Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 296 Loki is captured

"I was born in an era when the X-Men gradually disappeared. My mother is Mystique and my father is Red Devil. Since the X-Men no longer exist, Magneto and others also gradually disappear, and the situation of mutants is quite bad.

"Mystique is okay. She can become anyone and blend in perfectly anywhere, but I can't. The skin on my body destined me to be unable to see people in an era when mutants are weak.

"So before I was fifteen, my mother locked me in the room and I couldn't leave."

" are also born with a pierced back uterus?"

Kevin was shocked.

Nightcrawler asked back with amusement: "When did I say I wasn't?"


Well, he didn't seem to have said that.

Skipping this irrelevant topic, Nightcrawler continued:

"Then, when I was fifteen, Raven disappeared...After I finished eating all the food, I found that Raven hadn't come back yet, so I knew something was wrong.

"In order to find food and to find my mother, I put on a cloak and gloves and left home for the first time.

"Raven protected me very well. Although she had kept me locked in the room for the past fifteen years, she never treated me badly. Except for not letting me watch the news and newspapers, she allowed me to do almost anything.

"But because I couldn't watch the news, I had no way of knowing what was happening outside. It wasn't until I went out that I realized that the situation of mutants had become worse than the movie "Days of Future Past."

"All mutants were captured by big forces and used as generators. Some disobedient ones were all imprisoned in concentration camps and suffered inhuman torture.

"When I realized the situation in this world, I knew that something must have happened to Raven."

Nightwalker sighed at this point, he hesitated, and then carefully said:

"...I knew that if my mutant identity was discovered, I would definitely be finished, so I was very cautious in my investigation, and therefore the progress of the investigation was very slow. I couldn't find any trace of Raven for several years.

"Until I met Laura."


"Yes, an artificial human created with Wolverine's genes as a template. Her laboratory was destroyed and she was wandering. Later, she met the Young X-Men, Phantom, Iceman, Sunspot and Blink, and then found me..."

Nightcrawler said this, sinking into the sofa, nostalgic:

"Thanks to them, I found news about Raven, but unfortunately it was bad news. Raven died under human research and created the Sentinels of that world...

"But fortunately, our Young X-Men arrived in time and destroyed the first generation of Sentinels and all related information to prevent that world from becoming the same as "Days of Future Past."

"And then?"

"And then? Then there is nothing much to say. After investigation, we know that the previous generation of X-Men are basically dead. Except for Wolverine, most of them are no longer in the world.

"Later, under the leadership of Wolverine, we rebuilt the X-School and once again worked as the X-Men, while saving the mutants persecuted by humans.

"Maybe it's because we are the X-Men, or maybe it's because we represent justice, anyway, we were pretty smooth sailing during that period.

"Laura and I fell in love and set a date for our wedding. After everything was on track, we each became teachers at the X-School... until the magician found me."

This was Nightcrawler's experience before he came to the end of time.

If it weren't for the magician, he would probably have married Laura now.

Kevin didn't ask about the details of Nightcrawler's story.

Although Nightcrawler seemed to be talking easily, if you think about the conflict between mutants and humans, you can understand that his experience was definitely not easy.

Kevin had no intention of touching other people's sad stories. After knowing the general story of Nightcrawler, Kevin looked at Spider-Man again:

"What about you?"

"There's nothing much to say about my story. You know, it's a story that Spider-Man will experience. He was bitten by a mutant spider, lost his relatives, and heard the words 'With great power comes great responsibility' from his relatives before they died..."

Spider-Man didn't want to mention this aspect of things. He just said this part and shrugged:

"Then I fell in love with MJ, was led into the Spider Alliance by O'Hara, and was finally found by the Sorcerer Supreme... Simple, right? I don't have as rich experience as Nightcrawler."

"Then according to you, maybe your story has just begun."

"Don't, I've beaten Green Goblin, Dr. Lizard, Hydro-Man, Sandman, Dr. Octopus... I've beaten the Sinister Six... I don't want to have any other stories."

Good guy... You still say your experience is not as rich as Nightcrawler's.

If your world is a game, then you are almost going to complete it, right?

Kevin looked at Spider-Man strangely, complaining in his heart, and finally turned his eyes to Cathy who was playing games.

Cathy had stopped playing games without knowing when, and was listening to the conversation here with her ears perked up. Seeing Kevin's eyes looking at her, she immediately pretended not to eavesdrop and picked up the game console again.

After a while, she put down the handheld game console in her hand and looked up at the few people:

"…Why are you looking at me? I don't have any stories to tell you."

"Tell me, anyway, you are free."

Night Walker said to Cathy in a tone like coaxing a child.

Cathy rolled her eyes, not interested in Night Walker's tone, and then said:

"I think you just want to laugh at me."

"How could that be? Absolutely not!"

Nightcrawler said solemnly, with a serious face.

Kevin and Spider-Man also nodded synchronously.

Really, they really have no curiosity about themselves becoming women, they just want to hear stories.

Cathy stared at them.

Everyone's soul is the same, everyone knows who, she knows that these people must want to laugh at her.

