Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 157 Phoenix Girl has been dead for twenty years

Kevin was very decisive and simply killed the guy with the robot hand.

Kevin couldn't remember his name, but he had a vague impression of the man, a negative one of course.

He is the main villain throughout the entire plot of "Wolverine 3". Logan and others were forced to give up their leisurely secluded life and had to go on the run, almost all because of him.

Therefore, after Kevin met him, he didn't even think about saying a few words to him. He decisively controlled the blood in his brain and stirred his brain into paste, achieving "brain death" in the physical sense.

What surprised Kevin was that this guy's death actually provided Kevin with four skill points.

A villain who can only be considered a minor player in the Wolverine world actually provides a little more skill points than Ego.

" are...?"

Kevin took a look at the skill points he had earned. After Caliban calmed down, he began to ask Kevin about his identity.

In the past 25 years, mutants have almost disappeared. Even existences like Magneto have disappeared. As for other mutants, they don’t know where they are hiding.

And almost all mutant abilities have degraded.

Caliban used to be able to sense the presence of all mutants within a range of forty kilometers at any time.

But now, he clearly knew that the person in front of him was a mutant, but he didn't feel it at all.

The abilities of most mutants have degraded. The ability of Kevin, who can instantly kill any ordinary person, almost does not exist nowadays.

But he just existed in front of Caliban.

This made Caliban wonder, where did this guy come from?

"My name is Kevin."

Kevin introduced himself to Caliban, stretched out his hand to him, asked him to get up from the ground, and then said:

"And it doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that Professor X and Wolverine are in trouble now, and we have to find them first."

"Trouble...that little girl?"

Caliban thought of the girl who came to see them today, and suddenly realized something:

"She is indeed a mutant too? A newly born mutant?"

"No, she is a mutant who was transformed later. I can't explain the specific situation. When you meet Wolverine, he should tell you everything."

"Logan...he knows this?"

"I didn't know at first, but after meeting that girl, he should know. Okay Caliban, stop talking so much nonsense, take me to find them quickly now, our time is limited."

Kevin patted Caliban on the shoulder and handed the sunglasses to him.

Perhaps for the sake of being a ‘mutant’, or perhaps because Kevin saved him, Caliban did not refuse this time.

He first found some things in the warehouse they called home, then ran to a certain room to prepare some things, and then came out to meet Kevin and said:

"My... ability is very weak now. I can only lock in a general direction."

"That's enough, let's get in the car."

Kevin randomly found a jeep without a machine gun, found the key from the pile of corpses on the ground, got in the jeep and started the vehicle.

Caliban sat in the passenger seat, fastened his seat belt and pointed into the distance of the wilderness:

"The last direction they left was this way."

"Okay, sit tight."

After determining the direction, Kevin started the vehicle at full speed, and the vehicle flew out like an arrow. Caliban was so frightened that he subconsciously grabbed the passenger's handle.

The car was speeding, and while driving, Kevin was thinking about what to say after meeting Wolverine.

Today's Wolverine is wary of everything. He is just like the middle-aged and elderly people, stubborn and untrusting of anyone.

In other words, Wolverine doesn't want to cause trouble now. He doesn't want to get involved in any group or the New Mutants. He just wants to live a stable life, save enough money, buy a boat, and take him with him. Spend the rest of his life at sea with Professor X.

Kevin is a problem for Wolverine.

Because according to the standards of this world, he is considered a mutant, and a powerful mutant.

The more powerful the mutants are, the greater the trouble they will cause.

So if Kevin and Wolverine meet, he may not listen to Kevin, and may choose to throw Laura directly to his "powerful mutant", and he will immediately run away with Professor X.

This is something the current Wolverine might do.

But in fact, for Kevin, it doesn't matter whether Wolverine runs or not, he just needs to know where Jean Gray is buried.

Kevin was thinking about how to communicate with Wolverine later. After calming down, Caliban suddenly asked Kevin:

"Are you...also a new mutant? I think you look very young."

"No, I actually...can't be considered a mutant. I was just injected with some kind of medicine to gain this ability."

Kevin said tactfully.

Whether Kevin admits his identity as a mutant or not is irrelevant to Kevin's contact with Wolverine and his team.

But since he had something to ask for later, Kevin thought it would be better to be sincere.

"No wonder I can't sense you."

Caliban's doubts seemed to be answered at once, and he nodded suddenly.

He did not continue to ask. He was also old and had already passed the age of being curious about everything.

