After reading the entire book, Chen Xuan also understood that it turned out that this book was a collection of spells. Earlier, the guy known as the Emperor of Talisman had obtained this book and was constantly studying it, gaining powerful knowledge from it. practice methods.

Became a very powerful spellcaster.

But later he was hunted down by the people from the Dark Empire, so he had no choice but to leave the inheritance here, and set up a tombstone to set up the formation in the outside world.

Only those who have passed the formation can have enough talent to practice this talisman collection.

To become a Talisman Master, you must first become an Array Master.

Because this spell master is a combination of an array master and a spiritual master!

A single talisman contains two major concepts: spirit and formation.

Because of this, this spell is quite powerful.

In the outside world, it is even more precious than elixirs, because the number of spell masters is even rarer than that of alchemists. They are so rare that they cannot even form an organization. The spells sold on the market now basically come from the Ice and Snow Empire. , I have never heard of those powerful spell masters in Qifeng Empire.

While being a spiritual master, you also have to master formations, which is simply too difficult for ordinary people.

However, Chen Xuan is a powerful spiritual master. Although he has just started to learn the formation, Chen Xuan believes that there will always be someone who can understand this spell.

"So this guy is so strong."

Only then did Chen Xuan understand how powerful Fu Emperor was.

A sixth-level formation might trap and kill a god-level expert. This Fu Emperor was already as powerful as a seventh-level spell master.

The refined spell can kill any god-level strongman.

"How could there be such a terrifying guy? Is there a more powerful existence above the god level? The legendary super god level?"

Chen Xuan was shocked. In his previous life in Xuan Continent, the god level was already the top existence, but for those above the god level, there has always been a legend that whoever can find the gate to the god world can become a super god. Super strong person.

But Chen Xuancai didn't believe these bullshit rumors, they were just used to deceive children.

After seeing Emperor Fu now, I realized how strong the latter was.

It is comparable to a super god-level existence.

"But even super-god-level beings have been killed, so this dark empire must be an even more terrifying force."

Chen Xuan thought in his heart that it was indeed terrifying, how could this Fengyun Continent be so dangerous?

But anyway, this rocky mountain range has existed for nearly a thousand years. That dark empire has probably been destroyed long ago, so there is no need to worry.

"But I am very interested in becoming a spell master."

The corner of Chen Xuan's mouth raised slightly. This time he got a good treasure, a collection of spells, which recorded how to inscribe the formation on this special yellow paper.

But the piece of yellow paper lying next to it is truly powerful.

Because this is a level five spell!

For now, these level five spells can kill emperor-level warriors.

Whether there are emperor-level experts in Qifeng Empire is still a question.

However, after Chen Xuan carefully read the questions left by the Fu Emperor, he could understand that although this is a fifth-level talisman, it is not a lethal talisman, but a talisman that can speed up your practice.

Able to become a real spell master in a very short period of time.

"Then let me try it. Your knowledge talisman is so powerful."

Chen Xuan picked up the talisman on the table, and then poured spiritual power into it. The entire stone room burst out with a yellow wisdom-like light, and Chen Xuan blended into the environment.

The surroundings were filled with warm light, and Chen Xuan discovered for the first time that there was such a magical power in this world.

A huge amount of information poured into Chen Xuan's mind, and some pictures suddenly appeared in his mind. First, five stones fell in different places. According to Chen Xuan's knowledge, these are extremely precious energy. Gems, but as mentioned in the Talisman of Knowledge, these are called rune stones.

It's like a gem in Chen Xuan's hand.

Because there is an inherent formation inside the gem, it is called a rune stone. It has powerful and endless power. As long as the formation can remain immortal, it can continuously release power and continue to shine and heat. .

"It turns out that these things are also called rune stones."

Although the names are different, the principles are the same. Xuan Continent also has a special understanding of this energy gem. These rune stones can exert powerful power, but only people with a certain strength can access this level.

Obviously, in Fengyun Continent, the people most likely to know the power of this rune stone are the mysterious spell masters.

Because Chen Xuan himself has the foundation of a first-level formation mage, coupled with the power of this knowledge talisman, Chen Xuan's formation realm is so high that he can directly step into the second level and become a second-level formation mage.

With the current foundation, Chen Xuan can also draw spells, so he has directly become a second-level spell master!

Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with light, as if there were some spell words swirling in his eyes, and the huge knowledge was being integrated into his mind little by little.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already the second time.

"This Talisman Emperor is really strong. Just these fifth-level spells have benefited me a lot and I have become a level-2 spell master."

"Not only that, my mental power also broke through and reached the second level of King Level."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh. It was really incredible that a charm from a thousand years ago contained such powerful power.

But such a huge benefit finally fell into his own hands. Zheng

"Don't worry, Senior Fu Emperor, if I run into someone from the Dark Empire, I will definitely not let them have an easy time."

Chen Xuan said calmly.

Among the vast knowledge, Chen Xuan also knew that the exit of the rocky mountain range was in another secret door of the stone chamber, but there was an invisibility spell on that door, and Chen Xuan had to use his own strength to uncover it. Only if you open it can you leave here.

"It's really thoughtful. If I don't have enough cultivation, I really won't be able to get out."

This stone chamber has long been covered by powerful power. This Fu Emperor is also a person with ideas. If the inheritor cannot understand it, he will not be able to get out from here, which will save him embarrassment and even put such a person behind him. The inheritance fell into the hands of the enemy.

The invisibility talisman was only a first-level talisman. With Chen Xuan's current strength, he could easily uncover it. Chen Xuan's mental power instantly filled the stone chamber, and the huge power spread out, and he immediately found the wall. There was an invisibility charm hanging on it, and he stepped forward and took it off.

Suddenly the stone door appeared in front of him.

Chen Xuan smiled slightly, then pushed open the stone door and walked out, letting a ray of sunlight shine in.

"In the blink of an eye, it has already been three years."

Chen Xuan didn't expect that he would be trapped in this rocky mountain range for three whole days.

I have to get to Medicine Master City quickly, otherwise those people will think I'm dead.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan also jumped up and once again felt as light as a swallow. The invisibility talisman was also carried by Chen Xuan.

Recalling the sudden burst of protective energy from the previous killer, Chen Xuan also understood that it was a talisman. Unfortunately, it was just a subpar talisman.

However, the space confinement talisman taken out by Chen Yongkang, the elder of the Chen family, is still somewhat valuable.

But it's a pity that it is of no use in front of Chen Xuan.

The Thunder God's Ring returned to his hand obediently. Zheng

"Yakushi City, I'm coming!"

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