Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 133 The Final Negotiation

The two old foxes, one big and one small, looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

Edgar suddenly laughed, put the document in his hand aside, and said:

"Okay, I will consider the funding."

"Then thank you in advance, Mr. Edgar."

Kevin said with a smile.

Edgar shook his head:

"You're welcome. You've performed well recently. Additional funding for the forest is also a 'reward' you deserve. Even if you want to get more, it's not impossible."


Kevin raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Sir, what do you mean...?"

"Want to come and work on the 82nd floor?"

Edgar asked with a smile.

This sentence made Kevin slightly startled, and he looked at Edgar in surprise.

Coming to work on the 82nd floor means that Kevin's office will also be moved to the 82nd floor, and this means that Kevin has completely entered the senior management of Watt Group and been accepted by all senior executives of Watt.

Originally Madeleine Stillwell's ultimate goal was this, and this was the direction she had been working towards.

But before she could achieve her goal, she died at the hands of Butcher.

A dream that Madeleine could not achieve until her death.

Kevin now has it easily.

Kevin wanted to laugh when he thought of this. He was not laughing at Madeline, but at Edgar.

Kevin knows very well why Edgar would give Kevin such advice.

It's just because of these recent events that Edgar feels that Kevin is a difficult opponent. If he continues to struggle with such an opponent, it will affect Edgar's energy. This is the same as his purpose of promoting Kevin in the first place. It doesn’t match anymore.

And if it continues like this, it's likely to push Kevin against him and put him on the Seven's side.

Instead of pushing it to the Seven, it would be better to continue to win over people and get Kevin on his side.

If Kevin can still continue to abide by the rules of the game set by everyone, then Edgar's proposal is undoubtedly a suggestion that protects me and everyone.

Kevin has the opportunity to continue to move up, and Edgar can also allow Kevin to continue to suppress the Seven.

But unfortunately, Kevin now does not intend to continue to abide by the rules of the game.

"Of course I would love to have the opportunity to work on the 82nd floor."

After a long silence, Kevin said slowly.

After hearing Kevin's words, the smile on Edgar's face slowly disappeared, because he knew that there must be a 'but' after Kevin's words.

So he said nothing and waited quietly for the other party to continue talking.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Kevin to say:

"But that's no longer my goal now."

"Oh? Then I'm a little curious. What is your goal now? Are you no longer thinking about making money?"

"Of course you still have to make money, but I don't want to make it this way. Mr. Edgar, I suddenly feel that the Walter Group's strategy is a bit too narrow, don't you think?"


Putting aside other things, from Kevin's point of view, Watt Group is actually resting on its laurels.

Although Edgar said he was focused on the pharmaceutical industry, for so many years, the Walter Group had no pharmaceuticals available except Compound No. 5.

Compound No. 5 is something that has been in possession of the Watt Group since its establishment.

Storm is the first successful entity of Compound No. 5.

If Storm had been injected with Compound No. 5 since birth, then there would be no change in Walter for a hundred years now.

Even if Storm hadn't been injected with Compound No. 5 since birth, it would have been at least eighty years since the Walter Group was basically motionless in the field of medicine.

Even if Compound No. 5 had not been announced, the Walter Group in everyone's mind now would be a large entertainment company.

They're resting on their laurels, on Compound 5's laurels, and on superheroes' laurels.

No matter how Edgar defends it, this is true.

Kevin knew that Edgar wanted to change his mind.

He is drastically changing the staffing of Sage Institution, Red River Welfare Home, and even the woods, trying to bring the Walt Group back to life.

Madeline, who was originally the director of Honghe Welfare Home, was promoted to vice president of the group by him, and Kevin was also placed in the original Shulin Institution.

No matter what Edgar's purpose is, he really wants to change Walter's current situation.

But unfortunately, no matter how he changed it, Walter Group could not produce a more famous potion.

Productivity and creativity are here, they have lost their spirituality.

Even if [Provisional No. 5] appears in the future, it will only be a defective product derived from Compound No. 5.

Kevin pointedly pointed out the current predicament of Watt Group.

Now that Compound No. 5 has been made public, Walt is transforming into a super entertainment company. This is a fact that Edgar needs to face.

"It's not something you should worry about."

After being pointed out the fact, Edgar's expression remained unchanged. He stared at Kevin indifferently, seemingly intending to end the topic.

But how could Kevin let Edgar end the topic so easily.

"I have a way to change Walter's current predicament."

Before Edgar was about to end the conversation, Kevin spoke up.

The current CEO of the Watt Group stopped and his eyes collided with Kevin's.

He did not ask immediately, but looked at Kevin carefully for a long time before asking slowly:

"What is your solution? Tell me."


"Haha, are you transforming into a super entertainment company?"

"No, transform into a technology company and come up with more high-tech products. I know that Watt Group has this technology."

