Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 134 Edgar exits

Edgar has not yet gotten over the shock of the failure of his means.

He stared blankly at Kevin taking the 'insurance' from his hand, and then said after a while:

“…What did you find in the [woods]?”

He doesn't believe the fact that Kevin is no longer a super human, which is too unbelievable for people in the black robe world.

On the contrary, Kevin found a way to deal with these "insurances" in the woods, which was more reasonable and credible.

Maybe it's some hidden information, or maybe it's a new method developed by Cardoza.

Or maybe it's something else.

Because compared to the explanation of 'not a super human', Edgar's guess is more consistent with common sense.

Otherwise what else could the answer be?

Is there really a person with superpowers in this world who can be born without using No. 5 compound?

Or is Kevin really some kind of Poseidon?

How could there be such an outrageous thing in this world!

"If you think so, then so be it."

Kevin has no intention of convincing Edgar that he is not a super human. After all, he has already decided to let Edgar withdraw. What the other party thinks is his own business.

Hearing Kevin's admission, Edgar's mood returned to calm again.

Even in this situation, he could maintain the minimum composure and continue to negotiate terms with Kevin:

"So what you want is to take control of the Watt Group? But with this method, other senior executives of the group will not agree with you, and...if you lose me, you won't be able to control Watt for long. Believe me, this is the truth. "

"Of course I believe you, sir, you are indeed indispensable to Walter."

"In that case, we still have something to talk about, Deep Sea."

"No, I think on the contrary, our conversation is over."

Kevin said to Edgar regretfully, and then clapped his hands gently.

Following Kevin's clapping, the door was pushed open, and a person who had been waiting outside pushed the door in.

When he saw the appearance of the person coming, Edgar's eyes suddenly widened, his calm look disappeared, and Kevin finally felt the emotion called panic from him.

Because the person walking in from the door at this moment is Edgar.

Yes, it's another one, exactly like Edgar... him.


"Sir, you pay too little attention to the Seven, and you pay too little attention to Madeline. You don't even know that Madeline has such a hero, right?"

Seeing another 'Edgar' standing next to him, Kevin spoke softly to Edgar opposite him.

The doppelgänger, or it can be said to be the shapeshifter, is a trump card in Madeline's hand.

His real body is a fat man weighing nearly three hundred pounds, and he has the superpower to transform into anyone.

Just like Mystique.

In the original plot, Madeleine used him to stage a pornographic drama with a congressman, and used this to threaten the congressman into voting for her.

After Madeleine's death in the second season, the Motherland also used him as Madeleine's replacement, but was later killed by the Motherland.

How could Kevin let such a useful guy go?

So after taking over everything about Madeleine, Kevin made the clone disappear, completely eliminate his existence within the company, and raise him well, just for this moment.

Exist as someone's stand-in at critical moments.

"You have already...?!"

When he saw this super human appear in front of him, Edgar understood everything instantly.

I'm afraid Kevin had already thought about doing this when he met Edgar, but Edgar ignored this.

As Kevin said, he doesn't really care about superheroes.

If it weren't for Kevin, if the people of the motherland didn't want to get rid of Walt's control, he wouldn't even bother to create any alliance of super villains.

But because of this, he ignored Madeline's clones.

Of course Edgar knew about the existence of the clone, but he never thought of doing anything with this super human.

He never imagined that one day, this superhuman who could transform into anyone would take his place.

With thoughts surging in his mind, Edgar quickly suppressed all the words he wanted to say and quickly changed them into other words:

"Kevin, we can actually talk more..."

"No need, farewell, Mr. Edgar."

Kevin said to Edgar regretfully.

Edgar wanted to say something, but a sudden feeling of dizziness made him sit back down in his chair suddenly after he had just stood up, blocking his next words.

His breathing became rapid, and there seemed to be some liquid under his nose. Edgar reached out and touched it, and it was blood.


Edgar suddenly thought of something and looked up at Kevin again.

Kevin smiled at him:

"Don't worry, I won't let your head explode, and I won't let you die now. After all, I still need your head."

Edgar heard what Kevin said, but the dizziness made him unable to understand the meaning of Kevin's words.

His consciousness became increasingly blurred and his thinking fell into chaos.

In less than two seconds, Edgar could no longer stay awake. His head tilted and he completely lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.


When Edgar passed out, a clone who looked exactly like Edgar came to Kevin and asked anxiously.

He seemed to be asking Edgar if he was okay.

Kevin didn't look at him, he just let out a long breath, looked at the unconscious Edgar and said:

"Sudden cerebral hemorrhage, if you seek medical treatment in time, you will not die."

"Why not... kill him?"

Hearing the clone's question, Kevin suddenly asked:

"Do you know the current strategy of Watt Group?"

The clone shook his head:

"have no idea."

