Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 302 Mutant Academy?

The skill tree disappeared? !

Kevin was shocked when he noticed that the skill tree disappeared.

The skill tree is the key to whether he can continue to become stronger in the future. If the skill tree really disappears, Kevin doesn't know how to go in the future.

Although Kevin had a certain psychological preparation before this, after all, the origin of the skill tree is inexplicable, even if it suddenly disappears one day, it is normal.

But when it really disappears, Kevin still feels a little uncomfortable.

However, after feeling sad for a while, Kevin found that he seemed to be wrong.

His abilities are all there, and if he feels vaguely, he can also feel the abilities of [God of Mist] and the other two vague skills.

In other words, the skill tree did not disappear, it should be completely integrated into Kevin's body and become a part of Kevin's body.

"If so, what is this skill seed?"

If the skill tree has completely merged with Kevin, then what is the skill seed that appears in front of Kevin at this moment?

Kevin looked at the skill seed.

He checked it a little and finally came to a conclusion.

This skill seed should be the harvest from the Marvel Universe this time.


It is something from the Hulk's soul.

The Hulk's soul absorbed by Kevin became the skill seed.

And if you want the seed to thrive and become the second skill tree, you need more souls to irrigate it, or let it grow on its own.

"No wonder... they say it is my nutrients..."

After figuring out the origin of the skill seed, Kevin felt a little gloomy.

Although he didn't know who made so many Kevin variants, so many variants were made just to raise a skill seed.

Kevin couldn't accept this kind of thing.

He couldn't accept using so many people's lives to cultivate a thing, even if this thing might be very powerful in the future.

Kevin took back his consciousness from the skill seed and tried to wake himself up.

He remembered that he was locked in an egg before, and Kevin felt the suffocation when he was locked in the egg very clearly.

And now Kevin can't feel that kind of suffocation, which proves that he has come out of the egg at this moment.

Regardless of the situation of the skill seed, since he has come out of the egg, he must first figure out where he is before talking about other things.

Kevin remembered that he turned into a baby before entering the egg.

It won’t be the same now, right?

That would be too bad! He doesn’t want to live as a baby!

Forcing himself to wake up, Kevin finally opened his eyes.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the tree man Groot in front of him.

Groot was leaning over and looking at him, his dark eyes blinking.

Kevin was shocked to see such a big tree man face as soon as he opened his eyes.

He jumped up from the bed in a panic, and after seeing that it was Groot, he shouted:

"Groot!! What are you doing!!!"

"I am Groot? (Do you know me?)"

"Nonsense!! Of course I know you... Wait... Something is wrong... How did you grow so big...?"

Kevin felt something was wrong after getting up from the bed.

Because he should be standing on the bed now, and he should be taller than Groot.

But now he seems to be looking at Groot at eye level...

Not only that, he looked around and found that the objects around him were also larger than what he usually saw.

No, it's not that the objects around him have become larger.

Kevin thought so and looked down at his hands.

A pair of very small and white hands appeared in front of him. Seeing this pair of hands, Kevin's pupils shrank, and he instantly unzipped his pants and looked at his lower body.

When he saw that the things that should be there were still intact, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's still there. It doesn't look like it suddenly turned around and flowed."

Kevin was scared to death by the white and small hands.

He almost thought that he had turned into a girl like the unlucky Cathy, and he would really want to cry without tears.

But fortunately, it seems that he just got smaller.

In addition, because it was regrown, it has not been exposed to the outside world until now, so its body is white and tender, just like a newborn baby.

"I am Groot (you are weird)."

"I am not weird, okay!"

Hearing Groot's words, Kevin subconsciously refuted, and then realized that the person in front of him was Groot, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy:

"... No, why are you here? Where is this?"

"I am Groot (this is the Milan)."

"I know this is the Milan, I smelled this damn smell at once, Star-Lord didn't clean up, did he!"


Kevin's tone, which was very familiar to Star-Lord, made Groot a little stunned.

His clear eyes revealed confusion, as if he was wondering why Kevin knew him.

After a while, Kevin, who finally woke up, also thought of something.

He was silent for a few seconds, and immediately created an ice mirror in front of him.

