Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 301 A person hatched from an egg (6,000 words)

Superheroes mobilize.

Under the instructions given by Starlight, Huey was the first to approach Butcher with a shock wave.

And far away, they saw the Skrulls and the alien named Firth chasing each other on a tall building.

The Skrulls were running in front, and Firth was chasing behind them.

But the strange thing is that Firth seems to have a very special ability, but except for the very beginning, she has never used it.

It's like she's not used to using her powers.

Huey and Shockwave couldn't figure it out.

But they don’t need to understand either.

They just need to complete their duties and deal with these two aliens.

Bring Shockwave to the place, Huey and Shockwave work together.

Huey went to find Firth, and the shock wave turned into an afterimage and hit the Skrull directly.

boom! !

When it hit the Skrull, the shock wave lost some strength.

Otherwise, if it hits the body at super high speed, even if the person is an alien, it is very likely that the person will be smashed to pieces by the shock wave.

And even if the shock wave lost its strength and was hit by a humanoid object traveling at the same speed as a car, the fleeing Skrull would still feel uncomfortable.

He flew out, hit the railing in the distance, tilted his head, and simply lost consciousness and entered a coma.

On the other side, Huey was also standing in front of Firth.

Firth was startled by him, subconsciously raised his hand, and a ray flew towards Huey.

Fortunately, Huey reacted quickly and used teleportation in time to avoid Firth's ray:

"Hey! Miss! Stay safe!!"

"You suddenly appeared in front of me!"

Firth glared at Huey and said, before reacting:

"...Wait a minute, what technique did you use just now?"

"Technology? No, no, this is not technology, this is super power. I am the Super Hero Association... Well, maybe now we need to add an earth in front of the [Super Hero Association]... In short, I am the superhero here, you can put me Think of it as a police officer with special abilities.

"Ms. Firth, I'm sorry to tell you that you have been arrested."

"You're going to catch me instead of the Skrulls?"

Firth was a little dissatisfied.

She stared at Huey, as if she was going to hit him without giving him an explanation.

The Skrulls seemed to her a very evil race.

Sneak into the living planet, turn into the creatures on it, start civil strife on the planet, and then occupy the entire planet.

That's all Vers knew about the Skrulls.

As a member of the Kree team, she certainly couldn't bear the thought of such an evil race running away from her, let alone the fact that these Skrulls were related to her mission.

So if Huey really stopped her, she would most likely cause a scene.

As for after the trouble...

Anyway, when the captain of the Cree team gets here, he can explain the misunderstanding, so Firth doesn't worry about that.

But fortunately, Huey had no intention of fighting her.

After hearing what the other party said, Huey turned his head and looked into the distance, and said to Firth:

"If you're talking about the guy who attacked Butcher... who attacked our field team, he's been captured."

"So fast?"

"Yeah, it's just that fast, you want to come with me? Please don't make it difficult for me."

Huey looked at Firth warily.

He has been a superhero for some time, and he is no longer the 'coward' he was when he was just starting out.

With his own physical fitness, his own abilities, and the fighting skills he learned during this period, Huey was confident that it would be easy to deal with some superhumans with special abilities.

Even if they are aliens, Huey has the confidence to deal with them.

Fortunately, when he heard that the Skrulls had been captured, Firth did not choose to fight Huey. Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief and nodded:

"Okay, if you have controlled the Skrulls... I can go with you."

"Thank you for understanding, and please hold my hand."

With Huey here, Firth doesn't have to walk slowly to the detention room of the Supervision Bureau. She only needs a teleportation from Huey and she can be sent to where she should go.

Ten minutes later.

In the special containment room of the Supervision Bureau, Starlight and Firth sat opposite each other.

"Are you from the Kree Empire? A Kree Empire combatant?"

"Fosse, a member of the Kree team..."

Firth subconsciously wanted to introduce himself, but suddenly reacted and looked at Xingguang:

"Wait, you know about the Kree Empire?"

"...Of course I know, because my fiancé and his friends once participated in the defense battle of Xandar."

"Defense War on Xandar Star? Is there any connection between this...?"

Firth frowned.

She knew about Xandar and understood the meaning of 'defensive war', but she could not connect these with the Kree Empire.

