Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 242 Two Barrys

The guy next to Barry is himself in this timeline.

He is also Barry Allen, but because of his completely different past experiences and completely different family environment, he and Barry, who possesses the Speed ​​Force, are completely different people.

This guy is out-of-touch, unreliable, and laughs and laughs all day without any heart. He is no different from the ordinary college students in the university who mess around!

Barry couldn't even imagine that he would become like this!

Of course these are not the key.

The real point is, this Barry shouldn't be here at all!

How can there be two identical people in the same world?

According to the normal time routine, shouldn't Barry return to the original future, see his mother still alive and his father who has returned from prison, and continue to live his original life?

Perhaps because of the change in time, Barry cannot know what his past is in this timeline, but at least he successfully saved his parents, which is enough.

You can continue to slowly create memories with your family in the future.

But...why do you see another self?

Barry couldn't figure out why. What troubled him even more was that the other self in front of him didn't have the speed force.

The Speed ​​Force, Barry's superpower, is a special ability that allows him to run and think quickly. It is the capital that allows him to go back to the past from the future and change everything.

However, Barry here doesn't have any at all!

Without his help from the future, he would never even have the Speed ​​Force.

Because in the original timeline, Barry Allen was helping in the lab.

On that rainy night, Barry Allen, who stayed in the laboratory, would be struck by lightning, and then various drugs with unknown functions would hit him together with the lightning, allowing him to obtain the Speed ​​Force.

The Barry of this world did not work in a laboratory, so naturally it would be impossible for him to obtain superpowers at a critical moment.

If the Barry Allen of this world did not obtain the Speed ​​Force, then it would be impossible for the future Barry Allen to obtain the Speed ​​Force.

Without the Speed ​​Force, Barry would have no way to go back in time and save his mother.

Therefore, Barry must let himself in this world gain superpowers.

For this reason, he took his self in this world and broke into the laboratory late at night, trying his best to restore the scene of that day, so that his self in this world could gain the same abilities as him.

It turns out that the Barry of this world's Flash has indeed gained superpowers.

But it was also because Barry, the Flash in the future world, was struck by lightning and lost his superpowers.

This is undoubtedly bad news.

If Barry loses his superpowers in the future, he will be completely trapped in this unrecognizable timeline and will never be able to return to his original world.

And the worse news is yet to come!

Atlantis actually started a war on land! Launch a tsunami offensive against multiple cities at the same time!

It was also at that time that Barry discovered that the Arthur of this world was not the superhero Aquaman, but had become the king of Atlantis and was going to declare war on land!

Barry originally wanted to come to Metropolis to find Superman and let Superman solve the crisis.

As a result, when he came to Metropolis, he discovered that there was no Superman in the world.

Not just Superman, but Wonder Woman and Cyborg, and besides them, Barry has no one who can stop Aquaman Arthur.

But fortunately, there is no shortage of heroes in this world. Just when Barry was running around anxiously, through the TV broadcast, he learned that there was a guy known as the "Poseidon" who saved everyone.

The world crisis has been resolved, and Poseidon will negotiate with mankind as the new king of Atlantis. The negotiation time is today.

This looks like a good ending.

But before Barry could breathe a sigh of relief, Zod appeared on the TV, causing him to almost suffer cardiac arrest again.

Although there is no Superman, Wonder Woman, or Cyborg in this world, even Aquaman has become the villain who destroys the world.

But not affected by the earth's timeline, things that should happen will still happen.

For example, Zod Invasion!

"Only Superman can stop Zod, but...dammit!"

After leaving the bar with the other hippie, Barry covered his head and didn't know what to do.

The person who originally stopped Zod was Superman.

Although many people were killed and injured in the process, and many places in Metropolis were in ruins, at least Superman successfully defeated Zod and prevented the earth from being transformed into Krypton.

But now, Superman doesn't exist in this world at all.

Who could he go to?

That 'Poseidon' who looks like he can control the sea?

But what about controlling the sea? Zod's spaceship is in the sky. Once they start the Creation Engine, they can't destroy the alien technology just by controlling the sea.

And Barry doesn’t even know how to find the ‘Poseidon’!

There's no way you can run to the ocean and shout, 'I'm the Flash, and I want to talk to Poseidon,' right?

That would just make people think he was crazy.

"By the way, Batman...and maybe Batman...!"

At the last moment, Barry thought of the core of the Justice League, Batman Bruce Wayne.

Since Neptune exists in this world, there is also another self.

Then maybe Superman and Wonder Woman both exist, but they didn't become superheroes because of different experiences.

In this case, Batman may also exist.

It's just that he may not be Batman, he may be a playboy, or he may be a philanthropist.

But having a goal is better than having no goal.

No matter what kind of person Batman is in this world, as long as he can help Barry find the person he wants to find, he is a good person!

