Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 132 ‘Detailed Discussion’

The data disk Kevin asked Cardoza to give him contained information about all the props in the forest that could deal with superhumans so far.

If Kevin wants to deal with Edgar, he naturally needs to know how many protective forces there are around Edgar.

The relevant information in these woods is the intelligence that Kevin can obtain.

Knowing what kind of protective force Edgar has around him, Kevin can deal with him more confidently.

Of course, the current Kevin may no longer be a superhuman, but a [Deep Sea Fighter] after changing his profession. The methods used to deal with superhumans may not necessarily work on Kevin.

But just in case, Kevin thought it was better to be on the safe side.

You won't suffer any loss if you are stable.

"Are they all here?"

Holding the data disk, Kevin asked Cardoza for confirmation.

Cardoza nodded:

"Almost everything is here, at least all the information from when I came to the woods to now is here."

"What about before you came?"

"Those were taken away by the previous chief scientist. If you want to know, I'm afraid you have to go to Vought headquarters."


As expected, this guy Edgar still has some tricks up his sleeve.

Kevin pondered in his mind.

The information in the woods is not complete. Most of the methods for dealing with superhumans are related to Cassado, and only a small part is inherited from the previous chief scientist.

More, extremely critical things do not exist here.

This proves that Edgar did not completely trust Kevin from the beginning, otherwise he would not have told Kevin about it.

But this is normal. If Edgar really said everything, Kevin would wonder if there was something wrong with his head, and would even hesitate to deal with Edgar who trusted him so much.

but now……

"Okay, forget about that for now. Now take out all the means to deal with superhumans in the woods and put them in the laboratory next door. I can use them."

Kevin gave up looking for the blank information that had been taken away.

That would be a waste of time and inefficient.

Might as well start another experiment of my own.

That is to say, whether the methods of experimenting on superhuman beings are useful to oneself.

"What do you want these for?"

Cardoza didn't understand Kevin's order.

Kevin didn't explain, just urged:

"Don't ask so many questions. Go get ready. By the way, turn off all the surveillance and data monitoring next door. I'll go over to check later."

"Check? Um..."

Cardoza was originally a little confused as to why Kevin made such a request, but when he realized that Kevin was going to the laboratory in person, Cardoza guessed why Kevin gave such an order.

The test is fake, but it’s true that you want to test whether these methods are effective for you, right?

Cardoza guessed Kevin's purpose, but wisely did not continue to ask. Instead, he immediately made corresponding preparations as Kevin said.

Kevin ignored Cardoza and his eyes fell on Miyashiro Takeshi in the laboratory in front of him.

Speaking of which, Miyashiro Takeshi's ability is an extremely rare telekinesis ability, which seems to require his hands as a medium to be used.

Is it because his ability development level is not high, or is it because his ability itself has limitations?

If Kevin wants to use Takeshi Miyashiro as his important combat force in the future, he must figure this out as soon as possible.

Stan Edgar took off his glasses from the bridge of his nose. In front of him was the current news being played.

There is a lot of news, such as the destruction of the League of Super Villains, and Storm joining the Seven.

The Super Villain Alliance base was destroyed, and the storm finally came to the public, and it was Edgar himself who announced it in front of everyone.

But this was not actually part of Edgar's plan.

Edgar doesn't like Storm, and Storm doesn't like him either. It can even be said that Storm hates him and wants to kill him.

The reason is simple, because Edgar is black.

For Storm, who has extreme racial discrimination, this alone is enough for her to kill Edgar.

But she couldn't do that.

Because the Walter Group is what her deceased husband left behind, and apart from Edgar, there are not many suitable leaders in the group now.

No matter what race Edgar was or what he had done, at least during the period when he was in charge of the Vought Group, Vought's reputation was growing and money was flowing into the group almost like water.

Storm also needs Edgar's help in controlling Voight.

Before her ambition can be achieved, Storm needs Edgar.

It was supposed to be like this, but now there is Kevin, a superhuman who is extremely good in all aspects.

Therefore, in order to prevent the superhumans from gaining power, Edgar urgently pulled out some of the controlled superhumans and formed the Villain Alliance, hoping that the Villain Alliance could involve those superhumans in the group.

Involving Deep Sea Kevin's energy.

But who would have thought that Kevin would be so decisive, directly announcing the matter of Compound No. 5, and using a piece-changing tactic to eat all the pieces that Edgar had just cultivated.

Yes, Edgar actually knew that Kevin did it.

He had no proof, but he could guess.

In other words, the only person who can come into contact with Compound No. 5 and expose it at this stage is Kevin, and there will be no one else but him.

But as long as Kevin doesn't admit it, there's nothing Edgar can do against Kevin at this stage.