Walt's technology is not bad, and some black technologies aimed at superhuman beings are developed by the Walt Group.

Their scientific research technology is good, and their biotechnology is among the best in the world.

If you seriously study new biological agents or technologies, it is not difficult to come up with new products.

But Edgar laughed when he heard these words.

He didn't know what Kevin had in his hands, so he just felt that the other party was talking nonsense:

"Kevin, do you know how much time and resources we need to invest in developing a new medicine or technology?"

"Yes, I know this is a bottomless pit that burns money, but what if I have a finished product? You are only responsible for reverse derivation. I think this should greatly reduce the resources used for research and development."

"Finished product?" Edgar was stunned: "Do you have a finished product?"

"Of course, and that's another thing I want to say, Mr. Edgar, I hope you can let me be... your agent."

Kevin Tu Qiongdeng revealed his true purpose of coming to Edgar today.

The sound disappeared instantly, and the air seemed to freeze.

Kevin finally saw the expression of shock and disbelief on Edgar's face, and he even saw a trace of absurdity in it.

This is indeed ridiculous.

Because from an outsider's point of view, Kevin came to the CEO of Watt Group with a set of rhetoric that he didn't know whether it was true or false, and took all the management rights of Watt Group with nothing.

This is simply more ridiculous than asking for hundreds of millions of investments to make a third-rate PPT.

Edgar used to think that Kevin was a very smart person, but now he felt that the other person was not as smart as he thought.

"Hehehe, Kevin, I have to say, your joke is very funny, but I am not in the mood to joke with you today. You can go, I will consider the funding for the forest."

Edgar laughed out loud, as if he really thought Kevin had told a very funny joke.

He brought the topic back to the beginning and issued an eviction order, ending the conversation completely.

But Kevin didn't leave. He looked at Edgar quietly, the elderly man, and said softly:

"Mr. Edgar, unfortunately, this is not a joke, and you have no other choice today."

"I understand, do you want to... force yourself to have a baby? Are you finally tempted to use your superhuman means to benefit you? Or do you think you can get what you want through this method outside the rules? Want something?”

Seeing Kevin's expressionless face, Edgar was finally convinced of the other person's purpose of coming here today.

Everything about asking for funds and planning for Walter's future are all lies.

The other party's real purpose is to use force to coerce him into handing over control of the Watt Group.

But even after knowing this, Edgar remained calm.

He sat back on the chair, took out something similar to a car key from his arms, played with it, and said to Kevin seriously:

"You have no idea how many means Walter has to deal with you, so now, I will give you one last piece of advice. Before I change my mind, go back. I can pretend that what happened today never happened."

Facing a superhuman like Kevin whose strength was comparable to or even surpassed that of the people of the motherland, Edgar still had no fear.

He seemed to be very convinced that Kevin could not cause harm to him. Perhaps even the people of his motherland would believe so in front of him.

The source of Edgar's confidence may be the mysterious device in his hand.

That device was not recorded by the agencies of the woods.

Looking at the little thing in Edgar's hand, Kevin's expression didn't change. Not only did he not leave as Edgar said, but he took two steps forward and slowly approached Edgar.

"……it's a pity."

Seeing Kevin's actions, Edgar sighed.

He shook his head helplessly, pressed his fingers hard on the button on the device in his hand, and waited for something quietly.

One second, two seconds...

A full ten seconds passed, and Edgar's expression gradually changed.

Because Kevin was still standing in front of him without any reaction.

This elegant old man who had always been extremely calm, as if nothing could surprise him, finally showed extreme shock in front of Kevin.

He lowered his head, checked the device in his hand, and turned a knob on it to the maximum.

But Kevin is still safe and sound.

Not only that, he also walked towards Edgar and grabbed the device in his hand.

"What...what did you do?!?"

"I did not do anything."

Kevin gently took off the device from Edgar's hand, checked it over and over, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he turned it off and put it in his pocket.

Then he said to Edgar:

"The reason this device doesn't work on me is simply because I am no longer a metahuman, Mr. Edgar."

In the woods, Kevin spent a whole day testing various methods that were effective against superhumans.

The final result is that, except for a small number of devices that use superhuman beings' overly keen hearing and vision to cause damage, those methods targeting the No. 5 compound in superhuman bodies are completely ineffective against Kevin.

The job change completely changed Kevin's body, transforming his body from superhuman to a more mysterious level of life.

It is estimated that there will be no compound No. 5 in the body, so any method targeting compound No. 5 will have no effect on Kevin.

As for methods targeting superhuman keen hearing and vision...

Before Kevin came here, he had stuffed concentrated water balloons into his ears, and a thin film of water was also concentrated in his eyes.

Physically cut off anything that threatens you.

Therefore, no matter what means Edgar prepares, they will not affect Kevin or cause harm to Kevin.

He is no longer superhuman.

At least not what this world defines as superhuman.

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