When Xingguang heard this, he looked at Firth in surprise:

"I heard from my fiancé's friends that Ronan from the Kree Empire once joined forces with Thanos to destroy Xandar, but was finally saved by their improvised hero organization 'Guardians of the Galaxy'... You don't know this Something?"

"I know Ronan, but I've never heard of him attacking Xandar."

Firth frowned.

If it weren't for sitting here and taking into account the thoughts of the woman in front of him who looked like a high-level person on this planet, Firth would definitely have said something like, 'You were deceived by your fiancé and his friends.'

But now Fusi is living under someone else's roof and has no way to contact the Kree Empire, so she wisely shut up and changed the subject:

"Forget it, these are not important. Since you know the Kree Empire, you should know how to contact the Empire?"

"Sorry, we don't have the contact information of the Kree Empire. In fact... this is exactly what I want to tell you, Miss Fusi, you came to the wrong world."

Starlight said to Fusi very seriously.

Fusi didn't react at first:

"... What? Did I... go to the wrong planet?"

"No, not a planet, but a world... the universe! This is not the universe you are familiar with. There is no Kree Empire and no Xandar in our universe. Do you understand what I mean?"


Wrong universe... no Kree Empire...

Parallel universe...?

Fusi comes from an advanced civilization, and she understands the theory of parallel universes very well.

So when Starlight finished speaking, Fusi realized that she might have gone to a parallel universe.

But she still couldn't believe it:

"You want to say... I... came to a parallel universe?"

"I'm glad you can understand, Ms. Fuss."

"... This is ridiculous."

"Yes, I think it's ridiculous too. Can I ask... how did you come to our world?"

At the end, Starlight finally asked the question she cared about very much.

Fuss came from the Marvel Universe, and the Marvel Universe is the universe that Kevin often goes to.

Now Kevin has been missing for a few months, and Starlight is worried to death. She didn't know how to find Kevin at first, and now an alien from the universe that Kevin had been to has appeared on his own initiative. Of course, she has to ask clearly.

But what disappointed Starlight was that Fuss didn't know how she came to this world.

According to her, she was being tortured by the Skrulls before.

It was not easy to escape from the Skrulls' spaceship, but the escape pod malfunctioned and disintegrated before it landed on the ground.

Fortunately, her physique is different from that of ordinary people, so she didn't fall to death.

Otherwise, what Starlight sees now is not Fuss, but Fuss-chan.

Vers didn't know how she came to this universe, and she didn't want to know. She just wanted to go back now.

"... Sorry, I'm afraid you can't go back for the time being."


A question mark appeared above Vers: "... Why?"

Starlight explained helplessly: "Because the only person who can travel through different parallel worlds is my fiancé, and now... he is missing, missing for five months."


"I'm sorry, Ms. Vers, before finding my fiancé, I have to inconvenience you to stay on Earth for a while."

Finally, Starlight said this to Vers.

No matter what, Vers may be the hope of finding Kevin, and Starlight will not let her go easily.


In the distant starry sky, on the Milan, which has been repaired countless times, the Silver Guardians on the ship quarreled.

Star-Lord took the lead in passing the blame:

"It's your route that's wrong! Don't blame me for everything!"

"It was you who insisted on salvaging this unknown metal garbage! That caused us to deviate from the route! Can you still blame me now?!"

Rocket was not to be outdone.

Star-Lord retorted:

"It's because this thing suddenly appeared in front of our route! And you have also tried it. No matter what you use, you can't break the shell of this thing. It must be worth a lot of money!"

"Money, money, money! You only know money! The premise of making money is that we can find the route back now! But the problem now is that we don't have a route!"

"Then find it!"

"Quill! I really want to break your head open and hit the brain inside into the toilet! Don't you understand what it means to have no route? It means that we have lost contact now!!"

"Then who understands what you say!!"

"That's enough!"

Finally, in this endless chatter, Gamora couldn't stand it and exploded. She stopped several people and said:

"Instead of arguing here, it's better to contact other people as soon as possible! Anyone can do!"

While speaking, Gamora turned sideways and looked at Nebula behind her.

Nebula opened the communication channel, switching channels one after another to contact those advanced civilizations.

"Xandar? This is the Milan of the Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm Nebula. Can you hear me? If you can, please answer!

"Tiwan Group? Can you hear me? This is the Guardians of the Galaxy!


Nebula called one force after another, but all she heard from the channel was busy tones.

Busy tones with nothing.

"Still not working?"

