Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 263 Magic Value

Barry decides to stay and help Kevin.

Kevin was moved to be honest, but actually he wanted Barry to go back.

Because Kevin's methods are different from Barry's, if Barry continues to stay here, for the sake of his mood and to prevent his image from causing any problems, Kevin will have to restrain himself.

From this point of view, Kevin may be like the people of the motherland, a person with idol baggage and does not want to lose his image in front of others.

And Barry is fast, maybe he is the fastest person in this world, but his temperament is obviously not suitable for participating in major events in the black robe world.

The stronger the ability, the stronger, but with this mentality, he always feels that he will be tricked to death by someone, such as a certain butcher... After all, Barry is just an ordinary person when he is not using the Speed ​​Force.

But since Barry wanted to help, Kevin couldn't refuse.

Besides, if you want to return to Kevin's original world in the future, you may have to rely on Barry's help.

After thinking about this for two seconds, Kevin smiled and said to Barry:

"Thank you then, but before I can help, I have to prepare a suitable identity for you."

Since you want to live in this world for a long time, you must prepare an identity that allows you to travel freely.

Just let the locomotive handle this matter.

Anyway, judging from his appearance, he should be planning to hug Kevin's thigh tightly first.

This is in line with his wallowing character.

After confirming that Barry had recovered his abilities, Kevin turned back to the locomotive and asked:

"What did you find out today?"

"Shen Hai's death has nothing to do with us. It was him and Maeve who were discussing how to deal with the people of the motherland. The people of the motherland heard about it, so the motherland took action against Shen Hai."

"anything else?"

"It's said that Starlight has defected and wants me to find Starlight. As long as I find Starlight, I can return to the Seven."

Locomotive told Kevin everything that happened in today's meeting.

Kevin was sorting it out, but his brows furrowed even more.

Deep Sea and Maeve confront the people of the Motherland. If Kevin remembers correctly, this happened in the last two episodes of the second season.

Maeve couldn't stand the oppression of her motherland and wanted to ask Shenhai to help find the black box of the crashed plane. As a result, Shenhai did not find the black box, but instead found a portable camera.

The camera contains footage of the situation on the plane, that is, the fact that the people of the motherland abandoned the passengers on the plane.

At the end of the second season, Maeve relied on this video to force the people of the motherland to let everyone in black robes go.

At the same time, they also relied on this video to allow the people of the motherland to prove to Starlight and the people in black robes that they were the righteous party and completely turn Storm into a villain.

There shouldn't be any problems in this process. No matter what, it's impossible for the motherland to attack Shen Hai, let alone kill Shen Hai.

The locomotive thought that there was no problem, at least the reasons of the motherland were tenable.

But Kevin, who knew the original work, understood that there was a huge problem here!

Something must have happened to the people of the motherland that Kevin doesn’t know about!


This seems to have nothing to do with Kevin?

Kevin thought hard for a long time and felt that he didn't need to pay too much attention to what was happening in the world.

After all, this world is not Kevin's universe.

Just like what he thought at the beginning, his current purpose is to let Huey send him back to the original universe. As for the parallel universe, it has nothing to do with him.

But as the old saying goes, what comes comes comes...

You have to do something to gain skill points, right?

Kevin sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and thought for a long time. Suddenly he looked at the locomotive and asked:

"You want to go back to Seven?"

Locomotive didn't seem to understand what Kevin meant by asking this question. His eyes flickered and he hesitated for a while before nodding:

"Yes, I don't know what I am like on your side, but now...I am at my wits end."

The locomotive was really desperate.

Unlike Shenhai, which still has some savings, Locomotive is now burdened with a high amount of debt.

With a debt of seven figures, Locomotive could not find any other way out.

Once he leaves the Seven, let alone others, the high debt will crush him to death!

So he had to stay in the Seven, and Lokomotiv was willing to do anything for that.

"Very good. If you want to return to the Seven, I can help you, but before that, you have to help us get two suitable identities."

"Are you going to help me find Starlight?"

"Do you really think that if you find Starlight, they will let you return to the Seven? Locomotive, don't you understand? The reason why they abandoned you is not because of anything you did, but simply because you have lost value.

"Members of the Seven who cannot create benefits for Walter are useless, so don't imagine that they will fulfill your promise. I'm sure that even if they allow you to return to the Seven, your status will be greatly reduced in the future. You I can no longer make as much money as I did before.”


“Locomotive, you have to understand one thing. You don’t stay in the Sevens because you want to stay in the Sevens, but you stay in the Sevens because you want to make money.

"And when it comes to making money, I... can help you."

Kevin accurately grasps the current psychological state of the locomotive, just like the devil who leads people to fall, and he follows the temptations.

