

Even if Compound No. 5 is not allowed to continue to exist, the current world is gradually being occupied by superhuman beings.

Because children born between superhumans and superhumans, as well as children born between superhumans and ordinary people, may give birth to new superhumans.

The son of a transparent man inherits his father's ability to be transparent.

The son of Bipolar inherited his father's ability to manipulate metal.

Compound No. 5 is hereditary and is something engraved in genes. This means that even without Compound No. 5 in the future, superhuman beings will continue to be passed on.

What should Kevin do to make superhumans disappear?

And for a superhuman to say that he wants superhumans to disappear from the world, this is something unbelievable in itself, at least neither Mallory nor Butcher would believe it.

"Yes, eliminate superhuman beings. I know you won't believe it, but this kind of thing is never said, but done. You just have to wait and see."

Kevin could see their distrust, but had no explanation.

He has no obligation to explain so much to the other party, he only needs to do what he should do.

Skipping the topic, Mallory said:

"Then let's talk about superheroes. If you can control Walter, are you sure you will help us curb those crazy superheroes?"

"Of course, Walt needs to transform. When Compound No. 5 is no longer their best product, then their so-called superheroes will lose their meaning, and the world does not need so many heroes."

Vought has a lot of superheroes.

Although there seem to be only a few in the TV series, including the past 'Repayers Alliance', there seem to be only more than 20.

But this is just the surface.

Just like in the entertainment industry, the "stars" who can be known and familiar to people are the leaders in it. The superheroes who can be known to the public on the screen are also the pinnacle of the "superhero" industry.

There are many more unknown superheroes like Eagle Shooter and Blind Spot.

They are like unknown 18th-tier stars, they exist but are not well known.

In fact, you can tell if you think about it carefully.

The ‘Lamplighter School of Fighting Crime’ at Godokin University graduates a large number of students every year.

It has been decades since the establishment of Godokin School.

In the past few decades, even if only half of the graduates can become superheroes, there will still be more than a hundred people with super powers entering this industry.

After many years of accumulation, there are now at least several thousand.

Even if there are superhumans who have reached retirement age and are disillusioned with this industry and have withdrawn, the overall number is definitely over a thousand.

There are so many superheroes, and their existence has seriously disrupted social order.

Even some superheroes are not heroes at all, but just villains in the name of heroes.

Kevin personally believes that these superheroes should not exist.

He will reduce the number of superheroes and only need to leave a few superhumans with true hearts of justice to form a real superhero alliance.

There is no need for so many people.

Therefore, the superhero reduction plan is inevitable.

"It's hard to imagine hearing that from a real superhero."

Mallory laughed and sighed.

Kevin chuckled and said:

"I'm no longer one of them."

"Okay, in short, we already understand your needs. As long as you can control Walter, we will help you get what you want."

"Then we have a good cooperation?"

“A pleasure to work with.”

Kevin and Mallory shook hands with each other and reached a verbal deal.

Although the transaction is only verbal, as long as both parties do not violate the agreement, both parties will be willing to continue the transaction.

After all, maintaining the deal would not undermine each other's interests.

Furthermore, the things in the agreement are not very binding on superhumans like Kevin.

Whether it's a signed agreement or a verbal transaction, it actually doesn't matter.

After talking to the deputy director of the CIA, Kevin left the bar gracefully.

Mallory and Butcher watched him leave. When they were sure he was gone, Butcher asked:

"Do you really want to cooperate with him? Don't forget the lamplighter..."

"He's different from the Lamplighter." Mallory interrupted Butcher, "I can see that he really wants to change Walter from within."

"Oh, sincerely."

Butcher curled his lips with disdain on his face and was about to blurt out a curse word.

Mallory looked at Butcher:

"This is your shortcoming, Butcher, you will always regard all superhumans as enemies, and you will not be serious even if you cooperate, but in fact... superhumans are also human beings."


Being human means that they also have desires, dreams, and even... justice.

"Hey, the skill tree has been so generous during this period."

After finishing the conversation with Mallory, Kevin sat back in the car and smiled happily as he saw more skill points being added to his account.

The Supervillain event ignited the internet, allowing Kevin to previously earn a skill point every day.

In addition, taking the initiative to lead the exposure of No. 5 Compound and the crazy spread of No. 5 Compound on the Internet gave Kevin a huge sum of skill points.

With the accumulation of the No. 5 compound incident, Kevin's skill points reached nine.

The Alliance to Destroy Super Villains also gave Kevin a lot of skill points.

Although this is an organization that has not appeared in the original plot, perhaps because it is related to Kevin, Kevin led a team of seven to eliminate it and also gained five skill points.

A total of fourteen points, plus the point given by Mallory just now, a total of fifteen points.

Kevin's skill points have increased again.

