Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 87 You should have told me earlier

"This time you were smarter and chose a remote place to meet."

Driving to a far away wilderness, Kevin said to Butcher amusedly as he looked at the dusty wilderness.

Butcher sat on a rock, still wearing black clothes and black robe, looking up at Kevin:

"After knowing that you have the ability to control water, wouldn't it be stupid to choose the location on the sea?"

"That's true."

Kevin nodded.

Last time Butcher chose the location at sea. First, the sea view was broad. If Kevin really notified the Watt Group, they would be able to see it at a glance.

Second, they did not expect that Kevin could actually control the water flow, and it was not the exaggerated propaganda of the Walter Group.

So the last meeting was disastrous for Butcher and the others.

This time Butcher was prepared and had found a meeting place in the wilderness in advance. There was no need to worry that Kevin would use his ability to control water to show his 'miracle' in front of them again.

"Okay, stop talking about those useless nonsense. You have used us to obtain so many things, power, status, you have it all. Now is it time to tell me Beca's location, right?"

Butcher didn't want to talk about anything else with Kevin and directly asked for news about his wife.

Kevin glanced at the black van not far away, where other members of the black robe were sitting. None of them came over, leaving Butcher alone to come over to see Kevin.

Looking away from the other black-robed teams, Kevin smiled and said:

"I thought you would be angrier."

"What do you mean?"

"The incident at Compound No. 5 failed to bring down the Vought Group. Instead, it gave the group the opportunity to negotiate with Congress. Even the people of the motherland did not suffer any losses. You actually have reason to be angry, Butcher. ”

The black-robed team has done so many things to deal with the Walter Group, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they tuck their heads in their belts.

There was a lot of fuss, but the final result was this.

It would be strange if Butcher and the others were not angry.

But now Butcher didn't say this to Kevin. Instead, he paid more attention to his wife Becca.

"Oh, you said this."

Butcher shook his head, jumped off the rock, and faced Kevin:

"Indeed, we were fooled and failed to get the result we wanted. We are very angry, but is it useful to be angry? Or do I want to be here like a child crying for milk, crying all over the world? Will you feel normal if I scold you again?"

Butcher said, took a few steps towards Kevin, got closer to him, and the two faced each other at a very close distance, and continued:

"And even if we are really angry and furious, what are you going to do? Arrest all of us here?"

"How could it be? We are partners."

Kevin responded with a smile.

Butcher also smiled:

"Then tell us what we want to know now, mate."

Butcher's use of 'we' to refer to himself is somewhat inappropriate.

To be more precise, it should be ‘I’.

Only Butcher himself wants to know the location of Becca. The members of several other teams gathered together to deal with the Walter Group.

But there is no way, who makes Butcher their captain.

At this point, they have no one they can trust except Butcher.

Rebecca Butcher's position was already in Kevin's hands not long after he took over Madeleine's position.

Facing Butcher's request at this moment, Kevin gave Butcher the address of Rebecca's current location without much hesitation.

"This is her current residential address, but my suggestion is that you'd better not visit her unless necessary."

"You don't have to worry about it now, Mr. Vice President."

After taking the address, Butcher didn't want to continue chatting with Kevin, so he turned around and left.

Kevin stopped him:

"She has a child, a native of the motherland, and the Walter Group attaches great importance to her child and is trying to give the child a warm and normal growth environment so that he can become a completely different person from the native of the motherland. .

"So, the place where she is is very heavily guarded. To put it bluntly, if you go there like this now, it is equivalent to dying."

Rebecca and her son Ryan's location is more secluded than Kevin imagined.

Walter Group has created a very large special area for Rebecca and Ryan, with pleasant scenery and various facilities to facilitate their lives.

It was only after learning about their situation that Kevin realized that the Walter Group wanted to conduct experiments and observations on Ryan, the biological son of a native of the motherland.

They wanted to give Ryan a seemingly normal environment and a 'maternal love' that the people of the motherland had never had. They wanted to test whether Ryan could eventually grow up to be like the people of the motherland.

The people of the motherland are not a successful experimental subject for the Vought Group. Maybe they were before, but they are definitely not now.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that they turned their attention to Ryan.

And because of this, it is absolutely impossible for the black-robed group to secretly see Ryan.

This is different from the original work. In the original work, because the people of the motherland had already discovered Rebecca and Ryan, the Walt Group knew it could not stop them and relaxed its surveillance of the mother and son. Rebecca was secretly taken away by Butcher midway.

But now, the people of the motherland do not know the existence of the two, and the Walter Group still closely monitors the two.

One can imagine how difficult it is to meet the two of them.

Kevin's words were not loud, but Butcher heard them clearly.

He stopped, suddenly turned his head and asked Kevin:

"what do you want?"


"What do you want from us? You want us to be your white gloves, continue to help you eliminate the 'enemies' in the Walter Group, and let yourself climb higher and higher, so you help us?"

Butcher asked, pointing at Kevin.

