Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 82 Appointment of Vice President

Late at night, Kevin, who was lying on the bed, looked at the four skill points he had collected and was in a daze.

After returning from the CIA, Kevin found that he had gained a few more skill points.

The skill points required for changing jobs have been collected, and all he needs to do is agree to change jobs immediately.

But...Kevin doesn't know how long it will take to change jobs.

Now he is about to become the vice president of the British Management Department of Watt Group, and there are still many things that he needs to deal with. If he leaves for too long at this time, everything he has gained now may disappear.

After spending so much effort to get to this point, Kevin didn't want to give up.

But the improvement of strength is crucial. No matter what Kevin wants to do, he must have strength to support it.

For example, in today's tit-for-tat confrontation with the people of the motherland, Kevin's level five physical fitness is the reason why he dares to speak like that to the people of the motherland.

Without a level five physical foundation, Kevin would not have been able to face the people of the motherland so bravely, and his heart rate would not even increase.

"Strength...well, strength..."

Kevin opened the skill tree and threw all his skill points into the job change column.

Looking at the 'yes' and 'no' above, Kevin clicked 'no' again.

"No, we have to wait a little longer, at least until the position is confirmed tomorrow."

After hesitating for a long time, Kevin decided to put the job transfer on hold for now.

Anyway, we have been waiting for so long, and it is not more than a day or two.

After I stabilize my position, I can find an excuse to take two days off and finish my job transfer.

Hopefully the job change process won't take too long.

"What are you thinking about? Are you so lost in thought?"

While Kevin was thinking, Anne, who came back from taking a shower in the bathroom, sat next to Kevin wearing a plain shirt and asked.

It was already late at night, and both of them had done what they should do. Annie would go back to accompany Kimiko later, so the two of them were getting along fairly peacefully.

After coming back to his senses, Kevin looked at Annie beside him.

This girl who adhered to the heroic code from beginning to end in the original novel now looks vaguely like Maeve.

Compromising with Walter and doing things according to Walter's arrangements, Annie is gradually becoming the next Maeve.

But Kevin doesn't want Annie to become like that.

The starlight in the original novel who never gives up no matter what she encounters is the real Anne.

So after thinking about it, Kevin pulled Annie into his arms and answered her previous question:

"I'm thinking, after I take over Madeleine's position tomorrow, should I let you accompany me every day, or should I let you do what you like to do?"


Kevin's words contained a large amount of information. Anne was stunned for a long time before she jumped up and asked:

"Are you going to become the vice president of Walter Group!?"

"To be precise, he is the vice president of the hero management department..."

"Wait a minute, when did this happen?! Why don't we know?"

Anne expressed shock.

During this period, Kevin looked no different from usual. When he was supposed to be filming documentaries, when he was supposed to be filming documentaries, he was supposed to be filming movies.

I attended funerals and maintained the operation of CP with Annie.

While at work, I would still be lazy and catch fish from time to time.

He was no different from a normal person, so why did he suddenly become the vice president of Walter Group?

Anne couldn't understand.

"Only a few people know about this matter at the moment, but if nothing else happens, Mr. Edgar will announce it tomorrow."

Kevin took Annie in his arms again and asked:

"Now let's discuss the previous question. Do you still want to be a hero? If you do, I can let you do what you want to do."

Reluctantly accepting the fact that Kevin was suddenly promoted, Anne, lying in Kevin's arms, thought for a while before saying blankly:

"I...I don't know..."

"Being a hero, isn't it your dream all along?"

"That was before. I told you about it, Kevin. In fact, my dream... was always given to me by my mother. It is not my dream at all..."

Annie said softly.

It was precisely because of the discovery of Compound No. 5 and knowing what kind of mentality her mother had always had in cultivating her that Annie felt that her dream of becoming a superhero was something forced upon her by her mother.

It is precisely because of this that Annie will accept the arrangement of the Walter Group.

But Kevin doesn’t care so much.

He turned Anne's head with his hand, looked at himself, and said seriously:

"Forget your mother for now, ask yourself, do you want to continue saving people? Do you want to be a hero?"


"I want to, but I still don't want to!"


Without giving Kevin any time to think, Annie gave the answer without hesitation.

When the answer was told, Anne was stunned again, and Kevin smiled and stroked her head:

"Isn't this enough?"

To put it simply, Anne was hypocritical. She felt that her mother had lied to her and that her dream was not true.

But in fact, what she really wanted to do had been buried in her heart for a long time, and she only needed to think about it for a while, and she could come up with the answer.

Kevin looked at Anne with a smile.

Annie was a little bit unwilling to be tricked by Kevin. She punched Kevin in the heart with dissatisfaction and said:

"Okay, okay, I still want to be a hero, right? What about you? What do you think? Why are you suddenly going to become the vice president? Don't you want to be a hero?"

