Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 289 Plan Pass

Loki was caught.

To be more precise, it was the Loki who tried to take the Cosmic Cube and escape who was caught.

During this period, the Time Management Bureau dealt with many Loki variants, including the barbarian version, the black version, and even a version that was similar to Loki but became the president.

But these Lokis were not the Loki that Kevin was looking for.

Only the current Loki, who was personally judged by Losrael, was the one Kevin was looking for.

So at Losrael's trial, Kevin finished all his work for the day in advance and came here to observe Loki face to face at close range.

Until he saw Mobius quietly walked in from outside.

As soon as Mobius came in, he saw Kevin sitting in the front row listening to the trial of Loki.

He came over and sat next to Kevin, and asked him in a low voice:

"What are you doing here?"

"Like you, listening to Loki's trial."

"I remember I said, I'll handle this matter, you..."

"Mobius, it's just a trial, there's no need to be so nervous, after all, I'm not chasing the person you're chasing now."

Kevin said a little rogue.

"Hey, listen Kevin, you can't..."


Stretching out his finger and making a silencing gesture, Kevin stopped Mobius from continuing before he was about to say something.

"We have to keep quiet in the court, and there will be something interesting to watch soon."

Kevin whispered to Mobius, and stretched out his hand to point at Loki standing in front of Losrael.

The two looked at Loki at the same time, and sure enough, they saw that the God of Lies from Asgard was confidently saying something to Losrael at this moment, and raised his hands slightly.

Muscles tense, fists clenched.

Even if he couldn't feel the power of magic, Kevin knew what Loki was doing now.

He was trying to use magic.

Just like Kevin tried to take OB away from the Time Management Bureau in front of OB.

Loki didn't understand the current situation and didn't know his situation at all. He thought he could use magic like he did outside.

But unfortunately, he couldn't do anything in the end.

"Damn it, why doesn't it work!"

Magic and super powers are absolutely prohibited in the Time Management Bureau. Even Kevin can't use them at all, let alone the Asgardians who are weaker than Kevin at this stage.

Seeing that Loki couldn't do anything for a long time, Losrael made the final judgment and decided to reset Loki.

Kevin looked at Mobius:

"It's time for you to come on stage."

"Please Kevin, don't mess with me later."

"Am I the kind of person who will mess with you?"

Kevin looked at Mobius innocently.

Mobius couldn't do anything to him, and seeing that Loki was about to be reset, he didn't have time to argue with Kevin, so he stood up and communicated with Losrael to save Loki.

Kevin didn't bother him when he saw this, he got up and left silently, waiting for the opportunity to come.

Although Kevin had only watched the show Loki once, with his current memory, he could already recall most of the details in the show.

He clearly remembered that in the first episode of the first season, when Mobius rescued Loki and talked to him, he was called out in the middle, causing Loki to escape.

And this was Kevin's chance to contact Loki.

He didn't have to follow Mobius to talk to Loki.

Kevin only needed an opportunity.

Kevin didn't wait long for this opportunity.

After quietly waiting for a while near the Time Theater, Kevin saw Mobius taking Loki in, followed by B-15, a fat black pursuer, who called Mobius out and talked about the danger of letting Loki stay.

Then Loki took this opportunity to sneak out of the Time Theater.

Kevin also seized this opportunity. When Loki ran in front of him, he grabbed his arm and took him to the area that had been selected in advance.

An ordinary archive room.

"Who!? Who are you!?"

Loki, who was dragged in by Kevin, didn't react at first.

After he found that the controller that controlled the prisoners he had just taken from Mobius was missing, he raised his head and roared at Kevin in a low voice.

"As you can see, I'm Agent Kevin. Should I say nice to meet you? Mr. Loki."

Kevin shook the controller that he took from Loki and greeted him with a smile.

The time controller that can control its own time state is in Kevin's hand, so Loki can't act rashly.

Because of the collar on his neck, Kevin only needs to press a button on the controller lightly, and Loki can return to his original position.

That is, the Time Theater.

"Agent? You are also an agent? You look very young."

Loki looked Kevin up and down, and there seemed to be distrust in his words.

Compared with Mobius and Hunter B-15 who looked old, Kevin was too young.

Even younger than Loki's appearance.

Loki was a little reluctant to believe that such a young person was an agent.

"Yes, I am such a young person and I am an agent. No one in the Time Control Bureau felt suspicious. Loki, you are really amazing."

"?" Loki had a question mark above his head.

He could understand the first part of Kevin's words, but Loki didn't quite understand the last part.

Because judging from Kevin's tone, the other party became an agent of the Time Management Bureau because of himself?

How could Loki not know that he had such a great ability.

Staring at Kevin with a frown, Loki was about to speak:

"What are you talking about..."

"This is not a place to talk. The pursuers will be here soon. Let's go back first."

