The Turtle Rock Eagle is quite large. Its body alone is nearly fifty meters tall. With a pair of wings spread, it is directly over a hundred meters tall. At this moment, ten Turtle Rock Eagles are staying on the flying platform.

There are wooden boxes on the back of each one. This is a travel room that can be occupied by people. The VIP cabin where Chen Xuan is located is the fifth one in the middle. This is the safest area, even if it is attacked. , the head and tail were also the first to be attacked. On both sides, there were also flying escorts for short-distance escort.

There is a super strong person sitting on the back of the turtle rock eagle. After reaching the super level, he can fly briefly in the sky. If an earth level strong person is placed on the turtle rock eagle, once he reaches the super level, If he falls, don't try to rescue him, as he is afraid that he will be the one to save himself.

This is also the reason why each flight ticket is expensive. The cost of these ten super masters alone is quite a lot.

The fifth turtle rock eagle has a total of three warehouses on its back, and Chen Xuan's position is in the last wooden warehouse.

This wooden warehouse seems to have the style of the carriage built on the back of Turtle Rock Eagle.

When Chen Xuan sat in the wooden warehouse, his first feeling was emptiness.

"This is quite an arrogant industry."

It was the first time for Chen Xuan to ride this unified flying tool, and he seemed quite excited, but the most important thing was to practice.

It's just that flying in the sky is quite dangerous. What if someone comes to rob me?

But Chen Xuan doesn't worry about this, he should practice well. Although Chen Xuan's own alchemy skills are quite powerful, it does not mean that Chen Xuan's practice can be completely replaced by elixirs. In normal times, he still needs to practice.

The Mi Shen Jue in the body is slowly running, and the mental power has broken through to the king level, so it becomes easier to practice this mysterious energy.

"It seems that this flight may not be easy."

Chen Xuan's mental power scanned the sky. There were several eagles circling around. Each of them was quite strong. The strongest ones had even reached the spiritual level. But obviously these people were not here to rob, but to rob. Escort at a distance.

So who is escorting? Chen Xuan doesn't care about this, just don't bother me.

Soon the Turtle Rock Eagle took to the sky. In order to ensure that there is no error in time, the flight time is strictly controlled. If you can't catch up, it won't wait for you.


After a run-up, the ten turtle rock eagles took off into the air. Because they were too large, they could only run-up, otherwise they would not be able to fly.

In the end, it was about 800 meters above the ground, and even passed through some peaks. The height of these peaks was far higher than that of Turtle Rock Eagle.

If it is in some ancient forests, the flying height is only on the top of the trees.

The ten turtle rock eagles are all tied with chains, and the ten turtle rock eagles are connected in series, so that they can maintain their weight and not be blown away directly when encountering some strong winds.

"Sister, please be careful and don't run outside the railing. The wind is very strong..."

The voice of the maid Yu came from in front of Chen Xuan. Apparently, the girl in white was also restless on Turtle Rock Eagle.

At first there were a few bluebirds for escort, but then you had to fly by yourself.

Chen Xuan was also practicing in the cabin, making breakthroughs quietly. His profound strength was only at the spiritual level and needed further improvement.

On the other hand, the Lingshan Chen family seemed to have stopped moving.

Inside Baihe City.

In a large courtyard, several men in gray looked solemn after meeting.

These people were the ones who came to capture Chen Xuan, but just before they were about to take action, they saw a crazy thunder and lightning storm. This was a breakthrough to the king level!

Chen Xuan actually broke through to the king level.

Others don't know, but one person in this trip can clearly know that this person is Chen Yongkang, the life and death elder of the Chen family!

Ranked fifth among the elders of life and death, a total of six elders of life and death were dispatched this time, all of them were at the king level. The defeat of Chen Guangnian also made the Chen family understand Chen Xuan. The reason why they were able to defeat Chen Guangnian was because The latter has a ring in his hand that can release powerful lightning energy.

Therefore, all the mechanisms are in this ring. I thought that the last time I used it, I had exhausted the energy in the ring. But this time, I saw that the king-level power to overcome the tribulation was not at all like the latter. It can be seen that the ring in the hand must be a divine weapon.

"This time, the artifact in the hands of that evil man must be full of power again. If he takes action at this moment, he will definitely encounter strong resistance."

Chen Yongkang said in a deep voice.

"I have found out that Chen Xuan took a flying transport team to Medicine Master City. Once he lands, he will definitely be protected by the old guys in Medicine Master City, so we have to arrest Chen Xuan before that!"

"The flying transport team is protected by the state government. If we take action rashly, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction from the state government." A life and death elder said. This man's cultivation level is equivalent to that of Chen Guangnian, and he is also in the fourth-grade king level realm. , apart from Chen Yongkang, he is the strongest.

"Now that it's on board, it's not easy to control. I've already contacted the Eagle Strike Pirates, and we're going to do it in the sky above the Rock Mountains at midnight tonight."

Chen Yongkang said calmly. When the other elders heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up. It was indeed a very clever trick. Let the Eagle Strike Pirates attack, and at least force the flying team to land in the rocky mountains. Wait until At that time, I was fighting my way out.

"And in that rocky land, some stones have special abilities that can absorb thunder and lightning. That child's artifact may not be able to work in the rocky mountains!"

The six people were discussing the conspiracy in this room. Although the flying team took the first step, based on the strength of these king-level experts, even the trip between White Crane City and Medicine Master City only took three hours.

It's easy to catch up.

"Without further ado, let's set off immediately!"


Both Chen Yongkang and Chen Guangnian are actually descendants of the Chen family who belong to the lineage of the Third Supreme Elder of the Chen family. All actions this time were tacitly approved by the Third Supreme Elder of the Chen family. Even the Southern Xinjiang General Chen Luo also had some intentions. He took action and sent his personal guards to capture Chen Xuan.

Unlike the other disciples of the Chen family, Chen Luo himself was a Southern Xinjiang general conferred by the empire and a marquis within the empire, so he could execute the king's laws even in Medicine Master City.

The Alchemist Guild can be superior to the forces of the rivers and lakes, but it cannot be superior to the emperor.

This time, the Chen family may have laid a net, waiting for Chen Xuan to be caught.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was enjoying his dinner in the sky.


There was a knock on Chen Xuan's door.

"What is she here for?" Chen Xuan suddenly frowned. With his strong mental power, he had already known that the person at the door was the girl in white in the box in front of him.

"Is something wrong?" Chen Xuan opened the door and said calmly.

"Hello, this is the plum wine I brewed by myself. Do you want to try it?" Wei Ruoxue seemed to be so bold and proactive in talking to a stranger for the first time. When she finished, her cheeks turned red. .


However, Chen Xuan didn't give Wei Ruoxue much time to be shy. After taking the wine gourd from the other party's hand, he closed the door directly.

With a bang, Wei Ruoxue was locked out of the door.

Wei Ruoxue blinked.

Who is this?'s interesting...

This was the first time Wei Ruoxue had met such a person, but Chen Xuan had already accepted his plum wine, but he didn't know if it tasted good or not, and felt a little uneasy. Although the middle-aged man in the cabin in front was very polite, Wei Ruoxue felt more from the bottom of her heart. I like Chen Xuan a little bit, so I secretly sent this plum wine to Chen Xuan.

"Sister, why did you come here by yourself again? It's very dangerous..."

Chen Xuan in the room shook the wine gourd, and when he opened the bottle cap, there was a faint fragrance.

"Return the plum wine... What does a girl know... Hey, damn, it smells so good! It tastes great!"

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