After going around several streets and alleys, Chen Xuan stopped because Bai Cen in front of him had also stopped.

There were a few more breaths behind him, but they didn't appear.

"What, brother, you've fallen in love with your sister's eyebrows. Do you want to ask me to go shopping and watch a show?"

Bai Cen turned around, her original serious and cold expression gone, as if the noble alchemist from before was just her twin sister.

"You are obviously not an alchemist, but you can use the powder refined from medicinal materials to fool others into thinking you are an alchemist. This gift cannot be wasted."

Chen Xuan said lightly. When he heard Chen Xuan's words, Bai Cen's eyes obviously flashed with surprise.

"Are you from the Yaozong Mansion!?"

Yaozong Mansion.

Equivalent to the law enforcement team of Medicine Master City, they are specifically responsible for governing the public security issues in Medicine Master City. At the same time, they are also responsible for protecting the interests of alchemists.

If Chen Xuan really wants to be from the Yaozong Mansion, then his whole group will suffer.

Bai Cen was shocked, and the two auras in the dark seemed a little excited, but Chen Xuan shook his head.

"I'm not from the Yaozong Mansion."

Chen Xuandao then glanced at Bai Cen: "Your talent is good, I can give you a chance to become a real alchemist."

A true alchemist!

In Medicine Master City, the status of an alchemist is not as noble as imagined, but if you are not an alchemist, it is difficult to guarantee even the basic rights and interests, especially for people from these wild alchemist families.

The so-called wild factions are alchemists who have not been registered by the Alchemist Guild. The things these people refine are likely to be poisons or elixirs. They are a group of lunatics who specialize in researching new types of elixirs and constantly create new ones. .

Once discovered, it will be banned.

But the Wild Faction has been passed down time and time again. Bai Cen's family was once a Wild Faction family, so such people are looked down upon. In the eyes of upright alchemists, they are just like sneaking around. They can't stand the stage, so no one will teach them how to make alchemy.

Becoming an alchemist has also become their dream. On this road, they obviously cannot go too far because the existence of the Alchemist Guild and even the Medicine Sect do not allow them to refine elixirs.

Some people with a little talent as alchemists can become alchemists through study, but they are not good at it. Yes, they are a group of despised talents.

"Are you here to laugh at us on purpose?"

Bai Cen's eyes suddenly turned cold. Chen Xuan was only a teenager, but he dared to speak wildly about what made him an alchemist. You know, it is well known that the wild sect is ostracized here. Thank you for not expelling them.

Chen Xuan was clearly making fun of them!

"What's the good thing? Catch him and teach him a lesson. Let him know that we are not easy to bully."

Two men walked out of the darkness and blocked Chen Xuan's escape route.

One person was taller, with a rebellious face, but his hair was blond and naturally curly.

The other person is a fat man with a fat head and big ears, but the image of a fat man who has always been docile does not apply to this person. He has a fierce face and a rake in his hand, as if he wants to chop Chen Xuan to the ground. .

"Son, no matter who you are, provoking us will do you no good."

Bai Cen said lightly, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, and then waved his hand.

"It's okay, let him go."

"Haha, it's okay, come on."

Chen Xuan waved to the two people behind him to come up.

The strength of these two people is not weak, and they have actually reached the level of Lin. Even if they don't eat a bowl of alchemy, they can have a good job after leaving Medicine Master City. However, they stay in Medicine Master City and become a Fraud gang.

The game of guessing the medicinal ingredients just now was all a scam. It was played in order to deceive the surrounding customers. In just that moment, I guess I have made hundreds of gold coins.

If this continues for a month, it will be a huge amount of income.

"Since you asked for it, don't blame me for not leaving anyone behind."

The fat man waved the iron rake in his hand and rushed forward. The naturally curly yellow hair on the side also came forward, holding a brick in his hand.

Bang bang————

The two figures were put down to the ground, and the ground shook three times.

"Oh, my God, it hurts me so much. Please, Grandpa, stop hitting, stop hitting..."

Only then did he dare to wrestle, but the fat man screamed in pain repeatedly. He couldn't believe that Chen Xuan had such powerful skills.

"Damn, that's so fast."

But Huang Maojuan stood up with a fierce look in his eyes. It seemed that he needed some real skills to take down this guy.


Huang Maojuan seemed to have rockets under his feet, and rushed towards Chen Xuan with a whoosh.


This time, Chen Xuan slapped Zheng into the wall.


After the fat man got up and saw Chen Xuan being so fierce, he fell down again.

"Stop, who are you and what do you want to do?"

Bai Cen finally shouted, it's really disturbing that these two losers can't even handle each other's children, but now it seems that Chen Xuan's strength seems to be quite extraordinary.


Another figure jumped in.

"Bai Cen, what's wrong?"

It was none other than Xiang Shaoyang.

"Fat man, Huang Mao, where are you guys?"

"I, I'm here, give me a hand."

A voice came from the wall next to him. When Xiang Shaoyang walked in and took a look, he found that the yellow-haired Lei Suo had been photographed into the wall. This hand was extremely powerful.

The fat man Sun Juntao got up from the ground.

"Are you okay? Who is this guy?" Xiang Shaoyang said, and at the same time glanced at Chen Xuan in front of him.

"Why are you back! Where is the stall?" Bai Cen did not answer, but asked, that stall is their business.

"Don't mention it. I ran into people from the Yaozong Mansion. Now the entire stall has been taken away. If I hadn't run fast, I would have been captured." Xiang Shaoyang said.

"You idiot, we spent a lot of money to build that stall, but you didn't take a good look at it. Why weren't you arrested too?" Bai Cen pointed at Xiang Shaoyang's head and cursed, then looked at Chen mysterious.

"Son, no matter who you are, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are good at it. I, Bai Cen, am well-known in Medicine Master City. Believe it or not, I can call a hundred and eighty people to kill you in a matter of minutes!"

Bai Cen said, several people stood behind Bai Cen, it was obvious that Bai Cen was the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Oh? Indeed, a hundred and eighty people came."

Chen Xuan sensed it slightly, and there seemed to be dozens of figures approaching quickly, and based on what they had heard before, they seemed to be people from the Medicine Sect Mansion.

"Hurry up, they are here!"

"Surround me up!"

Suddenly the surrounding alleys were crowded with people.

These men were armed with black iron bars and had red armbands on their clothes.

Yaozong Mansion!

"No, we are surrounded!"

Xiang Shaoyang suddenly exclaimed.

"It's all you idiot who lured them here."

Bai Cen slapped the Shaoyang Wawa Sword in pain.

"Jie Jie, Bai Cen, I'm really lucky. I never thought I would see such a beautiful woman like you here."

Just then, a young man with a gloomy face walked out of the Yaozong Mansion. There was a sneer on the corner of the man's mouth, and there was endless greed and desire in his eyes. He stared at Bai Cen's graceful figure. , Although Bai Cen's beauty is not stunning, her temperament is definitely rare in the world. If such a woman can be kissed, it will be a great blessing in life.

"Liu Hanfeng, it's you who caused the trouble!" Bai Cen said coldly.

"Of course. I've been keeping an eye on your gang for a long time. Now, let's put them all in jail."

Liu Hanfeng burst out laughing, but at this moment, he saw a person walking towards him out of the corner of his eye.

"Who are you?"

Liu Hanfeng asked, but Chen Xuan did not answer, but slapped the latter with his backhand.


This slap was clear and loud.

"I was talking about something, didn't you see?"

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