From Butcher's point of view, Kevin's concern for the black-robed team was like a weasel paying New Year's greetings to a chicken. He never believed that a superhuman would care about them, a group of criminals who could be called criminals, for no reason.

Butcher prefers to believe that Kevin wants to continue to take advantage of them.

Use them to do things that are inconvenient for Kevin to do and that are shady.

And what I have to say is...

Butcher was right.

"You're right." Kevin admitted openly, "I need a team that can continue to target the Walter Group, and you are the most suitable in my opinion."

"Haha, what did I hear? The new vice president of Watt Group actually wants to deal with Watt Group personally? This joke is really funny."

"Normally this would be a joke, but Butcher, I'm serious."

Kevin's expression remained unchanged, his attitude was serious and sincere.

The smile on Butcher's face slowly faded, he met Kevin's eyes, and after a while he said:

"You have no reason to target the Vought Group."

"Yes, why not? You know, I am a superhuman, and for superhumans, the Walter Group's attitude has always been to 'monitor', 'master' and 'control'. Superhumans are just assets in their hands. It’s rare for superhumans to reach the top of the group.”

"But you did."

"That's because there are people from the motherland. Do you think any vice president other than me can appease the people from the motherland?"

Kevin spoke bluntly in front of Butcher:

"Using superhumans to deal with superhumans is the real idea of ​​the Watt Group. Once the people of the motherland are really killed by me, there is no doubt that my future will end here."

"The reason sounds reasonable, so what's your idea? Replace all senior executives of the Walt Group with superhumans?"

"No, I don't have such a great idea, and I'm not that racist. I just want to gain more benefits. On this basis, we can continue to cooperate."

Kevin expressed his thoughts:

"No matter what the final result is, at least in this process, our goals are the same for the time being."

Although Edgar made Kevin the vice president, Kevin understood from his contacts with the group's senior management in the past few days that they still had no intention of letting superhumans enter the group's senior management.

Kevin is just a vanguard against the people of the motherland. He cannot be like Madeleine and have the privilege of working on the 82nd floor.

And if there are no accidents, there never will be.

Kevin doesn't want to just stick to this position and be the vice president for the rest of his life, so while improving his strength, Kevin also wants the black robe team to help him deal with the Walter Group.

One is attacking from the outside, and the other is slowly taking the Vought Group into his own hands internally.

In the end, the old Vought Group died, and the new Vought Group belonging to Kevin was reborn. This was Kevin's idea.

We all want to make money anyway, so why not make the biggest one.

And you might be able to gain a lot of skill points in the process of controlling the Vought Group.

Butcher chatted with Kevin for a long time, but in the end he didn't agree to anything. He took the address Kevin gave him and left with everyone in black robes.

But Kevin knew that Butcher would definitely contact him in the future.

As long as Butcher still wants to continue to deal with the Vought Group and bring down this behemoth, then he will definitely need Kevin.

Kevin can also pass Butcher's line and continue to gain skill points.

The exchange with Butcher didn't take long.

After driving back to the Watt Building, Kevin began to prepare for the job transfer.

All the things that should be done during this period have been completed. Kevin has a lot of free time, and the reserve of skill points is sufficient. Kevin wants to take advantage of this period to complete the job transfer as soon as possible so that his strength can be improved. Go up a level.

Kevin feels that when his strength improves again, he should be stronger than the people of his motherland.

By then he will be the strongest superhuman in the world, and he will no longer have to worry about anyone dealing with him.

Moreover, after the job change, [Superhuman] became [Deep Sea Fighter], Kevin is no longer a superhuman, and the methods used by this world to deal with superhumans will probably no longer work on him.

"Okay, everything is ready, job transfer - start!"

After finding a quiet room at home and telling Annie and others that there was no need to disturb him, Kevin couldn't wait to start changing jobs.

Yes, in the end Kevin chose to switch to a deep-sea fighter. After all, physical fitness is the most important thing at any time.

As soon as you hear the profession of fighter, you will know that your body is very powerful and awesome. Maybe you can really improve your physique to that of a superman.

Being prepared, Kevin clicked on the job transfer page with anticipation and apprehension, and confirmed the job transfer.

But after clicking OK, Kevin saw another prompt pop up on the job transfer page.

——It cannot be changed after job transfer, and job transfer tasks cannot be changed midway. Please confirm whether to change job to [Deep Sea Fighter]

[Confirm] [Negate].

"Of course!"

——During the job change, due to the different time flow rates in the main world and the mission world, you can turn on the main world time slowdown function to pause the main world time. Turning on the function requires three skill points. Do you want to turn it on?


Seeing this prompt, Kevin was stunned.

No... with your skill tree, you can still pause the time in the main world during the job change?

You should have told me earlier!

If you had told me earlier, wouldn’t I have changed my job earlier? !

When he learned that the skill tree had a time-pause function, Kevin felt for a moment that he was like a fool because he was busy during this period just to make up for the time to change jobs.

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