Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 177 On the Rising Sun

Seeing Kevin jumping and flexing his muscles in front of him, looking like he was fine, Logan finally reacted:

"Wait...stop for a moment!'re not dead?!"

"Isn't that natural? Do you think a sniper bullet can kill me?"

Kevin looked at Logan with a weird look on his face.

Kevin, who could not even be killed by a nuclear bomb, was killed by a mere sniper bullet. That was too little regard for his level 5 physique.

"Then you pupils..."

Logan was speaking incoherently.

Just now, Kevin died with his eyes open, and his pupils were dilated, just like a person dying.

Logan, who had seen countless deaths, was pretty sure of this.

And he couldn't feel Kevin's heartbeat or body temperature, so he was sure that Kevin was dead.

But what is happening now? !

"It's just pretending to be dead. It's very simple. Stop the blood flow in the body and stop the heartbeat. As for the dilation of the pupils, you can do it with a little water control skills. So don't be so surprised Logan, I'm not dead yet."

Kevin tore off his blood-stained clothes and threw them to the ground while answering Logan's questions.

The ability to control water, a little bit of acting skills, and strong cardiopulmonary abilities ultimately created an extremely realistic death scene.

Don’t do six basic things.jpg

After a brief period of confusion, Logan finally understood the principle of Kevin's "resurrection from the dead". He frowned with an indescribably weird expression:

"So you were never dead from the beginning??"

"Of course! Let me tell you, Logan. With my current body defense, except for the highest level of human weapons, nuclear bombs, almost no weapons can cause harm to my body."

"Then why did you just...pretend to be dead?"

"Performance!" Kevin said matter-of-factly: "As the person who exposes Alkali's dark side, if I am killed by Alkali, they won't be able to explain it even if they have ten thousand mouths."

And if Kevin dies, it's okay. Alkali eliminates a troublesome opponent like Kevin, so it's not like he gained nothing.

But unfortunately, Kevin is not dead, and has gone from the bright side to the dark side, and will guide Logan and others to continue targeting the Alkali Group.

Kevin's targeting of them didn't end until Alkali completely collapsed and went bankrupt.

So the Alkali Group really lost this time. They probably never expected to encounter Kevin, the sixth man from another world.

There is another more important reason.

Kevin's reputation is a bit high in the world of "Wolverine 3". If he were still alive, Kevin would be restrained by his fame no matter what he did.

And he will also be imposed on responsibilities that do not belong to him by the people.

For example, follow the example of Professor X and establish a mutant academy.

To be honest, being the president of the Watt Group already gives Kevin a headache. If he becomes the dean of a mutant academy, Kevin will probably be exhausted in the future.

Besides, he is not suitable to be the leader of mutants.

He's not a mutant!

So after thinking about it, Kevin simply took advantage of this opportunity to "fake his own death" to escape. This not only aroused public anger against the Alkali Group, but also got rid of the responsibility that might be imposed on Kevin.

It’s a win-win!

Refers to Kevin winning twice.

"Kevin, has anyone ever told you that you're such an asshole?"

After realizing that his feelings were completely in vain, Logan scolded Kevin mercilessly.

It was in vain that he was so sad just now, thinking that Kevin was really dead, but it turned out that Kevin was just faking it! !

Bah, what a waste of feelings!

Kevin’s playful reply:

"Thanks for the compliment."

Although this is not a compliment at all, for Kevin, being a jerk is better than actually being a good person.

Logan stopped talking to Kevin.

After confirming that Kevin was really fine, the two simply tidied up and quickly returned to the cabin next to the observation tower.

Underneath the cabin, there is a basement that Rector opened up with his own abilities, where Professor X and Caliban are hiding.

Kevin and Logan return to confirm their safety.

Caliban was okay, but Professor X was quite frightened by the previous bomb.

The old Charles couldn't stand the fright. He kept talking about the children and worried about their safety.

Fortunately, their lives were not in danger.

Now that everything is over, the children successfully crossed the border to Canada, and Professor X, Caliban and Logan were not dead.

Kevin, who participated in the plot and killed the important character Sandel, gained a full ten skill points this time.

And this is not the end. As the incident of ‘Kevin’s Death’ intensifies, Kevin will also gain more skill points in the future.

So now there's only one last thing left.

Buy Professor X a boat.

A ship called the Rising Sun.

Three days later, somewhere on the unknown sea.

Wolverine Logan is wearing a floral shirt and sunglasses lying on the deck of a yacht to bask in the sun.

Beside him, Professor

Kevin leaned on the railing next to the yacht, playing with his mobile phone and watching the current discussions on the Internet.

As expected, the incident of ‘Kevin’s death’ caused an uproar on the Internet.

Reports such as "They killed a hero" and "Why are such tragic things happening in this country" have emerged one after another on the Internet.

The popularity of these events, combined with the popularity of the previous events, provided Kevin with a full five skill points within a few days.