With this in mind, Barry Allen immediately got up and headed to Gotham City with his other self.

He wants to assemble the world's Justice League before Zod destroys the world!

"Are you Atlantis not going to help?"

When Barry rushed to Batman's house, Batman Bruce Wayne, who had reorganized his image and returned to the world, looked at the man sitting opposite him and frowned and asked.

The person sitting opposite Bruce was Kevin, who knew Zod was coming.

He brought Arthur and Mera to Bruce's house to discuss Zod's affairs.

Bruce originally thought that Kevin's Atlantis would help, but what he heard from Kevin was a negative answer.

"We can't help. Those are aliens. Their fighter planes are in the sky and we are underwater. Unless they are willing to get close to the sea, most Atlanteans will not be able to attack at all."

Kevin told Bruce the truth.

The Atlanteans were good at water combat but not air combat.

Moreover, many Atlanteans cannot breathe land air at all. Without the sea, they are no different from sea fish out of water. They will suffocate to death in a short time.

The only ones who can appear on land are the nobles of Atlantis.

There are very few people here who are willing to help mankind, and even fewer who are willing to sacrifice their lives to help mankind.

After all, Kevin came out to help in his own name and was let go by the group of Atlantis council elders. It was simply impossible to declare war with Zod in the name of Atlantis.

"But you said you would help in the future..."

Bruce mentioned the promise Kevin made when he invited him to come back.

Kevin spread his hands:

"Yeah, so I'm here, right?"

"Well, at least you brought two helpers."

Bruce sighed.

It seemed that it was impossible to count on the Atlanteans for help, but at least Kevin did keep his promise and ran over to help, which made Bruce very happy.

The news about Zod was still playing on the TV. Mera looked at it and asked:

"He just asked us to hand over his people. It shouldn't develop into a war, right?"

No matter what Zod's true purpose is, at least his current performance on TV is not as aggressive as imagined.

Compared with Zod, the Atlanteans who had launched war on land before were more worthy of vigilance.

From Mera's point of view, as long as the people on earth hand over the people Zod said they had, war may be avoided.

Kevin and Bruce seemed a little too vigilant.

After Mera finished speaking, the three men present did not speak.

Mera’s thoughts are believed to be shared by most people on the planet now.

Zod, who came from Krypton, did not launch a large-scale attack after entering the earth, but politely asked the people on earth to return their people.

From this point of view, they fit the image of 'friendly' aliens in people's minds.

Many people even want to establish communication with them and obtain technology from them.

But Kevin knows who Zod is.

Batman has never trusted anyone, let alone Zod from Krypton.

And Arthur... From the perspective of a leader of the group, he simply doesn't believe that Zod came all the way to Earth just to find someone, so he doesn't believe Zod either.

Therefore, the opinions of the three men present were surprisingly unanimous at this moment.

"Zod's purpose is not that simple."

Kevin said meaningfully.

Bruce nodded slightly and looked at Kevin slightly strangely:

"You seem to know this alien? By the way, I heard you say that you have been to outer space..."

"It's not your outer space. I haven't dealt with Zod, but I do know him. But instead of me explaining it to you, I'd rather let someone who knows him better explain it to you."

At the end of his sentence, Kevin uttered a sentence of unknown meaning.

Bruce raised his eyebrows slightly and subconsciously looked at the computer aside.

After Kevin broke into the manor uninvited last time, Bruce also installed surveillance outside the manor.

Therefore, he could now see from the surveillance camera that two men were walking into Bruce's manor together.

One of them looked around, but the other seemed to be familiar with the place and walked straight to the gate of the castle behind the manor.


Seeing the identical appearance of the two people, Bruce suddenly remembered what Kevin had mentioned before when he came over.

‘If one day a pair of people who look like twins come to you for help, you can come to me. ’

Kevin said something similar.

And now, the 'twins' that Kevin mentioned have really come to their door.

"they are……?"

"Like I said before, I came to you for help."

"So, you knew Zod would come a long time ago, right?"

Bruce figured it all out in an instant.

Kevin knows that one day people like twins will come to him for help, which proves that he may have seen the existence of this day a long time ago and knew that Zod would come to Earth.

Predict future?

The first thing Bruce thought of was this superpower. If Kevin had the ability to predict the future, then he would know that this day would be normal.

But thinking about Kevin's performance, Bruce felt that it didn't look like it.

If he could really predict the future, he wouldn't go to Bruce to find information about someone.

Bruce had two guesses.

The first is Kevin's ability to predict the future. The future that can be predicted is limited, and the details are unclear, only a rough idea.

And another guess...

"Although it's just my guess, it may not be correct, but I still want to ask..." Bruce squinted his eyes and looked at Kevin:

"Are you a time traveler?"

Just like in the movie "Back to the Future."

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