Because of albinism, Caliban looks quite young, and seems to be less than forty years old.

But in fact, Caliban was almost thirty as early as the 1980s.

Now I am going straight to my seventies.

After living for so long, Caliban has seen everything he shouldn't have seen, and there is no need to inquire about the details of a stranger.

He just needs to know that this person is here to help him.

"You...have been living here all these years?"

Caliban was silent, and it was Kevin who continued to look for topics.

Caliban looked out the window at the scenery and replied:

"This has been the case for the past year. Charles...suffers from Alzheimer's disease. When the symptoms occur, his abilities are completely out of control. In order to prevent him from harming more people, Logan chose to place him here."

"Where is Magneto? Where has he gone?"

"Eric? I don't know. I haven't seen him for a long time. Not only me, but also the X-Men. Maybe... his abilities have deteriorated and he is lingering somewhere. He is a wanted criminal."

When it came to Magneto, Caliban's tone didn't change much.

The dispute between the Brotherhood, once headed by Magneto, and the X-Men, headed by Professor X, has now become a thing of the past that cannot be turned back.

His previous identity, his future as a mutant, these things are no longer important.

Now Caliban racks his brain just thinking about what to eat every day.

But Caliban saw nothing wrong with this.

At least they can still gain temporary stability. If Logan buys a boat and goes to sea with Professor X, they may be able to remain stable forever.

The premise is...Laura doesn't come to the door.

"Is Magneto's brotherhood gone too?"

"Magneto is gone, and of course his brotherhood members are walking and running... There is no mutant organization now. Don't you know this?"

Caliban asked strangely at the end of his explanation.

Even if Kevin was a special 'mutant' who became a mutant after being injected with drugs later on, he shouldn't know anything about these things.

After all, looking at Kevin's appearance, he doesn't look like a guy who grew up locked in a laboratory.

"I don't know if this is strange. After all, I didn't pay attention to their whereabouts before."

"Then why are you thinking of coming to see Charles now?"

"I have something I want to ask..."

"What is it? May I know?"

Perhaps because Kevin was so approachable, Caliban no longer had any worries and asked Kevin about his purpose.

Kevin thought for a moment and made no secret:

"I'm looking for Jean Grey."

"Phoenix Jean Grey?" Caliban was stunned for a moment and asked, "What are you doing with an X-Men who has been dead for twenty years?"


Twenty years?

Kevin was stunned.

Kevin knew that Jean Gray was dead, but he originally thought that Jean Gray was killed by Professor X when Professor X became ill.

As a result, looking at it now, Qin actually died a long time ago?

Twenty years ago...2009?

Does the timeline of Wolverine 3 follow the timeline after the old trilogy of "X-Men"?

Not the future of Days of Future Past? ?

Kevin couldn't help but frown for a moment.

The "X-Men" film series actually has several timelines.

One timeline is the old trilogy of "X-Men", with Wolverine as the protagonist.

The other is a new tetralogy, starring Charles, Eric, and Raven (Mystique).

In the new tetralogy, it is divided into two timelines.

A timeline where Wolverine returns to the present day after Days of Future Past and Jean Gray is still alive.

The other is the timeline of the subsequent "Apocalypse" and "Dark Phoenix".

This is the timeline in which Jean Gray was finally completely integrated with the Phoenix Force, unable to take human form, and guarding the earth in the sky.

Jean Gray in the latter timeline will definitely not die, because she is the incarnation of the Phoenix Force.

Therefore, Kevin believes that the current world is the timeline after the reversal of the future, and only in this way can Wolverine and the professor become what they are now.

But I didn't expect...

"Independent universe...?"

Kevin quickly thought that maybe "Wolverine 3" would be different from other X-Men.

This should be Wolverine's own personal plot world, with no connection to other worlds.

Just like the "Joker" movie in the DC universe, it has no connection with the main universe.

But even though he understood this, Kevin found it even more troublesome.

If Jean Gray had been dead for a year, the Phoenix Force might still be in Jean Gray's grave, and it wouldn't be difficult for Kevin to contact her.

But Phoenix Girl has been dead for twenty years now.

In twenty years, the Phoenix Force has probably changed many hosts.

How is Kevin going to find the Phoenix Force and access it?

If we follow Wolverine and the others, can we find them?

After sorting out everything about the X-Men world, Kevin finally felt how difficult this matter was.

Although the overall combat power of this mission world is not high, in terms of difficulty, it may far exceed that of the Marvel Universe.

Maybe...Kevin will stay in this world for a long time.

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