Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 86 We can cooperate

The locomotive was ultimately unable to be saved.

The doctor said he missed the best golden rescue time.

After a heart attack, the best rescue time is four minutes. If it exceeds ten minutes, it will be life-threatening.

These are ordinary people.

Superhumans may be able to sustain it for a little longer, but unfortunately, Kevin's 'rescue' at the time was not standardized, and the ambulance arrived a little slower.

By the time the locomotive was sent to the hospital, the fastest superhuman in the world had lost his vital signs.

The locomotive is dead.

Died from a heart attack.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Franklin, I'm really sorry."

In front of the hospital morgue, Kevin looked at Locomotive's brother Nathan Franklin with a sad expression on his face.

Nathan's face was expressionless. He looked at his brother's body blankly and shook his head slowly:

"It's not your fault...I know that he has a heart disease, and I have advised him to take good care of himself, but he...he..."

Nathan's voice gradually choked up and he couldn't speak anymore.

Kevin comforted Nathan:

"He is a person who refuses to give up. Even if he has a heart disease, he never told us... If I had known about him..."

At this point, Kevin sighed again:

"...The passing of the locomotive is a great loss to us. We will hold a grand funeral for him. Mr. Franklin, please express your condolences."

Not long after Madeleine's funeral was held, the funeral of the locomotive was about to be held. The Walter Group was afraid that they would go crazy with joy.

Because then another large amount of money will be credited to the account.

The news of Locomotive's death is still a secret. No one except Kevin knows about it.

Kevin did not plan to announce the news of Locomotive's death now. He planned to wait for two more days, wait for the impact of Madeleine's death to dissipate, and secure his position as vice president before announcing it to the public.

It was already early morning the next day when I left the hospital.

Kevin, who had not slept all night, planned to go directly to the Watt Building to tell the members of the seven-man team about the matter and announce the new members joining the team.

Transparent died, Kevin retired, Locomotive died of a heart attack, and three members of the Seven died at once.

If we don't add new players, the Seven-Man Team can no longer be called the Seven-Man Team and can be renamed the Four Heavenly Kings.

So adding new people is something that must be done.

in addition…

Kevin looked at his skill tree.

The current number of skill points, excluding those that have been decided to invest in job transfer, is still six.

These six skill points were all contributed by Locomotive to Kevin.

Killing an original plot character gave Kevin six skill points. This proved that Kevin's previous idea was correct. Killing the original plot character was indeed the fastest way to get skill points.

"It's really...addictive."

Looking at the surge in the number of skill points, Kevin sighed in his heart.

This method of rapidly increasing skill points is indeed very addictive. If it were another person without much self-control, he might really start killing people in this world in exchange for the required skill points. .

Of course, Kevin doesn't think he is a person with self-control, but he thinks he still has a little bit of conscience.

Driven by his conscience, Kevin can at least avoid killing innocent people indiscriminately.

But why do these words sound the same as the Nasha who built a memorial arch after becoming a Nasha...

Putting aside those fantasies in his head, Kevin drove to the group building.

But what he didn't expect was that when the car was halfway through, he encountered an unexpected person and got into his car.

Is a native of the motherland.

"Wow, this is really..."

Looking in the rearview mirror at the people from the motherland who suddenly appeared in his back seat, Kevin continued to drive without changing his expression and greeted the people from the motherland:

"Good morning, fellow countrymen."

"How dare you?"

The motherland people ignored Kevin's greetings and asked a question that seemed to have no logic.

"How dare you? I don't quite understand."

"How dare you kill the locomotive!"

The people of the motherland continued to question.

The people of the motherland have actually been following up on what the locomotive is doing, but he didn't expect that Kevin could watch the locomotive die without doing anything.

This is beyond the understanding of Kevin by the people of the motherland.

In his eyes, no matter what Kevin did or what position he was in, he was still the timid and cowardly deep-sea fish he was before.

Now he is able to make no concessions to the people of his motherland because he has the support of Edgar behind him.

Yes, maybe the ability of this deep-sea fish has been enhanced, but no matter how enhanced it is, will it be as powerful as the people of the motherland?

The people of the motherland are the most powerful superhuman beings in the world, he has always thought so.

But in the end, this deep-sea fish turned into a ferocious and terrifying great white shark! He tore off an arm of the motherland and swallowed it clean.

Kevin actually dared to let the locomotive die, and also died in his home, how dare he? !

"Correction, folks, the engine died of a heart attack, not me."

Kevin explained calmly, but the people from the motherland scolded:

"We all know what's going on! You don't have to act stupid in front of me!"

"Hmm? So according to what you said, you saw the whole conversation between me and the locomotive, but you didn't stop it. Can I understand that?"


