Green, green again.

Seeing the green flashing around, Kevin's mentality was quite calm.

Now even if Loki or his future self ran in front of him, Kevin would smile slightly and not care at all.

This is not calmness, but mainly because Kevin is a little numb.

Supreme Mage Wen Yi, the Legacy, the God of Stories Loki, and the future self who is unknown whether he exists or not.

They are all big guys, and they can send him wherever they want and wherever they want him to go.

Kevin didn't even know how to resist.

Since he didn't know how to resist, he would just lie down and accept it.

Kevin wanted to see what tricks these people could play on him.

But gradually Kevin felt something was wrong.

He didn't know if it was his illusion, he always felt... his body seemed to be... getting smaller? ?

"Fuck! Are you guys serious!?"

After a while, Kevin finally realized that it was not his illusion, he didn't seem to be getting smaller, he was really getting smaller! !

Under the influence of the power of time, his body was gradually washed away, from the posture of an adult to that of a teenager.

Not long after that, he turned into a seven or eight-year-old boy.

"Stop, stop, stop!!! If you continue, I will be gone! Gone!!!"

Seeing his body getting smaller and smaller, Kevin finally began to panic.

It's okay to be rejuvenated, and it's okay to become a child, but you are turning me into an infant!

If you continue like this, I will become a fertilized egg in a while!

I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die--!

In panic, Kevin completely changed his attitude of playing bad.

While he himself has not completely turned into a baby, Kevin quickly opened the skill tree and raised his fingers that had become smaller to find a copy world that he could cross.

"Good! The cross-over function is unlocked!"

To Kevin's surprise, the cross-over function has been unlocked and is no longer restricted. Kevin can go to other copy worlds or return to the black robe world at any time.

But because he was not sure whether his shrinkage was temporary or fixed and he had to grow up again, Kevin did not plan to go back.

Since he didn't plan to return to the black robe world, Kevin didn't have many choices.

Either he could go to the world where Kevin was the Sorcerer Supreme, which was the Marvel Universe in the "What If" series.

Or he could go to the DC Universe.

Otherwise, he could try to go to the Mutant Academy created by Wolverine.

But whether it was the What If world or the Wolverine world, they all belonged to Marvel.

Thinking that there were so many of him in this world now, and many of them wanted to catch him and study him, Kevin subconsciously ignored this option.

Then in the end, only the DC Universe was left.

In short, go to the DC Universe to avoid the limelight first.

Wait until he returns to adult size, and then go back to the black robe world.

Kevin originally planned to do so.

However, when he was about to go to the DC Universe to avoid the limelight, his eyes suddenly went black, and something wrapped him up.

His consciousness also began to blur, and he used the remaining perception before his consciousness disappeared to perceive his current state.

"You...why did you lock me in the egg..."

Kevin wanted to curse, but he didn't know who to curse.

Now the thing that wraps Kevin and blocks his entire vision is an eggshell.

Kevin is wrapped in the eggshell.

Although the eggshell doesn't look like an egg, with sharp edges and a strange metallic texture, at least Kevin doesn't have to worry about turning into a fertilized egg and disappearing in the long river of time.

The consciousness of going to the DC universe for refuge gradually disappeared.

Unable to even think, Kevin finally closed his eyes and gave up struggling.

Anyway, it's okay as long as he doesn't die.

He thought in his heart, his consciousness disappeared, and he entered the deepest sleep state.


Kevin disappeared again.

And this time he disappeared for a longer time than the last time.

There was no news of him for five months.

Fortunately, because Kevin arranged everything before leaving, the development of the Vought Group is still stable.

Some vaccines have been developed for the virus that Kevin brought back before, but clinical trials have not yet been carried out.

The plan to suppress superhumans is advancing in an orderly manner.

In five months, most of the superhumans with weak abilities in the world have turned back into normal humans.

At the same time, the [Superhero Association] was successfully established, and the group of superheroes previously arranged by Kevin all joined the company and became the first generation of heroes of the Superhero Association.

There are government officials pushing for this.

They originally sternly rejected the establishment of the [Superhero Association], but under the pressure of more and more super villains, they had to agree to establish this superhero association.

But they also have requirements.

That is, the [Superhero Association] must obtain the consent of the government officials when taking action.

After all, the people in the Superhero Association are all superhumans, and they will not feel at ease if they don’t know where they are going in advance.

Of course, these human government officials also understand that if something really happens urgently, and the Superhero Association reports first and then goes to rescue, then by the end it is estimated that the opportunity will be gone.

So they also made some compromises.

The Superhero Association has the right to ignore government orders and go out directly three times a year.

This is already a very rare compromise in their view.

But Starlight Anne is still a little dissatisfied with this.

Because Kevin said that in terms of 'law enforcement power', the Super League Association he established must have absolute control.

At first Anne was unwilling to compromise.

She wanted to wait until Kevin came back.

But Kevin has been away for too long this time, and if he does not agree to the request of high-level government officials, the Super League Association will not be able to launch rescue operations on a global scale.

