Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 83 Reasons for Choice

But the opinions of the people of the motherland were nothing in Edgar's eyes and had no effect at all.

Facing the angry people of his motherland, Edgar was very calm:

"This is the unanimous opinion of all shareholders. The result has been determined. Your opinion does not matter."

"But why him!?"

The people of the motherland are unwilling to give in.

Kevin smiled and said:

"Captain, you say that as if I am not qualified to sit in this position."

"Shut up! You don't need to speak here!"

Homelander orders Kevin to shut up.

If it were normal, Kevin would be willing to give some face to the people of the motherland, but now that Edgar is here, Kevin, who has been promoted, cannot shrink in front of the people of the motherland.

Therefore, just after the motherland gave the order, Kevin quickly said:

"I am now the vice president personally appointed by Mr. Edgar, so obviously, the people of my country, I have the authority to speak."

Now Kevin no longer even calls him ‘captain’, but directly calls him a native of the motherland.

When the people of the motherland are angry, openly provoke him.

Such a brave and reckless behavior made those who know the character of the motherland sweat for Kevin.

Seeing this scene, the locomotive simply lowered his head and stared at the patterns on the table, as if there was something good-looking in it.

Although Maeve was surprised by Kevin's boldness, she never left her eyes. Her eyes flickered slightly as she looked at Kevin, as if she was thinking about something.

Annie, who was beside Kevin, looked at Kevin worriedly.

She knew from Kevin how strong the people of the motherland were and what kind of character they were, and she was very afraid that the current 'captain', who was not easy to get along with, would attack Kevin.

After all, Kevin never told her how powerful he was now, so it was normal for Annie to feel worried.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely tense in an instant. The scene was just like the prelude before the war in the movie.

Even if the two of them fight in the next second, nothing will feel wrong.

Kevin's increasingly outrageous names really made the people of the motherland angrier.

Regardless of Edgar still being here, he questioned Kevin:

"You threatened me with Edgar's name!?"

"If it makes you feel better, feel free to think so."

"Then you want to say, I'm afraid of you? Deep sea!"

"I have never said that, and I don't think you are really afraid of me."

Facing the gradual approach of the motherland, Kevin slowly stood up and faced him face to face:

"It's just that I don't quite understand. You seem to have a lot of objections to me becoming the vice president? Why? Obviously this is just a personnel appointment."

Kevin asked knowingly.

Of course he knows why the people of his motherland have objections to him.

It was because he had the power to threaten him, and the loser, whom he had never been optimistic about before, suddenly became the manager standing over him, which made the people of the motherland very unhappy, so they refused.

But Kevin just wants the people of the motherland to speak out for themselves.

Say it in front of everyone and let people fully realize what kind of people the people of the motherland are.

It's a pity that even if the people of the motherland are so angry, they still have some sense:

"You are a member of Team Seven! How can a member of Team Seven become our manager! I am the captain!!"

This sentence pattern seems a bit familiar... Should I say 'you will regret it' to match it next?

When Kevin heard what the people from his motherland said, he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But fortunately, Kevin knows what to say and what not to say.

He did not have a famous dialogue between the COS super-English version of Hokage and Danzo, but calmly smiled at the people of the motherland:

"So you're worried about this? Then don't worry, I will quit the seven-man team."


Upon hearing the news, the originally angry expressions of the motherland suddenly froze, and confusion appeared in their blue eyes.

Kevin continued:

"You are right, the positions of members of the Seven-Man Team and the Vice President conflict with each other. It is impossible for me to be the Vice President and a member of the Seven-Man Team, so I can only withdraw from the Seven-Man Team.

"In the next few months, I will make a statement and retirement performance, officially retiring from the seven-man team, so...are you satisfied? People of the motherland?"

By becoming vice president, Kevin would no longer be able to stay with the Seven.

The reason is not because of a power conflict, but because Kevin really doesn't have that much time to wear two jobs.

The work of Team Seven is actually not much less than that of a vice president. Every day there are filming, interviews, commercial performances, endorsements... there are a lot of messy things.

If he continues to stay with the Seven, he will definitely not be able to do his job well as a vice president.

Moreover, I have never seen any artist successfully transform into a boss and still participate in various activities and programs every day.

The most I can do is make a few movies to show that I still exist as a person.

Kevin plans to do the same, so there's no way he can stay with the Seven, and that doesn't matter.

"You... quit? But how... is this possible? Your movie..."

The people of the motherland still can’t believe it.

Kevin still has many unfinished activities in the Seven, as well as the filming of movies and documentaries. How can he quit just by saying he quits?

Kevin was ready with an explanation:

"My movie is the last movie of my superhero career. I will say goodbye in this movie."


Hearing what Kevin said, the people of the motherland were speechless.

He never thought that Kevin would quit the seven-man team, so now that Kevin released this bombshell news, he instantly blocked everything the people of the motherland had to say.

Even the anger gradually subsided.

The people of the motherland did not speak, and the conference room suddenly became extremely quiet.