The people of the motherland were silent for a moment, because what Kevin said was the truth.

"Look, none of us care about the life of the locomotive, neither do I, nor do you. You come here to talk to me, but you are just angry because a dog that obeyed you died. You have never thought about giving it to me. Locomotive seeks so-called justice.”

Kevin had no idea that the people from the motherland were outside watching last night.

But this is not a big deal. The people of the motherland looked back and saw that he never stopped Kevin from doing something to the locomotive from the beginning to the end, and even watched the locomotive die.

This proves that the weight of the locomotive in his heart is only that.

Being told what he meant, there was no special change in the expression of the motherland man. He suddenly smiled, leaned on the back of the back seat, and said to Kevin:

" are not Deep Sea."


"You are definitely not Abyss. Who are you? What is the new research of the Walter Group... some particularly powerful super human? It looks the same as Abyss and then replaced Abyss?"

The people of the motherland are guessing there.

After experiencing so many confrontations with Kevin, the people of the motherland simply did not believe that the person in front of them was the former Deep Sea.

He would rather believe that the current Kevin is a newly 'created' monster by the Walter Group, just like himself, rather than believe that the original deep sea will have such a big change.

Kevin didn't admit it or deny it.

"Is this important?" Kevin asked.

The people of the motherland were stunned for a moment and then laughed:

"Yes, it doesn't matter. No matter who you are, you are riding on my head now."

"Don't say it so harshly." Kevin looked at the motherland through the rearview mirror, "Why do you always think of me as your opponent? We can actually cooperate, just like you and Madeleine did before. ”


"I am no longer in the Seven-Man Team. You will still be the captain of the Seven-Man Team from now on. I will make you have more fans and be loved by more people. I will make you the best hero of the Watt Group."


"As I said before, we have never been enemies, people of the motherland, and I hope we will not be in the future."

It is not advisable to blindly suppress the people of the motherland. If this guy really goes crazy, it will be very difficult for Kevin to surrender him.

It's better to use emotion and reason and let the people of the motherland become... a money-making machine for Kevin's men.

Judging from the current situation, getting rid of the people from the motherland is the most undesirable behavior. Firstly, the people from the motherland can still make money, and secondly, the Watt Group will not allow Kevin to do anything to their top card.

Then cooperation becomes the only option.

From now on, Kevin will be the vice president and the motherland will be the captain of the seven-man team. In fact, the responsibilities and powers of the two people do not conflict. They can cooperate with each other just like they did when Madeleine was still there.

As long as the people of the motherland can relax a little bit about their prejudice against Kevin.

The people of the motherland were lost in thought and did not respond.

Kevin drove the car under the Watt Group building and then said to the motherland:

"It's already here, what do you think? 'Captain'?"

The motherland man's eyes turned back from the car window, and he looked at Kevin through the rearview mirror. After a long time, he said:

"I hope you're serious."

"I've always been serious, so it looks like we've reached an agreement?"


As soon as Kevin finished speaking, the people from the motherland had already opened the door and left, and closed the car door heavily.

Judging from the reaction of the people from the motherland, Kevin knew that he would not be hostile to Kevin, at least for the time being.

However, looking at the deformed car door that had been closed with great force by the people of the motherland, Kevin couldn't help but roll his eyes:

"This is the car I just bought..."

The passing of the locomotive is a big event for the British management department of the entire Vought Group.

Especially when they knew that Locomotive died in Kevin's home, many people wondered whether Kevin had done something to Locomotive.

Even now the hospital report says that the locomotive died of a heart attack.

Kevin doesn't give an explanation and lets others misunderstand him, which in turn makes others afraid of Kevin.

However, even if everyone suspected that Kevin had done something to the locomotive, they did not dare to talk too much. Under Kevin's order, the entire British control department and related departments were mobilized.

Just after Madeleine died, Locomotive died of a heart attack. News of this news may cause the stock price of Vought Group to fall.

Therefore, the death of Locomotive cannot be announced now, it will have to wait for some time.

Kevin even had an idea that he could announce the death of Transparent Man together and draft an imaginary enemy to increase the prestige of the Seven.

Well, this is actually not Kevin’s idea, but the idea of ​​the people of the motherland.

The purpose of creating those super terrorists is to divert the contradiction and make the world think that there are such a group of criminals with super powers in the world and they need superheroes to protect them.

The idea was decided for the time being. After no one had any objections, the proposal was sent to the board of directors of Walter Group.

Kevin worked at the Walter Group for a few more days before finally finishing all these messy things and becoming free.

Then...he received a call from Butcher.

Butcher wanted to meet him.

This guy can't wait to meet his wife.

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