So there is no way.

In the end, Annie could only temporarily agree to the request of the top leaders of the human government, and first establish the [Super-English Association].

Anyway, when Kevin comes back, he can take care of everything.


Wearing a hero uniform and standing in the conference room that originally belonged to Team Seven and now belongs to the [Super League Association], Annie looked out the window with worry in her eyes.

Although the big ship of the Walter Group seems to be sailing slowly and transforming in the direction Kevin expected.

But Kevin, the current backbone of the Walter Group, was no longer around, and Annie couldn't control the ship to continue sailing.

She could only ensure that the ship would not deviate from its original trajectory. As for how long it could stay on track, Anne didn't know.

She is not good at management. Most of the things in Walter Group are now maintained by the group's senior management left by Kevin.

Even if this continues and Kevin does not come forward, it is still unknown whether Anne can continue to control the Walt Group.

Of course, none of this mattered to Annie.

She only cares about Kevin.

Kevin had been missing for five months and she was really worried.


While Annie was standing by the window, worried about Kevin and silently praying for Kevin, Ashley came over with a document and called to her.

Annie immediately calmed down, the worried expression on her face instantly turned into a smile, and turned back to look at Ashley:

"What's wrong?"

"There's something I think I need you to take a look at and make a decision on."

Ashley leaned towards Annie with the file in her hand.

Seeing the slightly panicked look on Ashley's face, Annie's expression also became a little more serious.

She knew that Ashley was not someone who would panic easily.

Especially now that the people of the motherland are dead and Kevin is no longer here.

And now that she has become so panicked, it proves that she must have discovered something bad.

Without talking nonsense to Ashley, Annie immediately took the document in Ashley's hand, looked at it for a moment, and exclaimed:


"No, no, no, it's not a meteorite...according to our satellite observations, it's not a meteorite...but...but..."

Ashley explained quickly.

Anne looked it up carefully and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the analysis report "suspected of a meteorite, later ruled out the possibility of a meteorite".

"As long as it's not a meteorite..."

Annie muttered and continued reading.

But after reading a few lines, Annie knew that she seemed to have relaxed a little too early.

Although it is not a meteorite, according to the Vought Group's satellites and the information Newman secretly obtained from high-level government officials, this is something that is about to fall from the sky.

It looks like a spaceship.

Even as they were talking now, the spacecraft had already entered the earth's atmosphere.

Its falling position...

for downtown New York.

"Oh God...quickly! Go and call all the superheroes over here!!"

When she saw the end, Annie also burst out with a scream, immediately mobilizing all the superheroes still in New York.

Regardless of whether it is a spaceship or something else.

Just saying that it fell from the sky to the center of the city can cause a lot of damage to humans!

In order to prevent more people from being injured, the Super League Association must take action immediately!

In New York City, where the spaceship is about to land, all the superheroes are gathered together.

But even though it's said to be 'all', it's actually only a few people.

After all, there are only a few superheroes who can prevent the spacecraft above from falling.

Starlight was among them, Shockwave and Black were also there, and Magic Boy Huey was at the end, looking at the big fireball falling above and glaring:

"Are there really aliens!?"

"Wonder boy! Please be serious, okay!"

Seeing that Huey didn't seem nervous at all, Starlight turned around and called him.

Huey immediately became serious and asked seriously:

"What do we do now?"

"You help evacuate the surrounding people, and I'll stop it."

Starlight makes a decision.

She asked the superheroes around her to come over, not because she wanted them to stop the falling spaceship.

But because their ability is very suitable for evacuating surrounding people.

The shock wave has extremely fast speed and can move people, and Huey can also save people through teleportation.

As for black...

He's here to make up the numbers, and he doesn't have much to do lately anyway.

The big fireball above was getting closer and closer to the ground, and Xingguang took a deep breath, emitting light from his body, and slowly flew upward.

After being strengthened by the injection of Enhanced No. 5, Starlight can now use its own light to fly.

Just like what she did at the end of season three.

Not only that, after being strengthened by the light, her other physical abilities have also been greatly improved. Even if she faces her former motherland, she probably will not lose.

Flying high into the sky, the speed of starlight is getting faster and faster.

Gradually turned into a comet flying out of the ground, meeting the spaceship falling from above.

A flame and a starlight collided in mid-air.

But then the flame was smashed by the starlight, turning into countless sparks falling to the ground.

"Damn it! This spaceship is broken! There is no one inside!!"

Starlight immediately noticed that something was wrong with the spaceship.

Now that the spaceship was damaged, perhaps even if Starlight did not stop it, it would disintegrate in the air.

The fragments of the spaceship that were smashed by Starlight fell in the sky. There were still flames on those fragments, and with the kinetic energy of the fall, if they hit people, they would still cause death.

Starlight grabbed the two largest pieces with his hands to stop them from falling, and then shouted to Shockwave and Huey below:

"Don't let the falling fragments hurt people!"


The two received the order and immediately took action.

