Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 139 It was your father who killed your mother

When he learned that Ego was a planet and was like a god on his own planet, Rocket immediately thought of Kevin.

To everyone in the Silver Guard, Kevin, who holds the Reality Stone, is not much different from a god in a sense.

The only ones who can deal with gods are gods, and Yondu agrees with this.

Therefore, the two quickly contacted Kevin and sent the coordinates of Planet Ego to Kevin.

But because no one knows when Kevin will come, the two are also ready to go to the planet Ego.

Rocket quickly locked the coordinates of the planet Igo and clicked to jump.

By the time Yondu realized something was wrong and was about to stop it, it was too late.

The jump engine of the spacecraft was started, and the three people in the cabin plus Kazuki just managed to make a total of 700 space jumps!

Seven hundred times!

God knows how much damage this will cause to their bodies. After this incident is over, they will definitely have to use the medical module on the spacecraft to repair their bodies.

"I'm Groot? (Do you want to wait for Kevin?)"

Compared with several mammals, although the tree man Groot feels uncomfortable, he can recover quickly.

While the two were vomiting, Groot was already standing on the edge of the spacecraft, pointing to the red planet below with a human face on its surface.

Rocket wiped his mouth clean, took a medicine to stabilize his health and stuffed it into his mouth, and then said to Groot:

"No need, Kevin is not our father. We called him here just for insurance. Even if he doesn't come, we still have to save Quill!"

It's true that Kevin is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

But everyone also knows very well that Kevin's existence is different from them. He cannot stay in the Guardians of the Galaxy forever, and it is impossible for everyone in the Guardians to pin all their hopes on Kevin.

They are friends, not an employment relationship, nor a subordinate relationship.

Rocket contacted Kevin just to have a reassuring 'insurance' when everyone's rescue failed.

Even if Kevin doesn't come, the Guardians of the Galaxy won't say anything.

After all, as the Rockets said, Kevin is not their father and has no right or obligation to protect them.

"...I am Groot (but Rocket, something seems wrong)."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm Groot (look at that, is that Quill?)"

Groot pointed somewhere on the planet below.

Rocket looked along Groot's finger. He could see nothing, only a faint blue color like stars.

It wasn't until Yondu on the side used the observation device on the ship to zoom in on the area that everyone finally saw the situation there.

Just below, where Ego's human body lives, Ego and Star-Lord emit blue light. The light is so dazzling that it looks like a rising little sun.

The two people's light merged into one, spreading towards the entire planet at an extremely fast speed.

"...It's bad. I'm afraid that boy Peter was deceived by Egg's lies!"

When Yondu saw this, he knew something was going to be bad.

And so it is.

In the original world, Ego accidentally told the truth that he killed Star-Lord's mother, which caused Star-Lord to break away from the "big pie" he drew and completely turned against Ego.

If Kevin travels through the true story of the movie universe, then things will definitely develop like this. Ego and Star-Lord will definitely turn against each other, and father and son will fight.


This is the what-if universe.

And what if, when Ego told Star-Lord about his dream, he didn't tell the fact that he killed Star-Lord's mother, what would have happened?

Yes, it will be like this.

Star-Lord is lost in the power of the gods, imagining making the entire universe a part of himself, and working with Ego to realize Ego's 'dream' of spreading throughout the universe.

"Oh, Yondu, there's another bad news..."

Blessings come in pairs, misfortunes never come alone.

While Yondu was scratching his head and speaking with an apocalyptic look on his face, Rocket looked to the other side of the spacecraft.

Countless golden spaceships jumped from space through wormholes.

These are the ships of the Sovereign clan.

They didn't know where they got the news, found the Guardians of the Galaxy, and came here.

"Well, I think we're totally screwed now. That boy Peter is with Egg, and now the Sovereigns are adding insult to injury..."

Yondu suddenly paused when he said this, and suddenly turned his head to look at Rocket: "...Wait a minute, the Sovereign's target seems to be Peter?"

"Yes, to be precise, it's not just Quill but us, wait...oh, I understand what you mean."

Rocket subconsciously answered Yondu's words.

But when Yondu's eyes met, he immediately understood something and smiled knowingly.

After laughing, Rocket immediately ran to his seat, opened the communication line, and shouted in a tone deliberately intended for Sovereign to hear:

"Quil! You idiot!! I told you not to fly up! Don't let the white light shine all over your body! Do you think you are a light bulb! Now all the enemies are attracted! Get down quickly! You idiot!! "

"I am Groot..."

"What?! You said this is a public line...!? Damn it...!!"

It seemed that after Groot's reminder, Rocket realized that this was a public line, and immediately shut down the communication in a hurry.

But it seems he turned it off a little late.

Because of the fleet composed of Sovereign spacecraft, a large fleet had already flown towards the blue-white light spot below.

And at the same time there is bad news.

The Sovereigns locked onto Rocket's communication, and they also separated part of the fleet and flew towards Rocket.

"It seems a little late..."

When Kevin rushed to the location of Ego's clone, he found that Ego's clone was expanding crazily on the earth.

Despite this level of expansion, Kevin easily solved it with the Reality Stone and successfully took out Egg's clone seed.