When he saw the handsome and handsome mixed-blood little boy in the mirror who was somewhat similar to his previous life, Kevin was silent for a longer time.

He also understood why Groot didn't recognize him.

With his current state, let alone Groot, even if it was Deep Sea's biological mother, he wouldn't recognize him!

It would be strange if Groot could recognize him!

Knowing why Groot treated him so strangely, Kevin took a deep breath and whispered to Groot:

"Groot, let me tell you one thing first, don't be afraid."


"I'm Kevin."


"Yes, that's right, don't show such confusion, I saved Xandar with you, a member of the glorious Guardians of the Galaxy, Kevin! should be the Guardians of the Galaxy I know, right?"

At the end, I remembered that there are so many Guardians of the Galaxy in the Marvel world, and God knows which team this team is.

However... since the adult form of the tree Groot is still alive, it should be...the team Kevin knows, right?

It should be.


Fortunately, Kevin's luck is not bad.

The team here is really the team he knows.

After spending a little time explaining his situation, and after exchanging slogans and codes, he confirmed that Kevin was indeed Kevin.

The Guardians of the Galaxy...

burst out with laughter that made Kevin's forehead veins pop.

"Hahaha!! You... you are Kevin... Hahaha! You went from... that big... to... that small... Hahaha!! I can't take it anymore... Quill, can you believe that he is only three times as tall as me now! Hahaha!"

Rocket laughed so hard that he stood on the table, patting Star-Lord's shoulders and making a loud laugh.

Even Star-Lord laughed non-stop, he bent over with laughter, and said to Kevin:

"Yes... I'm sorry, haha... Although I don't really want to laugh... But... But now you... Hahaha——!"

Kevin: (▼伖▼ # )

Seeing the two bad friends laughing non-stop there.

Kevin finally couldn't help it, and threw out magic power from his right hand, which turned into ropes, and hung them up one by one, and blocked their mouths by the way.

"Laugh, laugh, laugh, I'll make you laugh! Just wait, when I master the magic of time, I will turn both of you into children, and let you experience what 'cruel' is!!"

"Forget it, taking care of a few big babies is enough to give me a headache. If you turn them into children, then this Milan will be even more unbearable to stay in."

Gamora complained while holding the clothes that were made temporarily and suitable for Kevin to wear.

After taking the clothes from Gamora and changing them in front of them, Kevin looked at her and asked:

"So...what happened? Why did you run into me?"



Star-Lord and Rocket wanted to answer, but Kevin ignored them and just looked at Gamora.

Gamora sighed and explained:

"We had just completed the commission and were about to go back, but halfway through, the... escape pod you were on? Suddenly appeared on our route and almost destroyed the Milan.

"And then this idiot here--" Gamora kicked the suspended Star-Lord, "said that your escape pod looked expensive and must contain some treasures."

"So you salvaged me?"

"Yes, and then... we deviated from the course, and now we can't contact anyone, and there is no channel nearby to jump, we are lost. "

Gamora said very seriously.

She knew Kevin had a magic trick that could take him anywhere, so she told Kevin this very seriously.

And through Gamora's description, Kevin also roughly understood the cause and effect of this matter.

To put it simply, Kevin was beaten out by the people left behind, turned into a baby and entered the metal egg, and somehow suddenly ran in front of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

It seems that Kevin's last attempt to cross the world took effect, and randomly threw him to the copy world he had been to before.

And he just happened to choose the copy of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Then for some reason, Kevin and the Guardians of the Galaxy crossed the world again.

That's right, the Guardians of the Galaxy are no longer in the Marvel Universe at this moment.

Kevin is very sure.

It is precisely because they have left the Marvel Universe and come to another world that they can't find the universe they should find Jump channel.

That should be something unique to the Marvel world.

In any case, there is definitely no such thing in the Black Robe World.

Did he accidentally activate his ability after being wrapped in the egg, or... did something happen in the middle that he didn't even know about?

Kevin thought about it in his heart, but he had no clue for a long time.

But he knew the dilemma that the Guardians of the Galaxy were facing now.

The Marvel world does not have a superlight engine yet, not even a light speed engine, at least not in Kevin's cognition.

They can go to one planet after another, relying on the jump channels that are everywhere in the universe.