After all calculations, Kevin's skill points now exceed the 20 mark again, and are heading straight towards 30.

Kevin has not used these skill points for the time being.

After switching to a second career, there must be many skills waiting for Kevin to learn.

In order not to see the skill he wanted but not have the skill points to light it up, Kevin decided to keep it for now.

And even if you don’t have the skill you like by then, if you save a few days and accumulate 32 skill points, you can upgrade a basic skill to level six.

"Hey, bastard, when are you going to see Jean?"

Kevin browsed the Internet and counted skill points.

Logan, who was lying on the deck behind him, suddenly asked.

A few days later, after buying the yacht, Kevin was no longer in a hurry to find Jean Gray.

Logan was busy 'moving' these days and didn't ask Kevin.

Now that he finally had time, he remembered to ask.

"Wait until you finish your work."

Kevin glanced at Logan.

Logan's eyes under his sunglasses moved and looked at Kevin:

"Aren't I already done with my work?"

Their biggest priority before was to buy the Rising Sun. Now that they had acquired the Rising Sun, Charles and Caliban had also moved onto the ship. After a busy few days, they were in a state of doing nothing.

What else are they busy with?

"Do you really think you're done?"

Kevin meant something and looked at Charles.

Logan seemed to understand something. He took off his sunglasses and sighed:

"Okay, I kind of know what you're going to say, but it's impossible. I'm old and don't have the energy to run the school anymore."

After moving to the ship, Charles talked a lot to Logan during his sober moments.

It is true that the children crossed the border to Canada, but they must not be safe.

No one knows what the situation is in Canada, and no one knows whether the existence of the shelter is a real place or a trap that leads people there.

Charles judged that one day in the future, the children would come to Logan for help.

Mutants will also come to Logan for help.

So Logan needs to take over Charles's mantle and re-establish a mutant school to give mutant children a safe home.

Charles wanted Logan to do this, but now Logan simply doesn’t have the energy.

"Your body...will gradually recover."

Kevin said suddenly.

"Nonsense." Logan didn't believe Kevin's words at all. "I know better than you what my situation is."

"Well, I don't refute this, but you definitely don't know as much about the genetic food of the Alkali Group as I do."


"I think you should understand that the self-healing factors in your body are gradually losing their effectiveness. The genetic food of the Alkali Group is the most critical factor. Recently, you have not eaten anything produced by the Alkali Group, so as long as you want to live , your body will slowly recover.”

Kevin came over and sat next to Logan and said softly to him.

There are many reasons why Logan's self-healing ability gradually disappeared.

He had been absorbed by the white-eyed wolf from Little Japan, and had also withstood the radiation of nuclear bombs, as well as the genetic medicine of the Alkali Group.

These things can cause the failure of his self-healing factor.

But the most important thing here is not these external objects, but Logan's heart.

He wanted to die and had lost the idea and motivation to live.

And this feeling of being hopeless for the world aggravated the loss of Logan's abilities.

Even now, no matter what kind of radiation or genetic medicine, it is no longer the main reason for Logan's aging.

It was his heart that didn't want to live anymore.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Logan suddenly asked Kevin, "You are younger and more energetic than us, and your ability is enough to make you the leader of mutants, so why don't you do it yourself? A school?"

"Did I say I was a mutant?"


Logan was stunned for a moment.

Kevin said softly:

"I never said that I was a mutant. I am different from you. To you, I am just an outsider and I am not qualified to be the leader of mutants."

After all, Kevin is not a mutant at all.

At least he is not a mutant from the X-Men world. He does not have the X gene in his body. Even after changing his profession, the No. 5 compound in his body no longer exists.

Kevin has become a new species different from them, a humanoid sea creature that can live in the depths of the ocean.

He is not qualified to start a school, let alone become the leader of mutants.

And the most critical thing is that Kevin himself is not from the X-Men world.

There is no Ancient One Master in this world who can pause time for Kevin. Once he leaves, he doesn’t know when he will come back next time.

Mutant matters will ultimately be left to the mutants to handle.

Kevin is just an outsider.

"You're not a mutant? But..."

The truth Kevin gave made Logan frown for a long time.

He couldn't figure it out, if Kevin wasn't a mutant, what else would he be.

Kevin did not continue to explain to Logan. He picked up the phone, dialed someone's number, and said to Logan before the call was connected:

"And Laura wants you to cheer up, too."


The sudden mention of Laura made Luo's head even more confused as he couldn't figure it out at all.

Kevin didn't talk to him anymore because the phone was connected, and Paul's voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Boss? I have picked up those children. Do you want to send them to you now?"

"No, just ask Laura to come over. You send the others to the previously selected safe area, and the rest...someone will handle it for you."

Kevin arranged softly.

When Logan heard this, he finally understood: "...You brought Laura back?"

"Yes, she is your daughter."

After hanging up the phone, Kevin said to Logan with a smile.

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