Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 295: Respective Experiences

Mentioning ducks, Nightcrawler opened up a chatterbox and said:

"In addition to us who turned into ducks, there are also us who turned into villains. Don't ask why we turned into villains, just know that we did.

"However, most villains will become anti-heroes in the later stages. It is rare to find a path that goes astray. Even the few people who chased you just now are still heroes in their respective worlds. It's just that they took a crooked path."

After mentioning this, Kevin remembered to ask the key question:

"By the way, I haven't asked yet, what do they mean when they chase me and say they want to conduct research on me?"

Through the exchanges between Iron Man and other variants, Kevin could probably guess what they meant, but he needed to be sure.

Nightwalker paused for a moment and replied:

"Literally speaking, you should have discovered that although our variants are diverse, most of them are still within the framework of Marvel. Regardless of the past, present, or future, we cannot leave Marvel. universe.

"There are even people who don't know what world they have traveled to from birth to death, such as some unlucky people who traveled back to the past."

During this time, Nightcrawler mentions a variant of Kevin that went back to ancient times.

For the time-traveler Kevin, he has not discovered mutants or any elements related to Marvel. He has simply come to a certain dynasty. It is easy for people to misunderstand that he has traveled to the past rather than to the past. Marvel Universe.

In such a variant, nothing will be discovered from beginning to end.

However, being able to live a lifetime of being a rich man without any worries, or even a variant of a powerful official in the court, may be a kind of happiness.

At least you don't have to fight for the truth like these Kevin variants do.

Night Walker paused here and continued:

"But you are different. We can feel it. You are different from us. You may even be the source of everything for us."

"Feeling...why didn't Wen Yi feel it?"

Kevin mentioned the Sorcerer Supreme.

Supreme Mage Wenyi had to fight with Kevin to determine his identity, but the Iron Man trio seemed to recognize him as a special variant immediately without even confirming it.

After mentioning Wen Yi, Kevin carefully observed the expressions of several people.

He had a hunch that Kevin who would appear in the Void Land should have been deceived by Wen Yi, and they should also know Wen Yi.

That's why Kevin deliberately mentioned Wen Yi to see their reactions.

Sure enough, Kevin was right.

As soon as he finished talking about Nightcrawler, he raised his eyebrows, and the Wasp girl jumped up and asked:

"Sure enough, you guy also saw him!"

"'Also'? So..."

"Yes, we were deceived by him! How can we find the truth about time travel here? Damn! Big liar!!"

The Wasp girl transformation said angrily, her words full of resentment towards Wen Yi.

Nightcrawler added:

"Cathy is the only one who doesn't want to come here on her own initiative. She has her own family. Ant-Man Scott and Wasp Hope love her very much. She is also an indispensable character in the Young Avengers, but... Text One, it’s a bit ungrateful..."

"Isn't that a little bit?! Just wait! When I go back, I will turn him into an ant and throw him into the ant nest!!"

At the mention of Wen Yi, Wasp Girl Cathy gritted her teeth.

That look...Kevin really couldn't find any trace of himself in her.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked a question that was irrelevant to the current topic:

"...I would like to ask, how old are you?"

"17! What's up? Do you have any opinions?"



Kevin looked at Nightcrawler in confusion:

"So she is..."

"Fetal penetration." Nightwalker replied: "Don't be so surprised. Not all variants become adults as soon as they cross over. There are many variants that are true reincarnations, born from the mother's womb and then grow into adults.

"So you don't have to think of her as the same existence as us. She has lived in this world for seventeen years and has completely integrated into it. Her name is Cathy now."


A bit scary...

Kevin looked away from Cathy, and he understood why Cathy was full of life.

Being reborn as a baby in this world and living for seventeen years, the personality changes brought about by the experience have made Cathy a completely different person from Kevin.

Rather, except for the same experiences before time travel, all the variants here are different from Kevin.

After traveling through time, they became a completely different group of beings.

They are Kevin, but they are not.

They're Nightcrawler, they're Spider-Man, they're the Wasp. Cathy's case, it should be the second...third generation Ant-Man?

"So it's really Wen Yi who asked you to come here, including the Iron Man outside?"

Returning to the topic, Kevin brought up Wen Yi again.

Night Walker nodded, shook his head again, and said:

"We are, but Iron Man and others are not. They came here on their own initiative."

"Tell me more carefully?"

"What's there to say!"

Cathy interrupted dissatisfiedly, and said in a muffled voice:

"We came here on our own initiative. Iron Man came here on his own, and he also brought a few helpers!"

Nightcrawler added:

"To put it simply, Wen Yi calculated that you would come one day and need our help, so he gathered all of us who knew our fate but would not change it to discuss how to help you.

"I have no objection. Anyway, there are many X-Men in my world, so it doesn't matter if there is one more or one less.

