Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 241 Zod Arrives

The first thing Kevin did when he became the king of Atlantis was to meet with the human government on the surface to talk about the kingdom of Atlantis.

And, the issue of compensation for damage caused by Atlantis to the land.

Yes, you heard it right, compensation.

Some countries, led by the United States, actually wanted Atlantis to compensate after they learned that Atlantis had a new king and that the new king did not want to invade the surface and was a 'pacifist'!

When he heard the news, Kevin almost laughed out of anger.

"Let me just say that land people are a selfish and despicable race."

Arthur, who has now stepped down from the throne and acted as Kevin's bodyguard, said in a cold voice after learning about this.

He shaved off his beard and put on the armor worn by guards. At first glance, he really couldn't be connected with the previous Arthur.

At this moment, he was standing next to Kevin, making cold comments about the land people.

"You can't kill a whole boatload of people with one shot. There are still rational people, but...most people are not so rational."

Although Kevin also knew that the land people were greedy, he still tried his best to defend the land people in order to let Arthur alleviate some of his resentment towards the land people.

Arthur stopped talking. He didn't know whether he was making a silent protest or thinking about what Kevin said. He just stood aside as quietly as a sculpture.

Mera on the other side of Kevin asked in a low voice:

"They put forward such excessive conditions, should we agree?"

She is not the queen now, but stays here in the name of 'King's Assistant' to give advice to Kevin.

"Promise? What a promise!"

Kevin said angrily:

"There is something wrong with these people's minds. Do they really think that everything will be fine if they change the king? How dare they raise conditions?"

"Um...I thought you would agree..."

Seeing Kevin's reaction, Mera was very surprised.

She always thought that Kevin was on the side of humans, and even this time she was ready for Kevin to agree to human conditions on behalf of Atlantis.

In the end, I didn't expect Kevin to be so resolute in rejecting the conditions from humans.

Kevin explains:

"If humans can be more sensible and offer some conditions that are not too excessive, such as offering condolences to the people affected by the disaster, or helping them rebuild the disaster-stricken city from a humanitarian perspective...

"These are just things that can be done with money, so I agreed. After all, Atlantis was the one who started this matter. It is reasonable to help rebuild.

"But look, what's on this list!"

Kevin rolled his eyes and pointed to the words on the paper made of special materials sent down by humans:

“Atlantis must apologize, compensate for their losses, and open the technology of the underwater world to them for research.

"Do they think they have won the war this time? How dare they ask for such excessive conditions? What a shame! Do they really think that if they change the king, they can just sit back and enjoy peace without worries? Bah!"

Kevin was also a little angry when he said this.

He spent so much effort traveling around the world to save the hundreds of millions of ordinary people who were about to be affected by the disaster, not to save those brainless politicians!

If they soften their attitude a little, these politicians dare to make these unreasonable demands. They are really not afraid that Atlantis will send them another tsunami.

Kevin's attitude was very bad, but Arthur couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth after hearing this.

Compared with a king who is close to humans, a king who has a bad attitude towards humans is obviously more in line with his wishes.

However, as the king's assistant at this moment, Mera has different opinions:

"They're trying to bargain, it's a normal part of the deal."

"I know! But who gave them the courage to bargain? Contact them now and tell them to either accept some monetary compensation and get out, or start a war again! Let them choose!"

Kevin said forcefully.

The reason for helping mankind is because we don’t want too many people to die, but if the people in the underwater world are wronged because of this, and in turn are oppressed by humans, isn’t this completely putting the cart before the horse?

So the land side has to either accept compensation or get nothing and start fighting Atlantis again.

There are only two ways they can go!

And if the two forces start a war again, Kevin will not care about anything this time.

He would immediately return the throne to Arthur, and then return to his own world without looking back.

Anyway, the advanced profession has been successfully transferred, so there is no need for him to stay here.

I will stay here just to see if I can get more skill points.

If necessary, if he feels that the world here is too troublesome and he doesn't want to deal with it, Kevin can't leave at any time.

It’s just some skill points. At worst, you can go to the Marvel world to replenish them.

Kevin's attitude was very tough, and Mera could only follow Kevin's orders and turn around to use undersea technology to connect to the surface network and negotiate with the human government.

Kevin, on the other hand, sat on the throne a little imagelessly, showing off his salty fish appearance without any reservation.

He would be leaving soon anyway, and he didn't care about his image in the eyes of others.

After Mera left, the area around the throne suddenly became quiet.

After a while, seeing that there was no one around and the nearest soldier was dozens of meters away, Arthur whispered to Kevin:

"I also thought you would agree to human conditions."

"What conditions are there? Didn't I say it? Humans are too much."

"Indeed, if it were me, I wouldn't even talk to them! Just fight! Let those land people know what the king's anger is!"

