Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 288: Finally meeting Loki

Something happened!

Kevin didn't need to say anything. Just by listening to the screams coming from inside, the action team knew that something must have happened inside.

D-19, who was still with Kevin, quickly protected Kevin behind him, took out the time cutter in his hand, which was a weapon similar to an explosion-proof baton, and aimed it at the unfinished building in front of him.

In the unfinished building, in that dark area, a figure was looming.

D-19 shouted vigilantly:

"Who is it! !?"

But as soon as the voice fell, an activated time cutter flew out of the darkness and went straight to D-19's face!

The experienced pursuer would naturally not be attacked by the "baton" that suddenly flew out. The cutter in his hand blocked it and the flying attack was knocked to the ground.

But at the same time, the figure that was still vaguely visible in the darkness disappeared again.

Kevin saw that the situation was not good, thought for a while, quietly took out the time tablet, and slowly retreated.

He probably guessed who attacked the time chaser, and also understood that perhaps the time variant that had changed this time was the bait thrown by this person to TVA.

But although he understood, Kevin had no intention of staying here to fight her.

At the stage of the sacred timeline, it was unwise to expose his abilities and special features to the Time Management Bureau and the survivor Kang.

Anyway, now he just needs to wait, and Kevin can contact Loki, and even contact the inventor Kang. At that time, let the inventor Kang and OB work together to develop a time constraint device, which is better than taking the risk to help the person in front of him now.


Go to hell!

Kevin took out the time tablet and prepared to retreat immediately.

But as soon as he took out the time tablet, he felt that his hand was grabbed by someone.

Turning his head, a mysterious man in a black cloak appeared behind Kevin at some point, even hiding from Kevin's perception!

Fuck! Is Sylvie's magic so strong? Even my perception can be hidden?

Startled by the person next to him, Kevin immediately punched the man behind him.

His speed was controlled by him intentionally, not exceeding the limit of ordinary people, and therefore he was easily avoided by the man behind him.

But Kevin also broke free from the man's palm because of this, and at the same time attracted the nearby pursuers, and the battle was about to break out!

Seeing the attacker appear, the two pursuers quickly rushed up and fought with the attacker.

Kevin hid outside the battlefield, staring at the cloaked man with an uncertain expression like an agent who was not good at fighting.

After the contact just now, Kevin was completely sure who the person in front of him was.

She was another variant of Loki, the female Loki.

Or you can call her Sylvie, which is her name.

Because Sylvie was taken away by the Time Administration Bureau since she was a child, she had a deep hatred for the Time Administration Bureau. After escaping from the Time Administration Bureau, she has been thinking about how to deal with this behemoth based on the timeline.

Then Sylvie thought of a way.

Create a void in the Time Administration Bureau, and then take the opportunity to invade the Time Administration Bureau and kill the nominal managers of the Time Administration Bureau, that is, the three time guardians.

To do this, it is necessary to trigger various branches on the sacred timeline in an instant.

To trigger different time branches, it is necessary to affect multiple different time points in an instant.

That is why Sylvie attracted various time chaser teams before that and took the reset device that can reset the timeline from them.

This is also the reason why Kevin met Sylvie here.

"But Sylvie's magic should not be hidden from me... As expected, Loki did something again."

Kevin was not surprised to find that his perception could not sense Sylvie.

After all, this is Loki's "love", how could Loki let Kevin hurt the person he likes.

It is good that the perception magic is ineffective against Sylvie's magic. I am afraid that after Kevin attacks Sylvie, his time will be reset to the first day of coming to the sacred timeline.

He finally got OB to help pay attention to the time constraint device, but he had to do it again, and he had to stay in the time management bureau for so long without doing anything.

That is really unacceptable to Kevin.

Although Kevin knew that this was just his guess, he had a hunch that if it was Loki, he might really do what he wanted.

Since he mastered magic and even mastered divinity, Kevin now believed in his hunch.

So if he didn't want to do it all over again, Kevin had better sneak back now.

D-19's fighting skills with the other pursuer were good, but they were still a little weaker than the gods of Asgard.

What's more, this was a god whose abilities were not restrained by the Time Authority.

Therefore, in just a dozen seconds, the two pursuers of the Time Authority fell at Sylvie's feet.

Kevin, who saw this scene, did not hesitate at all and quickly got into the time portal that had just been opened.

He had no intention of communicating with Sylvie. After confirming that the other party was hostile to him, Kevin immediately ran away.

Sylvie did not chase him. She still lowered her head, covered her face in the cloak, and watched Kevin leave quietly.

“It’s a trap!!”

After returning to the Time Management Bureau, Kevin immediately used his acting skills that he had honed in the Black Robe World, and shouted to Mobius with anger and a bit of fear:

"I can't believe that I encountered this kind of thing on my first mission!! It was a trap to lure us there!! If I hadn't run fast, I would probably be dead like D-19 now!!"