"Then what is Edgar's relationship with other executives, which executives he has a good relationship with, which executives he has a bad relationship with, and what strategy Edgar will formulate later. You probably don't know these issues either."


"It just so happens that I don't know either, so I need him to be alive, at least until I dig out the contents of his head."

Edgar was right, Walter still needs him now, and he cannot die.

That's why Kevin will temporarily keep him alive, and only after he is sure that he can know all the information in his head, Kevin will choose to get rid of him.

Now, the only option is to make him stay in the hospital for a while.

"Then...should we take him to the hospital?"

The clone asked again, and asked quite worriedly:

"...If we take him to the hospital, he won't be discovered by Walter's people, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Kevin looked at him suspiciously, then suddenly took out a transparent object from his pocket and stuck it on Edgar's face.

When something like a facial mask was placed on Edgar's face, Edgar's face shape suddenly changed.

In an instant, he changed from his own appearance to that of an unknown black man.

The mimicry mask from the Marvel world is an artifact that can change a person's appearance. Black Widow has said it is good to use it.

The clone Edgar couldn't close his mouth for a long time when he saw this scene.

He didn't know that technology in this world was developing so fast, and there were even things that could change people's appearance.

Kevin didn't care what he thought, and used water flow control to completely turn the mask into Edgar's face, and then took off the other person's identity symbol.

Finally, he picked up the phone on the desk and asked the security team of Walter Group to come over and send the 'unidentified' person to the hospital.

At this point, unknown to everyone, the Vought Group completed a change of power.

Kevin unknowingly became the real helmsman of the Walter Group.

Besides him, the only person who knew about this was the doppelgänger disguised as Edgar.

There may be one more person in the future, it may be Kate, or it may be Metzmer, the mind-reading person, but anyway, except for them, no one will know what happened today.

"...Give me ten skill points...Why are you so generous this time?"

When everything was settled, Kevin looked at the skill points again.

I found that the original fifteen skill points had become twenty-six.

In addition to the one given to Kevin today due to the popularity of Compound No. 5 and the League of Super Villains, ten were given to Kevin just for seeking power and usurping the throne and obtaining the Vought Group.

There may also be skill points in it to make Edgar retire.

This still didn't kill Edgar, just usurping his position and depriving him of his identity, he gained so much.

It is foreseeable that when Edgar is useless in the future, Kevin may get a large amount of skill points by killing him.

Let the clone stay in the office and finish as Edgar, while Kevin returns to his office and begins to allocate existing skill points.

First, sixteen were separated to raise the level of [Water Control] from level four to level five.

After allocating skill points, Kevin lay on his office chair and clicked OK, waiting for the possible pain to hit.

Upgrading his physique from level four to level five will cause Kevin's body to suffer as much pain as if it was shattered.

In the same way, when water flow control is upgraded from level four to level five, there should be some abnormalities.

This is why Kevin chooses to allocate skill points in the office rather than at home.

He was worried that he would disturb Annie and others who were already resting at home.

The skill points for [Water Control] were allocated and the skill was upgraded. Kevin closed his eyes and waited patiently.

But to Kevin's surprise, the pain he expected did not appear. Instead, waves of coolness came from Kevin's mind.

The coolness was very comfortable, making Kevin feel like he was soaking in warm spring water, making him drowsy.

A magnificent blue began to appear before his eyes. In this blue, special symbols flashed across his eyes and disappeared into his mind.

Every character that disappears makes Kevin's sense of drowsiness a little stronger.

When all the characters came into Kevin's mind, Kevin finally couldn't help but fell asleep and fell unconscious.

I don't know how long I slept like this before Kevin was woken up by someone else's call:

"…Mr.? Mr. Kevin?"


The call suddenly woke Kevin up. He instantly opened his eyes and looked to the side.

Ashley, who was holding a blue folder, reminded her carefully:

"Sir, Mr. Edgar wants you to go to the 82nd floor..."

"Edgar? He's not...Oh, I know, I'll go right away."

Kevin, who had just woken up, was still a little unclear and almost told Edgar's story.

As soon as he said the words, he remembered that Edgar had been replaced by himself, and it was the clone who called him over now.

After casually telling Ashley to get out, Kevin looked at his skill tree.

[Water flow control] has indeed been upgraded to LV5. Not only that, the improvement of water flow control has also made Kevin's mind clearer.

It was as if the fog covering my head had cleared, and I felt ten years younger.

"...Is there such a big difference between the magic system and the warrior system? Upgrading my physical strength to five levels made me miserable, but my superpower level up to five levels made me feel like I had a spa... Hmm..."

After thinking about it, Kevin felt that this metaphor seemed a bit inappropriate.

But this is not important. The most important thing now is to see the effect of improving skills first.

If Kevin's guess is correct, when water flow control is upgraded from level 4 to level 5, it should be the same as physical fitness, which will usher in a qualitative change.

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