But it doesn't matter, she has been like this for more than ten years, and she has long been accustomed to her current appearance and identity. Even if they want to laugh at her, Cathy will not have any psychological fluctuations.

So after thinking for a while, Cathy said:

"There is nothing to say, I have joined the Young Avengers for less than three months. If it weren't for me secretly taking the design drawings of the quantum tunnel shuttle from my grandfather and mother, and researching it and traveling to a parallel world with my friend, the Supreme Sorcerer would not come to me."

"Go, you are only seventeen years old, and you have built a quantum tunnel shuttle?"

Kevin was really surprised to hear this.

He didn't remember being so smart, how come he changed his gender and suddenly became a scientific research genius? ?

Cathy smiled and said:

"Don't you see who my grandfather is, the first Ant-Man Hank Pym! My mother Hope is also a top student, and I was tutored by Iron Man.

"There are so many geniuses as teachers, but I still build it according to the blueprint. If I can't build a quantum shuttle like this, I might as well commit suicide and start over!"

When Cathy said this, her tone was obviously disdainful.

It is obvious that after being like this for so many years, she has developed another personality that does not belong to Kevin.

She is very confident in her scientific research ability, just like Hank Pym and Tony Stark.

"Then what? What do you build a quantum shuttle for? "

Kevin expressed his understanding, and then asked Cathy about the purpose of building the quantum shuttle.

Cathy paused, hesitantly said:

"I'm just curious... Because in my world, the Avengers and the X-Men are all there, but it's not like the comic world, and I don't know the plot, so I plan to use the quantum shuttle to go to the parallel universe to see if I can find the main universe of the movie...

"Originally, I was alone, but who knew Kate insisted on going with me..."


Kevin was a little surprised, he had never heard of this name.

Nightwalker said:

"The second generation Hawkeye, a member of the Young Avengers, has a good relationship with Cathy."

"I see, then did you find the parallel world?"

"Found it... But it's not what we're looking for, it's the medieval Marvel, we thought it was boring, so we came back after a walk, who knew we'd run into that damn juggler just after we came back!"

Influenced by Nightwalker, Cathy also described the Sorcerer Supreme as a juggler.

It seems that he really hates Wen Yi.

In fact, although Cathy said it easily, just like Spider-Man, her experience was not easy at all.

Spider-Man omitted the process of him dealing with Green Goblin, Aquaman, Doctor Octopus and other villains.

Cathy also omitted the process of her encountering the villains Yellowjacket and Crossfire in the parallel world.

They are the destined villains of Ant-Man, and it is normal for Cathy to encounter them.

Anyway, the process is not mentioned. In the end, Cathy and the second generation Hawkeye returned to their world safely, and then were blocked by the Supreme Sorcerer Wen Yi.

Originally, Cathy didn't want to help Kevin. She felt that this matter had nothing to do with her.

What's the importance of finding out the source? She has her own family and friends in this world. Although she doesn't have so much money, with her identity, background and smart brain, making money is a piece of cake.

Cathy didn't want to get involved here.

Then the Supreme Sorcerer Wen Yi tricked her to Kamar-Taj on the grounds that she disrupted the timeline.

He said that if she didn't do this, the Time Authority would come to her.

Cathy is still a little young after all. Her experience as a child for more than a decade has not only not made her mental age grow, but has regressed to a stage similar to her physical age.

She is smart, but she is much inferior to the old and treacherous Supreme Sorcerer.

She was finally tricked by the Supreme Sorcerer Wen Yi to the void, and then she realized that she was deceived.

From then on, she began to complain and nag about Wen Yi.

"I promised not to lie to myself... I know that there is no truth in the mouth of the Supreme Sorcerer. Ancient One is like this, Strange is like this, and the damn Wen Yi is also like this..."

When mentioning this matter, Cathy began to nag again, and her words were full of resentment towards the Supreme Sorcerers.

Nightwalker smiled helplessly and said to Kevin:

"Girls always hold grudges, even if we look like we can't avoid it..."

"Hey! I heard it! You did it on purpose!!"

Nightwalker's voice was not loud, but in this small space, it was not small.

Cathy heard it clearly, and then bared her teeth at Night Walker, as if she wanted to shrink him and throw him into an ant nest.


Night Walker coughed dryly and immediately changed the subject:

"Okay, the story is over, let's discuss now how to deal with the Iron Man if we meet him."

"There's no need to discuss this matter. As long as I can deal with the buffer in Iron Man's hand that can block magic, I can take care of them all by myself."

Kevin said confidently.

In terms of physical fitness and fighting ability, he thought that the Hulk was no match.

But the trouble with the Hulk is that the angrier he gets, the stronger he becomes.

The only way Kevin can think of to block his anger is to use magic to shoot his soul out, but the buffer in Tony's hand will form a short-term magic-forbidden area.

With only physical ability and fighting ability left, he can only be chased and beaten by three people.

So, if the three Night Walkers can find a way to deal with the buffer, Kevin can fight ten people, not to mention one against three!

"So confident?"

Cathy stared at Kevin suspiciously, but did not raise any doubts. She turned her head to pick something on the workbench beside her, and then said:

"Let me see... If you can really deal with the three of them, then I might be able to find a way to deal with the buffer in Iron Man's hand."