But the expansion of Ego's clones also means that Star-Lord has been "convinced" by Ego and started the "universal clone plan" with Ego.

But if Kevin remembers correctly, Star-Lord should have turned against Ego very quickly in the movie, thus causing Ego's clone to stop expanding on Earth.

Why is it that now that we are here, this thing seems to have never stopped?

If Kevin hadn't arrived in time, this entire city would have been swallowed up by Egg's clone.

(Kevin finally realized something was wrong...)

When Kevin realized this, the observer's chattering narration filled his ears again.

Listening to the serious narration voice of the observer, Kevin rolled his eyes and completely understood everything.

That's right, this is not the actual movie universe, this is a hypothetical world.

In what-if world everything is possible!

Even the five-gem Thanos can be instantly killed by Ultron with one move. Is it impossible that Ego and Star-Lord have reached some py deals that are not in the original plot?

"That means Star-Lord and Ego have reached an agreement now..."

If it's really what Kevin suspected.

Then the problem on the Guardians of the Galaxy side should be more serious now than in the movie.

After all, if Star-Lord sides with Ego, what the Silver Guardians need to face now are two gods.

Two gods... can the Guardians of the Galaxy defeat them?

Well, it seems they can't.

The combat effectiveness of the entire Guardians of the Galaxy is actually not very high in the Marvel Universe.

If they were asked to deal with some existences within the specifications, they could barely cope with them, such as the predators headed by Yondu, and existences such as Ronan.

Maybe it’s not impossible to defeat Thanos without gems if you work hard.

But if they were asked to deal with gods like Yi Ge, they probably wouldn't be able to do it well.

If Star-Lord is on Ego's side, Kevin can say with absolute certainty that the Guardians of the Galaxy cannot.

There was no time to think about how the Silver Guardians were going to fight the two gods. When they realized that there was a "little" change in the plot, Kevin quickly left the earth with Egg's clone seed.

Coming to the universe, Kevin chose to use technology between using teleportation spells and modern technology.

He used the Reality Stone to build a spaceship that could jump through space and jump toward the location of the planet Ego.

It's not that he doesn't want to use teleportation spells, it's mainly that the location of Ego's planet is too far from the earth, and Kevin is worried that there will be problems with the teleportation spells.

After nearly seven hundred jumps using the spaceship, Kevin finally arrived in the outer space of the planet Ego.

Unlike Rocket and Yondu, Kevin's physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary mammals, and seven hundred space jumps did not cause any damage to Kevin's body.

At most, I feel a little dizzy, like motion sickness.

With Kevin's own super resilience, it won't take long for him to recover.

After knocking his head to wake himself up, Kevin finally saw the true form of Ego on the spaceship that Kevin created that resembled the Star-Lord Milan.

He saw the two glowing blue spots on the Ego star, as well as the fleet of spaceships swarming towards the Ego star.

That was the fleet of the Sovereign family.

They are launching an attack on Star-Lord Peter who is with Ego on the planet Ego.

Also under attack were small spacecrafts swaying left and right in space.

Kevin saw Rocket and others inside.

"Hey, can you hear me Rocket? You're not dead, are you?"

After communicating with Rocket, Kevin fully expressed his concern for Rocket and his team.

The Rockets also sent a cordial and friendly response:

"If you mean that we are in this spaceship that is about to explode, and we can still breathe, move, and yell at you, and nothing is wrong, then I want to say... Yes! We are not dead yet!! But we will soon! !”

"Very good, very energetic."

Hearing Rocket's energetic greeting, Kevin knew they were fine.

But it’s only for now. If Kevin doesn’t take action, I’m afraid he will really be able to take advantage of it later.

The spaceships of the Sovereign family are all remotely controlled unmanned spaceships. There are no real people inside to control them. Kevin will not have any burden if he destroys them.

Therefore, when he saw the Sovereigns chasing after Rocket's spaceship, Kevin raised his right hand and the light of the Reality Stone lit up.

After several months, Kevin finally used the Reality Stone again.

I don't know if it was Kevin's illusion, but he felt that using the Reality Stone at this moment was easier than before. Especially when using the Reality Stone in a magical way, Kevin felt even more comfortable.

Under Kevin's control, the Reality Stone flashed red in the sky.

All the ships of the Sovereign family completely disintegrated the moment they came into contact with the red light, turning into a pile of cosmic garbage floating in space.

After doing all this, Kevin still didn't stop.

He used the Reality Stone to create a super loudspeaker, placed it in the atmosphere of the planet Ego, and shouted loudly to Star-Lord, who had lost his mind:

"Peter!! Your mother was killed by your father! So wake up!"

Peter is showing his divine power below: "?"

The next moment, the divine light spreading on the planet Ego stopped, and the starry sky in Peter's eyes disappeared, and he turned to Ego beside him.

Thanks to 'Fake Pavilion West' book friend 20220131234941254 'Nancheng Weiqingxiao' 'Wiccan descendant' code name 83 'wactor' 'Who is Jingjing' 'Looking back only a thousand years' 'Yuhu Xian' reader 1192721358939283456' Rewards from 'Rice Cat' Vileed'.

Thanks to ‘Nightmare Called Reality’ for the 500 starting point coin reward!


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