Gamora came over and asked worriedly.

Nebula shook her head:

"No, no one can get in touch. It's as if we were isolated from the entire universe in an instant!"

"If only it were that good!"

Rocket's hand waved a residual image on the console, and he turned to Nebula and said:

"The problem now is that we can't even find the jump channel! We can't even locate our current position!"

Without a reference, there was something subtly wrong with the star map.

The Milan that everyone was riding on was like a lonely boat floating on the sea.

There was no direction, and no power.

"How far is the nearest planet with life from here?"

After thinking for a long time, Gamora asked Rocket.

Rocket glanced at the star map:

"Ha, the star map is a mess, we can't locate our position at all! And even if we can locate it, according to the distance before the star map was in chaos, the nearest life planet is at least five light years away!

"Without a jump channel, it will take us at least a thousand years to travel these five light years!"

"...What bad news."

Quil was stunned when he heard this and muttered.

Rocket was even more angry when he heard this:

"Yes! What bad news! And the worse news is that the supplies on our ship are only enough for us to eat for half a month! If we can't find life civilization in half a month, we will all die!"

"I'm Groot..."

"What! Can't you see I'm busy here! ! !"

"I'm Groot (the egg you brought back just now moved). ."

"?" Rocket turned his head instantly when he heard this: "...Moved?"

Star-Lord blinked:

"...Why do you say it's an egg?"

"Is this the point? Quill! ? "

Rocket turned his head in disbelief.

Star-Lord said with a righteous look:

"Of course it is the point. If it is really an egg, how big a creature must be to lay such an egg!"


Rocket was too lazy to continue arguing with Star-Lord.

He jumped off the driver's seat and quickly ran to the back of the cabin, and went with Groot to see the "egg" that Star-Lord had "taken" away halfway, thinking that he could sell it for a high price.

The thing that Groot called an egg was actually a metal prism-shaped object nearly two meters long.

Its surface was shiny and covered with blue metal. The overall shape was close to a diamond, but it was a little rounded at the corners.

There were many runes engraved on the metal surface that they could not understand. It was precisely because of these runes that Star-Lord thought that this thing might be What kind of ancient artifact, that's why he wanted to bring it back.

Of course, Rocket would never admit that he thought so at the time.

Otherwise, wouldn't he become as stupid as Star-Lord Quill?

"It's really moving..."

After arriving in the cabin, when he approached the egg, Rocket's eyes widened slightly.

On the surface of the egg, the metal lines emitted light, and under the light, the whole metal egg was shaking slightly.

It's not the spaceship that is shaking, it's the metal egg that is shaking.

Just as Groot said.

It's really moving.

"Is he going to explode?"

When several people were staring at the "egg" vigilantly.

Drax came over with a snack, looking like nothing happened and asked.

Star-Lord turned his head to look at him, and then looked at the snacks in Drax's hand:

"You still have the mind to eat at this time!?"

Star-Lord was shocked. He didn't know whether Drax was careless or didn't care that they had lost contact.

"If you're hungry, you have to eat. "

Drax looked as if it was natural.

"Of course we know that we need to eat when we are hungry! But can't you tell the situation now! We are lost now!"

"Yeah, but I am not the one driving the boat."

Rocket said dissatisfiedly: "Hey! Although I am the one driving the boat, it is this idiot here who sets the route!"

"I said you guys stop arguing, okay! ! "

Gamora couldn't help but roar again, and everyone shut up.

Until Groot said again.

"I am Groot."

"Is it coming out? What did you say it's coming out?"

"I am Groot."

"...Eggs? Oh God! "

After communicating with Groot for a while, Rocket saw a crack in the middle of the blue metal block next to Groot.

At that moment, everyone became nervous.

Rocket immediately climbed onto Groot, Star-Lord put on his mask, and instantly took out his beloved gun with both hands.

Even Gamora drew out her sword and looked at the 'egg' vigilantly.

Only the big fool Drax, while eating snacks, walked to the side of the egg, looked up and down, raised his hand and knocked hard.


Star-Lord: "! ?"

Gamora: "!!! !"

Rocket: "What are you doing!!! Idiot!!! !"

Drax looked at them with an innocent face:

"Didn't you say it was going to crack? I saw it was cracking too slowly, so I wanted to help it. "


Star-Lord almost couldn't catch his breath.

God damn it, help it!

