Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 151 Time is running out

Chapter 151 Time is running out~

Compared with the Avengers on Earth and the Guardians of the Galaxy, whose activities are limited, Carol is the fire captain in the universe.

Since gaining the power of the Cosmic Cube and becoming Captain Marvel, Carol has been committed to maintaining peace in the universe.

The reason why she often loses contact with Nick is also because she has to deal with things on other planets.

So Carol basically knows the identity of all threats.

Including Thanos.

It's just that Carol is just a person after all, and he has no skills at all, so sometimes he can't get to some particularly important places in time.

If Nick hadn't contacted Carol in advance to deal with Ultron this time, she wouldn't have been able to come to support on time.

Therefore, facing some powerful enemies on Earth, even if Thanos appears in the future, Carol's lateness will be excused.

Although the real situation is that the director must find a reason for her not to appear, otherwise the script will not be able to continue writing, so it can only be set like this.

But in short, even though the Carol people are not here, she is almost aware of the powerful existence in the universe.

So when Kevin appeared out of nowhere and put his name on Xandar, it naturally attracted Carol's attention.

Because genetically speaking, Kevin is an Earthling, and a genetically modified Earthling.

And here is the crux of the problem.

Neither Carol nor Nick could find any information about Kevin on Earth.

You must know that even Star-Lord has found his origin on earth through his description, but Kevin seems to have appeared out of thin air, and no information about him can be found anywhere.

He has a mysterious origin and powerful strength. In a sense, he has the power to threaten the entire universe.

Even Ultron was taken care of by him in unknown ways, and so far Ultron's body has not been found.

Together, these are enough to make Carol...or Nick Fury behind Carol wary.

Understanding Carol's purpose, Kevin asked:

"Nick Fury asked you to come?"

"Yes... huh? From your tone, it sounds like you know him? Obviously you have only met him once."

Carol answered subconsciously, but then realized something was wrong.

Kevin only met Nick Fury once before at Stark, and their exchanges were limited to a few words.

Logically speaking, Kevin shouldn't know anything about Nick Fury.

But judging from Kevin's tone now, he seems to be very familiar with Nick Fury, which surprised Carol. At the same time, she began to feel that Nick Fury's worries were unreasonable.

Kevin is really mysterious.

"I know him, he doesn't know me."

Kevin said with a smile, and then said seriously:

"Listen, I don't care what purpose you approach me with, as long as you don't look at me like a criminal, I've helped you save the world, right?"

"I know. In fact, I also said this to Nick, but since you know him, you should understand that this person is very suspicious. Whatever he wants to investigate, he will investigate it no matter what."

Carol spread her palms with a helpless expression.

It was obvious that she didn't want to come over. She had time to go to Asgard with Kevin. Wouldn't it be better for her to go to other places for rescue?

But who makes Nick her friend.

Moreover, Kevin's power is indeed worthy of her attention, and there is another thing that makes Carol even more curious.

"By the way, by the way, where did you take Ultron? Nick wanted me to bring Ultron back, saying he was worried that someone would steal Ultron's body and do bad things."

"You don't have to worry about this. I guarantee that Ultron will never appear in your world again, ever."

Kevin Ultron wasn't going to hand it over.

The technological level of this guy is very high, far beyond that of the black robe world.

Kevin is trying to transform the Vought Group into a high-tech group. It would be best to turn it into the Stark Group in the black robe world. Products like Ultron, which are full of high-tech products from top to bottom, will naturally have more products. The better.

Kevin did not answer Carol's question directly, and Carol was not prepared to continue asking.

She believed in her own judgment more than Nick Fury's doubts.

She believed that Kevin was a good person and not worthy of excessive vigilance. Naturally, she would not question Kevin in the same way as a prisoner.

After talking about Ultron, Carol relaxed a lot. She raised her head and looked at the sky, as if she could see the Guardians of the Galaxy spaceship staying outside the earth, and asked Kevin:

"We've finished what we need to talk about. Do we want to go to Asgard now?"

"Okay, would you please go first?"

As he spoke, Kevin drew a circle with his right hand, creating a portal leading to the spacecraft above.

Carol looked at the cabin scene in the blue circle and paused for a moment.

She seemed to want to ask something else, such as how Kevin's 'trick' was done, but in the end she chose not to ask anything, walked into the portal before Kevin, and entered the cabin.

Kevin stared at Carol's back and thought for a while, then followed closely.

Originally, Kevin thought that going to Asgard this time might be a bit dangerous.

