Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 174 Dragon Quest

Twenty-five years ago, I believe not many people would have known who Wolverine was.

Ordinary people don't know even Phoenix Girl, Cyclops, Professor

Many people don't even know that the X-Men exist, let alone what they have done.

But it's different now.

I don't know who drew the "X-Men" comics, but they have brought countless fans to the X-Men in the past twenty-five years.

When the X-Men were still alive a year ago, many of them would be asked for autographs and photos if they were recognized.

The X-Men didn't dare to leave the school at will.

It wasn't until something happened to Professor

But even so, they still have a certain fan base.

That's the case with Wolverine Logan.

As one of the protagonists of the "X-Men" comic series, Wolverine is loved by countless people.

Laura will get close to Logan and recognize Logan so easily, and the children will recognize Logan and Professor X. This is also the reason.

Therefore, when Wolverine appeared in Kevin's live broadcast room to say hello, those Wolverine fans exploded instantly, and one comment after another appeared in the lower right corner of the live broadcast room faster than before.

【Wolverine! ? Really Wolverine? ! 】

【Oh my god! I saw X-Men! 】

[I remembered... Laura... Laura's guardian is him! I just asked him why his back looks so familiar! 】

[He...has aged a lot, and has changed a lot from before. 】

[It’s all the fault of the Alkali Group! Wolverine's abilities have also been weakened, so he looks older! Otherwise, he is the one who never ages among the X-Men! 】

After learning what the Alkali Group had done, many people also realized that mutants were gradually disappearing from the public eye. It was not that they did not want to come out, but that many mutants had lost their abilities and became ordinary people.

They are not much different from ordinary people. Even if they say they are mutants while walking on the street, no one will believe them.

This is all the 'contribution' of Alkali's genetic foods.

Weak mutants have completely lost their abilities, and the abilities of powerful mutants are gradually weakening.

So when they saw Wolverine become so old, everyone was surprised and understood why he looked so old, and at the same time they began to sympathize with Wolverine.

The X-Men of the past now look so miserable.

Even because of Luo Gen's appearance, some netizens who had booked Luo Gen's car also connected Luo Gen with the unattractive online ride-hailing driver.

【I... seem to have seen him...】

[Did he previously work as a driver in El Paso, Texas? I think I had an appointment with him in his car. 】

[X-Men...Be a driver...Oh God...]

It was better not to mention this matter. When it was mentioned, Logan instantly felt more miserable, and many people began to sympathize with Logan.

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, Logan seemed cautious.

He never dreamed that a rough guy like himself would have fans.

This feeling is like an ordinary person who seems to be nothing special. The moment he leaves his hometown and runs to a big city, he suddenly becomes a big star that everyone likes.

The feeling of unreality is getting stronger and stronger, and Logan doesn't know how to speak now.

But fortunately Kevin is very experienced in this.

He quickly turned the camera from Logan to himself and began to explain:

"As you can see, Mr. Wolverine is in a bad state, but even so, he still chose to protect Laura and send her here safely. Now he is even more willing to risk his life to stop Alkali with me. group.

"I don't know what the Alkali Group thinks to persecute a former hero like this, but no matter what, since Mr. Wolverine is willing to be with me, then I will not back down! Absolutely not!"

Kevin spoke impassionedly to the camera, and suddenly changed the subject:

"Sorry, although I still have a lot to say, but there is obviously no time now, they are here."

After Kevin finished speaking, he put the phone in his breast pocket and pointed the camera forward.

People from the Alkali Group and the military had already arrived in front of them.

Perhaps because of the television station in the sky, they did not take action immediately, but they also surrounded Kevin and Logan, and at the same time separated some people and chased them in the direction where the mutant children were escaping in the distance.

Once the missile was launched, they could no longer stop moving.

Since you can't stop it, let's break the pot, solve the problem quickly, and solve the problem directly from the source.

They have even tried to stop the TV station helicopter to prevent them from continuing to shoot.

But they didn't know that Kevin was live broadcasting.

In order to prevent them from discovering it, Kevin also unilaterally cut off Alkali’s contact signal with them, preventing outsiders from notifying them of their live broadcast.

so now……

The people of Alkali Group are very arrogant!

"Logan, we can't let them pass!"

Seeing that the people from the Alkali Group were about to bypass him and Logan and chase the children, Kevin immediately said to Logan.

Logan didn't hesitate, popped out the steel claw and rushed towards the person over there.

But it was just a rush.

He still remembered Kevin's instructions to him not to kill anyone in the early stage, so he didn't act cruelly, let alone inject the medicine he got from Rector.

