Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 159 Smooth rendezvous

But Kevin’s eyes didn’t stay on Laura for too long.

He quickly came to Laura, took the syringe from her hand, quickly inserted it into Professor X's arm, and injected all the medicine inside into the professor's body.

When all the medicine entered Professor X's body, the slight discomfort that Kevin felt completely disappeared.

Laura, who was trying to get close to Professor X while standing tall, collapsed to the ground at that moment.

With the power of Professor

"I'm sorry...I...I'm really sorry...I'm sorry..."

Charles regained some sense. He seemed to remember what he was doing, apologized to the people around him, and apologized to Laura who fell to the ground.

The little girl Laura got up from the ground, came to Charles's side and shook hands with him. Her old wrinkled hands held tightly with her young ones, and Charles' mind gradually returned to calm.

After taking a short rest, Wolverine Logan finally recovered.

He stood up and looked at Kevin warily:

"Who are you?"

"Come to help you." Kevin threw away the syringe in his hand, "I rescued Caliban and dealt with those people from the Alkali Group at the same time. I originally thought that you wouldn't have to run here, but now... …”

Kevin shrugged and did not continue.

Charles became ill and lost control of his abilities, causing the entire casino and everyone nearby to fall into a brief state of brain pause.

Those who were sitting or standing were fine, but those who drove by would be out of luck.

Anyone with some common sense can clearly guess what will happen if a moving vehicle suddenly loses control.

Kevin was now standing by the window and could see that there was a long queue of cars on the street below. One car collided with another, causing a series of car accidents.

The police will definitely come to investigate this matter, and maybe someone will think of Charles.

Even if he is dead according to the official statement, no one has seen his body. If the matter is really caught by the authorities this time, and they discover that Charles is not dead yet.

Then Logan and the others are afraid that they will fall into a never-ending 'hunt'.

And there are people from the Alkali Group who are also tracking them.

Anything Kevin can think of, Logan can also think of.

He didn't bother to ask Kevin where the 'mutant' came from. He stepped forward and pushed Charles's wheelchair out:

"Charles, we need to get out of here as soon as possible."

"I'm sorry, Logan...I...I didn't mean to..."

"I know, I know, no one will blame you." Logan comforted Charles, raised his head and said to Kevin: "I don't care who you are, I just hope you don't cause us trouble, okay?"

"I just solved some troubles for you."

"You and her."

Logan pointed at Kevin and then at Laura who was following him, but when he met Laura's eyes, he slowly lowered his fingers and continued:

"...You are the biggest trouble...forget it, we will wait for you downstairs."

After a night of turmoil and in-depth understanding, Logan already knew Laura's life experience from the nurse's cell phone.

Logan, who understood what Laura had gone through, could no longer feel angry towards her, and his tone even softened a lot because Laura was by his side.

At least it was softer than Kevin expected, and there was a lot less thorn in the words.

Before this, Kevin thought that Logan would force him to leave, and he thought for a long time about how to get Logan to agree to him staying.

But judging from the current situation, Kevin doesn't need to waste any more words.

Logan pushed Charles and took Laura out of the room.

Kevin first returned to the room he booked, explained the situation to Caliban, and then went downstairs with Caliban to join everyone.

Downstairs, Logan was waiting for Kevin to come next to the second-hand pickup truck he just bought.

When he saw Kevin and Caliban, he said nothing and gestured for them to get in the car.

Caliban, Charles, and Laura sat in the back seat, with Kevin sitting in the passenger seat and Logan driving.

A group of five people quickly left the messy casino.

Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say 'escape'.

"Why don't we... drive away in that car?"

After getting in the car, Caliban looked back at the armed car of the Alkali Group that was abandoned by Kevin.

Compared with the second-hand pickup truck that Logan bought, the armed vehicle that Kevin snatched was much safer.

And it’s roomier inside than this car and more comfortable to sit in.

"We can't guarantee whether there is a positioning on that car." Kevin explained, "And I don't think this little guy will like that car."

Before, because he didn't have a car, Kevin had no choice but to drive the car from the Alkali Group.

Now that he has a new means of transportation, Kevin does not have to risk being tracked by the Alkali Group by continuing to drive the black car.

Moreover, Kevin also has to care about the feelings of Laura, a little loli.

Laura, who escaped from Alkali Gene Company, is hostile to everything in Alkali Company.

And from the moment she came out to now, when Laura saw the car Kevin drove, her eyes showed vicious hostility.

If Kevin hadn't helped them and was a 'mutant', they certainly wouldn't have let Kevin get in the car.

Perhaps he also thought of this. Halfway through the car, Logan asked Kevin:

"Are you a mutant too? With her?"

