Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 178 School still has to be run

In the past few days, with Kevin's help, Paul can be said to be thriving.

With Kevin's financial assistance, in just a few days, under Kevin's instruction, Paul established an entertainment company using another false identity.

Although there are only two people in the company, Kevin and Paul, with such an entertainment company, there are many things that Kevin and Paul can do.

Based on the second identity created by the nano mask Kevin gave Paul, Paul successfully contacted the children and sent the children to a prepared uninhabited island through another yacht purchased by Kevin.

The reason Kevin does this is because he doesn't trust Canada.

God knows what the situation is over there in Canada, and what the situation is like in the shelter. Instead of leaving everything to the unknown, it would be better to leave the children to Logan.

In this way, Kevin can leave with peace of mind.

Charles can also rest assured.

And luckily for the other children, Logan's daughter Laura, absolutely nothing can happen to her.

That's why Kevin asked Paul to try to contact those children, thinking of sending Laura here.

But what I didn't expect was that Laura was not the only one who came. After knowing that Kevin had let Paul go, all the children were ready to go to the 'shelter' created by Kevin with Laura.

Maybe they had watched the TV broadcast and knew what Kevin and Logan had done for them, as well as knowing about Kevin's death, so they would choose to believe the people sent by Kevin and accept his arrangements. .

"You shouldn't have let Laura come over."

But facing Kevin's arrangement, Logan had a different opinion: "She is already safe, there is no need to meet with us anymore."

"This is just your idea. Do you know what Laura thinks?"

"I don't care what she thinks, she is just a child! She should not get involved in our affairs anymore! You should know very well that the Alkali Group is still looking for us! In case..."

"Logan, Laura is more mature than you think. You don't really think that a little girl who can stretch out her claws to kill is still just a child, do you?"

Kevin knew that Logan was worried about Laura.

Kevin is now in a 'dead' state with Alkali, which has been confirmed by television and the public.

But not Logan.

Logan, who personally opposed the Alkali Group, and Professor X and Caliban who followed him, were also on Alkali's blacklist.

They will not give up searching for Logan, nor will they give up searching for Professor X.

Even if Kevin hadn't used high technology to hack into the system and prepare another identity for them, Logan and the others wouldn't even be able to buy a boat.

People from the Alkali Group will come to him as soon as they get the news.

Fans and networks already aware of the fight between Rogan and Alkali will be the first to come to him.

Then there will be no peace in the true sense.

So Logan knew very well how difficult it was for him, Kevin and others to lie leisurely on the deck of the yacht and bask in the sun.

Even Logan understood that such leisurely time would not last long.

It won't be long before they are finally approached by various reporters and the Alkali Group.

Until then, Laura, who is following them, will be in danger again.

Kevin understood what Logan was thinking, but he knew better that blindly avoiding it was not the answer.

Instead of teaching Laura how to live in this cannibalistic society now while Logan and Charles are here, should we wait until they all grow old and pass away and then let those with ulterior motives 'teach' her?

Logan is really not worried that Laura will become disabled!

"Kevin, listen to me..."

"Logan? Laura is coming over?"

Logan still wants to talk to Kevin, probably because he wants Kevin to send Laura back.

But Charles, who was dozing off while basking in the sun, woke up at some point and heard the conversation between the two.

After knowing that Laura would come, Charles' cloudy eyes revealed a bit of clarity.

He looked up and asked happily.

Seeing this, Logan held back what he wanted to say.

Meeting Charles's expectant eyes, Logan opened his mouth, unable to say a word of rejection for a long time, and finally could only answer helplessly:

"...Yes, Laura will be here soon, and I will ask her to come to you then."

"That's great. By the way, let Caliban make some apple pie, and...and oatmeal, Laura likes to eat that..."

"Damn it, why don't you remember what I like to eat!"

"Don't you like to eat everything?"


Charles' words silenced Logan completely.

Kevin stood aside and almost didn't laugh out loud.

Charles's liking for Laura was so obvious that it made Logan himself a little jealous.

In the conversation between the two of them, which was like a father and son bickering, Logan acquiesced to the fact that Laura came over.

He stopped being verbose, and stopped thinking about asking Kevin to send Laura back. After talking to Charles, he continued to lie on the beach chair and look at the sky.

Very quiet, I don't know what I'm thinking about.

Kevin didn't bother him, leaving Logan alone to lie there and meditate, then turned around and went to the lower deck of the yacht.

Below the deck are the bedrooms and kitchen for several people, and Caliban is busy on the lower deck at the moment.

Busy doing their laundry.

