Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 175 Got shot!

Kevin finally got a little more serious.

There was no water nearby, and it was true that he couldn't use his ability to control water flow.

But when he clicks on the level three [Fighter's Dance], several streams of water will dance around him.

These water flows are very tough, and with Kevin's water manipulation skills, they can be condensed into various shapes.

So under the lens of the live broadcast room, Kevin began his own 'path of growth'.

Surrounded by water, he rushed into the crowd to prevent the soldiers from reaching the children. His movements were very unfamiliar at first, and he was occasionally punched in the face by the soldiers.

But it didn’t take long for Kevin to become more skilled in his movements and better able to control the water flow on his body.

The water condensed into a sharp blade and circled around Kevin like a piece of iron. Every time it touched the enemy, it would leave a fatal wound on the enemy.

Even in order to provide a better viewing experience for the viewers in the live broadcast room, Kevin sometimes stopped to give a less obvious 'close-up'.

Kevin's rise made the audience in the live broadcast room cheer.

Sandel couldn't bear it.

After knowing that Kevin would not use his ability to kill people from afar in order to maintain his "personality" during the live broadcast, Sandel simply felt relieved and directly ordered:

"Shoot me!! Shoot those old mutants!! Especially that guy named Kevin! I don't care what method you use! Kill him!!!"

At this point, Sandel has no way out.

No matter what, the company's image has hit rock bottom, and no matter how hard we try to maintain dignity, we simply can't.

It's better to take advantage of the other party's personality for himself and take this opportunity to kill him!

This mutant named Kevin is a threat to everyone with his abilities. Even because he doesn't know how to defend against his abilities, Sandel's plan from the beginning was to provide fire coverage from a distance.

Keep a distance from Kevin and strike from a distance to eliminate the target, thereby avoiding the inexplicable death of those close to him.

But later, because of the TV station's participation and now Kevin's live broadcast, he gave up using heavy weapons.

But now, Sandel feels that some conventional thermal weapons can be used.

For example, sniper rifles, machine guns, and artillery cannons. Use these weapons as long as they are available.

If the mutant named Kevin refuses to fight back with his true abilities, then he will die under these weapons!

On the other hand, it doesn't matter even if he uses these abilities.

When he uses those weird and bloody abilities, the persona he carefully created in front of the public will collapse in an instant.

The audience will think that Kevin's abilities are cruel and 'evil', thus reducing their favorable impression of him and starting to doubt what he has done before.

Sandel certainly hopes that things will develop towards the latter situation, which can not only solve the group's dilemma, but also ruin Kevin's reputation.

But even in the former situation, Sandel felt that it was not a loss.

It would be better for Kevin, who caused trouble to the group, to die here than to continue to cause trouble to the group while alive.

And if his corpse can be used for research, perhaps a more powerful weapon than X24 can be created in the end.

Sandel was already imagining what would happen if Kevin died.

He seemed certain that Kevin would definitely die here today, either in a physical sense or in a social sense.

Logan felt like he had never been in such good shape.

After the injection of medicine, his body was recovering at an extremely fast speed. The hidden wounds in his body that could not heal on their own over the years gradually recovered, and strength slowly surged into his body.

The five senses became sharper, and the completely degraded wild intuition also briefly returned.

Logan once again felt like he was at his peak.

His claws became sharp again, like a wolf rushing into a flock of sheep, charging through the crowd.

The steel claws shred the enemy's limbs and penetrated the enemy's chest. Whether they were soldiers or mercenaries, their bullets could not stop Logan's footsteps.

Sprint, sprint again, until you reach those children and protect them across the border.

"Stop them!!"

"I'm almost catching those kids-!"

"You can shoot!! Repeat, you can shoot!!"

Da da da--

The conversations between the soldiers and the mercenaries of the group were mixed with the sound of firearms resounding through the forest.

Logan felt bullets penetrate his body, but the wounds penetrated by the bullets healed to their original state in less than a few seconds.


The feeling of pain and adrenaline quickly building up caused Logan to roar at his enemy.

He roared, jumped out again with wolf leap, and slashed those who shot at him with faster speed and stronger strength.

"Run!! Run!! It's safe if you cross the border!!!"

Getting closer to the children, Logan heard Rector's voice.

He was using his powers to set up dirt roadblocks along the way to give the children time to escape.

But all he did seemed to be of little use.

The people of the Alkali Group were faster. They drove their off-road vehicles through the woods, which were not particularly dense, and chased the children.

Except for mutants like Quicksilver, how can the speed of ordinary mutants match the speed of transportation.

It was only a matter of time before the children were caught up, but there was nothing Logan could do.

His steel claws cannot handle so many vehicles.

The most he could do was stop one of the cars and that was it.

But Logan is not alone.