"Parker was forgotten by everyone in the world, and he has no worries. He also has the Black Spider as his heir, so he agreed to come together. Cathy... well, she was deceived, you already know this, as for Iron Man...

"He didn't agree to come with Wen Yi, but later he changed his mind and took the initiative to attract the Time Administration to cut him, and brought helpers with him."

"So those two guys, the Hulk and the Water Man, weren't they sent by Wen Yi?"


Night Walker shook his head, and he suddenly asked back:

"Haven't you noticed yet? Our specialness."

"......?" "

Kevin was stunned for a moment, and while he was thinking, Nightcrawler had already given the answer:

"My ability is teleportation, which is related to space. Cathy inherited her parents' legacy and can create a shuttle to travel through parallel universes.

"Parker is related to the Spider-Verse and can go to the Spider-Man headquarters in the parallel universe. As for Iron Man... He is the smartest one among us. Give him some theories and he can create everything. Explain it this way... Do you understand?"

"It's all related to the parallel world..."

"Yes, it's all related to the parallel world."

Kevin came up with the answer, and Nightcrawler agreed with Kevin's answer.

At present, all the people that Wen Yi chose to help Kevin are related to the parallel universe, and these characters related to the parallel universe may help Kevin restrain the timeline of the black robe world.

But then Kevin felt something was wrong.

Wen Yi arranged these people in front, but he knew that Kevin's purpose was in these few days.

That is to say, before he knew Kevin's purpose, he understood what Kevin was going to do, and sent all the related characters Kevin needed here.

Is the cause and effect relationship reversed?

Kevin asked the question, and Nightcrawler was silent for a long time.

Until Spider-Man, who had been silent all the time, spoke:

"You know the Sorcerer Supreme. Those who can become the Sorcerer Supreme are all annoying riddlers. Who knows if he already knew the answer and then went through the plot."

"That's not impossible..."

Kevin agreed with Spider-Man's words.

Not to mention Wen Yi, even Kevin himself sometimes acts as a riddler.

After all, some things really can't be said, and saying them out will lead to things changing.

"Then now, everything that should be said has been said."

Nightcrawler finally made a summary, he looked up and asked Kevin:

"Shouldn't you also tell me your origins... and purpose?"

In order to show the sincerity of Nightcrawler and others, they took the initiative to tell their respective origins and the reasons for coming here.

In exchange, Kevin should also tell them his identity and origins.

And the real purpose of his coming to this world.


So and so, so and so.

Kevin once again stated his purpose.

To be honest, he was a little tired of saying it so many times. He was thinking about whether to get a recorder to record what he said and play it directly to someone who asked later.

However, it seemed that there was no recorder here, so Kevin temporarily gave up this tempting plan.

"In other words, you want to save the Black Robe World?"

"Almost, mainly because I live in that world, and my friends and girlfriend are also there."

The important reason for saving the Black Robe World is not only because the changes in the Black Robe World were caused by Kevin.

The key is that the people he cares about are also in the Black Robe World.

He couldn't be sure what impact the collapse of the timeline would have on the indigenous people, so no matter what, he had to try first to see if he could handle the timeline collapse event.

"It seems that we can really help."

The Night Walker touched his chin and said.

Kevin looked at Spider-Man: "I remember that the Spider-Man League has the technology to stabilize the collapse of the universe?"

"Yes, there is."

Spider-Man took off his hood, revealing his young face full of stubble. He sat on the hammock he made and said lazily:

"But the premise is that the key nodes of the universe are not destroyed."

"What is the key node of the universe?"

Kevin asked knowingly.

Spider-Man explained: "For example, every Spider-Man will die with the most important person around him. I am Uncle Ben, Spider-Gwen is her childhood sweetheart Peter Parker, and Little Black Spider is his father...

"This critical time node cannot be destroyed. Once it is destroyed, the collapse of the universe is inevitable. Even if the technology of the Spider-Man League is used, it can only maintain the existence of the universe for a short time. Over time, what should collapse will still collapse. "

Kevin is clear about this.

"Spider-Man: Across the Universe" has already made it very clear, he just confirmed it.

After thinking for a while, Kevin asked:

"What is the key node of the black robe universe?"

"I don't know. If you haven't changed much, we can still confirm it through the elimination method, but you have changed too many things now. The entire black-robed world has been changed beyond recognition by you. Who knows what his original key nodes were."

Spider-Man spread his hands and answered helplessly.

Kevin was about to ask again, but Nightcrawler asked Spider-Man first:

"But at least you have mastered the technology that can stabilize the collapse of the parallel universe, otherwise the magician wouldn't be able to find you."

Pfft, the juggler is okay.

Nightcrawler's name for Wen Yi almost made Kevin laugh out loud.

It seems that Night Walker doesn't have a good impression of Wen Yi, otherwise he wouldn't call Wen Yi that way.

"Yes, yes." Spider-Man swayed in the hammock, "But I can't give it to you now. I can't give it to you until Loki kills Kang the Legacy."