Logan quickly caught a few soldiers in a struggle. He pierced their thighs and shoulders with steel claws, causing them to lose the ability to move. However, his ability alone was limited after all. Within ten seconds, Logan He was pushed to the ground by the soldiers.

Kevin deliberately pointed the camera in the direction of Logan and waited quietly for two seconds before taking out two bottles of mineral water from his pocket, unscrewing the bottle caps, controlling the water in the bottles to form a rope, and wrapping it around the soldiers.

"Get out of my way!!"

The rope condensed by the water flow was unimaginably tough. When it wrapped around the soldier's feet, it actually threw the soldier away.

Then Kevin also charged towards the soldiers.

There was water surrounding him, and his fists were glowing with azure water.

In the live broadcast, Kevin seemed to be possessed by a god, his fists wrapped in water, knocking the soldiers to the ground one by one.

But two fists are no match for four hands.

No matter how powerful Kevin and Logan are, there are only two of them, not to mention that they are tied up in their own hands and cannot cause fatal injuries to the enemy, and there are too many enemies.


It was helpless for some people to go around and catch up with the mutant children.

Where Kevin couldn't see, the live broadcast room was already noisy.

[Why don’t they take action! Why doesn't Wolverine kill them! ? 】

[…They probably don’t want to make the situation of mutants worse. 】

【That's too stupid! Don't worry so much, Wolverine and Kevin, let's do it! ! 】

[How can they have time to read comments now... Damn it, those kids seem to be caught up! 】

Kevin and Logan chased the group of soldiers, who were chasing the children.

They ran to the woods near the border and could already vaguely see the figures of the children.

Kevin can see the children, and so can the netizens in the live broadcast room.

When he noticed that the soldiers' claws were about to reach out to the mutant children, Logan finally couldn't help it anymore.

He immediately looked back at Kevin. Although he didn't say anything, Kevin knew what he wanted to ask.

Feeling that the atmosphere was about the same, Kevin nodded slightly to Logan.

Now the viewers in the live broadcast room have seen everything they should see and what they shouldn't see. Even if the killer is killed at this moment, the viewers in the live broadcast room can also understand.

Therefore, Logan and Kevin can stop enduring and do what they should do.

The camera shifted away from Logan's body to prevent the scene of Logan injecting the medicine from being recorded in the live broadcast. Kevin took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice:

"I'm sorry...I originally...didn't want to kill anyone, I really didn't want to...but...but now there's no other way, so...I'm very sorry!!"

Kevin's helpless voice was clearly recorded by his cell phone.

It was also heard clearly by Sandel, who had been observing this area with a drone.

Hearing Kevin's words, Sandel's face was filled with shock:

"What the hell is this guy talking about?"

Don't want to kill someone?

Who did Donald's death and the death of those security teams before that?

The team escorting X24 were all drowned, leaving only Paul, the mole. Who did this? !

I'm afraid the number of lives on your hands is close to fifty, and now you're here saying you don't want to kill anyone? !

Sandel did not believe that what Kevin said was simply because he wanted to be a bitch and build a memorial. After being surprised, he used the drone's magnification function to focus on Kevin's body for observation.

Then...he saw the camera lens of the cell phone resting on Kevin's chest.

"Damn! Is he live streaming?!"

Sandel understood in an instant the intention of Kevin's words.

He wasn't talking to Sandel who was looking over here, he was talking to the live camera!

It is true that Kevin killed many people from the Alkali Group before, but the viewers watching the live broadcast did not know these things.

They only knew that Kevin was a 'good boy' who was forced to a desperate situation and refused to kill anyone.

It was the Alkali Group and the military who aided the tyrants in pursuing him and the children, forcing them to a point of desperation, so Kevin was 'forced' to do something he didn't want to do!

After this 'shaping', the image of the Alkali Group's villains has become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. They are simply the evil in this world who have done all the evil in the world!

On the contrary, Kevin and Logan are heroic fighters who bravely fight evil to the end and would rather die than surrender!

When he understood this, Sandel became numb.

He couldn't understand why things turned out like this, where did the guy named Kevin come from, and why was he so 'proficient' in these things.

Not only did they put a good dark fight on the bright side, but they also directed and acted in a good show of "a brave man fighting the devil".

The most annoying thing is that he has already succeeded!

The current online reviews are all one-sided in support of Kevin and condemnation of the Alkali Group!

Can't they see that this is all acting? !

"Break his phone into pieces!!"

Sandel grew angrier as he thought about it, scratching his hair and yelling into the intercom.

But his order came a bit late.

When Kevin and Logan got serious, dealing with a group of soldiers who were too restrained to shoot, they were no different from Kai Wushuang.

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