"Go back?"

"Yes, the most dangerous place..."

Kevin picked up the controller and put his finger on the button of the controller under Loki's horrified eyes.

"No, no... wait first--!"

"It's the safest place."

After speaking, Kevin pressed the button of the controller.

With a brief time distortion, Loki's figure disappeared from Kevin's sight.

He had returned to the Time Theater, the place he had just run out of.

Kevin also quickly put away the controller, and ran back to the Time Theater without stopping, greeted the person in charge of guarding, and walked into it.

In the Time Theater, Loki sat on the ground, raised his head and threw his hair behind his head, and said to Kevin in annoyance:

"Don't you have any new routines!?"

"Don't worry about the new or old, as long as the routine is useful, then now... shall we continue to chat?"

Kevin pulled a chair over and said to him with a smile.

Loki stood up and said angrily:

"I don't want to chat with you! I just want to go back now!!"

He has had enough of this hellhole now.

Convicted him inexplicably, sentenced him to "death" inexplicably!

This is not civilized at all! !

Even in Asgard, at least criminals will be given the opportunity to defend themselves!

Well, in fact, what Loki is really angry about is that his three-inch eloquence can't work here.

Originally, relying on his cunning and "intelligence", even if he enters a desperate place, he can rely on his mouth to gain benefits and status for himself.

For example, he took control of the Chitauri army in front of Thanos, and became the guest of the Supreme Lord on Sakaar.

But it happened in this place.

It seemed that everyone knew his nature, and everyone understood him, which made him very unhappy, very unhappy.

But he was powerless.

He could only be furious here.

Kevin could barely understand Loki's mood.

For Loki, he just lost to the Avengers and escaped with his own intelligence.

This was what he often did before, and it was nothing at all.

As a result, this small change brought him such a big trouble.

And what made Loki even more aggrieved should be that this matter was not his fault in the first place.

If it weren't for Tony in the parallel universe who accidentally lost the Cosmic Cube, and the Cosmic Cube "accidentally" fell at his feet, maybe he wouldn't have to face the Time Management Bureau at all.

Because if it were this logic, it was Tony and them who caused the timeline conflict, not Loki.

But the Time Management Bureau only captured Loki.

The difference in treatment is too big.

Even if Loki is a villain, a liar full of lies, he should not be wronged like this!

Kevin knew that Loki must be thinking this in his heart.

He even guessed that Loki wanted to take back the Cosmic Cube and go back to settle accounts with the Avengers.

It's just a pity that the Time Authority won't talk to him.

According to the sacred timeline of the Time Authority, what Tony and his friends did was right, and it was within the process of the sacred timeline.

Only Loki ran away.

Therefore, the Time Authority will only catch Loki who ran away, and will not catch the Avengers who traveled through time and space.

"But I'm sorry you can't go back." Kevin sat up straight and looked at Loki seriously, "And I can't go back now, so... why don't you talk to me about the reason why you brought me here? And what do you want me to do?"

"You... what nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean... what do you mean by 'the reason why I brought you here'?"

Loki didn't understand Kevin's words.

But Kevin didn't explain it to him, because he knew very well that Loki, the God of Stories, could use his previous variants to talk to Kevin.

Just like when he talked to Mobius in the last episode of the second season.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk to me?"


Although Loki didn't know what Kevin was talking about, he could realize that this was an opportunity.

After rolling his eyes, Loki stood up and said to Kevin in his usual deceitful tone:

"...Why wouldn't I want to talk to you? Aren't we talking now? You're right, I brought you here, and the purpose of bringing you here is..."

Loki said, and was about to approach Kevin, his target was the controller in Kevin's hand.

Just hearing him say this, Kevin understood that it seemed that Loki, the God of Stories, would not talk to him.

"Forget it."

Seeing Loki getting closer and closer, Kevin was too lazy to fight with him, and pressed the controller again to let Loki return to his original position.

Loki, who finally stood up, sat down on the ground again.

It wasn't that Kevin wanted him to sit on the ground. In fact, there was a chair in his original position, but he kicked it down later.

So every time the time was reset, Loki would sit on the void, and then he would sit on the ground because he had no support.


Even though Loki was well-educated, he couldn't help cursing at this moment.

He thought Kevin was playing with him, and stood up again and was about to say something to Kevin, but he saw Kevin take out a few gems from his arms.

Those were the Infinity Gems.

And the core of the Cosmic Cube, the Space Gem, was also among them.

"You want to take the Cosmic Cube back to your own universe, right? But I'm sorry to tell you that this is impossible."

Kevin arranged the Infinity Gems he took out from the 'Time Alien Vault' in front of him like sugar beans, and continued to say to Loki:

"The most abundant thing here is the Infinity Gems, but at the same time, the Infinity Gems are of no use here, and Mobius should have told you that you can't go back."