Spider-Man came over and asked:

"Are you sure? You tricked Iron Man last time, and now he has a device specially installed on his armor to target you. I'm afraid you will be discovered by him before you get close."

"Hmph, don't underestimate me! Do you think I have been playing games during this period?"

"...Aren't you playing games every day?"

"No!! I occasionally study my battle suit, okay!!"

Cathy shouted in dissatisfaction, but her hands did not stop. She put the parts taken from the workbench into a tool.

She put the tool on her hand and shook it at Spider-Man:

"This is my way! Force field isolator! It can destroy the buffer in Iron Man's hand, and then you can use magic."

Cathy said the last sentence to Kevin.

Kevin leaned over to take a look and found that there were quite a lot of things on her workbench.

In addition to the isolator she was holding now, there were many messy props whose functions he couldn't understand.

One of them looked familiar to Kevin. After careful observation, he found that it was the prop that Cathy had used to send shock waves to knock Hydro-Man away before.

Seeing Kevin's eyes linger on the shock wave bracelet, Cathy explained:

"This is a device that Parker and I made together. One of Parker's opponents is called 'Terror', who uses the arm armor that can send shock waves to do evil. He once caught Terror and studied his device, so we can make it here."

It seems that the weakness of the mutant Hydro-Man's body is shock. Cathy and the others really made the arm armor that can send shock waves because of this.

"Then let's divide the work." Nightcrawler interrupted and said, "If we encounter Iron Man, Cathy will be responsible for containment, Parker and I will deal with Hydro-Man, and the remaining Hulk and other people we may encounter will be handed over to you."


Wait a minute?

Kevin felt something was wrong when he heard half of it. He looked strange and asked Night Walker:

"Iron Man and his friends...are there only three of us?"

"Didn't I say there were only three of them?"

"Don't tell me there are many 'us' over there!! Are there so many parallel universes in the sacred timeline!!!?"

"Yes." Night Walker smiled and said, "The composition of the sacred timeline is all universes where it is impossible for Kang to be born, but it does not mean that there are few universes. There are at least hundreds of them.

"Except for the main universe of the movie, there may not be us, but there are more or less us in other universes. With so many universes, it doesn't seem strange that Iron Man can pull out more than a dozen helpers."

"Tell me first what the variants are, so that I can prepare. "

Originally, Kevin thought that there were only three Iron Men, and he thought it would be relatively easy to deal with them.

But now that he heard that there were more than just Iron Men, Kevin had to understand the composition of the Iron Men's camp.

Otherwise, it would be no fun if he capsized in the gutter.

Night Walker thought for a while:

"In addition to the ones we met before, there are also those of us who have been injected with super soldier serum, those who can use magic, and... those who have become cyber-transformers."

"So many people!? Kevin Dynasty, right!"

Kevin rolled his eyes.

Now he can really form the Avengers by himself.

"This is just the beginning..."

Parker sighed and added: "I am worried that when the timeline is released, our number will really be as large as Kang's. At that time, I am afraid that Kang's Dynasty will really become Kevin's Dynasty, and the villains of Avengers 5 may be us."

"It's terrible..."

"Yes, it's terrible... So you have to find out the truth, why there are so many of us... Oh, there is news from Loki. "

Night Walker also sighed along with the crowd's conversation, and just as he finished sighing, a certain instrument beside him started beeping.

When Night Walker saw the thing that looked like a pager in his hand, he stood up immediately:

"No! Loki has been caught! !"

"Which Loki...?"

"And which Loki! ! The Loki who would sit on the throne of time has been caught! Now he is in the hands of Iron Man! !"

Night Walker stood up anxiously.

It was the first time Kevin saw an anxious look on his face.

But Kevin could understand him, because even Kevin himself was shocked when he heard the news.

The fact that Loki, who could sit on the throne of time, was caught meant that the plot had undergone serious changes!

Especially since he fell into the hands of Iron Man, this is even worse news!

What if Iron Man has some bad intentions and kills Loki directly?

Then let’s not talk about whether Kevin can return to his own world, at least the ‘Kevins’ here now will definitely not be able to return to their original world!

“Call someone!”

Night Walker said to Cathy suddenly after being anxious for a while.

Cathy opened her mouth:


“Yes! Now!! It’s almost the end of the timeline. If something really happens to Loki, none of us can change our fate! Now is not the time to hide, call everyone who can be called!”

“No… Can you call someone for this?”

Kevin was stunned.

Spider-Man Parker patted his shoulder and explained to him:

"I didn't tell you just now, and I was going to tell you later... But I'll tell you now. We, the mutants that Wen Yi found, have already gathered together to form a council.

"And because we are all time travelers, we call it the [Time Traveler Council], or according to your words, you can also call it... [Kevin Council]?"

Parker said the fact that surprised Kevin in a calm voice.

Although he had thought that these Marvel Universe's own mutants would gather together, he didn't expect that they would actually come up with a Kevin Council!!

No, according to this, wouldn't you definitely be the villains of Avengers 5!?

The big villain is actually me??

At this moment, Kevin was numb.

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