Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 152 The deceived God of Trickery

When he saw Loki appearing in front of him again, the person who was most disbelieving was actually Thor.

He had always thought Loki was dead.

Died in the battle with the dark elves, died in his arms.

Even Thor felt sad for the death of his mother and Loki for a period of time after that, and did not want to return to Asgard.

Even when he came back this time, he never thought of staying too long.

But Thor never imagined that the person he once cherished was sitting in front of him, arrogantly sitting in the position of the God King.


The worry for his friend suddenly turned into anger towards Loki.

He strode forward with the hammer in hand and walked towards Loki menacingly.

Thor's appearance frightened Loki. He stood there and raised his hands to quickly defend himself:

"Calm down! Thor, calm down!! I...I just made a little joke..."

"A joke!? I thought you died before me! Again!! But you lied to me again!!"

Thor couldn't calm down at all.

During the period when Thor became a mortal and was exiled to the earth, he and Loki also had a dispute, and at the end of that dispute, Loki chose to exile in the universe.

At that time, Thor thought that Loki, who fell into the vortex of deep space, was dead, and he was sad about this for a long time.

It wasn't until the Chitauri army attacked Earth that he met Loki again and realized that Loki was not dead.

It's the same this time.

He thought Loki died in front of him, but he really died in front of him.

After all, Loki in his arms had lost the warmth that life should have at that time, and Thor could not sense the existence of Loki's life. As a result, now... Loki stood in front of him alive again.

Thor was full of anger towards Loki, and now he wanted to punish Loki who had lied to him again and again.

But now Thor is no longer the reckless man he was at the beginning. When he realized that it was not Odin but Loki who was here at this moment, he reacted and asked:

"You are here, where is my father?! Where has he gone!!?"

"Ahem, my father was sent to earth to retire. Don't worry, he's fine. He really is fine. You have to believe me!"

Loki raised his hands in the French military salute.

Thor pointed his hammer in front of Loki. After shaking it a few times, he finally put the hammer down again for the sake of outsiders around.

He pointed at Loki and said:

"When this matter is over, I will come to settle the score with you again!"


Seeing that Thor did not want to deal with him immediately, but chose to settle the score later, Loki also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although the 'death penalty' has now become a 'suspended death', he is the god of trickery. Isn't it easy to find a reason to deceive Thor during this period?

No matter what happens, he can run back at any time.

But as soon as he relaxed, he felt the cold object on his neck.

Lowering his head towards the strange-shaped weapon on his throat, Loki pretended to be calm and said to Kevin:

"Okay, I've changed back. Now can you take your magic dagger away from me!"


Kevin didn't say anything, just smiled softly, and wiped Loki's throat with the dagger in his hand.

Loki: "!!!!!"

When the cold blade passed across Loki's neck, Loki's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

When Kevin let him go, he covered his throat with one hand and stared at Kevin in disbelief, as if he didn't even think that Kevin would actually 'kill' him.

It was only after a while that Loki didn't feel the pain in his neck, released his hand covering his neck, and didn't see the blood that should have flowed out, that he understood everything.

"…You lied to me!?"

"Yes, this is just an ordinary dagger. Don't say I don't use my strength. Even if I use my strength, I can't break through your defense."

Kevin laughed and threw the dagger away.

Any talisman obtained from a collector that can break all laws is all nonsense.

Putting aside whether there is such a thing in the Marvel universe, even if it is, this thing should be a treasure from the Greek god system. Kevin has never been to the Greek god system, how could he possibly create such a thing.

Even if the power of the Reality Stone is the ‘power of my thoughts’, it still needs an imaginary basis.


"The God of Trickery can be deceived by others. It seems that you are a bit incompetent as the God of Trickery."

Letting Loki go, Kevin took the apple from the God King's high platform, ate it, and taunted Loki.

Kevin's taunts made Loki look livid.

The majestic God of trickery was actually fooled by other people's tricks. Telling this story will indeed make people laugh out loud.

Loki looked at Kevin with a ferocious expression.

Obviously Kevin was very unhappy with the teasing he had just done, but Kevin was enjoying it.

There's nothing funnier than tricking the God of Trickery in the Marvel world, especially in front of Thor.

And what if Loki sees him unhappy? Can you still come and beat him?

He can't beat Kevin now.

Hmm... But if possible, it would be better to tease Loki as little as possible.

Who knows whether the current 'God Loki' has become the God of Story? If Loki has become the God of Story, and Kevin is teasing his parallel universe clone now, he may not be liquidated by him later.

Although Kevin doesn't think the God of Story would be so stingy...

Anyway, enough of the teasing.

The god-king who has been staying in the Asgard turned out to be Loki. After Kevin pointed this out, Kevin gained two skill points. Let’s not mention it for the time being. Anyway, the entire Asgard was once again in chaos because of this incident. got up.

Odin disappeared, and now the king is Loki, so the 'policies' that Loki had set could no longer be implemented.

Thor temporarily shouldered the burden of the king, first cleaning up the mess left by Loki, and then remembered his promise to Kevin and immediately went to investigate the technology of the dark elves.