"Calm down, calm down, Kevin, who did you see?"

Mobius persuaded Kevin to calm down.

Now they were in the interrogation room of the Time Management Bureau. A judge would interrogate Kevin later. Mobius just came here to test the waters.

After taking a few quick breaths, Kevin tried to "calm down" himself. He exhaled a long breath and recalled:

"I don't know... but I'm sure he's a very dangerous person. He knows the process of our TVA's pursuit, knows how to use the time cutter, and even... even uses magic!"

"It's the escaped time criminal."

Just as Kevin finished speaking, someone came to the door to answer the question.

It was a black woman with her hair tied up behind her head. She was wearing a neat judge's uniform and walked in with documents.

There were several judges from the Time Management Bureau behind her.

In the Time Management Bureau, the judges are the absolute core of the Time Management Bureau. They handle all matters of the Time Management Bureau on behalf of the Time Guardians. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the leaders of the entire Time Management Bureau.

And the one Kevin saw in front of him was the leader among the judges.

Her name is Ravna Losrael, and she is also an important character throughout the plot of Loki Season 1 and 2.

Seeing Losrael come in, Kevin and Mobius immediately fell silent. Mobius nodded to Losrael, and then lip-synced to Kevin, indicating that he should say something later.

Then he walked aside to listen.

Losrael also nodded to Mobius, then glanced at Kevin and sat in the main seat without saying much.

Her reaction made Kevin raise his eyebrows slightly and pondered in his heart.

Moving forward Kevin had met Miss Minute, the artificial intelligence created by the Legacy Kang, who should know the name of every employee of the Time Management Bureau in detail.

In other words, if Kevin's identity was really problematic, Miss Minute would definitely find it.

But Miss Minute didn't.

However, Miss Minute is an artificial intelligence, and Loki discovered a loophole in the artificial intelligence, and arranged Kevin's identity from it. This is not unreasonable.

But Losrael...

She founded the Time Management Bureau together with the Legacy Kang, and is nominally a senior person in charge of the Time Management Bureau.

Although Losrael may have forgotten this matter now, she should not be indifferent to Kevin's existence.

Unless in Losrael's eyes, Kevin's identity is really no problem.

Not only did he hide Miss Minute, but he also hid the back-up plan left by the Legacy Kang... Should he be said to be worthy of being the God of Stories?

Kevin praised Loki a little in his heart, but he felt that this seemed to be nothing.

After all, he is the God of Stories that spans the timeline of the multiverse. If he can't even do this, it would be funny.

While Kevin was thinking in his heart, Losrael and the other two judges had already sat in the seat in front of him.

Among the three judges, Losrael was in the center, and the two judges beside him were one man and one woman, both of whom were elderly and looked like they didn't have many years left to live.

Especially the man, who was still dozing off.

It made people worry whether he would fall asleep at any time.

"Agent, we are questioning you now."

After sitting down, Losrael first said to Kevin. She put down the notes on the table and asked Kevin:

"Are you sure that the person who attacked your team used magic?"

"Yes, I am sure! At least I can tell what is magic and what is superpower!"

"The light of magic is green, right?"

"Yes, because we went there at night, the light of his magic was very obvious."

"Can you tell the gender of that person? Do you think that person is a man or a woman?"

"Not sure, he... He is wrapped in a cloak all over his body. From his appearance and height, it is impossible to tell whether he is a man or a woman."

Losrael asked one sentence after another, and Kevin answered one sentence after another.

The questions she asked were all about Sylvie, not Kevin himself.

It seems that Losrael did not doubt Kevin.

Her focus was all on Sylvie.

This is natural. The person who was responsible for cutting Sylvie back then was Losrael.

Sylvie would run away from the Time Bureau, and Losrael should also bear part of the responsibility.

However... it is difficult to guarantee whether Losrael did this on purpose.

Because her memory of creating the Time Bureau was deleted by the Legacy Kang, she actually wants to know the truth about the Time Guardian and the Time Bureau.

Maybe Sylvie would run away, and Losrael instructed her to do so.

But now Sylvie is probably out of her control.

Kevin was doing two things at the same time, analyzing these things in his mind and answering Losrael's questions at the same time.

About an hour later, Losrael stopped questioning and said to Kevin:

"Agent, the questioning is over, you can go back to work."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, there was an accident in the pursuit of the time variant. It was the negligence of the Analysis Bureau. It has nothing to do with you. You can go back and rest now and wait for the next step...Mobius, you stay. I have a task for you."

After Kevin went out, Losrael kept Mobius.

Kevin made sure that he had nothing to do here, bowed slightly to several high-level officials of the Time Management Bureau, and then left.

After walking out of the door, Kevin stayed at the door and did not leave immediately. He was waiting for Mobius to come out.

Although Losrael did not say anything to Kevin, she did not even interrogate Kevin. It seemed that the matter was over and over.