Edgar waited for a while, and when he saw that the native people still didn't respond, he said slowly:

"It seems like you have no objections? Then it's decided."

If the people of the motherland have no opinions, how can other people dare to have opinions?

After Edgar made his announcement, he did not stay any longer and stood up to leave. He had more things to deal with and could not stay here forever.

After Edgar left, the atmosphere in the conference room became very strange.

The people from the motherland stared at Kevin without saying a word, their expressions extremely gloomy, and their whole bodies exuded an unbearable air pressure that made the people around them afraid to even breathe loudly.

Kevin ignored his expression and went directly to work:

"Okay, just do whatever you have to do now. For now, you will continue to follow the schedule arranged by Ms. Madeleine in the past few days. After everyone has adjusted your schedule, I will arrange new work for you."

After speaking, Kevin winked at Annie and continued:

"That's it for now. I'm going back to the office. If anything happens, it's the same as before. Ask Ashley to notify me."

Kevin spoke to everyone seriously, and then left the meeting room of the seven-member team with Ashley, who has now become his assistant.

As soon as I walked out of the conference room, there was a loud bang inside.

The sound was loud and clanging, as if something had been broken.

Ashley was startled, but Kevin kept walking and just told Ashley:

"Let's go back and change the table to a better one in the conference room."

"Uh...ok, sir!"

When Kevin returned to Madeline's office, the first thing he did was change out of his hero uniform.

From today on, Kevin no longer has to walk around wearing this unsightly hero uniform every day. He looks like a weirdo in disguise, very weird.

Kevin prefers a more casual look that is easy to wear and not burdensome.

Including the suits we are preparing now, they are all casual types, not particularly tight, and very easy to change.

In Madeleine's office, Kevin entered work mode and formally handled the tasks left by Madeleine.

The job of the vice president of the British management department is not complicated. In most cases, he only needs to formulate a general strategy, and other things will naturally be completed by his subordinates.

Only extremely important matters need to be handled by him personally.

For example, I have an appointment with the Secretary of State today.

Because of the super criminal's appearance yesterday, the people of the motherland searched for Compound No. 5 from the factory in the area where the super criminal was located.

What Kevin has to do is to convince the Secretary of State that Compound No. 5 does not come from the Vought Group, but that someone stole the formula of Compound No. 5 and developed it independently.

As for why Compound No. 5 flows out.

Maybe Madeleine will know? Kevin doesn’t know anyway.

Kevin will tell the Secretary of State this when the time comes, and this is what Edgar means.

Boom, boom, boom.

Kevin was doing work in the office, and soon he heard someone knocking on the door. Kevin didn't even raise his head:

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and surprisingly, it was not Starlight who came to see Kevin, but Maeve.

When Maeve came in, Kevin looked up at Maeve and said in surprise:

"You should be shooting a documentary later? What are you doing here to see me?"

"how did you do it?"

Maeve asked directly as soon as she came in.

Kevin is puzzled:

"How did you do that?"

"That's it...that's the vice president. How could Edgar let another super human stand on the head of the people of the motherland?"

Maeve was a member of the Seven in the same period as the motherland. The two joined the team at a relatively close time. She stayed in the Seven for a long time, so she also knew Edgar very well.

Although she didn't know about Compound No. 5 or the darkness of the Walter Group, she knew very well that Edgar didn't like superhumans like them very much.

This can be seen from the fact that Edgar rarely meets with them.

As a result, Kevin forced his way out and became the vice president after Madeleine?

Are you overpowering the people of the motherland?

Maeve felt that she must have not woken up today to have such an outrageous hallucination.

"Perhaps Edgar thinks highly of me?"

Kevin responded half-jokingly.

Maeve had an 'are you kidding me' look on her face.

Seeing that Maeve didn't smile, Kevin shook his head boredly and said:

"The reason is simple, because now I am the only one who can suppress the people of my motherland, and no one else can."


"Yes, that's me. Before this, people in the motherland listened to Madeleine's words, and Madeleine used 'love' to influence him. I am not as great as Madeleine, and I can't fall in love with a man. I just Able to use force and power to make him obey.

"No one else can withstand the 'retaliation' of the motherland. Only I can. This is why Edgar chose me."

The British management department is now a very important department of Watt Group.

When Madeleine was still here before, she could use the love of the people of her motherland for her to make the people of her motherland obey her.

But after Madeleine died, Edgar couldn't find another guy with management skills and love for the people of the motherland to make the people of the motherland obey.

Kevin came into Edgar's sight at this moment.

At this moment, even if he is not as strong as the people of the motherland, at least he does not have to worry that the people of the motherland will make trouble for him. Even if the people of the motherland who really ordered make the people of the motherland angry, Kevin can still save his life.

But if it were anyone else.

Either they obey the advice of the people of the motherland and become the lackeys of the people of the motherland.

Or he will be found dead at home the next day, and the super criminals will have another crime added to their list.

There is no other possibility.

So it's not how Kevin did it, it's that the only person Edgar can choose at this stage is Kevin.

Not even a storm.

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