Once the jump channel is lost and there is no suitable planet nearby, they will definitely be trapped and die in space.

If Kevin stays in the egg and doesn't come out, this will definitely be the final outcome of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

But fortunately, Kevin came out.

"It's okay, you should have come to my universe, I will take you back later."

After sorting out the cause and effect of the matter, Kevin said to Gamora.

Gamora was relieved when she heard it:

"It's great to have you say this."

"Wuwuwu!! ”

After Gamora and Kevin finished talking, the two of them were going to do their own things.

Seeing this, the tied-up Star-Lord and Rocket immediately started to scream. Their bodies were swayed back and forth by the blue magic ropes, and they made a humming sound in their mouths, indicating that there were still people here and they should not forget them.

But both Gamora and Kevin turned a blind eye to the two.

Gamora was fed up with these two idiots, and Kevin wanted to teach them a lesson, letting them know that as the "lord of the sea", they should not be laughed at!

Therefore, they were not put down by Kevin until the next meal.

Then, because they did not learn their lesson, they laughed at Kevin again and were hung up by Kevin again.

"Can't go back... What's going on..."

In the lower common room of the Milan, Kevin looked at the bright starry sky outside and frowned.

After knowing the plight of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Kevin talked with them for a while and thought about sending them back to the world they were originally in.

But when Kevin tried to travel, he found that he couldn't go back to the Marvel Universe.

Not even the DC Universe.

Obviously, the skill tree has been integrated with Kevin. Now that Kevin has grown again and made his power a part of his body, he can also master the ability to travel through the world independently.

But he can't travel.

It seems that something key is missing.

Kevin couldn't figure out what was missing, so he temporarily gave up the plan to send the Guardians of the Galaxy back to the Marvel Universe where they were originally.

But fortunately, at least it can be confirmed that this is indeed the Black Robe Universe.

Although it is not clear which Black Robe universe it is, as long as he knows where it is, Kevin can use teleportation magic to send everyone to Earth.

The Earth in the Black Robe World.

"After returning, first determine whether this is the parallel world of the Black Robe, and then go and see what other parallel universes are like. I hope it's not too bad..."

This time, Kevin went to the Marvel Universe with the original intention of getting a solution to the parallel universe collision crisis.

But before the method was obtained, he was sent back by the people left behind.

This is undoubtedly bad news.

After all, Kevin didn't know how long the parallel worlds in the Black Robe Universe could last.

At present, he could only take one step at a time. If it didn't work, Kevin could try to keep only one timeline.

That is, the timeline after Kevin crossed over.

With his current strength, it should be enough to keep one timeline.

But this is the last choice. Kevin doesn't want to give up so many parallel worlds unless it is absolutely necessary.

The lives in those parallel worlds are real. Kevin doesn't want to let those lives that shouldn't have died be annihilated in nothingness with the parallel universe because of himself.

"Tell Star-Lord and the others first, let them prepare themselves mentally..."

Kevin stood up and prepared to explain the situation to Star-Lord and the others, so as to avoid running to a different earth and making a fuss.

As a result, as soon as he got up, he saw Drax standing next to him, staring at him.

"... Drax, what do you want to do?"

Seeing Drax standing there, Kevin's mouth twitched.

After becoming smaller, it might be because the abilities were re-integrated, and the perception was not very sharp. Drax, this idiot, stood here for most of the day and he didn't notice it.

Drax thought for a while and said:

"I'm curious about something, I want to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Are the dicks of your race so big?"


No, how rude! ?

Who would ask such a thing right away? Drax, are you okay? ?

Hearing Drax's question, Kevin directly asked 'black question mark.jpg'.

His mouth twitched, and he didn't want to answer Drax's question.

He rolled his eyes at this idiot and said perfunctorily:

"Yes, yes, they are all so big."


"Is it okay? No problem, move aside, I have something to do with Quill."

Kevin pushed Drax away and walked out.

But Drax's question almost made him fall.

"Then can the females of your race withstand it?"


"Or is it the females of your race..."

"Drax! Go calm down in the water for a while!!"

Seeing that Drax kept asking questions and the topic was getting more and more unreviewable, Kevin was speechless and immediately created a water ball to wrap Drax in it.