"Arthur, you are indeed a little too extreme... The whole world is actually a business, everything can be negotiated, there is no need to use war to achieve the goal."

Kevin said lazily, seizing every opportunity to change Arthur's stubborn idea.

Arthur asked in surprise:

"From your tone, you are a businessman?"

"Well, barely."

The president of the Water Group is of course a businessman, or more precisely, he is a capitalist.

Although Kevin is not very good at business methods, he still understands some truths.

When all resources are sufficient and the resources that can be obtained from each other do not conflict, they actually don't need to start a war.

And doesn't war cost money?

Not to mention the losses on the human side, Atlantis, which took the initiative to launch the war tsunami, also dispatched many devices and special magicians that can trigger tsunamis.

The energy used by those devices and the props used by magicians when using magic are all consumables!

Just this launch has wasted a lot of Atlantis' resources.

If this continues, God knows how much resources will be consumed.

Even if the seabed is vast and there are minerals everywhere, it cannot be squandered like this.

Even the stupid son of the landlord would not dare to do this!

So if it is possible, don't fight if you can. Let's sit down together and have a good talk. Wouldn't it be better to develop together?

There is no fundamental conflict of interest between humans and Atlanteans. One is in the sea and the other is on land. Neither can develop their own territory. If they discuss the division of their respective territories, everyone can live in peace.

It's not like aliens who have lost their homes must take the earth for themselves.

That is a fundamental conflict of interest, which cannot be avoided.

The dispute between Atlantis and land people is something that can be avoided.

"Eh? That's right." Kevin, who was feeling bored on the throne, suddenly remembered something and gossiped: "I heard from Mera that you met the queen of Paradise Island? And then fell in love with her? Is that true?" "?" Arthur looked at Kevin with a little surprise when he heard it, and then subconsciously looked in the direction where Mera left, and then he nodded and admitted without hesitation: "That's right, Diana is very beautiful, and she is the queen of Paradise Island. If you can marry her, the attack on the land people will be smoother in the future." "In other words, you like her for political considerations." "Not entirely, I did fall in love with her." "...What about Mera?" "I like her too, but now, she is your woman." Arthur calmly stated the facts. Kevin's mouth twitched, and he waved his hands repeatedly:

"No, no, no, I don't like NTR, and I already have a fiancée, I don't want to find another one."

"...What is NTR...?"

"...Nothing, just a special word used by land people, cough, cough, anyway, I can't marry Mera."

"Because you already have a fiancée? What does that matter?"


Kevin, who was talking to Arthur, had a question mark above his head when he heard this. He raised his head and looked at Arthur, and saw Arthur said:

"Isn't it common for a king to have multiple beauties? Even my deceased father had two wives, and my younger brother Orm was born to him and a woman of the guards."


No...wait a minute? It seems that the king of Atlantis in your previous generation was not the queen? in this universe are actually half-siblings instead of half-siblings...

It's a bit confusing, I have to sort it out.

Kevin's mind was confused by the information given by Arthur.

But before he could figure out the ethical relationship, he saw Mera running over in a panic with an instrument.

"Kevin - Your Majesty! The land people are in big trouble!"

"What trouble? Speak slowly."

Kevin comforted Mera and asked her to relax.

Mera said nothing, but just handed the device that could broadcast the land signal to Kevin.

Then, under the holographic projection, a large black and white face appeared in front of Kevin.

"Hello, earthlings, you can call me... General Zod."

The owner of the face introduced himself like this.

Kevin's expression became solemn when he heard the name.

Kryptonian Zod.

He is here.


The story started half a day ago.

While countries around the world were discussing the "compensation" of Atlantis, they found that a spacecraft from outer space was entering the earth's atmosphere.

Everyone was sure that this was a spacecraft from an alien planet.

But everyone's reaction to this was not as intense as before.

Even Atlanteans appeared in the sea, so what if some aliens appeared in outer space? Although it is unclear why they appeared one after another as if they were connected, for the people in this world, aliens can no longer surprise them as much as before. Until Zod appeared.

"Zod? Who is Zod?"

In a bar somewhere in the metropolis, two young people who seemed to be twins were communicating.

They looked at the announcement of the self-proclaimed 'General Zod' playing on the TV and communicated.

One of the young men with a hippie hairstyle asked in a low voice to his 'brother' who looked exactly like him.

The young man with short hair looked at the TV with dull eyes and murmured:

"He is a very bad... very bad person... Damn it, what is wrong with this world?"

The short-haired young man, Barry Allen, who came from the future across the timeline, can hardly turn his head around now.

In order to save his mother, Barry Allen went back to the past from the future to save his mother from certain death.

This was originally a good thing. After Barry Allen 'returned', he found that his mother was really still alive.

And his father, who was supposed to be in jail, also appeared at home.

This is the future Barry dreams of.

If... there wasn't this guy who looked exactly like him next to him.

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