Because Loki still holds the power, if Thor, a fool, believes that Loki is pretending to be Odin, when Kevin reveals the truth, he may start a fight with the Asgardians.

Kevin was also prepared to fight the Asgardians, but now it seems that this preparation is no longer needed.

With Captain Marvel following him, I believe Loki won't be able to pull off any tricks.


Kevin thought so, but he still underestimated Loki's boldness.

He thought that with Captain Marvel around, even if Loki dared to cause trouble, he would not dare to be too presumptuous.

But probably Heimdall didn't tell him about Captain Marvel's performance, and Loki didn't know about this person's existence. Therefore, when Kevin arrived in Asgard, he was greeted by Asgard led by 'Odin' German army.

"Father?! What are you doing?!"

When Thor finished talking to his friends and walked out of the palace, he was shocked when he saw Kevin and Carol surrounded.

He quickly rushed to the middle of the crowd, faced Odin above, and said loudly:

"They are my friends! Not enemies, how can you-"

"Thor! You disappoint me so much!"

'Odin' held the scepter and hit the ground hard. He said angrily and pointed at Kevin: "You know that the ether particles are what we entrusted to the collector, and this person stole the ether particles." Thief! So you’re still talking to him now?”

"That's not what happened, father. Didn't Heimdall tell you? There was a reason why Kevin borrowed the ether particles. He did it to save Xandar and the Earth!"

"No matter what the reason is! The ether particles belong to Immortal Palace! Thor, because he is your friend, I can not hold him responsible, but...the ether particles must be sent back!"

"That's what Kevin's here for!"

Thor quickly argued that he probably thought Odin had misunderstood something, so he treated Kevin like this and kept saying good things for Kevin.

But unlike Thor's anxiety, Kevin and Carol, who were surrounded by the Asgardian army, did not feel any nervousness at all. Instead, they chatted with each other as if they were watching a show.

Carol first asked:

"Is this some kind of palace drama going on?"

"No, it's just someone's vanity and wants to use me to show off his majesty as a 'king'."

"The 'someone' you are talking about, could it be Odin? Is Odin such a person? Sorry, I don't know much about Norse mythology, but according to records, Odin should be a very wise god king. right."

"Yes, Odin is indeed like this, but what if the person in front of you is not Odin?"

Kevin said to Carol mysteriously.

Then he saw the expression he wanted to see on Carol's face.

That look of shock and confusion.

"...Not Odin?"

Carol looked at Odin who was arguing with Thor and blinked slightly:

"You mean...he's fake?"

With a chuckle, Kevin did not answer Carol's question, but took two steps forward to Thor and said loudly:

"I said Loki, have you had enough?"

‘Odin’: “!?”

"What...? Loki!? What Loki!? said my Loki!?"

Thor's head didn't turn around for a moment.

'Odin' was already angry. He pointed his scepter at Kevin and shouted:

"That's nonsense!! Come on, arrest him!!!"

"Tsk, tsk, it's not good to be so angry all of a sudden."

Kevin said to Loki with a smile. The moment the guards surrounded him and put their hands on him, Kevin's body turned into red particles and scattered in all directions.

At the same moment, Kevin appeared next to Odin, took out a dagger and put it on Odin's neck.


Before Thor had time to think about whether the person above was Loki or Odin, when he saw Kevin's movements, he immediately exclaimed and wanted to stop him.

Kevin ignored him and whispered in Odin's ear:

"You want to make a show of me, but you seem to have chosen the wrong person, Loki."

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

"I don't know, right? Well, the dagger I created now is a special collection for collectors. The person who is stabbed will lose all magic and reveal its original appearance. It is called 'The Talisman that Can Break All Laws' , so I give you two options now.

"One is to change back to the original body and apologize to me. The other... is that I kill you here, and then I change back to the original body and apologize to you. Which one do you choose?"


"Hurry up, there's not much time~"

Kevin presented the twisted dagger known as the 'talisman that can break all laws' in front of Loki.

Loki held his breath for a moment, but he still hesitated.

Until Kevin starts counting down:

"three two……"

"Okay, okay!!" A green light flashed, and Odin, who was held hostage by Kevin, turned into Loki in an instant. He threw away the scepter and raised his hands, begging for mercy loudly:

"I've changed back! I've changed back!! Hurry up and put that broken dagger away!!"

When they saw with their own eyes that His Majesty, the King of Gods revered by everyone, turned into the scheming god of fraud, both Thor and the surrounding Asgardian guards opened their eyes wide.

They probably didn't expect that what Kevin said was actually true.

The God-King who is on the stage now is actually transformed by Loki.

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