Chen Xuan's slap was so loud that even the people around the Medicine Sect were stunned for a moment. After all, Liu Hanfeng was the son of the Liu family. The Liu family was one of the five major medicine refining families in the Medicine City and was quite powerful. No, Liu Hanfeng himself is a manager of the Yaozong Mansion.

Just because of his status as a disciple of the Liu family, not everyone can touch him at will.

Even Liu Hanfeng's brother is Liu Feng, the number one talent in the Liu family!

Looking at Liu Feng's face, he is quite comfortable in the Medicine Sect's mansion, so he was able to reach this position with great success.

After all, many people are optimistic that Liu Feng will become the next vice president.

Many alchemy talents, most of them have insufficient stamina. Although they have reached the level of a third-level alchemist at a very young age, they have failed since then and have been stagnant and unable to break through their limits.

Liu Feng's physique is quite suitable for the profession of alchemist. Therefore, outsiders speculate that Liu Feng is very likely to become a fifth-level alchemist in just twenty years. By then, his identity and status will be Quite different.

Being able to become a fifth-grade alchemist is the dream of all alchemists.

Na Lanshan didn't have any background behind him, but he was able to assume the position of vice president even because of his status as a fifth-grade alchemist.

" dare to hit me..."

Liu Hanfeng was stunned, but the burning pain on his face reminded him that this slap was real, and it really hit him on the face, and it was in front of so many people, in front of Bai Cen. noodle.

"Do you have any objection if I hit you?"

Chen Xuan said indifferently, and at the same time glanced at Liu Hanfeng, why did he want to beat this guy when he saw him? This is simply unreasonable.

Is there really anyone who deserves a beating?

"Who is this guy, Sister Bai?"

Xiang Shaoyang behind him also looked at Bai Cen with a puzzled look. Chen Xuan seemed to have some conflicts with Bai Cen before, but now he takes action, no matter what the reason, it is just a move. I admire him, and he dares to be... It was so cool to slap Liu Hanfeng on the ear in front of so many experts from the Medicine Sect.

"have no idea."

"Are they friends?"

"do not know either."

Xiang Shaoyang was confused as to what was going on, but seeing Huang Mao and Fatty behind him, both of them looked surprised. They didn't care anymore, but were waiting for the incident to continue to develop.

"Who is this kid?"

In Bai Cen's view, if Chen Xuan dared to fight Liu Hanfeng, he must be stronger than the latter in terms of status.

When did Medicine Master City have such a famous figure?

"Get him for me!"

Liu Hanfeng roared angrily, because he didn't know Chen Xuan in front of him at all. No matter who he was, he still wanted to leave after beating him. There was no way. Even if it collapsed, there was still the Liu family behind him. Could it be that your background was higher than that? Is the Liu family still strong?

Even the other four major families are only as famous as the Liu family.

Unless you are from the Alchemist Guild.

The guild is a guild, and the family is a family. In front of the guild, the family's power seems quite insignificant.


Chen Xuan roared angrily, and then there was an extra token in his hand. This was the identity token given to him by Na Lanshan.

Be able to represent the vice president.

Chen Xuan didn't know if it was useful or not. It looked very advanced, so he took it out and showed it first. If it didn't work, he would do it later.

"This is the vice president's token..."

"Is this guy the vice president..."

"How is it possible? This is Lanshan Darao's identity token."

Liu Hanfeng was the closest and could see it most clearly. When the token appeared in front of his eyes, he felt a tattoo on his head.

But then I thought about it and realized that this was impossible.

How could Lan Shan Da Rao's identity token appear in the hands of such a man?

"Okay, you dare to steal Lan Shan Da Rao's identity token, get it from me!"

"Sir, this..."

"Shut up, I told you to take him down, don't you understand?"

Liu Hanfeng shouted, how could Chen Xuan have such an identity token? It must have been stolen by a thief. Not only must he capture Chen Xuan, but he must also detain the token. Anyway, he is the only one here. It's not on the street. If the responsibility comes up, it will be easier to excuse.

All in all, we just can’t suffer the immediate loss.

The operations captain was already ready to give an order, but at this moment, Chen Xuan slapped him away again.

"Damn it, who do you think you are?"


This time, Liu Hanfeng was knocked away directly.

"From now on, they are members of my Alchemist Guild. I have specially recruited them into the talent class. If you have any questions, come to me directly at the Alchemist Guild. My name is Chen Xuan!"

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he waved to Bai Cen and others and walked out of the alley.

Bai Cen was startled for a moment, then quickly greeted him and followed him. When he passed by the action captain, he deliberately provoked him.

"Boss, we..."

"Don't worry, check the situation first and carry Liu Hanfeng back."

The operation captain was also unsure. Liu Hanfeng was knocked unconscious by the opponent. This method was not something ordinary people could do. He knocked people unconscious directly. With such an arrogant personality, coupled with the token, it was also Everyone was shocked.

With this arrogant personality, Chen Xuan's identity must be extraordinary.

Now that Liu Hanfeng has been released, if he steps forward rashly, it would be fine if he catches him correctly. If he fails to catch him, then he will bear the blame.

This Liu Hanfeng is considered to be a manager, but he is in the operations department. His functions are different. He is on the same level as Liu Hanfeng and does not need to take orders from the latter. However, this time the action was proposed by Liu Hanfeng.

The alley a few hundred meters away was full of people. It was obvious that the Yaozong Mansion had spent a lot of effort this time, but because Chen Xuan was here, everyone was disturbed. This was really surprising. In the end, the Yaozong Mansion Fu left in despair.

But Chen Xuan and others walked out in a swaggering manner.

"Hey, that's interesting, buddy."

Xiang Shaoyang said with a smile, and wanted to put his hand on Chen Xuan's shoulders when he came up, but Chen Xuan looked at him and backed away.

"You two are very good at alchemy. I can teach you how to make alchemy."

Chen Xuan stopped and said, it was Bai Cen and Xiang Shaoyang who were talking about.

"Me? That's still useful. If there was no one to teach me, I would be at least a fifth-grade alchemist now... What, can you teach us how to make alchemy?"

Xiang Shaoyang was shocked, who did Chen Xuan come from, and he dared to say such a thing.

"We, the children of the wild sect, no one will be willing to teach us how to make alchemy."

Bai Cen shook his head and said, Chen Xuan had experienced it in his previous life, so he naturally knew what the wild faction was.

"Haha, do they look down on you, or do you look down on yourselves?"

Chen Xuan sneered.

"What kind of wild faction is it? Whoever has a big fist is the truth. I have a big fist. What did those people have just now? How dare they do anything to me. My alchemy skills are strong. Who dares that I am a wild faction?"

"Are you also a member of the wild faction?" Bai Cen was surprised.

"No." Chen Xuandao.


"Anyway, I've given you the opportunity. Come to the Alchemist Guild and give me an answer before seven o'clock tomorrow."

Chen Xuan waved his hands and then left.

Bai Cen and others were left with bewildered expressions.

The origin and identity of Chen Xuan are simply unpredictable, so Bai Cen and others are also hesitant.

"What do you think, where does this guy come from..."

Bai Cen said.

"I don't know. If anyone bullies Sister Bai, I will smash his head." Huang Maojuan said coldly.

"Me too!" Fatty replied.

"You still have the nerve. Who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead just now?"

"Bah, I'm so shaken that I can't get up for a while."

The fat man argued.

"Everyone, do you still want to continue to live a life of being hunted by the Medicine Sect Mansion?"

"I decided to go find him tomorrow!"

There was a hint of determination in Bai Cen's eyes.

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