"So the technical drawings are not here?"

"Do you think this is a place where high technology can be developed?"

Spider-Man asked rhetorically.

Kevin looked around, silent.

Although the land of the void says that you can get whatever you want, most of the things that are cut out will not be left for long before they are swallowed up by Elios.

It is indeed a bit difficult to create a device that can stabilize the parallel universe here.

"So what we have to do now is wait for Loki and Sylvie to come over and finish the plot. If nothing else happens, Loki should be discovered by other Lokis."

I don’t know if he was infected by Spider-Man, but Nightcrawler’s tone also became a bit lazy.

Kevin thought for a while and found that this was all they could do for now.

There are the Iron Man Trio searching for them outside, and Elios is watching eagerly. They seem to have no other choice but to stay here and wait for the plot to continue.

But thinking about the Ironman Trio, Kevin couldn't help but feel a little worried:

"...Iron Man and the others won't take action against Loki, right?"

"Hmph, if they don't want to stay here forever, they have to follow the plot!"

Cathy snorted and said disdainfully.

The reason why they stay here is because once they leave here, time will branch and be cut by the Time Management Bureau.

And when Kang, the survivor, dies, they don't have to worry about this problem and can leave the Void Land at any time.

Unlike the Rockys who were cut here, the Kevins all have a way to get out of here.

At least Nightcrawler, the three of them and Iron Man have them. It's unclear whether the two variants brought over by Iron Man have them.

Listening to Cathy's words, Nightcrawler nodded, but soon he said:

"That's true, but we must also be careful of their dirty tricks. There is one of our people in Loki, and I will let him keep an eye on it. If the plot really goes awry, we can reverse it in time."

"We even have a 'Loki' variant??"

Hearing Nightcrawler say that there was one of their undercover agents inside Loki, Kevin's pupils suddenly shook.

Night Walker smiled and said:

"That's not true. Although we have a variant of Hela, the goddess of death, the universe in which he exists does not actually exist. That's why he can occupy the magpie's nest, and Loki...almost every universe has it. Loki exists, so we don't have a Loki variant.

"But we can pretend."

I see.

Kevin understood.

That is to say, there is a variant of Kevin, the master of disguise, who has blended into Loki.

This can be explained quite a bit.

Otherwise, if there really is a variant of Loki, Kevin can't really guarantee that knowing the plot variant will replace Loki and sit on the throne of time.

"Okay, you can rest here for a while. According to the plot trend you just mentioned, it is estimated that Loki and Sylvie will come here soon. Before that, recharge your batteries first. When the time comes, Iron Man and the others will come to look for trouble. It’s good to have the energy to fight.”

Nightcrawler said, opened the drawer on the side, rummaged around, and threw a bottle of happy water to Kevin.

Kevin took the happy water and looked at the production date on it.

Goodfellas, 2007.

If it were left outside, there's no telling how long it would have expired.

But here, the coke is probably something that just got cut in, so don't worry about the date.

Don’t think that the only things the Times Management Bureau cuts are people.

Sometimes an entire project that deviates from the route will be cut by the Time Management Bureau.

For example, the World War II-era battleship suddenly appeared in the void in the plot.

Those on board, as well as the battleship itself, and any supplies on the battleship, were cut to the garbage dump at the end of time.

Most of the supplies that Kevin's mutants obtain here come from these cropped wholes.

Including the Lokis.

Although they are gods, they still have to eat and drink. Without this garbage, it is really not certain how many of them would survive.

The waiting process is boring.

Nightcrawler passed the time reading a book while Spider-Man checked his web launcher.

Cathy, who was physically the youngest among the group but probably the oldest mentally, was lying on the bed swinging her legs and playing with a handheld device that she didn't know where it came from.

After looking around at a few people, Kevin, who felt a little bored, took the initiative to stir up the topic and asked:

"What have you experienced in your respective worlds?"

In the exchange just now, Kevin told them about his experience in the black robe world for more than a year.

But he still didn't know what stories these people in front of him had.

That's right, Kevin did look at the fate lines of some of his time variants, but the time variants he observed did not include the ones in front of him.

It happened that there was still some time before Loki and the others arrived, so why not ask about the experiences of each variant during this period.

Kevin really wanted to know what kind of story would happen if he became Nightcrawler, Spider-Man, and Wasp.

Nightcrawler put down the book after hearing this.

He looked up and looked at Kevin, smiled and said:


"Yes, I am curious."

"Okay, then I will tell you briefly. I think you should know who I am when you see my skin and abilities. Yes, Nightcrawler in X-Men has the ability of teleportation, but you should know the movie version of Nightcrawler."

"You are not the movie version?"

"Yes... but not either. I come from a universe that does not belong to movies and comics at all. There... I am the son of Mystique and Red Devil."

Nightcrawler told his story.

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