Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 158 The out-of-control Professor X

The search for Logan was not smooth.

Just like Caliban said, his ability has degraded to a certain extent. He could originally pinpoint the location of any mutant, but now he only has a general direction.

And sometimes there is no trace of Logan.

In addition, Logan and the others have always believed that Caliban is dead and that people from the Alkali Group are chasing them. His mobile phone is also turned off, and Caliban cannot contact him using his mobile phone.

At present, Caliban can only rely on the weak sense of Logan and his party to track them.

Fortunately, there were three mutants on Logan's side, so it was relatively easy for Caliban to find them.

"Go forward along this highway and you should be able to find them. Once here, their goal seems to have not changed."

At night, after refueling and driving on the highway, Caliban pointed to the highway ahead and said to Kevin.

Kevin glanced at Caliban, who already looked sleepy, and asked:

"Do you want to take a break?"

This guy can be considered an old man, and his body is no longer what it used to be. The high-intensity use of his abilities makes his body tremble a little.

Kevin was not a guy who liked to torture people. Seeing that Caliban was a little unable to hold on, he thought about letting him rest for a while to avoid sudden death in his car.

"What if they change lanes midway? If they are too far away by then, I really won't be able to continue tracking them."

Caliban is worried about losing track of Logan and the others.

Because based on Kevin's description, he was sure that Logan and others had been involved in big trouble.

They need helpers, not helpers like Caliban, but Kevin, who is very powerful at first glance.

So even though his body was feeling extremely uncomfortable, Caliban still insisted on using his abilities to track Logan and others.

Kevin looked at his slightly trembling body, took out the map he just bought at the gas station, pointed to a big city on it and asked:

"The biggest city along this road is Oklahoma City, right."


“Is the largest casino in Oklahoma also here?”

"I don't know about that, but there are indeed several casinos there... Do you think they will go here?"

"Try it, it doesn't cost anything anyway, so just rest before I get to my destination, and I will find a way to find them."

Kevin put down the map and started navigating to Oklahoma.

Although Kevin watched the movie "Wolverine 3" a long time ago, Kevin vaguely remembered that Logan in the plot once took Laura to take refuge near the casino.

The reason why I was so impressed by this incident is because Kevin was still commenting and complaining at the time, saying that it was really okay to let the little girl go to the casino with him?

Then it brought up the question of whether the actor playing the little girl Laura had been to a casino during the filming. This is a question worth exploring.

Because of this, Kevin still remembers this episode so well.

Logan and the others would pass by the casino on the way. This was something Kevin remembered, so as long as they searched the nearby casinos before tomorrow night, they should be able to find them.

Perhaps it was Kevin's confident attitude that rubbed off on Caliban.

Caliban could no longer hold back and lowered the passenger seat and said:

"Okay, then I will take a short rest and wait until you call me again... As you get older, you will get sleepy..."

He muttered, then muttered a few words that were inaudible, and then there was no more sound.

He actually fell asleep directly.


Looking at Caliban like this, Kevin sighed.

Thinking about Caliban in the past, he was still a figure in the underground world.

Because of his ability to find mutants, he gathered many mutants around him and conducted mutant-related transactions underground.

Even when Apocalypse appears, you have to go to him first to find the mutants Apocalypse wants to find.

As a result, now, he can only curl up in the car and sleep.

Even if Kevin hadn't appeared, he might not even have the leisure to sleep here. He would just lie in the cold carriage and eventually die together with the enemy.

Caliban is the same, Professor X and Wolverine are the same.

The dignified Professor

Wolverine has also aged a long time, and sometimes he can't even extend his steel claws. What used to be a passive self-healing ability now needs to be actively used.

This is the end for heroes.

When Kevin thought about them, he couldn't help but think of the Alkali Group and his own Walter Group.

In fact, what Kevin will do next in the Black Robe World is similar to the Alkali Group.

First, by analyzing the No. 5 compound, we deduced the genetic medicine that can eliminate the No. 5 compound in the blood, and then promoted these medicines to all parts of the world, allowing superpowers to slowly lose their superpowers.

In the end, only a limited number of superhumans were retained to work for Kevin and become superheroes who 'guarded' the black-robed world.

That was Kevin's plan, and he didn't think anything was wrong before.

But now that he has come to the world of Wolverine and seen the aging heroes, Kevin feels that... his approach seems to be no different from that of Alkali Company.