"Stay away from them!!!!"

Kevin's roar came from behind him. In the sparse woods, Kevin's feet were entangled in the water, and his whole body seemed to be flying through the crowd.

There was clear water condensing on his hand. Under his control, each stream of water turned into tiny projectiles, which flew out with his fingers!

The projectiles are not big, but they are very powerful. They are like bullets, accurately penetrating the forehead and body of every soldier.

The enemies fell to the ground like harvested wheat. In the blink of an eye, a large area of ​​the enemy around Logan was cleared.

"...If you have such an ability, you should use it sooner, bastard."

Seeing Kevin easily dispatching these enemies, Logan muttered in silence.

If he had known that Kevin was so capable, Logan should not have followed him out and injected him with the medicine of the Alkali Group.

His body didn't seem to adapt to the medicine developed by Alkali. Just a few minutes after he had erected, Logan felt physically exhausted.

Apparently the effects of the medicine are wearing off.

Kevin rushed to Logan while flying. When he saw that the children had disappeared, he slowly exhaled and said to Logan:

"If we were talking about delaying time, we should have already done it, right?"

"I guess so…"

Logan looked around.

Kevin's 'big cleanup' just now didn't even spare the members of the Alkali Group who were driving.

One after another, a hole was made in the center of their brows.

As a result, many vehicles lost control and crashed into nearby trees, blocking vehicles behind them from moving forward.

In this case, no matter whether you get out of the car to chase the group of children or drive around, it will be too late in time.

The Alkali group has been unable to stop the children from crossing the border.

So, they did succeed in delaying time.

"Professor and Caliban, are they okay?"

Confirming that the children were safe, Kevin asked Professor X and Caliban where they were.

"They are already hiding, and they are not the target of the Alkali Group, so there should be no problem."

Logan replied.

Alkali arrived in such a hurry that Professor

After all, Alkali's target is this group of children. As long as these children are not around, they will not seriously search for the place where the children lived.

Charles and Caliban don't have to worry about being found and arrested by Alkali for the time being.

Therefore, Kevin and Logan's mission has been completed.

If nothing happens.

The accident came more suddenly than expected. Kevin originally planned to take out his mobile phone and say something to the audience in the live broadcast room, but suddenly [Heart of the Deep Sea] had a sense, and a premonition of danger came from deep in the forest.

Almost subconsciously, Kevin turned around and moved his steps so that he seemed to be blocking Logan.

And the next moment he made the move, his body flew backwards as if he had been hit by a speeding car.

Then gunshots were heard in the woods.

boom! !


Kevin's body flew in the air, and Logan subconsciously caught him. He was also hit by the huge recoil and took several steps back.

When he stabilized his body and looked at Kevin again, he found that Kevin's chest was already bright red, and blood was flowing out like a fountain.

"'s...anti-equipment...sniper rifle...ahem..."

Kevin spat out a mouthful of blood with difficulty and stared into the depths of the woods unwillingly.

But even at this time, he did not put down his mobile phone. He even avoided the ballistic trajectory just now to prevent the high-power sniper rifle bullet from shattering the mobile phone.

Obviously, Kevin is still acting now, but it's a pity that Logan didn't notice it in his anxiety.

"Kevin! Are you okay!? Damn it! Damn it!!"

Logan tore off Kevin's clothes and used them as a simple gauze to press on Kevin's body, trying to block the blood that kept pouring out.

Kevin's injuries were obviously fatal. In the wilderness with no hospital or first aid equipment, I believe everyone knows what Kevin's final fate will be.

The comments on the phone were pouring in like crazy, and most of them were asking what happened to Kevin.

But Logan didn't look at his phone, and Kevin couldn't answer, which only made the audience in the live broadcast room anxious.

Just as Logan tried to give Kevin first aid, members of Alkali and the military surrounded him again in the distance.

They failed to catch the children, but they were able to catch Logan and get Kevin's body, so their trip was not a loss.

Seeing Kevin being shot in the chest by a sniper gun and completely incapacitated, Sandel finally dared to walk from behind the scenes to the stage.

Wearing a beige windbreaker, he walked up to Kevin and Logan like an elegant old man.

"We finally meet, Kevin? That's your name, right?"

Sandor put his hands in his pockets and lowered his head to ask the dying Kevin.

Kevin struggled. He stared at Sandel and read his name:

"Sander Rice..."

"You know me, that's right. That way I don't have to introduce myself and can get straight to the point. Do you want to live? Kevin."

Sandel and Kevin looked at each other. With Logan's support, Kevin reluctantly stood up from the ground and sneered at him and asked:

"Do you want to die? Sandel, how dare you stand in front of me?"

Now Sandor is very close to Kevin. As long as Kevin wants, he can control the blood and pierce the other person's head at any time.

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