Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 138 The magic I finally mastered

But even so, fighting with a god should be far from 'relaxing'.

Or does this count as relaxation in the eyes of the boss?

Kevin didn't understand.

Kevin will definitely be involved in the plot between Star-Lord and Ego.

Although Ego is destined to die, Kevin shouldn't get many skill points by helping Star-Lord kill him, but Yondu can be saved.

Although the skill points obtained by rescuing people are not as many as those obtained by killing people, the people saved will continue to provide skill points to Kevin.

As long as Kevin participates in the corresponding plot, skill points will spring up one after another like mushrooms after a rain.

Generally speaking, the rewards of saving people are greater than the rewards of killing people.

Therefore, as long as he can be saved, Kevin will usually save them, especially those characters who should not have died in the original plot.

But before going to save Star-Lord Peter, Kevin has one more thing to do.

"Master Ancient One, you should know about the clone that Igo left behind on earth, right?"


"Can you send me there? I haven't seen Peter for a long time. I want to give him a gift."

Kevin remembered that in the second season of the "What If" series, there was a possibility that the young Star-Lord was sent to Ego by Yondu, and then Ego sent the young Star-Lord to various parts of the universe to invade those planets.

While training little Star-Lord, he is also realizing his plan to turn all the planets in the universe into his own.

Little Star-Lord's first stop was the Earth, and then he met the first-generation Avengers and had a fight with them.

After experiencing a very classic family carnival content, little Star-Lord was attracted by the members of the first generation Avengers and became one of them.

Among them, the most noteworthy point is that Ego cut off the connection between Little Star-Lord and his divine power, but Little Star-Lord is still able to use the power of the gods.

The reason is that Little Star-Lord swallowed the clone left by Ego on Earth.

From now on, a part of Ego will always remain in little Star-Lord's body, which is why little Star-Lord can still use his divine power.

In the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2", Kevin remembers that after Star-Lord killed Ego, he could no longer use Ego's power. This has to be said to be a pity.

It happened that Kevin became friends with them in this world. Kevin thought that he might as well help Star-Lord solidify part of Ego's power to give him more ability to save his life.

For three consecutive seasons, I almost died in space.

Kevin thought so, but he didn't know the location of Ego's clone, so he could only ask Ancient One for help.

Ancient One did not answer Kevin's question, but she raised her finger and placed it on Kevin's forehead.

Special power poured in, and countless scenes flashed before Kevin's eyes as the power poured in by Ancient One.

In these pictures, Kevin also saw the location of Egg's clone.

"Okay, I've told you its location."

Gu Yi took back his hand and chuckled.

Kevin: "?"

Are you serious? Just give me a spot and let me go by myself?

"...Master Gu Yi, shouldn't you just open the portal and let me go through now?"

"Sorry, I have no obligation to send you there. If you want to get there, you have to work hard on your own."

Ancient One glanced at Kevin's fingers.

Kevin also wears a hanging ring on his finger.

Noticing Gu Yi's gaze, Kevin instantly understood Gu Yi's plan.

"...You want me to go there by myself?"

"You can do it, Kevin."

Gu Yi seems to have great confidence in Kevin, but Kevin doesn't even know where this confidence comes from.

It's just that Gu Yi has confidence in Kevin, but Kevin has little confidence in himself.

He looked at the hanging ring in his hand, hesitated and was about to ask Gu Yi for help:

"Master Ancient One..."

However, Gu Yi had already turned his back and walked far away. While waving with his back to Kevin, he also encouraged:

"You can do it, come on, Kevin."


Gu Yi put his hands behind his back and left. Kevin looked at the hanging ring in his hand again and remained silent.

In fact, even if Ancient One doesn't send him there, Kevin can still go to the target location with the power of the Reality Stone.

But this is the Ancient One.

The Supreme Mage in the current stage of the Marvel world was the super boss in the early days of the Marvel world.

Some people even speculate that the reason why Thanos did not dare to come to Earth to cause trouble in the first place was because Ancient One and Odin were not dead yet.

He didn't dare to confront these two big guys head-on.

So after the death of Ancient One and Odin, Thanos began his own actions.

For such a strong person, what she does is by no means meaningless, not to mention that Gu Yi also possesses the time stone. She can use the time stone to see the future she wants to see.

Maybe... in the future she saw, this is how Kevin mastered teleportation magic?

No, the future that Ancient One saw should be just one of them. There will also be a future where Kevin cannot master the teleportation magic and uses the Reality Stone to achieve his own goals.

So which one did the Ancient One see?

Which future path does she want Kevin to take?

Kevin couldn't figure it out.

So these big guys are just annoying, acting like Riddlers at every turn, and are not friendly at all to guys like Kevin who are not particularly smart.

However, thinking that Star-Lord should still have some time, Kevin rushed over without being too anxious. He took a deep breath, put his fingers in front of him, and stared straight ahead.

Kevin has used the hand gesture method used to cast the portal many times in the past few days. Although he can't use it, he is still quite proficient in just posing.

But now it's just a pose.

Golden sparks danced in front of my eyes, flickering and extinguishing.

This is true no matter how many times Kevin experiments.

He couldn't completely open the complete portal.