"I...what should I do?"

The locomotive did indeed waver.

He thought of the people of his motherland who ignored him and his current situation, and the balance in his heart tilted in Kevin's direction.

"Didn't I say, prepare two suitable identities for us first, and then..."

Kevin spread his palms and said, "I'll help you make money."

If nothing else, Locomotive is at least a qualified tool man.

As long as he doesn't betray, he is much easier to use as a speedster than Barry.

Kevin regretted getting rid of the locomotive so early in his own world, but looking back, Kevin had no other choice at the time.

At that time, he was weaker than the people of his motherland. If the unstable factor like the locomotive was not eliminated, Kevin would not be where he is now.

Locomotive was deceived by Kevin and began to search for Starlight without any effort.

Kevin took advantage of his free time to sort out what he would do next.

The first thing is about the skill tree.

After switching to [Ocean Lord], the skill tree is still extending upwards, but the subsequent professions are not revealed. It is still a golden mass, as if something is brewing.

There was no prompt, no telling Kevin what to do to make the things inside "incubate", and no other channels for Kevin to change jobs.

Originally, Kevin thought that after taking office as [Ocean Lord], a third part-time job would appear, which was [Poseidon Messenger], which Kevin had not interacted with before. The part-time requirements for this job were part-time.

It is the so-called 'third profession', which is the same as the second profession [Ocean Mage].

But he didn't expect it to happen at all. Now Kevin doesn't know what to do next.

This is equivalent to the progress of the main task being stuck, and then the system does not give any prompts.

feeling bad.

But there is nothing we can do.

The only thing Kevin can do now is to allocate existing skill points to other skills that have not been allocated before.

as well as……

Experimenting with creating new magic.

The new skill [Lord's Magic] gives Kevin the ability to create his own magic.

After a period of research, Kevin did create a skill similar to the red ring of Raggador through the magic of the Marvel system.

It is a small disk that each Master of Karma Taj has in his hand.

Through the magic he created, the base of the disc he created was blue, and the material used to make the disc was not water as Kevin imagined, but another kind of blue energy.

This kind of blue energy is familiar to Kevin. Every time he casts magic, similar energy appears in Kevin's body.

It's just that Kevin didn't take the initiative to classify it before. If he classified it now...Kevin believes that it is 'magic'.

Kevin's own magic.

The source of magic power comes from [Water Element Control], which is the upgraded skill of [Flow Control].

It not only gives Kevin the power to control water, but also gives Kevin a large amount of magic power with each level.

Any manipulation related to water, Kevin uses this kind of magic.

Kevin didn't realize this at first and always used it as instinct. It wasn't until he lit up the skill of [Lord's Magic] that Kevin really realized the existence of magic.

After all, if you want to create new magic, you must understand the nature of magic.

Otherwise, everything is empty talk.

Will being able to feel magic make Kevin weaker?

Kevin, who used to use his abilities instinctively, seems to be able to use the power of manipulating magic without limit. If he knew the existence of magic and understood the total amount of his own magic, he might be at a loss when it comes to manipulating magic.

As a result, Kevin is indeed likely to become weaker.

But in fact, Kevin is not worried about this at all. Rather, after feeling the magic power and the way to restore it, Kevin can be more unscrupulous than before.

In the past, Kevin controlled the water flow with just a feeling. He could do it to the extent that he felt he could do it.

But he didn't dare to control it too much, because at that time, although he couldn't accurately feel the existence of magic power, he could feel the weakness caused by the loss of a large amount of magic power.

Of course, Kevin had never been weak because of it, but the feeling was definitely there.

However, he could not judge his own limits through this feeling of weakness.

This can easily lead to Kevin unknowingly overdrawing his magic power and even beginning to overdraw his life.

Therefore, he actually did not dare to let go of his hands and feet to perform larger-scale magic.

But now, with magic power accurately quantified, Kevin doesn't have to worry about running out of magic power and starting to consume life without even realizing it.

He can control magic power at will.

And refined control of magic power, using the smallest magic power to achieve the greatest effect.

This is an overall reinforcement of Kevin's strength.

By the way, Kevin once digitized his magic power when he was bored.

He used the magic power of creating a basketball-sized water polo as the standard unit, and calculated that his total magic power was about 50 million.

The MP value of 50 million is probably close to the maximum level in some games.

But Kevin's water element control is only at level five, and there are levels six and seven above.

I really don’t know how much magic power the full level [Water Element Control] will bring to Kevin.

The emergence of magic allowed Kevin to create more magic. It was also from this stage that Kevin gradually broke away from the scope of only controlling water and began to contact other magic fields.

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