Kevin said, leaning back in his chair and turning on the projector of the Time Theater next to him.

The Time Theater can play all the endings of a person from birth to death.

As long as it is a fate recorded on the sacred timeline, it can be projected by the Time Theater.

"You want to go back, then I want to show you what will happen after you go back and continue along the original route."

Kevin opened the Time Theater, picked out Loki's future fate without any nonsense, and chose to play it.

The first is the scene after Loki's mother died.

Loki has seen this scene before, but when he saw it again, Loki's eyes were still a little red.

In the whole of Asgard, there are only three people that Loki cares about the most.

His adoptive father Odin, his adoptive mother Frigga, and his brother Thor.

But Odin is too partial to Thor, and Thor is a fool, often standing on the side of his even more foolish companions, often blaming Loki.

Only Frigga, like a real mother, takes care of Loki and gives him the love he deserves.

Therefore, Loki is closer to Frigga, and his magic is also inherited from Frigga.

And now, through the Time Theater, Loki knows his future, and will let his mother die because of a "little revenge" that is not a prank.

Skipping Frigga, Kevin then plays the scene of him, Thor, and Odin sitting together.

What Odin said to them before he died reached Loki's ears.

Finally, it turned into light and dissipated in the air, and also reflected in Loki's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Loki's breathing became a little faster, and tears were accumulating in his eyes.

Maybe he hated his father and thought that his father was too partial to Thor, but he was his adoptive father who had raised him for thousands of years.

What was the purpose of all he did? Wasn't it just to make his adoptive father look at him more, see his excellence, and see that he was not inferior to Thor, and to prove himself in front of his adoptive father?

As a result, his adoptive father Odin also died.

He didn't even die in Asgard.

After Odin, it was Thor.

Kevin was very patient and played Loki's future according to the plot sequence of "Thor 3", so that he could see him and Thor bickering with each other, cooperating with each other, and fighting side by side.

Seeing that he still had a brother, Loki finally laughed.

Kevin couldn't describe his smile, which was a bit like happiness, and a bit like the happiness of finally being recognized by his brother.

He always said that he didn't care about Thor and wanted to kill Thor all the time.

But in fact...

Loki cared about Thor more than he thought.

And after losing Odin and Frigga, Thor became Loki's only relative.

Nothing could make Loki happier than being recognized by his remaining relatives.

It was a pity that Loki could not be happy for too long.

The arrival of Thanos put an end to everything.

Loki saw with his own eyes that he failed to attack Thanos and was strangled by his throat.

He saw with his own eyes that he strangled himself to death, staring at him with unwilling eyes, and fell to the ground.

He also saw with his own eyes that the entire Asgard spaceship, as well as the Asgardians who escaped on it, were blown to pieces by the artillery fire from Thanos's battleship.


At that moment, Loki's breathing stopped.

His tears fell instantly, and the expression on his face changed from relief and joy to shock and confusion.

Kevin put down the remote control of the Time Theater in his hand and turned to look at Loki.

He didn't say anything, just waiting for Loki to react.

Having seen his life and knowing that the Infinity Stones were useless here, Loki was in complete confusion at this moment.

He took a few steps back and sat on the steps of the Time Theater, staring blankly at the screen showing "End of Play" for a long time.

Until the door was pushed open, Mobius and B-15 came in side by side.

"So you are here, Loki!!"

As soon as B-15 came over, she picked up the cutting stick and rushed towards Loki aggressively.

Kevin hurriedly stepped forward to stop her:

"Calm down, B-15, he is no longer a threat now!"

"Kevin, why are you here?"

While Kevin stopped B-15, Mobius also asked Kevin a question.

Kevin pulled B-15 to stop her from dealing with Loki, and turned around to answer:

"As you can see, I brought you a lost prisoner. Don't be so nervous. Loki didn't want to run away. He just...well, wanted to go to the bathroom and got lost..."

"Agent Kevin!!"

B-15 could tell Kevin's lies at once. She frowned and looked at Kevin coldly, about to say something blaming.

But Kevin interrupted her in advance and dragged her out of the Time Theater.

"Okay, B-15, don't be so angry. How about I treat you to hot cocoa? As for this, leave it to Mobius."

As he said, Kevin winked at Mobius and forcibly took B-15 out of the Time Theater.

What if Mobius didn't let Kevin get involved in Sylvie's affairs?

Didn't Kevin find a way himself?

I believe that after this incident, even if it was to repay Kevin's favor, Mobius would probably let Kevin assist from the side.

After all, in Mobius's eyes, if it weren't for Kevin, Loki would have been captured and cut up by now, and there would be no way for him to help him complete the task of hunting down Sylvie.

So even if it was to repay a favor, Mobius couldn't refuse Kevin's request to participate in this matter.

Thinking of this, Kevin couldn't help but smile.

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