In the sky, ten turtle rock eagles line up side by side like ten moving islands.

And in the sky above these Turtle Rock Eagles are a row of eight Kamikaze Eagles.

Each of these divine wind eagles is at the first level of the earth level. Although there are not many in number, they are all elite, very fast, and have powerful attack power and insight.

The captain of the Divine Wind Eagle Guard is called Ma Jiuzhou, and he is a first-level spiritual master.

This time I was ordered to protect Wei Ruoxue when she returned to the family and married the young master. It was a heavy responsibility. As one of the super families, the Shangguan family's strength was unquestionable. Just to protect a bride-to-be, they also sent powerful soldiers. Guard.

In fact, on the one hand, it was also to monitor Wei Ruoxue and not let the latter escape.

We were already halfway through the flight, and we could even smell the aroma of medicine from Medicine Master City ahead.

If you take the air transport team, you will go to Yaoshi City first, and then return to Shangguan City.

As the Shangguan family is a super family, the empire also rewarded the latter with a city to manage, directly naming it Shangguan City. This is quite courageous, because there are so many people in a city, and if they gather their troops, it is equivalent to directly giving them to the Shangguan family. A base for the Shangguan family.

But the Empire seems emboldened and not afraid of this.

"Everyone cheers me up, then!"

Ma Jiuzhou Road is obviously quite experienced in this area.

However, a large number of figures suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking the way. Ma Jiuzhou and others immediately became vigilant.

"Captain, it seems to be the Eagle Pirates!"

The sentry from the front came back and reported, and Ma Jiuzhou frowned immediately.

"Eagle Strike!? Aren't these guys subordinates of the Chen family?"

Ma Jiuzhou muttered in his heart, and his face became quite ugly. Ma Jiuzhou didn't know about the affairs of the Wei family and the Shangguan family, what the Chen family wanted to do by sending people here, and the game among the upper-class big shots, but now Decisions must be made decisively.

"Escort sister down!"


The seven Kamikaze Eagles immediately descended quickly and came to the side of the Kameyan Eagle. As soon as the Earth-level Kamikaze Eagle approached, the Kamikaze Eagle broke out into chaos, and then the seven Kamikaze Eagles The strong man took action directly and cut off the chain. The two of them pulled the chain and landed directly on the ground.

"who are you!"

The super strong man who was responsible for guarding Turtle Rock Eagle said in shock. As a super strong man, he could naturally tell that the person in front of him was quite strong and well-trained. It was not simple at first glance.

"When the Shangguan family is doing business, stop talking nonsense."

A divine wind eagle knight said coldly, and the strong man at that level immediately shut his mouth. After all, the Shangguan family was very popular. If he was really offended, no amount of money would be able to save his life. He was only a fifth-level person. , the opponent is at least level eight or above. The huge gap is enough to kill him many times.


The Turtle Rock Eagle landed on the ground, but the Turtle Rock Eagles that kept rushing forward were all captured by the Eagle Strike Pirates, and all the people on the Turtle Rock Eagle were killed. The method is quite cruel.

"Damn it, one escaped!"

One of the air pirates shouted immediately, seeing the Turtle Rock Eagle that had landed early, and called everyone to rush over together.


Chen Xuan opened his eyes, and with a slight sweep of his mental energy, he grasped the surrounding situation. Air pirate? I'm afraid it's not that simple. These air pirates are just like the bandits on the ground. They are all bandits and make a living by robbing. It's just that they like to rob people in the air.


When Chen Xuan's mental power fell into his body, the Turtle Rock Eagle, the situation in the other two boxes was immediately grasped in his mind. The middle-aged man who was supposed to be in the first box had disappeared and his figure appeared. On the top of the next two boxes, the box of the girl in white.

"Sister, don't be afraid, it's okay, it's the Kamikaze Eagle Guards."

Yu was extremely scared at the moment, and thought that the Kameyan Eagle was going to fall, but when he looked out, he saw that the situation was under control of the Kamikaze Eagle Guards, and he felt relieved.


Wei Ruoxue was still worried about whether there would be any problem with Chen Xuan behind him, when she suddenly heard a noise coming from the roof.


The hard beam was cut directly, and a figure fell from above.

"Who are you!"

You immediately protected Wei Ruoxue behind him.

The middle-aged man glanced at the door and saw that he had indeed used a strong charm. Fortunately, he didn't force his way through the door, otherwise he would have been ejected directly.

"I'm sorry, Miss Wei, I admire your appearance very much, but now, you must die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man took off his glasses and rushed towards Wei Ruoxue, with the aura of a spirit-level powerhouse erupting from his body!

"Sister heart!"

You shouted, but Wei Ruoxue mustered up her courage, pushed You aside, and opened her arms to welcome the dagger in the middle-aged man's hand.


There was a loud noise, and the imagined death did not come, and there was no pain. Wei Ruoxue opened her eyes in surprise, only to feel a cold wind blowing from behind. When she opened her eyes, she didn't know when she saw a figure standing next to her. .

A hole was knocked out of the wall behind him.

Apparently he came through this hole.

Chen Xuan grabbed the opponent's dagger with one hand and looked at the middle-aged man close at hand.

"Do you like so much nonsense about killing people?"

Chen Xuan couldn't help but frown. He was thinking about saving people in the room just now, but this guy talked too much nonsense. Chen Xuan couldn't hold it back and took action directly.

"There are actually bodyguards!"

The middle-aged man was slightly surprised, mistakenly thinking that Chen Xuan was another bodyguard of Wei Ruoxue.

"You still talk a lot of nonsense."

The next moment, Chen Xuan stepped forward, and his fist hit the opponent without any surprise. However, this punch did not injure the opponent, but instead enveloped the latter with a ray of light, blocking Chen Xuan's attack. attack.


A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes. This power was quite magical, bursting out like a protective jade talisman, but he didn't see anything stimulating it.

"What, the golden body charm was shattered with one punch!"

The middle-aged man was also quite surprised, but Chen Xuan wanted to test the mysterious power again. This time, his whole body's strength exploded to its peak, with first-level spiritual power, coupled with god-level martial arts.

"Broken Wasteland Fist!"


The middle-aged man's body was knocked out!

"It turns out it's a one-time thing too."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but murmur, and thought about having a contest with the mysterious guardian energy, but who knew that he would be beaten to death directly.

Wei Ruoxue and Na You both stared blankly at the scene in front of them. Wei Ruoxue blinked her dark eyes.

"Here you go, the wine is good."

A wine gourd was thrown over, and Wei Ruoxue hurriedly caught it.


Wei Ruoxue stared blankly at the gourd in her hand and suddenly shouted.

I saw a spear penetrated the wooden board and stabbed towards Chen Xuan!

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