Rocky mountains.

Chen Xuan has been wandering here for most of the time, but found that it was like a maze, and he lost his way after walking in. That is.

Chen Xuan is lost!

"As long as you walk in one direction, there will definitely be no problem."

Chen Xuan thought in his heart, but he had been walking in the same direction half an hour ago, but he never came out.

It's like being trapped in a space.

"Impossible, can I still be trapped in the maze below?"

Chen Xuan suddenly became furious. He, the Immortal Alchemist, was actually hard to reach by this confusing formation. Such formations had also appeared on the Xuan Continent in his previous life, but in the face of absolute power, these formations could not be reached. The power is simply negligible, just like a blindfold.

So Chen Xuan didn't pay too much attention, but now it seems that he has fallen into a maze.

But now he is not a god-level powerhouse from his previous life, but a king-level one.

Even only the mental power has reached the king level.

"Damn it, I have to find out who is doing this!"

In the rocky mountains, no grass has grown for thousands of years. It is said that such a place has a strange magnetic field, and any thunder and lightning can only take a detour here.

Birds cannot fly to school

Chen Xuan tried to use his mental power to fly out of this ghost place, but found that he couldn't get out at all.

As soon as his body moved, it was as if there were countless ropes clasping his body, pulling him down.

Finally, he was pulled to Linshang.

"You can't even fly out yet."

Chen Xuan was still shocked, because the maze here seemed different from what he had seen in his previous life.

I wanted to fight all the way out and destroy the stone. As long as I used force to open a way, there would be no problem.

"No, I remember that there is a formation chapter in Mi Shen Jue!"

Chen Xuan also remembered that this Mi Shen Jue was accidentally obtained in his previous life, and it was precisely because of this Mi Shen Jue that he finally embarked on the road to becoming a god. However, Chen Xuan's mastery of Mi Shen Jue in his previous life was less than half, but In the previous life, he had reached the peak of his cultivation, and all the alchemy skills came from Mi Shen Jue.

It can be all-encompassing.

Now that he encountered such a situation, Chen Xuan also remembered that there was a formation chapter in Nami Divine Art.

Originally having the experience of becoming a god-level powerhouse, Chen Xuan didn't care about this formation chapter. After all, no matter how powerful the formation or the weird formation, it was all a matter of fists, so why bother with it.

But it’s not possible now. You have to study it carefully, otherwise you won’t be able to get out.

Think of this.

Chen Xuan calmed down and began to study the Mi Shen Jue and Formation in his hand.

As Chen Xuan was immersed in it, time was spinning and flying.

With powerful god-level experience, Chen Xuan seemed to be relatively simple in understanding this formation.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours...

A full eight hours passed quickly.

Chen Xuan opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his lips.

"It turns out it's just a nine-palace stone formation, let's see how I break it!"

In just half an hour, Chen Xuan had already learned some basic knowledge about the cultivation of this formation. The realm of formation is divided into nine realms, and the same formation is also divided into nine levels.

Same as the alchemist.

But this level of formation, if used properly, can even directly trap and kill king-level experts.

Generally, a level five formation can trap and kill a god-level expert.

All Chen Xuan encountered in his previous life were only some first-level formations. After all, it was too difficult to practice and comprehend formations.

But Chen Xuan mastered the first-level cultivation method of formation in just eight hours.

Officially became a first-level array mage!

Chen Xuan didn't know if such a talent was powerful, but it was recorded in Mi Shen Jue that an ordinary person could understand the basics of formations within one year and become a first-level formation mage within ten years, which was already quite outstanding.

Chen Xuan can only be a monster like this.

After all, some obscure and difficult knowledge can be easily solved by Chen Xuan without any difficulty at all.

What trapped Chen Xuan in front of him was only the simplest level one formation. Chen Xuan used some of the knowledge he had just learned and began to observe the distribution of these boulders. After about half an hour, the corner of his mouth curled up. ,

Sure enough, there is nothing underneath that can defeat my majestic immortal elixir.

Chen Xuan stood up and started walking according to the cracking method in his memory. After passing through stones, these stones were no longer as familiar as before and he had already entered a strange environment. Inside.

"Looks like I've walked out of Stonehenge."

Chen Xuan smiled proudly in his heart, but when he saw the situation ahead, he was suddenly shocked.

"What the hell, what do you mean, where is this place!"

Chen Xuan walked out from behind a stone, only to find that in front of him was a towering mountain wall. Apart from that, there was no other way to go.

Although I have never been to this place before, it is too embarrassing to come to a dead end after breaking the formation.

However, Chen Xuan soon discovered a cave on the mountain wall. With a slight sweep of his mental energy, he discovered that there was a stone room in the cave.

"How many more words are there?"

Chen Xuan saw a few big characters in front of the cave, and immediately took a step forward to pull out the weeds above.

"The Tomb of Emperor Fu."

It was a simple three words, but after Chen Xuan finished reciting it, he had a strong feeling. This person named Emperor Fu seemed to be a very awesome person during his lifetime, and he seemed to have a powerful force that was crushing Chen Xuan. Coming under pressure.

But who is Chen Xuan?

In his previous life, he was the most powerful person in Xuan Continent, a Danzun-level existence.

He is even revered as the God of Violent Killing!

"I was a god-level powerhouse in my previous life, but you, who are only emperor-level, can only turn into bones! How dare you be so arrogant in front of me!"

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and the power suddenly disappeared.

Obviously deep in Chen Xuan's soul, he is still the proud god-level strongman.

Regardless of whether you are Fu Emperor Fu Emperor, even if you are also a god-level powerhouse, Chen Xuan may not be afraid of you. The most important thing is that he is still alive now, and you are already a dead person. The difference between this, As you can imagine, he also wanted to scare me.

Chen Xuan jumped up and stepped into the tomb of Emperor Fu Zheng.

The cave looked quite simple. There were no gold or jewelry, and there were no decorations on the outside. There wasn't even a coffin.

Chen Xuan came to Zheng in the Stone Chamber

I only found a yellow talisman on the table in the stone room, and an ancient yellow book next to it.

Nothing else.

"This Fu Emperor is too shabby. It's too casual. It's also a cemetery after all."

Chen Xuan secretly thought to himself that he made his cemetery like this, either because his enemies came to visit him or because he was unruly and unrestrained. However, Chen Xuan did not find the Fu Emperor's body in this cave. Obviously this was just a place. A place of inheritance.

I opened the ancient book on the table and there was a line written on it.

"As the successor, I must stop the Dark Empire."

Dark Empire?

Chen Xuan frowned. He heard that there were three major empires in Fengyun Continent, but he had never heard of the name of this dark empire. It was probably a villain from hundreds of years ago.

Chen Xuan thought in his heart, there is no Dark Empire, even if there really is, Chen Xuan may not provoke others because of this shabby book. He just wants to find a way out. Who cares about your inheritance? Labor and management are the same after all. God-level strong man.

But when Chen Xuan saw the contents of the yellow book, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Spell Master, refining spells, look down."

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