Kevin's thoughts gradually drifted away as he thought about this heavy topic.

I was so lost in thought that I almost missed the exit from the expressway.

Putting the problems of the black robe world behind him for the time being, Kevin opened the map navigation to look for nearby casinos.

But what surprised Kevin was that there was more than one casino in this city.

This made Kevin couldn't help but hold his forehead.

"It looks like we're going to be very busy tonight."

Caliban had a more comfortable sleep this time.

Mainly because the mysterious mutant didn't wake him up all night.

But when he got up, he found that he was no longer in the car, but inside a hotel.

He sat up from the bed and turned to look at the window that was blocked by curtains.

The faint sunlight passed through the gap between the curtains and fell on the patterned carpet. Judging from the sunlight, it was already the morning of the next day, but I didn't know where this place was.

"Oh, you're awake?"

Caliban had just made this judgment when he heard the mutant's voice coming from the bathroom.

Raising his head, he watched Kevin stick his head out of the bathroom with a toothbrush and said to him:

"I saw that you were too asleep, so I didn't wake you up. This is Harrah's Casino in Oklahoma City. Please help me sense it later to see if Wolverine and the others are here.

"I searched all night last night. No one in the other two casinos had seen an old man in a wheelchair. Now this is the only one left. If it doesn't exist here, then we may have to look elsewhere."

"You didn't sleep all night?"

"has a problem?"

"No, I just think it's better to be young."

Caliban said with a slight sigh.

The older you get, the more your body feels exhausted. Kevin stayed up all night and felt refreshed. Caliban slept all night but still felt sore and backache.

It was also at this time that Caliban really felt like he was getting old.

But Caliban just sighed and said nothing more. Instead, he closed his eyes to sense the mutants nearby.

After a while, Caliban opened his eyes and said with a smile:

"You're lucky they're actually here."

"Oh? Which floor is it on?"

Caliban looked up.

"About...the third or fourth floor above here?"

The closer the mutants are, the more accurate the sensing range of Caliban's ability becomes. Now he can lock the approximate location of Logan and others, not just in one direction.

But after finishing speaking, Caliban frowned again and said:

"But there seem to be only two mutants up there...Logan, it seems, isn't here."

"I probably went out to buy food. It's almost noon now."

Kevin answered casually and walked out of the bathroom with his coat, "I'll go upstairs and take a look. If you want to eat, go to the restaurant downstairs. If you don't want to go out, ask the waiter to bring it to you. When I find Logan and the others, , come back to you."

"Okay, it just so happens that I also——"

Caliban was about to speak, probably something like 'I'm hungry too'.

But suddenly, he froze on the bed, his body motionless, his movements frozen in place, as if time had been suspended.

Kevin looked towards him, meeting Caliban's eyes.

His eyes moved slightly, proving that he was still conscious at this moment, but he just couldn't control his body.

"...Professor X is sick?"

Kevin asked Caliban an obvious nonsense question. Caliban, who had been immobilized by Professor X's ability, could only roll his eyes as an answer to his question.

Since Professor

When out of control, he will use his abilities to attack everything around him indiscriminately.

Force the other party to stay in place and accept the invasion of his storm of thoughts.

The reason why Kevin is immune is because ever since he knew this world was the world of the X-Men, he has been worried that Professor


But except for Kevin, everyone in the casino is probably already immobilized by Professor X's ability.

If this matter is not resolved as soon as possible, until Professor

The situation was urgent and there was no time to say much. Kevin quickly left the room and ran upstairs.

Originally, Caliban said that Professor X's location was on the third or fourth floor upstairs. Kevin was not sure how to find Professor

Now that Professor

Following the source of his ability, Kevin can determine the location of Professor X.

Three floors up from Kevin's current floor location is Professor X's floor.

After confirming the location, Kevin ran upstairs non-stop. When he saw Wolverine in the corridor of the target floor, struggling to move towards a certain room, Kevin was sure that his sense was correct.

Without saying hello to Wolverine, Kevin trotted all the way to the door of a certain room under the shocked eyes of the other person.

The door was locked, and Kevin didn't have the leisurely grace to unlock it, so he kicked the door away with his foot.

Behind the door, the figure of Professor X sitting in a wheelchair appeared in front of Kevin.

Also appearing in Kevin's eyes was the little girl lying on the ground next to Professor X, holding a hypodermic needle.

She is X23, Laura Kinney.

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