Just as Kevin cannot touch Edgar without evidence, Edgar cannot attack Kevin without conclusive evidence.

"Have we reached this point in just a few months..."

Edgar looked at the news on TV and thought in his mind.

Originally, he supported Shen Hai in the hope that he could contain the people of the motherland and manage the entire seven-man team.

After all, with the broad mind of a native of the motherland, he would definitely not want to have such a super human riding on his neck, especially if this super human was still his former subordinate.

At that time, the two people will definitely have constant conflicts.

If it develops normally, it will definitely evolve into this result.

But the truth is exactly the opposite.

The two of them reached an agreement unknowingly, and there was harmony within the seven-man team. Even if Edgar asked Storm to join, there was no way to break the current atmosphere within the seven-man team.

This actually made it difficult for Edgar.

The superhuman occupies a high-level position, and it happens to be the ‘general’ he single-handedly promoted.

Now that the opponent is at the peak of his popularity, Edgar cannot kick him out immediately, so now it becomes a dilemma.

Edgar had no move for a while.

This is also the reason why Edgar is still working overtime within the group at this point in time.

He was thinking about how to face the deep sea next.

Should we directly state the conditions and discuss it with him in detail, or should we find a way to get him to leave the management?

Edgar was thinking, suddenly thought of something, took out his cell phone and was about to call someone.

But as soon as he took out the mobile phone, the landline connected to the internal line of Walter Group suddenly rang.

The call came from the 99th floor, the vice president's office.

It's from the deep sea.

Putting down the phone, Edgar thought for a moment and picked up the phone:


"Mr. Edgar, do you have time now?"

On the other end of the phone, Kevin asked politely.

Edgar glanced at the current time, which was nine-ten in the evening. He thought for a moment and replied:

"I have time, what can I do?"

"There is indeed something I want to discuss with you in detail, something about the woods."


Edgar squinted his eyes, thought for a moment and then replied:

"Okay, come find me."

After speaking, Edgar hung up the phone.

The woods are something Edgar gave to Kevin to distract his energy. He believed that a person's energy is limited. Kevin is both the Seven and the vice president, and he also has to manage the woods. Even a super human will eventually You will feel tired.

When the time comes, he will be more easily controlled by Edgar when his energy is tied up.

Originally, Edgar did not expect the forest to make any major experimental breakthroughs under Kevin's management.

But looking at it now, he seems to have done something good?

Edgar did not doubt Kevin's purpose. Kevin had always been too meek, and no matter what the method was, it was within the rules.

He has never used his superpowers in the struggle for power, just like other ordinary people.

This is why Edgar chose Kevin.

People who follow the rules are always more popular than those who don't.

After talking to Edgar on the phone, Kevin came to Edgar's office not long after.

The senior vice president of Watt Group, who has decided to quit the seven-man team, often wears dark blue and black suits since he rarely appears on the screen, and also wears plain glasses for decoration on the bridge of his nose. .

Compared with the deep sea before, Kevin is more like a successful person now.

Edgar was very satisfied with Kevin's image. He nodded slightly to Kevin and motioned for him to sit down in front of him.

"Is there any progress in the woods?"

Edgar waited until Kevin sat down before asking.

Kevin took out the documents he had prepared and handed them to Edgar:

"So, Dr. Cardoza has developed a new type of virus that seems to have some inhibitory effect on superhumans who have Compound No. 5 in their blood."


"Well, although it's not obvious, the superhumans who were injected with the virus did feel uncomfortable. I think this is a good research direction."

The virus Kevin mentioned was not made up casually.

Cardoza has really developed a similar virus, which is the virus that infects superhumans and eventually dies of the disease in "Generation V".

But compared with viruses that have taken shape later, the virus in Cardoza is just a prototype.

It can't even make superhumans catch a cold, it can only make superhumans feel slightly uncomfortable.

I am afraid that even Cardoza himself will not think of how powerful this virus will be if he continues to study it.

Edgar took the document handed over by Kevin, read it carefully, and asked:

"Are you here to ask me for funds?"

"Mr. Edgar, you are really discerning. To be honest, I think the funds for activities in the [Wood] are indeed too small now. Although the [Wood] has indeed achieved little results for a long time, but..."

Kevin smiled sheepishly and did not continue.

Until now, the Forestry Agency has not been able to develop anything particularly useful for superhumans, so it is reasonable to reduce funding.

As the current manager of a forest organization, it is reasonable for Kevin to seek some funds for the organization he controls.

But both Edgar and Kevin knew.

In today’s conversation, the funding of the [Shulin] organization is not the focus.

Kevin had other goals.

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