Shockwave stared at the fragments above, and then used his ability to intercept the falling fragments at a very fast speed.

Huey began to pay attention to the passers-by around him, and his figure flashed and moved the passers-by on the ground away from the place where the debris was about to fall.

With the joint efforts of several people, the losses were finally minimized.

But it was not over yet.

Xingguang determined that this was an escape pod through the structure inside the spacecraft.

That is to say, there must have been someone inside before, but now there are only the wreckage of the spacecraft, and no one can be seen.

The people in the escape pod are missing.

This is bad news. After all, no one knows whether the aliens who came here are kind or malicious.

Thinking of the high-tech that Kevin and he saw in the Marvel world, Xingguang couldn't help but feel a little worried.

But fortunately, God is on their side.

Xingguang and his team had just solved the crisis of the spacecraft falling when they received a message from Butcher.

He found a super villain who was suspected to be an alien.

Or vice versa.

He found an alien who was suspected to be a super villain.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, you may not be able to leave now.”

Boucher, who rushed to another crash site as soon as possible, showed his agent ID of the [Superhuman Administration] to the woman in front of him who looked like she was COSing as a space warrior.

Wolter transformed, and the seven-man team was disbanded.

The Superhero Association headed by Kevin began to really do what superheroes should do. Butcher met his wife again and lived together again.

Everything was moving in a good direction, and Butcher was no longer so targeted at superhumans.

He began to enter the [Superhuman Administration] and became a member of the field team.

It can even be said that he was the captain of the field team.

Although the Superhuman Administration did not have such a position.

And now, Butcher is fulfilling his duties, tracking, investigating and arresting those superhumans who are suspected of being super villains.

And the guy who Butcher said was a ‘suspected super villain’.

It was the woman in front of him.

A strange woman with long golden hair, who looked to be in her twenties and wearing a special uniform.

"Are you from the defense force of Planet C-53? I'm Versus, a soldier of the Kree Star Troopers. I don't have time to chat with you now."

The blonde woman's expression was not very good. She looked at the 'Earth Defense Force members' who were looking at her vigilantly, and said in a deep voice:

"The Skrulls have entered this planet. They have the ability to transform into any race, so the people you should catch now are not me, but them."

"Hehe, the Kree Star Troopers? The Skrulls?"

Boucher didn't believe Versus's nonsense. He looked Versus up and down and said:

"The story is well made, but this is not the place to tell stories. If you really want to tell it... maybe you can go to the Super Management Bureau with me. We can drink coffee and talk slowly, how about it?"

Boucher took a few steps forward and got closer to Versus.

Behind him, Frankie and Breast Milk also raised their special tranquilizer pistols and pointed them at Versus.

The weapons they are facing Versus now are the weapons that every combatant of the Super Management Bureau's field team will be equipped with.

It contains drugs that can temporarily inactivate superhuman abilities and anesthetize superhumans.

If Fuss is really a superhuman, then they only need to pull the trigger and shoot her body, and Fuss will surrender obediently.

The Kree team member named Fuss showed a helpless expression on his face.

She asked with a look of "are you kidding me":

"You don't even know about the Kree team and the Skrulls?"

She has seen remote and backward places, but this is the first time Fuss has seen a remote place where even the Kree don't know about the battle.

"I said, maybe you can go to the Super Management Bureau with me..."

Butcher wanted to say something else, but suddenly, Fuss's face changed and looked behind Butcher.

Butcher also felt something was wrong, and subconsciously took out the gun in his arms and looked behind him.

But Fuss's action was one step faster than him.

Fuss grabbed Butcher's arm, and at the same time grabbed the pistol that was about to point the gun at himself, and threw him to the ground with force.

It was after this that a purple ray fell from the high platform in the distance.

It landed with incredible precision at the spot where the two had just stood.

Following the beam upward, everyone saw a man in a suit wearing glasses.

The man in the suit looked like an office worker, but he was holding a special gun that was totally different from an office worker.

It was obvious that the purple ray just now was fired from this gun.

Sudden attack, Fuss reacted quickly.

After rescuing Butcher, she immediately stood up, and without any movement of her right hand, she fired a starlight ray, which hit the man in the suit fiercely, and blasted him away with one blow.

Then Fuss quickly stood up and chased after the man in the suit.

And Butcher also stood up and said to the black robe team beside him:

"What are you waiting for! Chase!!"

After that, everyone quickly got in the car and chased after Fuss.

At the same time, Butcher took out his phone to contact the Superhero Association.

"Hello! This is Butcher! A super villain was found here... No, an alien who looks like a super villain was found! Send a few superhumans to support quickly! Something big happened!!"

Butcher said very quickly.

Although he didn't know whether what Firth said was true or not, Butcher knew that the weapon used by the suit man to attack them was definitely not made on Earth.

Let's put aside what Firth said for now, but aliens...may really exist!

If the existence of aliens is really confirmed.

Then it's just as Butcher said just now.

Something big has happened!

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