However, after investigating, Thor discovered that something was slightly wrong.

"We have to find my father first."

Thor said to Kevin slightly embarrassed:

"Loki can't study the technology of the dark elves at all. If he wants to study it, I'm afraid my father will have to come in person."

"Well, I knew it wasn't that simple."

Kevin wasn't surprised at all.

After all, since the end of the Dark Elf War, Odin in Asgard has been Loki. With his character, he would probably only think about eating, drinking and having fun when he ascended the throne, and would not think of these things at all.

He actually studied the technology of dark elves for a period of time, which surprised Kevin.

Carol, who followed Kevin and listened roughly from beginning to end, asked after several people ended the conversation:

"Then you want to go back to Earth now?"

Thor said nothing, he looked at Loki.

Loki, who was now locked again, said feebly:

"I put my father in a nursing home on Earth, so...yeah, we're going to Earth now."

"Let's go, I'll ask Heimdall to send us there."

After confirming Odin's trace at this moment, Thor took Kevin and Loki and planned to leave.

Carol had no intention of continuing.

"Then you go ahead, I won't follow you."

Earth is Nick Fury's domain, at least in Carol's perception.

Carol promised Nick Fury to keep an eye on Kevin and follow him to Asgard. This was considered the end of her kindness. She had no time to follow Kevin to travel to the earth.

She still has a lot to do.

"Okay, tell Peter and the others for me, I won't go back this time."

Knowing that Carol was leaving, Kevin asked Carol to send a message to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have been running with Kevin for a long time, just waiting for Kevin to "return to the team". But something happened to Kevin and he couldn't come back. It was really too much to say nothing.

Carol leaves with a message from Kevin.

Kevin followed Thor and Loki back to Earth.

Odin was thrown into a nursing home by Loki. The old and frail Odin didn't even think of resisting, and just stayed in the nursing home with peace of mind, just like an ordinary old man, raising flowers and walking birds every day. .

Perhaps because it is still far away from the plot time of "Thor 3", the sanatorium where Odin is located has not been demolished, and everyone found him here easily.

This one-eyed old man was playing chess with another old man in the yard when everyone found him.

When he realized that Thor and Loki were coming, he didn't even look back at his two sons, and turned his back to them and said:

"You guys came earlier than I thought."


Thor saw Odin and breathed a sigh of relief. He came to Odin and was about to speak, but Odin raised his hand to stop him.

"Wait until I finish this game of chess."

Odin said, picking up the 'Knight' on the chessboard and moving forward.

As sons, Thor and Loki did not disturb Odin's pleasure and stayed aside to wait.

Kevin was behind the two of them, watching Odin's back.

The two most powerful and powerful bosses in the early days of the Marvel Universe, Ancient One, Odin, and Kevin have now been seen.

But the Odin in front of Kevin at this moment is older than the Ancient One. Just from the back, Kevin can't tell that there is any trace of the God King in him.

He was like an ordinary old man, with an aura of decay permeating his body.

Life will eventually grow old, and even the God King is no exception.

Odin's game of chess didn't last long. After it was over, he said goodbye to his chess friends and took Thor and Loki to the courtyard of the sanatorium.

However, he did not speak to his two sons. Instead, he looked at Kevin:

"Is it Loki who you exposed?"

"His Majesty the God King seems to have seen me for the first time. Why are you so sure?"

Kevin asked curiously.

Odin smiled: "Although this is our first meeting, I have heard Ancient One talk about you."

Hearing these words, Kevin originally wanted to give Odin a polite smile back, but after just a moment, Kevin's smile disappeared and his expression became serious:

"...Master Gu Yi mentioned me to you?"

"I think my voice just now wasn't too soft?"

Odin asked in a low voice, and looked up and down to see the crux of Kevin's problem:

"You came to me for the ether particles? Sorry, we in Asgard don't have the technology to take out the ether particles now, but we can't, but someone can."

"Supreme Mage..."

"Yes, Gu Yi is waiting for you. Go back, it just so happens that I am talking to my two sons."

After Odin finished speaking, he stopped talking to Kevin.

Kevin looked at Odin silently, recalling in his mind all the things he saw when he met the Ancient One after he traveled through time. Without hesitation, he created the portal and turned around to leave.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Yi would not mention people who had nothing to do with her when chatting with others.

Before this, Kevin always thought that he was the irrelevant person to Gu Yi.

Maybe his identity is a little special, he is a visitor from another world, and he deserves a little more attention from Gu Yi, but overall, Kevin is no different from other ordinary mages.

It was even more unworthy of her mentioning herself in front of Odin.

The outstanding disciple in Ancient One's mind was Strange. Even if he mentioned it to Odin, he would only mention Strange.

But now, when Ancient One met with Odin, he actually mentioned Kevin.

Kevin didn't believe that the two big guys mentioned that he was just chatting.

They must have been talking about something to bring up Kevin.

for example……

The candidate for the next Sorcerer Supreme.

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