But Kevin knew very well that this matter would not end so easily.

Involving the time variant Sylvie who had been running outside for an unknown period of time, Losrael would definitely take it seriously.

That's why she kept Mobius.

If Kevin wanted to participate in this matter and contact Loki's variant, he must have a good relationship with Mobius, and even be able to assist him in hunting down Sylvie.

This may also be the reason why Loki arranged him as an agent.


Kevin once told Barry to let him punch himself who ran into the bowl of time and send him to the DC universe after the flashpoint.

There will be no beginning or end in between, but the moment the cycle is completed, it will continue to cycle.

There is no beginning and no end.

This is the Ouroboros.

And now, Kevin and Loki seem to be in this theory.

If Kevin contacts Loki, helps him change the Time Authority, and helps him become the God of Stories.

Then Loki will send the future Kevin here to complete Kevin's purpose.

The cycle of the two is formed, without a beginning and an end.

Although Kevin does not think he has such a big face to let Loki help him personally.

But Kevin, who has been unable to figure out Loki's purpose during this period, can only think so at present.

For this reason, he must contact Loki and complete the time loop.

Kevin stood outside the door and waited for Mobius idly. After a long time, Mobius pushed the door out.

He was surprised to see Kevin still outside the door:

"Why are you still here?"

"Waiting for you, I'm very curious about that time variant."

Kevin smoothly brought out the reason he had prepared long ago.

When Mobius heard this, he looked around, pulled Kevin over, and said to him:

"You don't have to worry about this matter..."

But before he finished speaking, Kevin interrupted him and said:

"Because this matter is now your responsibility? Who is that time variant? Why does he seem to be very familiar with the Time Management Bureau?"

Kevin spit out a series of questions.

Mobius really wanted Kevin to go back and keep him away from this matter.

But when he met Kevin's eyes, Mobius didn't know why he changed his mind.

He sighed, looked around again, reached out and patted Kevin's arm, and said:

"Okay, if you really want to know, let's go to the rest area, get two cups of hot cocoa, and talk while drinking."


Perhaps because they are all colleagues, or perhaps this matter is not a secret among agents, Mobius told Kevin about Sylvie.

Including her identity, her origins, and what she has done over the years.

"So it's just this little girl... We haven't caught her for so long?"

"Originally, Losrael was in charge of this matter, but she is now a judge. After the agent in charge got into trouble, no one was in charge of this matter anymore."

"What about now?"

"Luckily, this job is now handed over to me."

Mobius said in a relaxed tone while drinking hot cocoa.

Sure enough, Losrael kept him just now for this matter.

So now, it shouldn't be long before the plot of Loki Season 1 begins.

"I'll help you too."

Kevin 'hesitated' for a long time before saying to Mobius.

Mobius immediately refused: "No, absolutely not! Each agent is only responsible for a special variant, and most of the variants of 'Loki' are very cunning, which is not what you can be responsible for now."

"But you also saw that I failed the first time I led the team, proving that I am not mature enough. I need to learn hunting experience under the more experienced 'predecessors'."

"Do you think your reason can deceive me? Although I don't know what you are going to do, I am sure that you are definitely not following me to learn hunting experience!"

Because there are other people in the lounge, Mobius whispered to Kevin:

"I know you may be very unwilling to be frustrated, but this matter is not negotiable. Even if I agree, Losrael will not agree."

Mobius may have misunderstood something. He thinks Kevin is unwilling to fail in his first mission, so he wants to capture Sylvie with him.

But first of all, this matter does not comply with the regulations, and Mobius has no say in this matter.

Even if he wants Kevin to follow, Losrael will not let him.

Kevin's request was rejected by Mobius. No matter what he said, the other party just refused to give in.

In the end, Kevin gave up the plan to go with Mobius to deal with Sylvie.

After all, Losrael is really hard to talk to.

If Kevin still wants to stay in TVA, it is better not to deal with the top leaders of the Time Management Bureau to avoid any problems.

Moreover, even if Mobius does not let Kevin participate, Kevin is not completely helpless.

When Loki comes to the Time Management Bureau, there will be plenty of opportunities to contact Loki.

After figuring out the key, Kevin started to do nothing in the Time Management Bureau again.

Because the time in the Time Management Bureau was not obvious, Kevin didn't know how long he had stayed in the Time Management Bureau after a long time.

He only remembered that he dealt with two time variants during this period, and watched Mobius bring back two different Lokis, and then was cut off by the Time Management Bureau...

Then it was a boring routine day after day.

During this period, OB's time constraint device still had no progress, and everything was repeatedly stagnant.

Just when Kevin was bored to the point of going crazy.

Finally, after breakfast one day... or the first meal after waking up from a sleep, he met the person he wanted to see.


Or that Loki who got the Cosmic Cube and escaped because the Avengers traveled through the parallel universe.

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