Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 262 Barry recovers

After the motherland people finished speaking, no one dared to speak anymore.

Although Ashley understood what the people from the motherland were saying, she was afraid that she might understand it wrong, so she still asked the people from the motherland:

"Betrayal...can you be more specific?"

The native turned to look at her, and Ashley swallowed nervously.

Fortunately, the people of the motherland didn't do anything to her. He still had a smile on his face and said to them:

"He was 'brainwashed' by super villains."


"It's so heartbreaking that our comrade, one of us, our best partner, was actually found out by a super villain, brainwashed him, and let him deal with us. To be honest, I really Very sad."

The natives showed a sad expression as they spoke.

Ashley finally understood what the motherland people meant. She glanced at the other people in the room and only took a second to think before she understood what she should do.

"Yes...yes, that's it, Deep Sea...because he was expelled from the seven-man team by the group, he has a grudge against us..."

"No, Ashley."

The native held up his finger to stop her from continuing and corrected her words:

"It's not that we hold grudges, it's that we were brainwashed by super villains. Do you understand? Our team of seven will never...never betray ourselves. We are one and a family! Only brainwashing can make Deep Sea do such sad things. things.”

"Yes, brainwashed... He was brainwashed and wanted to cause havoc on the set, so you had to bear the pain and kill him..."

"I'm glad you understand me, Ashley."

Ashley's words obviously spoke to the minds of the people of the motherland, and she was praised by the people of the motherland.

Maeve watched all this indifferently.

She was not surprised at all by the current direction of the topic.

The people of the motherland are always like this, forcing their own preferences and ideas on others, turning black into white, and good people into evil people.

I'm afraid the people of the motherland had already thought of a corresponding plan when they killed Shenhai.

Super villain, this excuse introduced by the death of Transparent Man is really useful. It can be used by the people of the motherland until now, and all the blame will be thrown on them.

Maeve was very clear about what her motherland was doing, but even though she was clear, Maeve couldn't do anything now.

For the sake of her girlfriend Elena, Maeve can only remain silent now, otherwise the one who will be hurt in the end... won't be her, but her girlfriend.

The words of the motherland are obviously not finished yet.

After making the argument that the deep sea is a supervillain, he mentioned Starlight again:

"And Starlight, she was probably deceived by a super villain, it doesn't matter, we can find her, and then... get rid of all the super villains related to her, all!"

“It’s also our responsibility to clean up the world’s garbage that pollutes the environment, right, guys?”

Homelander also characterizes Starlight as being associated with supervillains.

But what matters is not what the people of the motherland think of the stars, but what the people of the motherland say.

‘Get rid of all the super villains related to her’.

This means that... the people of the Motherland want to get rid of the people and things that Starlight cares about, just like he once did to those who were close to Maeve.

And Maeve still couldn't say anything.

She lowered her head and looked at the ground, as if there was something on the ground that attracted her, and she looked at it without saying a word.

The natives were still sitting on Ashley's desk watching her.

But soon he looked away and looked at the locomotive:

"Give you a chance. Find Starlight and you can return to the Seven."

"Um...Ashley already told me about this mission just now."

replied the locomotive.

Almost as soon as he answered, Ashley said quickly:

"It was Mr. Edgar's idea! He...he wanted the locomotive to find Starlight..."

"Don't be so nervous. Isn't this great? It's rare that Edgar and I have reached an agreement."

The people of the motherland smiled and clapped:

"Okay, I believe you all know your tasks, so go and do your work. By the way, Maeve stays."

The native pointed at Queen Maeve.

No one else dared to say a word and left Ashley's office. Only Locomotive hesitated for a moment before leaving the office, as if he wanted to say something.

But it is a pity that the people of the motherland did not notice the hesitation of the locomotive.

"Locomotive, it's time for you to get to work."

He ordered the locomotive standing at the door.

A speedster who can no longer run for a long time and can no longer run as fast as before is not worth the concern of the people of the motherland.

In fact, the motherland even wanted the shock wave to replace the locomotive.

But the shock wave is gone now, and the locomotive happens to be right in front of us.

Based on the principle of proximity, it is the locomotive chosen by talents from the motherland.

So he didn't really want to give Locomotive a chance, he just chose him because he had no other choice except this guy.

It doesn't mean that the people of the motherland can really treat him like before.

Locomotive obviously also understands what the motherland means.

He was still a little hesitant to say something, but in the end he left the office without saying anything and quickly rushed to the hotel where the parallel world Deep Sea was located.

The deep sea of ​​this world requires the locomotive to inform him if there is any major change in the seven-man team.

That's why Locomotive called him when he died in the deep sea.

It's the same now.