If you punch it, everyone on this spaceship will probably be killed by you, a fool!!

Star-Lord wanted to scold Drax, but now he was too lazy to do so, mainly because the crack actually got bigger under Drax's punch.

Something is coming out!

"Everyone get ready! "

No matter what is hidden in this 'egg', they should prepare for the worst. If there are any ancient monsters in it, they should be mentally prepared.

Under the vigilant eyes of the crowd, the cracks on the metal egg gradually spread.

When it spread to the top, the whole egg suddenly cracked on both sides!

White mist floated out of the egg and filled the entire spacecraft.

And in this vague mist, everyone saw a boy floating in the mist.

The boy looked about eleven or twelve years old, naked, with hair almost reaching his heels.

He was handsome, with oriental features on his face, but also some western features.

As if it was a hybrid.

"Is it a human...? Uh, guys, do any of you know of any humanoid creatures that lay eggs in this universe?"

Seeing a person pop out of the egg, Quill asked everyone around him.

Rocket immediately rolled his eyes at him:

"Let's not talk about whether there are mammals that lay eggs. Even if there are, whose creatures are in the growth stage right after birth?"

"That's true..."

Star-Lord nodded, glanced at the boy who appeared again, and glanced at the boy's lower body inadvertently.

After reading it, Star-Lord subconsciously looked down at himself, and then said with a somewhat unnatural expression:

"By the way, should we find him a piece of clothing..."

"His dick is so big."


Star-Lord looked at Drax fiercely.

In this case, only Drax could say such a stupid thing.

"If he grows up, it will probably be even bigger."

Drax touched his chin and evaluated.

Star-Lord wanted to complain whether this was the right time to say this, but before he could complain, Gamora scolded him first:

"Drax, is there something wrong with your brain!"

"What's wrong? I'm just stating the facts."

"But there are women here now!"

"So you think he's not big?"


Drax's words almost made Gamora fuming.

When Gamora was about to get angry and even draw her sword to hit Drax, the boy who was being talked about by everyone suddenly opened his eyes.

The people who noticed this scene were silent for a moment, and they looked at the boy again with vigilance, with their weapons ready to go.

But before everyone could do anything, they heard the boy say someone's name:

"...Quill? Rocket?"

The boy looked at everyone blankly, and then closed his eyes again.

And this time, his body, which ignored the laws of physics and floated in the air, fell directly from above.

Drax, who was closest to him, hugged him quickly, then looked up at Star-Lord:

"Do you know him?"

Star-Lord shook his head like a rattle.

Rocket guessed something. He looked at the egg where the boy appeared, looked up and down at the boy, and said:

"He seems to know us. Maybe our disappearance is related to him."

Gamora took the blanket and threw it on the boy, then said:

"Anyway, now it seems that if we want to get out of the predicament, we may have to rely on this child of unknown race. If you have any questions, ask him after he wakes up. By the way, Rocket, give him a full body check later."

Let's not talk about what race this boy belongs to and why he appeared here.

Now that there is no way to find the jump channel, the boy is undoubtedly the last straw for everyone.

No matter what the boy's identity is, the Guardians of the Galaxy may need him now.


Kevin felt like he had a long dream.

In the dream, he traveled through countless worlds, became countless people, and experienced countless lives.

In this long life, Kevin gradually lost himself and could not tell who he was.


It was as if someone hit him on the head.

All the scenes of life were merged into Kevin's deepest mind, and his consciousness began to gradually wake up, and finally found his original consciousness.

"What happened?"

At the beginning of regaining consciousness, Kevin asked this question.

He tried to recall, and vaguely remembered that something seemed to have happened when he returned to his original world.

The body was getting smaller, and finally it was wrapped in an egg and lived in an unknown space.

So is he dead now, or is he waiting to be "born" in an unknown egg?

And...can he continue to travel?

Kevin thought, subconsciously looking at his skill tree.

However, when he saw the skill tree, Kevin was completely silent.

For some reason, the skill tree disappeared, and in the depths of Kevin's consciousness, it was replaced by a green ball emitting a faint glow.

The ball floated in Kevin's consciousness like a seed.

Although Kevin didn't know what that seed was.

But his instinct told him that the seed was the seed of the skill tree.

That was the initial form of the skill tree.

Before it sprouted, it grew into a towering tree.

The seed of skill.

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