"I... according to you, I am a mutant, but I am different from her. I am a free person."

"Really? I thought you were also an experimental subject of some genetic company, but you're just a bit older."

The Alkali Group's research has continued for nearly twenty years.

If Kevin is one of the first experimental subjects, then it makes sense that he is about twenty years old now. Kevin, who has shaved off his beard, also looks younger, so it is normal for him to be considered that way.

"No matter how you look at it, I can't be only twenty years old."

Kevin said half-jokingly, and Caliban, who was sitting in the back seat, picked up his joke:

"Maybe you just... look too mature?"

"...Your reason is really beyond my ability to refute."

"Then since you are not an experimental subject of that company, why did you come to us?"

Logan asked again.

"I wanted to ask you for help with something, and then I found that you seemed to be in trouble, so I thought I would help you first, and then you would help me."

If you want to contact the Phoenix Force, you have to find Jean Gray, but Jean Gray is dead, and all Kevin can find is her grave.


Therefore, helping them get rid of the Alkali Group first, and then in exchange for finding the Phoenix Girl's grave, is what Kevin has to do now.

And there is another reason to help these two people.

"Wolverine 3" is a movie that Kevin felt uneasy after watching it.

He didn't want the tragedy in the movie to happen again, he wanted to save them, at least Logan.

The reasons given by Kevin did not convince Logan, but Professor X chose to believe it anyway:

"He's not lying, Logan, and he's a young mutant, like Laura, and we should help him."

"There is nothing in this world that we should do! Charles! How can we help others if we can't even protect ourselves now!"

"North Dakota, where Laura is going, the 'Garden of Eden' for mutants..."

Charles mentioned the 'Garden of Eden', the 'paradise' for mutants mentioned by the nurse who saved Laura.

I heard from the nurse that the 'Garden of Eden' is the only pure land that belongs to mutants now. Laura can find peace as long as she goes there.

But when he mentioned this, Logan's expression became very strange.

It was an expression filled with anger and some helplessness.

He threw out a comic from the backpack beside him. It was an "X-Men" comic. It was a work created by some creators in this universe based on the experiences of the X-Men.

Logan threw the comic to Caliban in the back row and said:

"There is no Garden of Eden at all, it's just a fictional place in the comics!"


Charles didn't seem to have expected this to happen, and he was stunned for a while.

That’s right, the so-called ‘Garden of Eden’ actually does not exist at all. The coordinate address of the Garden of Eden that the nurse told Laura and Logan was just something in the comic, and it was on the last page of the comic’s ending.

Why the nurse regarded the things in the comics as reality is unknown now that the nurse has passed away.

But Laura firmly believes that the Garden of Eden really exists.

Charles was also willing to believe it, even if Logan told him the truth.

Logan and Charles started to quarrel again, but their quarrel was not fierce, but more like a daily quarrel between father and son.

The conversation ended with Logan asking Charles to take medicine, and a silent moment was spent in the car.

Kevin sat in the passenger seat, enjoying the wind blowing from the window, and felt a rare sense of tranquility.

Ever since he traveled through the world of black robes, Kevin had rarely had the time to not worry about anything and leave all the planning to others while he stayed at ease.

Especially after traveling to the Marvel world, Kevin feels like he is always busy.

Busy fighting Thanos, busy fighting Ultron, busy fighting Egg.

In the world of black robes, they are busy controlling the Watt Group, busy dealing with the motherland and the storm...

It seems that I have never had such a leisurely time.

Until now, sitting in the car driven by Logan, Kevin felt the rare leisure.

"You are very happy."

Charles, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly said to Kevin after taking the medicine.

Kevin looked back at him:

"Is it obvious?"

He touched his face as he spoke, thinking that he probably didn't have any strange expression on his face.

"I can feel it," Charles said. "Although I can't feel your thoughts, I can feel your emotions."

Charles had just finished speaking, but before Kevin could answer, Logan's reprimand followed closely:

"Charles! I remember I told you not to use your abilities casually, as it will make your condition worse!"

"I didn't...really."

Charles explained quietly.

Kevin acted as peacemaker:

"Don't be so cruel, Wolverine, this is not a big deal. After this incident is over, I will help you cure the professor's disease."

As soon as Kevin finished speaking, Charles said:

"As much as I appreciate you, Kevin, Alzheimer's is a terminal disease and I know that."

"For ordinary people, that's true."

Kevin didn't deny it.

Because there is currently no effective treatment that can reverse Alzheimer's disease.

But that is among ordinary people. After the job transfer, Kevin can return to the Marvel Universe and find a cure for this disease in the universe.

It is indeed a terminal disease on earth, but in the universe, this disease may not be a big deal.

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