He wanted to clean Drax's empty head!

After teaching Drax a lesson, Kevin went to Quill and the others to explain the situation.

Perhaps because of the previous lesson, or perhaps because they were used to Kevin's current appearance, Quill and Rocket did not continue to laugh at him.

After a serious discussion, Quill asked:

"So, we can't go back now?"

"For the time being, there may be some problems in the parallel universe. Before the problem is solved, you can only stay in my universe."

Kevin said apologetically.

If it weren't for him, the Guardians of the Galaxy wouldn't have come here and almost been trapped to death in the universe.

But compared to Kevin's apology, Quill was more open-minded:

"Isn't this good!"


"I've wanted to travel to other universes for a long time! I mentioned it to you last time, but you didn't want to. What's going on now? We're here by ourselves?"


Kevin thought seriously.

It seems that Star-Lord did mention that he wanted to visit Kevin's world last time, but Kevin rejected their proposal because of the problem of not having many skill points.

Mainly, it takes three skill points to bring one person. There are so many people in the Guardians of the Galaxy. If they bring all of them, Kevin's family will be drained.

But unexpectedly, Star-Lord got his wish by accident.

"Okay, just don't mind. After all, I don't know when this situation will be better... By the way, why do I feel that you are missing some people? Where is Mantis?"

Kevin didn't see Mantis here.

She should have come with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"She went to see Yondu with Kraglin. We originally thought that we would go back to pick her up after completing the mission, but..."

I came here inexplicably.

After the incident of Ego the Celestial, Yondu settled on Xandar, and Kraglin would go back to see him sometimes.

So when the Guardians of the Galaxy have time, they will also accompany Kraglin back.

The person who went back with Kraglin this time was Mantis Mantis, and because of this, the two Guardians of the Galaxy who joined the team later were not on the Milan.

"Well, as long as they don't disappear suddenly."

Kevin asked Mantis and the others because he was worried that they would be separated from Star-Lord.

If Mantis and the others also came to the Black Robe Universe, but Kevin himself didn't know, then when Kevin found them again, they might have starved to death and turned into mummies.

Since they are still in the Marvel Universe, Kevin doesn't have to worry about them.

After chatting with Star-Lord for a few words, Kevin stood at the front of the Milan's cockpit and stretched out his hands to open the portal to the earth.

"Get ready, we're leaving."

Although Kevin said that he wanted everyone to be ready, in fact, before everyone could react, he opened a huge blue portal in front of the Milan.

The other end of the portal was the earth. The Milan, which was originally floating in the universe, almost instantly went from one end of the portal to the other end.

The blue earth was right in front of him. Kevin looked above the earth, opened the portal again, and sent the Milan directly to the earth in one step.

The step of landing outside the atmosphere was omitted.

Otherwise, not only would it waste time, but it would also be easy to be discovered by the human military, and it would be difficult to explain at that time.

The landing place Kevin chose was in a wilderness.

After landing, Kevin first asked Star-Lord and the others to stay here for a while, and he flew to the center of New York City to see if this world was his original world.

Fortunately, he had just entered the center of New York City, and soon he saw his own promotional portrait standing on an aquarium.

It was still a version without a beard and wearing a suit.

This proved that Kevin did not go to the wrong world, which was a good thing.

Since he did not go to the wrong world, Kevin should now consider how to explain to Annie what he looked like now, and how to explain to her that he lost his engagement ring.

With Kevin's current appearance, if he went directly to Annie and told her that he was her fiancé or something... I'm afraid he would be kicked out on the spot.

After all, it is still hard to believe that someone suddenly turned back to youth.

"… Let's go back and think of a solution later."

Kevin decided to go back and settle down Star-Lord and the others, and then find a way to meet Annie and explain his current situation.

But just as he was about to go back, Kevin caught some familiar auras.

With a thought in his mind, Kevin instinctively followed the familiar auras to find the place.

As a result, somewhere outside New York City, he saw a building that was very familiar to him and should not exist here at all.

Xavier Academy.

No, it should be called Jean Grey Academy now.

It is a mutant school in the mutant world, and it is the school that Logan established after becoming a teacher!

The mutant school in the world of Wolverine 3 has also come to this world!

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