Not to mention that the two hot topics of Super Villain and Compound No. 5 have not subsided. Even if the popularity of these two topics has begun to show signs of fatigue, Kevin can still earn at least seven or eight skill points in the next week.

Even if you make a conservative estimate, at least five or six skill points will be recorded.

At that time, Kevin can upgrade [Water Control], which has not been improved, to LV5.

By the way, there are a few more skills.

Not only that, if you take action against Edgar in the next few days, you should also be able to get a lot of skill points into your account.

Kevin will then be rich again.

After sorting out his current number of skill points, Kevin happily drove away to Godokin University.

The several superhumans captured from the Super Villain League yesterday have all been sent to the woods.

Miyashiro Takeshi is among them.

Because he is Kimiko's brother, Kevin deliberately spared his life, and is now receiving Kate's brainwashing 'treatment' in the woods.

The explanation given to Kimiko was that Miyashiro Takeshi was injured in this battle and needed treatment. He could meet Kimiko after he was treated.

There was no way, because of the special live broadcast of the Walter Group, Kimiko saw Miyashiro Takeshi.

After the incident, she hurriedly asked Kevin and Annie about Miyashiro Kenshi's current situation.

In order not to make Kimiko sad, Kevin could only say this.

Even Kevin was thinking that if possible, it would not be impossible to let Kimiko know what he was doing to Miyashiro Takeshi.

Miyashiro Takeshi has been too brainwashed, and if this continues, it will definitely harm himself and Kimiko. Kevin feels that even if he tells Kimiko the truth, she will probably understand.

But the premise is that Kate can indeed use memory deletion to cover the Flash Army's brainwashing of Miyashiro Takeshi.

"Let's talk to Kimiko when we find time. After all, he is my younger brother."

Blind concealment is not advisable. Miyashiro Takeshi and Kimiko are siblings, and their experiences are basically the same.

If Kimiko hadn't made an agreement in advance, Kimiko wouldn't have intentionally concealed her past experience in the Flash Army.

This is likely to remind Miyashiro of old memories.

After all, it is possible for Kate's deleted memory to be restored. In the original plot, the golden boy went to find Professor Brink because he recovered part of his memory, which eventually led to the tragedy.

Rushing to Godokin University without stopping, and entering the [forest], Kevin found the room where Miyashiro Kenshi was locked up.

Different from the room where those 'experimental subjects' were held, the room where Miyashiro Takeshi was held was a laboratory separated by glass.

Generally, any new means that are produced that are useful for superhumans will be tested here.

The senior staff of Shulin can watch the reactions of the experimental subjects inside through the glass of the laboratory.

Miyashiro Takeshi is in this laboratory now.

His hands were wrapped in metal and could not be stretched, and he sat curled up in the corner of the laboratory.

Even though there was a bed next to him, he didn't lie down on it, staring directly in the direction of the glass.

It's like you can see people outside through the isolation glass.

"how is he?"

When Kevin arrived, Dr. Cardoza was recording something on a tablet.

Seeing Kevin coming over, he replied:

"Fortunately, except for the initial frantic attempt to break the restraints on my hands, the rest of the time it was quiet."

"What happened to the other captured parahumans?"

"Like other experimental subjects, they are locked up in the supervisory level. Do we want to conduct experiments on them now?"

Cardoza asked.

Unlike the children in the woods, these superhumans captured from the League of Super Villains did not possess their current superpowers since childhood.

They were experimental subjects who were injected with Compound No. 5 and successfully survived.

Dr. Cardoza is very interested in them and wants to use their research to create medicines for superhuman beings.

But Kevin didn't agree, so he could only put aside his thoughts for the time being and just observe these people.

Kevin's current status is not what it used to be, not only because of his position as senior vice president, but also because the Compound No. 5 incident was a public opinion storm that Kevin single-handedly calmed down.

At least in the eyes of the Vought Group, it was Kevin who persuaded the Seven to help the Vought Group eliminate the League of Super Villains and divert public attention.

As a result, he gained more fame within the group, and his status in the woods was further enhanced.

Originally, it was agreed that Cardoza, Indira, and Kevin would jointly manage the forest.

But now it seems that this place has become Kevin's room.

"No need, all other experiments are also suspended. None of you are allowed to move until I tell you to restart."

Kevin ordered.

Cardoza showed a troubled expression when he heard this:

"Isn't this...not good?"

The various experiments in Shulin are the strategic guidelines set by the group's upper management. Even if Kevin holds great power in Shulin, it seems that it is a bit too far to openly violate the group's strategy?

"There's nothing wrong with it, just listen to me."

With a faint glance at Cardoza, Kevin gave the order forcefully, and then asked:

"Also, did you find what I asked you to find?"

"Oh, I've sorted out the information you asked for, and it's all here."

Reluctantly accepting Kevin's order, Cardoza then took out the data disk he had prepared from his pocket and handed it to Kevin.

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