Something is going to happen within the Seven-Man Team. The identity of Deep Sea and Starlight as 'super villains' should be completely determined by the arrangement of the people of the motherland.

Lokomotiv thought that he might be able to do something during this period to further solidify his identity in the seven-man team.

For example...asking for help from the deep sea in the parallel world who seems to be ridiculously strong at first glance.

Although the other party seems to be very difficult to mess with, Locomotive believes that as long as the other party does not have murderous intentions towards him, then everything can be discussed.

So after the meeting, the first thing Locomotive thought of was the deep sea in the parallel world, and returned to the hotel where they were.

At the speed of a locomotive, it didn't take long to get from the Walter Group to their hotel.

Locomotive does have a heart disease, but it is not so serious that he can't even run. With the quick-acting medicine on him, Locomotive can guarantee that he will not die from heart disease.

Rushing back to the hotel, Locomotive thought about immediately telling Kevin about the incident with the Seven.

But as soon as he opened the door to the hotel bedroom, he saw a ball of golden lightning rushing around the room.

Subconsciously, Locomotive used his ability. Through his speedster ability, he captured the shadow of the golden lightning and recognized the other party.

That ball of golden lightning is exactly the person brought by the deep sea of ​​the parallel world! That guy who looks stupid!

But if Locomotive remembers correctly, he shouldn't have had super powers before, right?

"Hey, you're back?"

Kevin, who was watching Flash Barry having fun in the room, noticed movement at the door.

He said hello to the locomotive standing at the door, and then said:

"Close the door and come in if you have anything to say."

Reggie the locomotive walked into the house blankly, looked at Barry running around there, pointed at the golden lightning and asked:

"He He……"

"He is a superhero from a parallel world. You can call him The Flash."

"...But wasn't he an ordinary person before?!"

"It was just that he temporarily lost his abilities for some reason, and now his abilities are restored... Okay, Barry, stop it."

Seeing that Barry was getting faster and faster, and it was difficult for Kevin's naked eyes to catch the opponent's speed, Kevin asked Barry to stop.

Barry, who stopped again, was still wearing the same shirt he had worn when he came, looking excitedly at his hands flashing with golden electricity:

"I succeeded! seems to be faster than before?!"

"Are you sure it's the Speed ​​Force?"

"Sure! It's none other than the Speed ​​Force!"

Barry was certain.

After he finished eating just now, he was like a car filled with fuel, and his whole body was full of power.

Golden sparks crackled on his body, and then Barry felt that he had regained his speed.

Kevin was worried that he was not recovering the Speed ​​Force, but strengthening Five's superpowers after awakening, so he allowed Barry to test his power.

Fortunately, Barry does have the Speed ​​Force.

There were no surprises at this point.

From this point of view, Barry actually still has the DC Universe's Speed ​​Force in his body, but for some reason, it has never been activated.

Compound No. 5 stimulated the abilities in his body.

However, if this theory is followed, the mutant drug that can activate the X gene may also be able to restore Barry's abilities.

Anyway, it's a good thing that Barry has regained the Speed ​​Force.

Kevin ignored the locomotive and continued to ask Barry:

"Then what are you going to do now? Go back to your original world, or... continue to follow me?"

Barry has restored the Speed ​​Force, and now a day has passed, and Kevin has also determined the changes in skill points after bringing the plot characters over.

Let’s talk about the conclusion first.

Kevin did not pay Barry the extra skill points.

The previous tip of the skill tree was to bring a person here for three skill points. After that, every day, an extra skill point would be paid to maintain that person's existence in the world.

Otherwise, they will be sent back to their original world.

But twenty-four hours have passed since Kevin brought Barry here. Except for the three skill points that he brought him here in the first place, no extra skill points have been paid yet.

Not only that, his skill points are still rising slowly.

I don’t know if it’s from Wolverine 3 or the changes in fate of the DC universe that are providing Kevin with skill points.

Kevin guessed that this may be because bringing Barry here changed the plot of the DC world, allowing Kevin to barely break even on skill points, so he did not pay extra skill points.

According to this inference, in the future, if Kevin takes Wolverine away, in addition to the three skill points needed to open the world, it is estimated that he will not need extra skill points to maintain Wolverine's existence.

This is good news.

From now on, Kevin will no longer have to tie his hands when bringing people. As long as they are plot characters, he can bring whoever he wants.

Let’s talk about skill points for now, Kevin is still waiting for Barry’s answer.

But Barry said without hesitation at all:

"I'll help you get rid of your current trouble first, and then go back."

"you sure?"

"Of course! You have helped me so much, no matter what, I have to help you. You don't have to worry about me. I won't be a burden to you now."

Barry said seriously.

It seemed that he had already made up his mind and would immediately give an answer just waiting for Kevin to ask.

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