Doctor Strange was like this when he first started practicing, but the Ancient One forced him to throw him to the top of the Himalayas. Under the threat of death, Doctor Strange had to quickly master the portal.

But Kevin was not in such an urgent mood.

In the Marvel world, Kevin's mentality has always been very relaxed. After all, even if he encounters something difficult to deal with, he can still run to the world of black robes.

Even with Ultron, Kevin doesn't think he's much of a threat.

With such a mentality, how could Kevin quickly master the use of portals like Dr. Strange?

"Think about how you manipulate water, Kevin."

Just when Kevin couldn't open the portal no matter what, Ancient One's voice sounded in his ears again.

Looking up, Gu Yi was no longer in front of him, as if the voice Kevin heard just now was just his auditory hallucination.

But that sentence seemed to have magic power, and it really reminded Kevin.

Perhaps Gu Yi used some magic to wake up Kevin's mind and slightly improve Kevin's 'comprehension'. In short, he did think of something now.

Kevin's ability to control water comes from his own instincts.

After lighting up this skill, Kevin naturally learned how to control water. This ability is like Kevin's limbs, and Kevin can naturally control it with just a thought.

But that was before.

After [Water Control] was upgraded to level five, Kevin did have some indescribable feelings when he controlled the water.

The feeling was so strange that Kevin couldn't describe it, but it was this indescribable feeling that greatly increased Kevin's ability to control the water flow.

Even enhancing Kevin's ability to control water flow in seawater.

Maybe...that's the power of magic?

"Control water..."

Kevin was reminded by Ancient One and took a deep breath before starting his practice again.

This time he no longer practiced in the old-fashioned way, the traditional mage way, but combined the feeling of casting the portal with the feeling of controlling the water flow.

The power borrowed from other dimensions merged with Kevin's power when controlling water flow. In front of Kevin, the golden light spots turned into blue, and an illusory shadow appeared in a circle composed of blue light spots.

During this period, Kevin's mood did not have any ups and downs.

He even closed his eyes, no longer looking at everything in front of him, but concentrated on continuing to outline the existence of the portal.

An unknown amount of time passed, and in front of Kevin, a blue portal took shape in front of his eyes, and at the same time, a crisp notification sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

At the same time, a line of text from the skill tree popped up in front of Kevin's eyes.

——The magic attribute has been activated, and the second career is officially launched.

——Do you want to pay ten skill points to start a second career change?

OHHHHHH! ! ! ! !

When the skill tree prompt sounded, Kevin couldn't help but cheer inwardly.

Putting aside the ten skill point consumption for the moment, Kevin can finally be called a mage in the Marvel world.

It's just that...the color of this mage's spells is different from the colors of other mage's spells.

The portals and magic whips created by other mages, and the Ring of Raggador, which is a magic circle like a shield, are all golden bases.

But blue.

Kevin wanted to ask Gu Yi why this happened, but Gu Yi had already left and was not here.

After thinking about it, Kevin temporarily gave up his plan to go to Gu Yi to ask this question, and turned around and got into the portal.

If you want to ask Ancient One, you can do it anytime.

But if Peter delays it for a while longer, the plot may really be over.

While Kevin was preparing a 'meeting gift' for Peter, on the distant planet Ego, Rocket the Raccoon on the spaceship outside the planet was arguing with Yondu.

In other words, it was Yondu’s unilateral accusation against Rocket:

"Anyway, jumping seven hundred times in a row is already beyond the physical limit that we can bear! But you just jumped without even asking... ugh——"

"You didn't tell me in advance that Egg's planet is so far away from us! Ugh——"

Rocket turned to argue with Yondu.

But as soon as he said a few words, he turned around and lay down next to the trash can on the spacecraft to vomit.

That's what happened.

The Guardians of the Galaxy and their team had previously accepted the entrustment of the Sovereign family to protect their family's energy battery.

Originally, as long as the commission was successfully completed, they would be able to receive a generous reward.

In fact, they did complete the commission and received rewards from the Sovereign family.

But who would have thought that Rocket's little hands had uncleanly taken away several energy batteries that needed their protection.

After the Sovereign clan found out, they naturally attacked the Silver Guard.

Star-Lord's Milan was forced to crash under this attack and fell to a planet without intelligent life.

During this period, Rocket and Star-Lord had a dispute. It happened that Star-Lord's father came to find Star-Lord, and the Milan also needed to be repaired.

So Yinhu was divided into two teams.

Star-Lord, Drax and Gamora went to see Star-Lord's father, Rocket and Groot, and the 'trophy' obtained from the Sovereign clan, Nebula, staying on the planet waiting for their return.

But they didn't expect that they met Yondu when they stayed on the planet.

Then Rocket and others were arrested by Yondu and the others.

But no one expected that Yondu's team would have rebellions and disputes after that... I won't go into details about the process. Anyway, the final result was that all the people who were loyal to Yondu were killed by the traitors, and those who betrayed Yondu were killed. Yondu cleans out the door himself.

In the end, only Yondu, the nominal captain, and a crew member who helped them ran out of this huge team of marauders.

It was during this period that Rocket and Groot met and became familiar with Yondu, and learned about Egg from Yondu.

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