"My dream has never been to be a hero."

"Then what is your dream?"

"My dream... is to eat, drink and have fun all my life until I die of old age."

Kevin lay lazily on the bed and expressed his unambitious thoughts.

Anne blinked and asked:

"Haven't you realized that dream now?"

"No, because there are still many people who are stopping me from realizing this dream."

Kevin answered slowly.

The Walt Group, the people of the motherland, and even various superhuman beings that may appear in the future may all become enemies that stand in the way of Kevin's "dream".

So Kevin's dream is both the easiest and the hardest to realize.

It is precisely because he wants to get what he wants quickly that Kevin will work hard to climb to a higher position in the Watt Group and improve his strength as soon as possible.

Now Kevin is halfway to his short-term goal.

The position of vice president is just around the corner, and his own strength... will also be greatly improved.

Talking about life and dreams with Annie, the result was that before Annie left, Kevin had another 'fight' with her.

There's no way around it, Kevin really has a taste for food.

It is said that men are creatures of the lower body. Kevin had not had a clear feeling about this before, but now that he has really come into contact with women, Kevin knows that this sentence is really true.

He really couldn't help himself when he was alone with Anne.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, all the members gathered together again in the meeting room of the seven-member team.

But this time the person who summoned everyone was not a native of the country, but Edgar, who had always been the boss behind the company and rarely appeared in front of the seven-man team.

He wanted to announce something in front of everyone today.

A very important thing.

Regarding the selection of the vice president of the British management department of Watt Group.

As soon as the meeting began, the expressions of the people of the motherland were extremely ugly.

The people of the motherland stared at Kevin who was sitting in the corner, as if they wanted to eat Kevin alive.

Kevin smiled and chatted with Xingguang. Even when he saw the eyes of the people from his motherland, he smiled back without any worry or fear.

But the more this happens, the angrier the people of the motherland become.

Because he had already received confirmation from Edgar that Deep Sea was the next vice president of the British Management Department.

When I think that the guy I looked down on before will now stand on top of his head to manage him, the people of the motherland are so angry that they want to tear the guy in front of them into pieces!

But it is a pity that the people of the motherland cannot do this.

He can't take action against the group's senior management based on his own mood, at least not now.

Everyone can feel the low pressure emitted by the people of the motherland, especially people like Locomotive and Maeve who know the people of the motherland best. They dare not speak loudly.

Therefore, Kevin, who can still chat with Annie freely, becomes particularly conspicuous.

Seeing that the people of the motherland were accumulating more and more anger, and at the moment when it was about to explode, Edgar walked in from the outside at the right time.

"Oh? It turns out that everyone is already here, that's just right."

Edgar took the chair directly opposite the motherland, sat down casually, and looked at the seven-man team:

"Then let's get straight to the point, regarding the appointment of the head of the British Management Department."

Edgar raised issues that no one else had an opinion on except the people of his motherland.

Madeline is dead, and the British Administration now has no one at the helm. It really needs a new vice president to manage these superheroes.

But many people don’t understand why I need to tell them this.

After all, apart from the superheroes, there are only assistant characters like Ashley who don't have much power.

If Edgar really wants to appoint someone, shouldn't he just select the candidate directly and then publish the appointment letter on the group's official website?

Maeve and Locomotive of Team Seven don't understand, and Ashley and others don't understand either.

Until Edgar announced his appointment:

"Starting from today, Mr. Kevin Moskowitz will serve as the vice president of the British Management Department. I think you have no objection, right?"

Kevin Moskowitz?

When the name was spoken, some people who were not familiar with Kevin's real name looked confused.

Until Kevin stood up and thanked Edgar:

"Thank you, Mr. Edgar, I will continue to work hard in the future."

Only then did everyone remember that Kevin was Shenhai's real name, which was his real name that he had never used in public.

After knowing who Edgar was talking about, everyone was deeply shocked.

He was shocked that the candidate for vice president was Shen Hai, and he was shocked that he got this position without making any noise.

But although they were shocked, most people didn't have any opinions about it.

This was Edgar's personal appointment, and the group boss's personal appointment. What opinions could they, the migrant workers, have?

Except for the people of the motherland.

"I disagree!!!"

The motherland man stood up, his expression unchanged, but his eyes were full of angry flames, "I don't agree! I will never allow such a guy to stand on my head and order me!"

The people of the motherland have endured this for a long time, for a whole day and a night.

And now when Edgar personally announced Kevin's appointment, the people of the motherland could no longer bear it. He thought about it all night and couldn't accept such a thing at all.

Anyone can take the position of vice president, but only Shenhai can't!

Absolutely not!

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