Because he is afraid of the sun, Caliban usually does not go out on the deck during the day, but chooses to stay in the cabin, listening to music and doing housework.

Although Caliban sometimes complains about how he is still busy here, his washing hands are not slow at all, and he seems to enjoy it.

When Kevin came down, he happened to watch him take out the fresh ingredients from the refrigerator. Seeing Kevin coming, Caliban asked without raising his head:

"Did you have a fight with Logan?"

"It doesn't count..."

"This door was not closed when you were talking just now."

The implication was what Logan and Kevin said, and Caliban heard it clearly.

The yacht is not big. It is okay if the partition from the deck to the lower part of the yacht is closed. If it is not closed, any sound from above can be clearly heard below.

On the contrary, on the deck, because of the sound of waves and the chirping of seagulls, the sounds from below are not so obvious.

Kevin shrugged, found a seat by the window and lay down, pulled up the sun visor a little, looked out the window, and then said to Caliban:

"It's just a small disagreement over whether to let Laura come over, it's nothing."

"More than that, you want Logan to build a school for mutants as Charles said, so you want all the children to come here, right?"

"I didn't think much about it. I just thought... I should find something to give Logan the idea of ​​living. Wouldn't it be a pity for someone like him to die?"

Kevin said casually.

This is also one of the reasons why he follows Logan.

After finally getting over the emotions he had felt after watching the movie, Kevin didn't want Logan to return to the same ending as in the movie after he left, dying quietly like a weed.

"If Logan wanted to do it, he would have done it a long time ago instead of waiting until now."

Caliban took out the vegetable basin and washed the vegetables.

"But now it seems that he has to do it. In today's world, who else but him can shoulder such a responsibility?"

"Maybe you could help him?"

"Me? No, I will leave after I finish my own things. I won't stay here for too long. Mutants' affairs are ultimately your own affairs."

"Then you can only hope that Logan regains his sense of responsibility."

Caliban took out the washed vegetables and spoke slowly.

Kevin nodded:

"Laura might be able to cheer him up."


Caliban didn't care about any of that.

The future of mutants has nothing to do with him. Like Charles, he is now an old man who has reached the end of his life and has half his foot in the coffin.

Now Caliban just wants to think about what to eat for three meals a day and what kind of program to listen to before going to bed at night.

That's all.

Kevin didn't expect Caliban to do anything. After he finished speaking, he continued to look out the window quietly.

It was not until Caliban was about to cut the vegetables that he seemed to suddenly remember and said to Caliban:

"By the way, Charles asked you to prepare apple pie and oatmeal to welcome Laura."

Caliban, who just picked up the kitchen knife: "? Do you have to wait until now to say yes?"

"Sorry, I just remembered it."

Kevin apologized without sincerity.

Caliban put down the kitchen knife with great helplessness. He looked at the vegetables prepared in front of him and sighed:

"Well, maybe a green salad for dinner..."

These vegetables cannot be washed in vain.

Laura's arrival made the atmosphere on the boat a lot more lively.

After getting acquainted with everyone, Laura was no longer as taciturn as before. Perhaps it was because she watched a lot of videos during this period. When Laura faced Charles, she would sweetly call him grandfather.

Charles' face lights up every time he hears it.

When he saw Laura, although Logan didn't say anything, his smile gradually grew.

His own complexion is getting better and better.

Kevin knew that his strategy still worked. As expected, Logan had some thoughts of living because of Laura.

No longer consuming genetic food from the Alkali Group, coupled with a change in his desire to die, Logan is getting younger every day.

Comparable to this.

Charles is growing older every day.

After moving to the Rising Sun, perhaps due to his wish being granted, Charles' health deteriorated.

He became more confused when he was confused, and sometimes he couldn't even tell who the people around him were.

Even Laura, sometimes he forgets.

No longer consuming the Alkali Group's genetic food did not improve Charles' health or restore his abilities. Instead, it made Charles' condition worse and worse.

Everyone knew Charles wouldn't last long.

But everyone had a tacit understanding and didn't say anything about it. They watched the sea, sunrise and sunset on the boat every day, silently accompanying Charles.

Until this day.


Under the setting sun, Charles, sitting in a wheelchair, looked at the setting sun in the distance and the orange-red light reflected on the sea, calling Logan's name.

At that moment, Logan seemed to realize something. He put down his work and came to Charles.


" still has to be run."

Charles murmured.

These days, he obviously couldn't remember anyone at all, but now he unexpectedly remembered the thing that worried him most.

Mutant school, and those mutant kids.

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